How to set the region (and its shape) over which the SIFT descriptor is computed? - image-processing

A similar question has been asked here. However I could not understand it clearly.
I understand that SIFT computation has the following steps:
Finding scale space extrema
Keypoint localization(and filtering)
Orientation assignment (using computation of gradient magnitude and orientation)
Create SIFT descriptor
My question is for the fourth step: How to set the region over which the SIFT descriptor is computed? Also how is the shape of the region for SIFT computation determined?
Suppose the scale space extrema was found at scale "s" in the second octave. I use the gradient orientation to align to a canonical orientation. How do I set the region of computation of the SIFT descriptor using these information? Do I use the scale or the magnitude of the gradient to find the region on which SIFT is to be computed? Also how is the shape of the region determined?

So this was surprisingly tricky to find an answer for.
David Lowe's original paper only seemed to provide vague theoretical explanation on how his algorithm worked.
And as far as I know, his official implementation never had its feature descriptor code open-sourced.
So I'm basing my answer off what I consider the next-most canonical implementation of the SIFT algorithm, being Rob Hess' OpenSIFT implementation;
which became the base for OpenCV's official implementation.
Anyway, here is my understanding of how SIFT roughly works:
Once you have located your extrema, you should know which octave & interval of the Gaussian Pyramid the extrema belongs to.
Based on Rob's code (these two functions on lines 1026-1112), the feature descriptor is calculated from the blurred image of that octave & interval.
And the region for calculating SIFT is a square shape surrounding the keypoint. This medium article also seems to agree (see illustration).
The SIFT formula for the Gaussian Kernel scale, relative to the original image size is (reference):
base_scale * 2^(octave + interval / intervals_per_octave)
Or this formula if working relative to the halved image in each octave:
base_scale * 2^(interval / intervals_per_octave)
Where the original paper defined the parameters through experiments as:
base_scale = 1.6 and intervals_per_octave = 3
So if your SIFT was set to have 3 intervals per octave, with a base Gaussian scale of 1.6, and the extrema was found on octave 2, interval 3;
the image will have been blurred by a Gaussian Kernel of scale : 1.6 * 2^(2 + 3/3) = 12.80 pixels
Now the actual array size of the Gaussian kernel will depend on the code you use, as the scale and the kernel size can be set independently.
In cases like MATLAB, I've found a helpful guidelines from this SO thread.
The selected answer recommends kernel width of 6 times the scale (i.e. 3 sigma rule), our kernel width (and height) is 12.80 * 6 ≈ 77 pixels;
thus, a SIFT descriptor region of size 77x77 pixels.
Meanwhile, the OpenCV implementation appears to leave the size of the kernel to be determined by OpenCV's own built-in Gaussian Blur function.
Line 246 from OpenCV's code leaves the Gaussian Blur function parameter ksize as zeroes,
which the official docs only states the kernel size will be "computed from sigma", and never defines how it is actually calculated...
Finally, for Rob's implementation, I have to admit that I couldn't quite understand what was happening in this final step. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
From lines 1026-1112 Rob defined the code below, which shows show how he calculates the orientation histogram for the SIFT descriptor.
The code shows he defined a radius and used the nested for-loops with i and j to iterate through the square region around the keypoint, located at point (r,c).
Yet what I don't really understand is:
How he defined radius, with the Gaussian scale scl multiplied with some unknown constant SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR = 3.0
As well as hist_width * sqrt(2) * ( d + 1.0 ) * 0.5 + 0.5, where d = SIFT_DESCR_WIDTH = 4
hist_width = SIFT_DESCR_SCL_FCTR * scl;
radius = hist_width * sqrt(2) * ( d + 1.0 ) * 0.5 + 0.5;
for( i = -radius; i <= radius; i++ )
for( j = -radius; j <= radius; j++ )
Calculate sample's histogram array coords rotated relative to ori.
Subtract 0.5 so samples that fall e.g. in the center of row 1 (i.e.
r_rot = 1.5) have full weight placed in row 1 after interpolation.
c_rot = ( j * cos_t - i * sin_t ) / hist_width;
r_rot = ( j * sin_t + i * cos_t ) / hist_width;
rbin = r_rot + d / 2 - 0.5;
cbin = c_rot + d / 2 - 0.5;
if( rbin > -1.0 && rbin < d && cbin > -1.0 && cbin < d )
if( calc_grad_mag_ori( img, r + i, c + j, &grad_mag, &grad_ori ))
grad_ori -= ori;
while( grad_ori < 0.0 )
grad_ori += PI2;
while( grad_ori >= PI2 )
grad_ori -= PI2;
obin = grad_ori * bins_per_rad;
w = exp( -(c_rot * c_rot + r_rot * r_rot) / exp_denom );
interp_hist_entry( hist, rbin, cbin, obin, grad_mag * w, d, n );
But regardless of how the exact size of the region is calculated, I think the general concept is the same.
To calculate the region size based on the original Gaussian scale.
Besides, given that the features are supposed to be "weighted by a Gaussian window" (original paper, section 6.1, page 15);
as long as the region you define is large enough to contain most of the meaningful orientation histograms, you are fine.
In summary:
The SIFT descriptor is calculated from the halved & blurred image of the same octave/interval as the keypoint (OpenSIFT)
The region for the SIFT descriptor is a square shape surrounding the keypoint (medium)(image)
The region size is calculated based on the Gaussian kernel scale, though the exact method for calculation can vary an easy rule of thumb is "width of 6 times the kernel scale" (thread)


SURF: How could we get the value of sigma from the keypoint radius

In the SURF technique, and more precisely within the feature description stage, the authors have stated (if I understand correctly) that the description will be performed in a area of 20 times sigma. Sigma represents the scale on which the keypoint was detected.
Sigma = 0.4 x L where L = 2^Octave x level+1. If we use the OpenCV implementation, the DetectAndCompute function computes, with the value of Keypoint.size, the radius of the circle surrounding the keypoint.
My question is : How could we get the value of sigma from the radius value ?
According to these lines:
KeyPoint& kp = (*keypoints)[k];
float size = kp.size;
Point2f center =;
/* The sampling intervals and wavelet sized for selecting an orientation
and building the keypoint descriptor are defined relative to 's' */
float s = size*1.2f/9.0f;
This value s = size*1.2f/9.0f is not montioned in the bay's article scale= L*0.4 or
scale= L* 1.2/3 any one can explain me this part??

How Convexity Defect is calculated in OpenCV?

What is the algorithm used in OpenCV function convexityDefects() to calculate the convexity defects of a contour?
Please, describe and illustrate the high-level operation of the algorithm, along with its inputs and outputs.
Based on the documentation, the input are two lists of coordinates:
contour defining the original contour (red on the image below)
convexhull defining the convex hull corresponding to that contour (blue on the image below)
The algorithm works in the following manner:
If the contour or the hull contain 3 or less points, then the contour is always convex, and no more processing is needed. The algorithm assures that both the contour and the hull are accessed in the same orientation.
N.B.: In further explanation I assume they are in the same orientation, and ignore the details regarding representation of the floating point depth as an integer.
Then for each pair of adjacent hull points (H[i], H[i+1]), defining one edge of the convex hull, calculate the distance from the edge for each point on the contour C[n] that lies between H[i] and H[i+1] (excluding C[n] == H[i+1]). If the distance is greater than zero, then a defect is present. When a defect is present, record i, i+1, the maximum distance and the index (n) of the contour point where the maximum located.
Distance is calculated in the following manner:
dx0 = H[i+1].x - H[i].x
dy0 = H[i+1].y - H[i].y
if (dx0 is 0) and (dy0 is 0) then
scale = 0
scale = 1 / sqrt(dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0)
dx = C[n].x - H[i].x
dy = C[n].y - H[i].y
distance = abs(-dy0 * dx + dx0 * dy) * scale
It may be easier to visualize in terms of vectors:
C: defect vector from H[i] to C[n]
H: hull edge vector from H[i] to H[i+1]
H_rot: hull edge vector H rotated 90 degrees
U_rot: unit vector in direction of H_rot
H components are [dx0, dy0], so rotating 90 degrees gives [-dy0, dx0].
scale is used to find U_rot from H_rot, but because divisions are more computationally expensive than multiplications, the inverse is used as an optimization. It's also pre-calculated before the loop over C[n] to avoid recomputing each iteration.
|H| = sqrt(dx0 * dx0 + dy0 * dy0)
U_rot = H_rot / |H| = H_rot * scale
Then, a dot product between C and U_rot gives the perpendicular distance from the defect point to the hull edge, and abs() is used to get a positive magnitude in any orientation.
distance = abs(U_rot.C) = abs(-dy0 * dx + dx0 * dy) * scale
In the scenario depicted on the above image, in first iteration, the edge is defined by H[0] and H[1]. The contour points tho examine for this edge are C[0], C[1], and C[2] (since C[3] == H[1]).
There are defects at C[1] and C[2]. The defect at C[1] is the deepest, so the algorithm will record (0, 1, 1, 50).
The next edge is defined by H[1] and H[2], and corresponding contour point C[3]. No defect is present, so nothing is recorded.
The next edge is defined by H[2] and H[3], and corresponding contour point C[4]. No defect is present, so nothing is recorded.
Since C[5] == H[3], the last contour point can be ignored -- there can't be a defect there.

Big differences in image filtered with rotated Gabor kernels

I have calculated 8 Gabor filters with Theta rotation m*PI/8.
Parameters of the Gabor kernel given as input to OpenCv cv2.getGaborKernel:
ksize = 11, theta = m*PI/8 lambd = 16/3 sigma = (5.09030 * 8.0) / (3.0 * PI) gamma = 0.5890 psi = 0
kernel = cv2.getGaborKernel(ksize = (ksize,ksize), sigma = sigma,
theta = theta, lambd = lambd,
gamma = gamma, psi = psi)
The parameters are designed according to "Features Extraction using a Gabor filter family", Zhen, Zhao, Wang.
The formula adopted is the one of the third family of Gabor filters.
The 8 filters obtained are:
The original image is:
The images obtained by filtering the images are:
They are calculated with cv2.filter2D
fimg = cv2.filter2D(img, cv2.CV_64F, kernel)
Why the gabor filters with theta = 0 and theta = PI / 2.0 have a really different continuous component compared to the others?
It does not really make sense to me.
The reason was the PSI param that I set to 0. The problem is immediatly fixed is psi is kept at the default value PI/2.

Calculate distance (disparity) OpenCV

-- Update 2 --
The following article is really useful (although it is using Python instead of C++) if you are using a single camera to calculate the distance: Find distance from camera to object/marker using Python and OpenCV
Best link is Stereo Webcam Depth Detection. The implementation of this open source project is really clear.
Below is the original question.
For my project I am using two camera's (stereo vision) to track objects and to calculate the distance. I calibrated them with the sample code of OpenCV and generated a disparity map.
I already implemented a method to track objects based on color (this generates a threshold image).
My question: How can I calculate the distance to the tracked colored objects using the disparity map/ matrix?
Below you can find a code snippet that gets the x,y and z coordinates of each pixel. The question: Is Point.z in cm, pixels, mm?
Can I get the distance to the tracked object with this code?
Thank you in advance!
cvReprojectImageTo3D(disparity, Image3D, _Q);
vector<CvPoint3D32f> PointArray;
CvPoint3D32f Point;
for (int y = 0; y < Image3D->rows; y++) {
float *data = (float *)(Image3D->data.ptr + y * Image3D->step);
for (int x = 0; x < Image3D->cols * 3; x = x + 3)
Point.x = data[x];
Point.y = data[x+1];
Point.z = data[x+2];
//Depth > 10
if(Point.z > 10)
printf("%f %f %f", Point.x, Point.y, Point.z);
--Update 1--
For example I generated this thresholded image (of the left camera). I almost have the same of the right camera.
Besides the above threshold image, the application generates a disparity map. How can I get the Z-coordinates of the pixels of the hand in the disparity map?
I actually want to get all the Z-coordinates of the pixels of the hand to calculate the average Z-value (distance) (using the disparity map).
See this links: OpenCV: How-to calculate distance between camera and object using image?, Finding distance from camera to object of known size,
If it won't solve you problem, write more details - why it isn't working, etc.
The math for converting disparity (in pixels or image width percentage) to actual distance is pretty well documented (and not very difficult) but I'll document it here as well.
Below is an example given a disparity image (in pixels) and an input image width of 2K (2048 pixels across) image:
Convergence Distance is determined by the rotation between camera lenses. In this example it will be 5 meters. Convergence distance of 5 (meters) means that the disparity of objects 5 meters away is 0.
CD = 5 (meters)
Inverse of convergence distance is: 1 / CD
IZ = 1/5 = 0.2M
Size of camera's sensor in meters
SS = 0.035 (meters) //35mm camera sensor
The width of a pixel on the sensor in meters
PW = SS/image resolution = 0.035 / 2048(image width) = 0.00001708984
The focal length of your cameras in meters
FL = 0.07 //70mm lens
InterAxial distance: The distance from the center of left lens to the center of right lens
IA = 0.0025 //2.5mm
The combination of the physical parameters of your camera rig
A = FL * IA / PW
Camera Adjusted disparity: (For left view only, right view would use positive [disparity value])
AD = 2 * (-[disparity value] / A)
From here you can compute actual distance using the following equation:
realDistance = 1 / (IZ – AD)
This equation only works for "toe-in" camera systems, parallel camera rigs will use a slightly different equation to avoid infinity values, but I'll leave it at this for now. If you need the parallel stuff just let me know.
if len(puntos) == 2:
x1, y1, w1, h1 = puntos[0]
x2, y2, w2, h2 = puntos[1]
if x1 < x2:
distancia_pixeles = abs(x2 - (x1+w1))
distancia_cm = (distancia_pixeles*29.7)/720
cv2.putText(imagen_A4, "{:.2f} cm".format(distancia_cm), (x1+w1+distancia_pixeles//2, y1-30), 2, 0.8, (0,0,255), 1,
cv2.line(imagen_A4,(x1+w1,y1-20),(x2, y1-20),(0, 0, 255),2)
cv2.line(imagen_A4,(x1+w1,y1-30),(x1+w1, y1-10),(0, 0, 255),2)
cv2.line(imagen_A4,(x2,y1-30),(x2, y1-10),(0, 0, 255),2)
distancia_pixeles = abs(x1 - (x2+w2))
distancia_cm = (distancia_pixeles*29.7)/720
cv2.putText(imagen_A4, "{:.2f} cm".format(distancia_cm), (x2+w2+distancia_pixeles//2, y2-30), 2, 0.8, (0,0,255), 1,
cv2.line(imagen_A4,(x2+w2,y2-20),(x1, y2-20),(0, 0, 255),2)
cv2.line(imagen_A4,(x2+w2,y2-30),(x2+w2, y2-10),(0, 0, 255),2)
cv2.line(imagen_A4,(x1,y2-30),(x1, y2-10),(0, 0, 255),2)
k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if k == 27:
I think this is a good way to measure the distance between two objects

Laplacian of gaussian filter use

This is a formula for LoG filtering:
Also in applications with LoG filtering I see that function is called with only one parameter:
I want to try LoG filtering using that formula (previous attempt was by gaussian filter and then laplacian filter with some filter-window size )
But looking at that formula I can't understand how the size of filter is connected with this formula, does it mean that the filter size is fixed?
Can you explain how to use it?
As you've probably figured out by now from the other answers and links, LoG filter detects edges and lines in the image. What is still missing is an explanation of what σ is.
σ is the scale of the filter. Is a one-pixel-wide line a line or noise? Is a line 6 pixels wide a line or an object with two distinct parallel edges? Is a gradient that changes from black to white across 6 or 8 pixels an edge or just a gradient? It's something you have to decide, and the value of σ reflects your decision — the larger σ is the wider are the lines, the smoother the edges, and more noise is ignored.
Do not get confused between the scale of the filter (σ) and the size of the discrete approximation (usually called stencil). In Paul's link σ=1.4 and the stencil size is 9. While it is usually reasonable to use stencil size of 4σ to 6σ, these two quantities are quite independent. A larger stencil provides better approximation of the filter, but in most cases you don't need a very good approximation.
This was something that confused me too, and it wasn't until I had to do the same as you for a uni project that I understood what you were supposed to do with the formula!
You can use this formula to generate a discrete LoG filter. If you write a bit of code to implement that formula, you can then to generate a filter for use in image convolution. To generate, say a 5x5 template, simply call the code with x and y ranging from -2 to +2.
This will generate the values to use in a LoG template. If you graph the values this produces you should see the "mexican hat" shape typical of this filter, like so:
You can fine tune the template by changing how wide it is (the size) and the sigma value (how broad the peak is). The wider and broader the template the less affected by noise the result will be because it will operate over a wider area.
Once you have the filter, you can apply it to the image by convolving the template with the image. If you've not done this before, check out these few tutorials.
java applet tutorials more mathsy.
Essentially, at each pixel location, you "place" your convolution template, centred at that pixel. You then multiply the surrounding pixel values by the corresponding "pixel" in the template and add up the result. This is then the new pixel value at that location (typically you also have to normalise (scale) the output to bring it back into the correct value range).
The code below gives a rough idea of how you might implement this. Please forgive any mistakes / typos etc. as it hasn't been tested.
I hope this helps.
private float LoG(float x, float y, float sigma)
// implement formula here
return (1 / (Math.PI * sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma)) * //etc etc - also, can't remember the code for "to the power of" off hand
private void GenerateTemplate(int templateSize, float sigma)
// Make sure it's an odd number for convenience
if(templateSize % 2 == 1)
// Create the data array
float[][] template = new float[templateSize][templatesize];
// Work out the "min and max" values. Log is centered around 0, 0
// so, for a size 5 template (say) we want to get the values from
// -2 to +2, ie: -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 and feed those into the formula.
int min = Math.Ceil(-templateSize / 2) - 1;
int max = Math.Floor(templateSize / 2) + 1;
// We also need a count to index into the data array...
int xCount = 0;
int yCount = 0;
for(int x = min; x <= max; ++x)
for(int y = min; y <= max; ++y)
// Get the LoG value for this (x,y) pair
template[xCount][yCount] = LoG(x, y, sigma);
Just for visualization purposes, here is a simple Matlab 3D colored plot of the Laplacian of Gaussian (Mexican Hat) wavelet. You can change the sigma(σ) parameter and see its effect on the shape of the graph:
sigmaSq = 0.5 % Square of σ parameter
[x y] = meshgrid(linspace(-3,3), linspace(-3,3));
z = (-1/(pi*(sigmaSq^2))) .* (1-((x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sigmaSq))) .*exp(-(x.^2+y.^2)/(2*sigmaSq));
You could also compare the effects of the sigma parameter on the Mexican Hat doing the following:
t = -5:0.01:5;
sigma = 0.5;
mexhat05 = exp(-t.*t/(2*sigma*sigma)) * 2 .*(t.*t/(sigma*sigma) - 1) / (pi^(1/4)*sqrt(3*sigma));
sigma = 1;
mexhat1 = exp(-t.*t/(2*sigma*sigma)) * 2 .*(t.*t/(sigma*sigma) - 1) / (pi^(1/4)*sqrt(3*sigma));
sigma = 2;
mexhat2 = exp(-t.*t/(2*sigma*sigma)) * 2 .*(t.*t/(sigma*sigma) - 1) / (pi^(1/4)*sqrt(3*sigma));
plot(t, mexhat05, 'r', ...
t, mexhat1, 'b', ...
t, mexhat2, 'g');
Or simply use the Wavelet toolbox provided by Matlab as follows:
lb = -5; ub = 5; n = 1000;
[psi,x] = mexihat(lb,ub,n);
plot(x,psi), title('Mexican hat wavelet')
I found this useful when implementing this for edge detection in computer vision. Although not the exact answer, hope this helps.
It appears to be a continuous circular filter whose radius is sqrt(2) * sigma. If you want to implement this for image processing you'll need to approximate it.
There's an example for sigma = 1.4 here:
