# Example 1
People = ["Terry", "Merry"]
Fruit = ["Apple","Grape","Peach"]
# Possible solutions:
# Example 2
People = ["Terry", "Merry", "Perry"]
Fruit = ["Apple","Grape"]
# Possible solutions:
Stuck trying to solve this recursively (necessary for this exercise, though let me know if you don't think recursion is possible).
I feel like basically I start by assigning a random person a fruit, and then add that to all possible solutions that arise from the smaller subset of assigning remaining people remaining fruit.
E.g., for Example 1, I assign Terry an Apple, and then aggregate that with the remaining possible options of what Merry can get (either Grape or Peach).
Then just repeat changing up the fruit assigned to the first random person (e.g., with Terry getting Grape then Peach, in Example 1).
I feel like this sounds so straightforward but I'm struggling.
It can be done recursively as follows.
def hmmm(people, fruit)
adj_fruit = fruit + [nil]*([people.size-fruit.size, 0].max)
recurse(adj_fruit).map { |a| people.zip(a).to_h }
def recurse(fruit_left, fruit_selected = [])
return [fruit_selected + fruit_left] if fruit_left.size == 1
fruit_left.each_with_object([]) do |f,a|
recurse(fruit_left - [f], fruit_selected + [f]).each { |e| a << e }
hmmm(["Terry", "Merry"], ["Apple", "Grape", "Peach"])
#=> [{"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>"Grape"}, {"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>"Peach"},
# {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>"Apple"}, {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>"Peach"},
# {"Terry"=>"Peach", "Merry"=>"Apple"}, {"Terry"=>"Peach", "Merry"=>"Grape"}]
Here adj_fruit #=> ["Apple", "Grape", "Peach"]
hmmm(["Terry", "Merry", "Perry"], ["Apple", "Grape"])
#=> [{"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>"Grape", "Perry"=>nil},
# {"Terry"=>"Apple", "Merry"=>nil, "Perry"=>"Grape"},
# {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>"Apple", "Perry"=>nil},
# {"Terry"=>"Grape", "Merry"=>nil, "Perry"=>"Apple"},
# {"Terry"=>nil, "Merry"=>"Apple", "Perry"=>"Grape"},
# {"Terry"=>nil, "Merry"=>"Grape", "Perry"=>"Apple"}]
Here adj_fruit #=> ["Apple", "Grape", nil].
We can see map's receiver in hmmm by removing .map { |a| people.zip(a).to_h } from its last line.
def hmmm(people, fruit)
adj_fruit = fruit + [nil]*([people.size-fruit.size, 0].max)
hmmm(["Terry", "Merry"], ["Apple","Grape","Peach"])
#=> [["Apple", "Grape", "Peach"], ["Apple", "Peach", "Grape"],
# ["Grape", "Apple", "Peach"], ["Grape", "Peach", "Apple"],
# ["Peach", "Apple", "Grape"], ["Peach", "Grape", "Apple"]]
A more conventional solution, such as the one following, would not employ recursion.
def hmmm(people, fruit)
(fruit + [nil]*[people.size - fruit.size, 0].max).
map { |a| people.zip(a).to_h }
This produces the same return values as those shown above for the recursive solution.
See Array#permutation and Enumerable#zip.
If len(people) <= len(fruit), then you can use
for pieces in itertools.permutations(fruit, len(people)):
assign the pieces of fruit to the people in order
If len(people) > len(fruit), then use
for eaters in itertools.permutations(people, len(fruit))
assign the eaters to the fruit in order, and the others get nothing
I don't know how to combine the two separate cases into a single case
I now see that this was supposed to be solve recursively. Misread the original.
Let's look the possibilities for
assignment(people, fruit):
If len(people) == 0, then you're done, with the empty solution. (Not to be confused with no solution.)
If len(fruit) == 0, then no one gets any fruit. Again, this is an actual solution.
If len(people) <= len(fruit), then the first person gets some piece of fruit, appended onto all possible results of the remainder of the people getting the remainder of the fruit.
If len(people) > len(fruit), then either the first person does or doesn't get a piece of fruit, and recursively the rest of the people get whatever's left.
It's left as an exercise to you how to code this.
For anyone's future reference, this was my answer using recursion.
NOTE that "nil" overcounts; since "nil" is treated as a unique entry, the code reads {"Terry"=>"apple","Merry"=>"nil","Perry"=>"nil"} and {"Terry"=>"apple","Perry"=>"nil","Merry"=>"nil"} as 2 distinct solutions. I did not investigate further because this isn't super realistic for the exercise that this is a part of.
I also didn't investigate further for same reason, but using string "nil" versus nil yielded different results
def pure5(people, fruit, solution = [])
people_count = people.size
fruit_count = fruit.size
diff = people_count - fruit_count
diff.times { fruit << "nil" } if diff > 0
people.each do |p|
fruit.each do |f|
if people.size == 1
obj = {}
obj[p] = f
solution << obj
partial_solution = pure5(people - [p], fruit - [f])
partial_solution.each do |s|
s[p] = f
solution = solution + partial_solution
return solution
a little help with getting data out of a string.
Assuming I executed a sql query and now have a string(which set as hash on db):
(Which stands for User:ID : User.display_id)
How can I get a substring the includes all users ids or all their display ids, so I'll have something like 4,22,30 or 6,22,36)?
It's common for data systems to return data in a serialized form, i.e. using data types that facilitate transmission of data. One of these serializable data types is String, which is how your JSON data object has been received.
The first step would be to de-serialize (or parse) this String into a Hash object using JSON.parse and tease out just the data value for key "users_associated".
your_string = "{\"users_associated\":{\"User:4\":6,\"User:22\":28,\"User:30\":36}}"
hash = JSON.parse(your_string)
data = hash["users_associated"]
#=> {"User:4":6, "User:22": 28, "User:30": 36}
Hash#keys gives you an array of a hash's keys.
Hash#values gives you an array of a hash's data values.
keys = data.keys
#=> ["User:4", "User:22", "User:30"]
values = data.values
#=> [6, 28, 36]
Array#join lets you string together the contents of an array with a defined separator, , in this case.
display_ids = keys.join(',')
#=> "6,28,36"
For the User IDs, you could Array#map every element of the values array to replace every string occurrence of "User:" with "", using String#gsub.
user_ids = values.map{|user_id| user_id.gsub("User:", "")}
#=> ["4", "22", "30"]
Then, in a similar way to display_ids, we can Array#join the contents of the user_ids array to a single string.
user_ids = user_ids.join(",")
#=> "4,22,30"
You can create two helper methods. I'm leaving return values as arrays because I assume you would need to iterate on them at some point and also converting the user id's to integers.
def extract_display_ids(json)
def extract_user_ids(some_data)
json['users_associated'].keys.map{ |key| key.split(':').last.to_i }
some_data = JSON.parse("{\"users_associated\":{\"User:4\":6,\"User:22\":28,\"User:30\":36}}")
#=> [6, 28, 36]
#=> [4, 22, 30]
If possible though, I would recommend trying to get a better data format:
{ users_associated:
[{ user_id : 4, display_id:6 }, { user_id : 4, display_id:6 }]
I wrote class for this. If you want, you can add it to your project and use it as follows:
require 'json'
class UserSubstringExtractor
def initialize(user_json_data)
#user_json_data = user_json_data
def display_ids
def user_ids
user_data.dig('users_associated').keys.map { |u| u.split(':').last.to_i }
def user_data
user_json_data = '{"users_associated":{"User:4":6,"User:22":28,"User:30":36}}'
extractor = UserSubstringExtractor.new(user_json_data)
p extractor.display_ids
#=> [6, 28, 36]
p extractor.user_ids
#=> [4, 22, 30]
I am quite new to Ruby and could not find an appropriate answer to my questions. Let's say I have hash named
users_hsh = {}.
I am looping through all of my users in the DB and creating the following.
users.each do |user|
users_hsh[user.full_name] = {
completed_activities: some_integer_value,
active_activities: some_integer_value,
future_activities: some_integer_value
Now, I created a new hash named
total_sum_not_zero_user_hsh = {}.
I want to loop over all of the users in the users_hsh and check for each user if the total sum of completed_activities + active_activities + future_activities does not equal 0 and if this condition holds, I want to add this user to total_sum_not_zero_user_hsh. I have done the following but seems that this does not work.
users_hsh.each do |usr|
if usr.values.sum != 0
total_sum_not_zero_user_hsh[usr] = {
completed_activities: some_integer_value,
active_activities: some_integer_value,
future_activities: some_integer_value
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Let's use your example of:
users_hash = {
"Elvin Jafarli" => {
completed_activities: 10,
active_activities: 2,
future_activities: 0
Think carefully about what your data structure actually is: It's a hash that maps the user name to some user attributes. If you loop through these values, you don't just get a usr, you get back precisely this mapping.
It's helpful to name your variables descriptively:
users_hsh.each do |user_name, user_attributes|
if user_attributes.values.sum != 0
# ...
With your attempt, you would have seen an error like this: NoMethodError: undefined method 'values' for #<Array:0x00007fe14e22f538>. What happened is that each usr was actually an Array such as:
["Elvin Jafarli", {completed_activities: 10, active_activities: 2, future_activities: 0}]
I have two tables connected with habtm relation (through a table).
id : integer
name: string
id : integer
name: string
id : integer
table1_id: integer
table2_id: integer
I need to group Table1 records by simmilar records from Table2. Example:
userx = Table1.create()
user1.table2_ids = 3, 14, 15
user2.table2_ids = 3, 14, 15, 16
user3.table2_ids = 3, 14, 16
user4.table2_ids = 2, 5, 7
user5.table2_ids = 3, 5
Result of grouping that I want is something like
=> [ [ [1,2], [3, 14, 15] ], [ [2,3], [3,14, 16] ], [ [ 1, 2, 3, 5], [3] ] ]
Where first array is an user ids second is table2_ids.
I there any possible SQL solution or I need to create some kind of algorithm ?
Ok, I have a code that is working like I've said. Maybe someone who can help me will find it useful to understand my idea.
def self.compare
hash = {}
Table1.find_each do |table_record|
Table1.find_each do |another_table_record|
if table_record != another_table_record
results = table_record.table2_ids & another_table_record.table2_ids
hash["#{table_record.id}_#{another_table_record.id}"] = results if !results.empty?
#hash = hash.delete_if{|k,v| v.empty?}
hash.sort_by{|k,v| v.count}.to_h
But I can bet that you can imagine how long does it takes to show me an output. For my 500 Table1 records it's something near 1-2 minutes. If I will have more, time will be increased in progression, so I need some elegant solution or SQL query.
Table1.find_each do |table_record|
Table1.find_each do |another_table_record|
Above codes have performance issue that you have to query database N*N times, which could be optimized down to one single query.
# Query table3, constructing the data useful to us
# { table1_id: [table2_ids], ... }
records = Table3.all.group_by { |t| t.table1_id }.map { |t1_id, t3_records|
[t1_id, t3_records.map(&:table2_id)]
Then you could do exactly the same thing to records to get the final result hash.
#AKovtunov You miss understood me. My code is the first step. With records, which have {t1_id: t2_ids} hash, you could do sth like this:
hash = {}
records.each do |t1_id, t2_ids|
records.each do |tt1_id, tt2_ids|
if t1_id != tt1_id
inter = t2_ids & tt2_ids
hash["#{t1_id}_#{tt1_id}"] = inter if !inter.empty?
I'm trying to check if a value of an attribute is included in an array.
Like that:
#teste = []
#vacancies_interns.each do |vacancy_intern|
#teste << vacancy_intern.id
#hr_curriculum_interns = HrCurriculumIntern.where(#teste.include?(:id) == true)
The output of the variable #teste, as an example, is:
[5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15]
I am listing the variable # hr_curriculum_interns on a table, and even with the condition, is listing all table rows.
Sorry for English :P
It as simple as:
#hr_curriculum_interns = HrCurriculumIntern.where(id: #teste)