I would like to use the AWS EventBridge Scheduler service, which seems to have been released just a few months ago. Normally, we use the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 for interacting with AWS services, but the v3 SDK does not seem to have any support for the Scheduler:
Firstly, if that's no true, can anyone point me to an SDK reference for the Scheduler?
Secondly, if it is true, then I guess using the HTTP API is the next best option for using this service from Node.js?
I assume that AWS will eventually add support for the Scheduler to the SDK... does anyone happen to know when that might be?
I found my own answer. For some reason the Scheduler is not part of the EventBridge npm package, but this standalone one instead:
How to deploy a specific AWS resource using serverless framework?
I know it supports deploying specific lambda functions using sls deploy -f <function>. Wondering if there is similar option to target AWS resource?
In my use case, I have an API, ~50 Lambdas, Dynamodb, SQS, Cognito user pools etc. Each time I make a change to Cognito (or anything other than lambda code), I have to run complete sls deploy which takes ~10-15 minutes. Wondering if there is a way to skip complete deploy.
There is no way to skip full deployment, as Serverless Framework uses CloudFormation under the hood and it has to update the whole stack. The only resource that you can update separately are functions, as you mentioned, but it's only intended for development and it does not recognize all properties during an update.
I'm finding the Amplify SDKs for iOS difficult to work with, likely because we don't seem to fit in with their target audience. Amplify offers mobile developers a BaaS solution, and as such the Amplify SDK is heavily-geared towards this use case. Our team however has dedicated DevOps engineers who use Terraform to provision AWS resources. While their documentation states that it is possible to use the Amplify SDK with pre-existing resources, I'm finding it clunky at best -- having to manually configure the amplifyconfiguration.json file with limited documentation is frustrating, and I've had a lot of difficulty getting the Auth SDK to work with our Cognito setup. That, along with the vendor lock-in, is making me reconsider our decision to integrate the Amplify SDK in our mobile clients.
Which leads me to my question: are there any obvious disadvantages to using open-source client-side libraries to integrate with AWS resources instead of the Amplify SDK? Considering that we don't have any need for the BaaS aspect of Amplify and are only really needing OAuth via Cognito and GraphQL via AppSync, could we get away with using libraries like AppAuth and Apollo to forego Amplify entirely?
There are different components of Amplify although it isn't obvious at first:
Devops Tools in AWS console to automate, deployment certificates etc in the Amplify part of the Console
There is the CLI tool chain used to deploy and manage the app, as well as generating the the Cloudformation templates.
Lastly and most importantly there are the Amplify client libraries, which work great with Cognito.
You can simply use the client libraries on your own, and call (in the Javascript example; Amplify.configure(). They can be used to do Cognito alone if you wish, (we have done this too, we don't use the cli deploy our front-end).
You don't need to use their REST client either, but you would need to capture the Authentication event and relevant token, and use it appropriately in your requests.
In summary, it sounds like you don't wan to use the whole Amplify platform, simply their client libraries which you can do as you would any other library. Copy their Cognito sign-in example for your framework, and configure Amplify manually instead (user-pool-id, appclient, domain) of using the cli to generate a project and credentials.
For iOS developers, we have two options to user Amazon S3 service with
ASIHttpRequest S3
Seem like they are doing the same thing to provide interface to use S3 service.
My question is what is the difference between them if have ?
AWS SDK supports more options for IAM (Identity and Access Management), policies and STS (temporary or "federated" users). Additionally, it provides support for services other than S3.
If you just need to move data to/from S3 I believe ASI is the way to go. If you're doing anything that uses other AWS services, or requires anything beyond standard ID/SECRET authentication, the SDK is the way to go.
I have used ASI in a large application for access to S3 and SimpleDB and a few other things. I found that there are a few bugs, etc. Performance is good, though. So I am trying the AWS-sdk for next project. I think in the long run that the official SDK will be better, as Amazon appears to spend money on supporting (and writing?) it.
Can any one guide me how to enable web services in redmine, specially XML RPC. And a proper way to implement such web service in redmine.
The REST API appears to have been integrated into the trunk a couple of days ago:
Check out Redmine's documentation, with links as to how to use the interface in Ruby and PHP:
However, I think there's only a REST web service interface now, no SOAP nor XML-RPC.
Is it possible to integrate MS Outlook/Exchange tasks with Rails? I know how to send emails with Rails, but that isn't using anything "special" about exchange, just pointing it at the server.
What is "special" about an Outlook Task and how I can I create/read/update/delete them from Rails. (Even a subset of CRUD would be great.)
PS. I am on a linux based rails system, so solutions that rely on a windows-only function won't work for me.
If you are running Exchange 2007 you should also look at Exchange web services to manipulate things.
I am in the process of building a MS Exchange client access library in Ruby that uses MS Exchange Web services. The code is GPL'd so have at it. Please let me know what kind of issues you have and what other features you'd like to see. It's pretty heavy in development at this point.
Dan Wanek
WebDAV might be the way to go, if you'd like to do it in Ruby. There is a ruby gem call rexchange that can do the trick. However, MSFT is phasing out WebDAV and replacing it with the Exchange Web Services, which is Zoredache suggested. Unfortunately, MSFT only provides API in C# (technically, it's SOAP stuff that is language-agnostic, some Java developers seem to sucessfully build some stuff using EWS, but I have yet known anyone has done this in Ruby.)
Assuming that the tasks are stored in Exchange, you should be able to access the tasks through WebDAV.