Which social platform replaced Twitter for tech discussions? - twitter

Many technologists are abandoning Twitter (including myself) but I still want to be part of technology based discussions. Which platform should I join instead?
I've looked at Reddit and I've posted on Linkedin but I think maybe StackOverflow or somewhere else may be better for discussing things like open source.

I think the best site for that is reddit right now since it has a great community.
You also have mastodon, if you want something more similar to twitter but decentralized and secure


Rails and Facebook - can I do this?

I am considering implementing a Facebook-integration to my web app. I want to be able to import friends names, their ages and their interests/likes.
A. First off, is this possible? Can I access this information?
This import will, more or less, be a one-time import.
I also want to be able to use Facebook-login and to use it parallell to my "normal" login (auth) functionality. I assume this should be quite straightforward since most websites have it this way (e.g. Fiverr.com).
B. These two things being my basic needs of my Facebook-integration, which gem would you recommend me to use?
C. I am 1 1/2 years into RoR and consider myself decent at Rails-programming but hardly know any JavaScript and very little jQuery. Will this integration be very difficult for me, you think?
Receommendations of useful blog posts etc will also be appreciated!
A. Check facebook doc on permissions. I'd say you can get a user friends list (id and names), but nothing more : the friends would have to allow your app in order for you to retrieve their data. I've stumbled upon this issue a few weeks ago, but we were retrieving albums and pictures. The data you want is less sensitive, so maybe you can do it anyway. Bottom line : check.
B. I'd suggest using devise for managing everything related to authentication. It is a well known gem, used by many and more. You can add support for facebook via omniauth; there's a wiki page on devise about how to achieve this.
C. Once you get your grasp around the OAuth concepts, you'll be good. You can use facebook connect without javascript/jQuery. Some features though, as the "like button", will require to use the js SDK. Besides these ones, you can do pretty much everything server-side. For more advanced queries, the koala gem can do that.
Hope this is enough for you.

Creating a library application - which method to use?

I was hoping to get some advice. I want to create an application which is like a library that holds a lot of different information including documents, pics etc where a user can log in and search for different topics and see the definition of terminology. For example users would be able to click on the word 'electical current' and a definition of electrical current would appear with also links to supporting information. The user will not be allowed to edit any information only read it.
I am wondering what is the best language to use to do this? I know that storing all the information in a html file is definitely not the way to go. But I am not sure what to use - whether html linked to a database is a good option (I've heard that this is also not great because your database code is still accessible) or whether ror is a good option. I decided that ror would be a good framework to use but I still have some doubts such as:
the application will not be hosted on the internet but only on an intranet would ror still be good for this?
the 'site' is basically static except for a few users who will have admin access although it may have more user specific functions later on.
Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.
It seems to me that a wiki type system would be fit for your purposes. You can create one without writing any code by using a free service such as Google Sites.
I agree with #Finbarr that your problem statement sounds like it could be solved by a wiki.
I suggest mediawiki since it is open source--you can add to it or change the core software if necessary.
Or any other opensource wiki could be used. See wikipedia article
Re: which language: your problem statement is pretty broad. From what you've told us, any language would do.
Best advice: find the open source wiki that most closely meets your needs and then learn the language that it was developed in. Usually that's php or perl. But you can also find Ruby on Rails wikis such as Instiki
Added: Welcome to Stack Overflow. Note that your question is quite broad. So it may get closed for not being specific enough. Stack Overflow is aimed at answering specific questions about software programming. See the faq.

Buy vs Build - Internal Analytics for a Web App Behind a Paywall

I am looking to track analytics for our web app. User accounts sit behind a paywall. Some basic questions I want to answer are time on site, most used sections of the app, where they are running in to problems...click tracking would be nice.
Is there a product out there that can track this data for my application? It is built on Ruby on Rails.
Searched G, Stackoverflow, looked everywhere for a good solution. Would love to hear some insight. Thanks!
We use Piwik, it's in PHP and simple to setup. If PHP is an option for you, it's the way to go.

Options to allow users to chat with providers on a site

We have a website, and want to allow users on the site to chat with the providers (if they are online). To make it as simple as possible, we'd either ask the providers for their Google Voice/AIM username or just ask them to have our website open.
Any ideas on best ways to implement this (we are using HTML5/CSS3/RoR3 and don't support old browsers) or even better, perhaps a solution out there that does this. To my knowledge, olark, livechat, etc don't provide this...
FYI: I prefer an open source solution vs. building it myself.
There was a recent railscast regarding messaging where Ryan built a chat program with push support (not polling). Seems a decent place to start if your requirements are easy going:

Create my own commenting/Q&A system on Ruby on Rails, or just use Disqus or Intense Debate?

My site requires authentication, so it has membership. I wonder if I should create my own comment system for user to discuss/comment on an article, or should just use third-party comment system like Disqus or Intense Debate, which requires seperate account (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).
In fact, it would be good if there is a guide to create my own comment system or Q&A system for users to discuss a particular article on my website. If you know of any, please lemme know.
I recently am working on a project where I had to weigh the same things. I eventually decided to roll my own comments.
Namely the advantage of rolling your own is that you have full control on how they work. I needed a moderation system/queue that I needed to work a specific way, for one. Second, someday I will be looking to integrate a 'community reputation' system, so that was another plus for rolling my own. Such things I don't want to leave to a third party solution outside of my control and the third parties don't always have such a flexible API to modify.
On the other hand, Disqus (or similar third party commenting systems) may be up your alley if your needs are more simple. For one, it's easy to get up and running and may be all you may really need. Accounts for it work across anything using Disqus, and that may win convenience points for your users who are sick and tired of having to sign up for a million accounts for a million websites. Disqus also has built in tools (for spam, trolls, etc) and that is also convenient.
If you go with rolling your own solution with user accounts, you can integrate things like Facebook/Twitter/etc login to make the registration process easier. But overall, like I said, depends on how fancy or complex you need the whole thing to be.
Should you roll your own, a good start is a recent Railscasts episode on the Ancestry gem http://railscasts.com/episodes/262-trees-with-ancestry, it should give you a good start on building threaded comments.
Something in the middle :) Use the acts_as_commentable plugin :
