How to make VSCode forget about an old docker container? - docker

I ran docker container prune, but after attaching it to my new container, I still see the old container in the explorer pane in VSCode. And I do not see the new container in the explorer pane.
And if I try to open a new terminal (Terminal > New Terminal), I see:
The terminal process failed to launch: Starting directory (cwd)
"/path/inside/my/old/container" does not exist.
Whenever I create a new container based on the same image (drupal:latest), VSCode tries to open the old container based on this image, even if I give the new container a different name.
VSCode also sometimes shows the error "Workspace does not exist" when I attach it to the new container.

After attaching to the new container, I needed to do...
File > Open Folder
And then, in the Open Folder UI, I needed to edit the old path there, which still referred to the old container, and then click OK.
For example, in the new container, the path /opt exists, so entered that path and clicked OK. This causes the explorer to refresh and the old container disappears and now I can access the new container. I can also open the terminal now.

I succeeded in connecting to a remote server configured with Docker through vscode. By the way, the list of containers from the past was fetched from the remote explorer of vscode. If you look at this list of containers, they are obviously containers made with images I downloaded a few days ago. I don't know why this is happening.


VSCode how to open a local folder within a local docker container.....without devcontainers.json?

I want start a docker container that I have created, and then mount a local folder to it in a way that doesn't make use of a devcontainers.json file. This is because I would like to test the same local repo out with multiple docker containers and editing the devcontainers.json file is a pain because I have to edit every time I want to change the docker image - where really I just want to do something like:
Dev Containers: Open Local Folder in Container
Choose Local Folder
Choose a docker container that is already running
The problem is that in step 3 I only see options to choose from pre-made base images i.e. Ubuntu 22.04. I can't see anywhere in the list any of my docker containers that I am running. Have I missed any functionality? Does what I'm asking exist......or must I use a devcontainers.json file?
If I correctly understood your issue:
Once you install Microsoft's Docker extension from the VS Code extensions' tab (ctrl + shift + x), you'll be able to do that.
This extensions have a "CONTAINERS" tab, where you can open another VSCode window inside a selected container's directory or attach a terminal to the container and manage the system.
Just right-click on the desired container and you'll see the options.

VSCode Docker container not connecting files

I'm using a container for Tensorflow-GPU environment to avoid the hassle of setting one manually and I was following this guide:
I've set up the container and installed the necessary extensions and then I try to run "Open Folder in a Container" command. It works fine but none of my files get linked to the new working area inside the docker.
I felt like it was saying that I should get access to all you existing files and folders for the project inside a container.
Is this not how this works? What are the normal way of linking project from the host system onto the docker?
EDIT: This is what I get when I open my container with none of my files present

VScode remote containers - how to view the dockerised service console output?

This is a follow on from this question (none of the current answers seem hit the nail on the head).
VScode's default behaviour for starting a remote vscode session (using VScode Remote-Containers) seems to be:
Run the project's docker-compose file
If the user selects show log (a UI popup) during build, open a VScode terminal session called Dev Containers reflecting Docker's build logging, supplemented with VSCode Remote-Containers logging. This output ends after build complete.
If the user didn't select show log, and later opens a VScode terminal after build complete, just start a new bash session within the container. No other VScode terminal sessions exist.
Launch a VScode session from inside the now-running container
From the user's perspective, the container is running, but the output that is happening inside the container seems inaccessible (even if the docker-compose command did not use daemon mode).
So, how can the user now view the console output that is happening inside the container?
If I am reading correctly, VScode Remote-Containers documentation seems to suggest overriding the default behaviour, ie:
supress your docker-compose command that would otherwise have started the service, and instead apply some dummy command to persist the container upon creation, then
manually start the service (using debug mode, or via VScode terminal) from inside the remote session. This reveals the output, but within an accessible VSCode terminal session.
Is there no way to:
A) Start the services via system terminal (e.g. docker-compose up), and then start a VSCode remote session in this already running container*, or
B) Accessing the service's output without having to override as above (the override seems hacky)
*This would be ideal. The Remote-Containers "Attach to Running Container..." command sounds close to this. But it seems to instantiate itself in a directory I don't recognise, and doesn't seem to be the container.
Option A seems to be achievable by
Starting the service in terminal (docker-compose up)
In vscode, using the remote-containers "remote explorer" UI (not the cmd+P "Attach to container" commands) to select the running container's working directory. Right click > "Open in container". This doesn't actually open a new container, it "Opens the directory, from within the container".
OR ( thanks #cybercoder )
Letting vscode start the services
In a separate terminal: docker logs -f container_name OR docker-compose logs -f

How to view docker logs from vscode remote container?

I'm currently using vscode's remote containers extension with a .devcontainer.json file that points to my docker-compose.yml file.
Everything works fine and my docker-compose start command gets run (which launches a web server), but I haven't found a way to quickly see the logs from the web server. Has anyone found a way to view the docker log output automatically once vscode connects to the remote container?
I know as an alternative I could remove my container's start command and, after vscode connects, manually open a terminal and start the web server, but I'm hoping there's an easier way.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not using remote containers, just local once, so not sure if this applies but for locally running containers, you can go to the "Docker" tab (you need to install the official Microsoft Docker VS Code Plugin) where you can see your running containers. Just right-click on the container you want to see the logs for and select "View Logs":
You'll see a new "Task" appear in the Terminal pane that will show all your docker logs:
This question is really old and I'm not sure it this option was available at this time but just open the Command Palette (F1) and select/find "Remote-Containers: Show Log".
You see now the log of your container in the terminal.
You can open the command palette and search for: Remote Explorer: Focus on containers view. You should see a sidebar of containers, if you right click your container you can view logs.
I use VS Code's builtin terminal to see the live logs of the docker container that is connected with VS Code.
When VS Code is connected to the docker container, you can open the builtin terminal using the View > Terminal menu option. You should see an existing terminal labeled Dev Containers.
Maybe this is too late? But for others, this is how I do it.
First, instead of logging stuff to the stdout, I redirect all of the outputs into one single file and then using the tail command to steam the output to the terminal instead.
For example, I am going Go here:
logFile, err := os.OpenFile(logFileName, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Fail to open the log file")
Once that's done, I open up my terminal and run my the following command:
$ tail -f {logFileName}
That's one way to do it I guess, but I sure hope VSCode can come up with a better solution.
In the Remote Explorer tab you can see all your docker containers. Under "Dev Containers" is the container for the service specified in devcontainer.json; the rest are in "Other Containers." Simply right click on the container you're interested in and click "Show Container Log." You'll see the full output of the command for that service, just like in an interactive terminal - not a docker build log!
Note I am using a local development container and did not test with remote containers but I'm guessing it's the same.

VSCode: Cannot connect to Docker container using Remote Development extension

I'm trying to set up VSCode so I can work on a project which resides inside a docker container. There's a recently published extension Remote Development which seems to enable just that.
I followed detailed official instructions on creating .devcontainer/devcontainer.json and setting up remote by running Remote-Containers: Reopen Folder in Container, however, even with official/provided containers and settings I get the error:
Setting up container for folder: /home/ilijas/<path_to>/workspace
Error: (HTTP code 500) server error - linux spec user: unable to find user ilijas: no matching entries in passwd file
at /home/ilijas/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.53.0/dist/extension.js:1:151013
at /home/ilijas/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.53.0/dist/extension.js:1:150976
at m.buildPayload (/home/ilijas/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.53.0/dist/extension.js:1:150986)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/ilijas/.vscode-insiders/extensions/ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers-0.53.0/dist/extension.js:1:150486)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:187:15)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1090:12)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
In my first attempts I tried to mount a local workspace to remote one, however, since I couldn't resolve this user-not-found error, I removed all of the arguments inside docker settings which regarded user, just to make one dummy container work. I had no success. I know this is a fresh extension, but still, I hope someone can help.
Essentially, removing all the previous docker containers solved the issue.
Reference GitHub issue:
The container has a label with the folder as the value, so it can be found again. When you close the window, the container is only stopped, not removed, for later use. (You could have some changes inside the container you want to keep. Also: Reusing an existing container is slightly faster.)
