Finding the binary's name after package installation - homebrew

When I installed 7zip via home brew (Formula sevenzip), i noticed that i cannot run it via sevenzip and even brew info sevenzip did not tell me the name of the binary.
Only after looking in the script file on Github I noticed a command 7zz but there must be an easier way to find out the binaries or commands associated with a homebrew package.

The simplest I know is:
brew ls PACKAGE
and you can normally see it pretty quickly. Personally, I use p7zip as PACKAGE.
Alternatively, as brew --prefix tells you where binaries are installed (via symlinks), you can find the newest installed binary with:
ls -lrt $(brew --prefix)/bin
and it's the last one listed.


Error: yq#3 has been disabled because it is not maintained upstream! How to install a disabled brew Formulae?

I'm trying to install yq#3 on my Mac running brew install yq#3 and I get the error:
Error: yq#3 has been disabled because it is not maintained upstream!
I see that it's there on their website at but it doesn't seem to be supported anymore.
I still need to install it since our projects at work are using this specific version.
The only way that I'm thinking about is downloading the source code, building it myself, and adding it to the path but I'm thinking that there might be a simpler solution.
Any suggestion?
From yq github, you can install a binary by running:
wget -O /usr/local/bin/yq &&\
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/yq
3.4.1 is the latest 3 version, darwin_amd64 is the Mac package (don't worry about having an Intel machine and installing the package that says AMD, the name comes from something about AMD invented the 64-bit instruction set).

Homebrew find installed packages which aren't dependencies of any other installed package

Previously I've had things installed with homebrew which had dependencies which I omitted to remove when I removed the package itself (homebrew of course does not do this automatically for you, for good reason).
Now, to tidy up my system a bit, I'd like to identify all the brew packages which are not required by any other that is installed, so that I can manually identify those which I want to keep vs. those I am happy to remove.
To do this manually, I would do brew list, then, on each item which that outputs, I would do brew uses --installed <name-of-package-from-brew-list>, to check with respect to each package whether it is used by any other installed package (Then, if the answer is none, if I was curious as to why it was originally installed, I could also do brew uses <name-of-installed-package> which might indicate to me which package I used in the past but have since uninstalled actually installed it originally).
This is all very manual and I wondered if xargs could help.
My attempt to use it isn't working:
brew list | xargs brew uses --installed > test.txt
I get no output at all from that command, a blank file (but the command takes several seconds to run).
What am I not doing right with xargs?
It seems like brew leaves would fit your use-case?
% brew leaves --help
Usage: brew leaves
List installed formulae that are not dependencies of another installed formula.
From the question:
brew list | xargs brew uses --installed > test.txt
This command should be spelled xargs -n1 since brew uses with multiple formulae does something quite different:
% brew uses --help
Usage: brew uses [options] formula
Show formulae that specify formula as a dependency. When given multiple
formula arguments, show the intersection of formulae that use formula. By
default, uses shows all formulae that specify formula as a required or
recommended dependency for their stable builds.
brew autoremove --dry-run
Removes all packages that were only installed as a dependency of another formula and are now no longer needed. With the --dry-run flag you can dry run it and just get a list of all packages without uninstalling anything.

Installing Wine on Mac OS Catalina. Error: No available formula with the name "wine"

I'm trying to install Wine on my Mac via Brew. I'm using Catalina and just updated brew, installed XQuartz and have Xcode installed. When I type the command "Brew install wine" it returns the following:
Error: No available formula with the name "wine"
==> Searching for a previously deleted formula (in the last month)...
Warning: homebrew/core is shallow clone. To get complete history run:
git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" fetch --unshallow
wine was deleted from homebrew/core in commit 82bd38bc:
wine: delete
To show the formula before removal run:
git -C "$(brew --repo homebrew/core)" show 82bd38bc^:Formula/wine.rb
If you still use this formula consider creating your own tap:
I'm following this tutorial:
When I run Brew doctor I get the following:
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!
Warning: "config" scripts exist outside your system or Homebrew directories.
`./configure` scripts often look for *-config scripts to determine if
software packages are installed, and which additional flags to use when
compiling and linking.
Having additional scripts in your path can confuse software installed via
Homebrew if the config script overrides a system or Homebrew-provided
script of the same name. We found the following "config" scripts:
Warning: Unbrewed dylibs were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.
Unexpected dylibs:
Warning: Unbrewed header files were found in /usr/local/include.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.
Unexpected header files:
Warning: Unbrewed .pc files were found in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.
Unexpected .pc files:
Warning: Unbrewed static libraries were found in /usr/local/lib.
If you didn't put them there on purpose they could cause problems when
building Homebrew formulae, and may need to be deleted.
Unexpected static libraries:
I'm not sure these warnings has something to do with it.
Thanks in advance!
I was able to build Wine 64 bit from source on macOS Catalina and successfully run Notepad++ 64 bit on it.
My steps were more or less something like that:
Download Wine 4.20 from
Extract it
In terminal go to extracted directory
Run: ./configure --enable-win64
It showed that it cannot find some library (I do not remember what exactly) so I installed it with macports (sudo port install name_of_missing_package reported by ./configure)
After I was able to run ./configure --enable-win64 succesfully without errors in terminal run: make
It compiled after more than 30 minutes.
I run it with: ./wine start
It opened windows console and here I was able to cd to Notepad++ 64 bit directory (downloaded from note that newest version did not work and throwed some errors about some dll's)
I typed notepad++ to run exe file
It showed some errors about freetype fonts so I installed them with macports and I had to copy them from /opt/X11/lib to /usr/local/lib before wine detected them
After fixing freetype fonts problem I was able to run notepad++
Also you might want to run: sudo spctl --master-disable to disable gatekeeper if you will see some system alerts about loading app from unknown developer.
Also note that instead of ./wine start you can run ./wine explorer for graphical file manager instead of console
Those steps might not be exactly precise, as I'm not sure if I did not miss something but hope it will help someone.
Also note that obviously wine on macOS Catalina will be able to run only some 64 bit windows apps and all 32 bit windows app will not work. I also tested it with IrfanView 64 bit ( and it also works fine.
In case you wanted to get wine working for purpose of running 32 bit games then unfortunately it will not work with wine but you can try with virtualbox. You can check for some performance improvements tips.
Wine hast been removed from homebrew due to the incompatibility to Macos Catalina
Try using wine64 to run your .exe files after installing wine. The manuals and references don't seem to mention this explicitly.
More Info
I followed the guidance in the wine manual to install using home-brew. After install, I got an error when trying to test the installation like it says in the quickstart.
Install wine-stable using homebrew
brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask --no-quarantine wine-stable
After install, test by opening notepad
wine notepad
zsh: bad CPU type in executable: wine
While uninstalling wine, I noticed one of the linked libraries was called wine64. I immediately reinstalled and tried again using wine64 as the call, as I am using wine on an M1 Mac. This was successful!
You can also use winehelp to get access to more commands that will work with 64bit processor.
Based on you can do brew cask install wine-stable on newer version of OS X. And works with recent versions of homebrew since the source version was moved :(
How to install wine on Mac OS Catalina with brew
install homebrew with
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
install xquartz to install wine using brew
brew cask install xquartz
install wine using brew
brew install homebrew/cask-versions/wine-devel
run wine and check the version
wine64 --version
As of Wine 5.0 there is no 32bit support on mac in the official version, but you are able to achieve it via the
Unofficial Wineskin Winery
You can download it from github releases here. And then create a Wineskin with WS11WineCX[64/32]bit19.0.[0/1]. All WS11 versions support Catalina. To use it you also need to turn off the no32exec boot argument. You theoretically can do it by typing:
sudo nvram boot-args="no32exec=0"
into the Terminal while you're logged in but it didn't work out for me, so if you'll have the same problem, reboot into the Recovery mode, in the menubar pick Utilities -> Terminal and type just:
nvram boot-args="no32exec=0"
(without sudo).
To be more exact, to install eg. Steam 32bit, you would:
Install the Unofficiall Wineskin Winery from the provided link
Turn on the 32bit execution boot argument by going into Recovery Mode and entering nvram boot-args="no32exec=0" into the terminal
Open Wineskin, click the '+' sign and scroll down to find the WS11WineCX64bit19.0.1 (the newest version with 64 and 32 bit support, at the time of writing)
Click update/install under the Wrapper Version.
Click Create New Blank Wrapper, name it and click through installation of mono and gecko.
Launch the Wrapper App from Finder. Click Install Software, choose setup executable, and proceed through installation. Then pick the executable from a menu. (In case of steam, Steam.exe)
Note: If you get the "No windows app to open the file"(Like I did) error, click advanced -> configuration and set the Windows EXE to the path to the installer. Then find the place that it has installed in and set that as Windows EXE. Then you can run by clicking Test Run.
Enjoy your windows app, as an .app file!
Hope I helped!

Homebrew recompile from edited source code

Is there a way to to recompile from an edited source code via homebrew?
I did a change on the source user.hpp of Boost which I now want to recompile Boost with. I tried --build-from-source and --enable-bar but neither works, saying that it is already installed. The only way I can recompile is by reinstall but that simply overwrites the source code I changed.
Any idea?
First option
Download the archive, edit the files, and zip the archive as homebrew does (same name and format).
If you kept the original folder structure created by Homebrew, you can put the modified archive in ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew and then try brew install -f. (the -f is maybe not strictly necessary but it may be need for the SHA-1 mismatch.)
More info on this blog.
Second option
Pulled out from the Homebrew wiki, install the package without homebrew and then link it with brew.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/foo/1.2 && make && make install && brew link foo
Another approach is to add a patch to the homebrew formula (you can edit the formula using brew edit <formula-name>):

Homebrew - repeated "linking" bug. What is the underlying issue here?

So I've been using homebrew to install various packages/libraries/programs on my mac. I keep running into a problem in which homebrew tells me that I have unlinked kegs in my Cellar.
For instance, upon running brew install phantomjs I received the following message:
Warning: Could not link phantomjs. Unlinking...
Error: The `brew link` step did not complete successfully
The formula built, but is not symlinked into /usr/local
You can try again using `brew link phantomjs'
Possible conflicting files are:
/usr/local/bin/phantomjs -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs
I tried running brew link phantomjs as recommended, and hit a similar problem:
Error: Could not symlink file: /usr/local/Cellar/phantomjs/1.9.2/bin/phantomjs
Target /usr/local/bin/phantomjs already exists. You may need to delete it.
To force the link and overwrite all other conflicting files, do:
brew link --overwrite formula_name
The command brew link --overwrite --dry-run phantomjs gives the following message:
Would remove:
/usr/local/bin/phantomjs -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs
I will probably go ahead and overwrite, but this appears to happen every time I try to install something with homebrew. Why? Why isn't homebrew working as expected?
From what I can tell, looks like you have previously done:
% sudo npm install -g phantomjs
In this case, you should do the following:
% sudo npm uninstall -g phantomjs
% brew link --overwrite phantomjs
I thought I'd take a crack at this. I ran into a similar problem today, and I think it may be related to this:
Long story short, I think it has to do with how npm manages packages vs how brew does it. (I'm assuming you installed node with its defaults, which would have given you npm).
At some point you probably installed some package with npm. Maybe grunt, karma, etc..those by default end up in /usr/local/lib/node_modules.
Maybe one of those packages or its dependencies(or sub-dependencies) depended on phantomjs (I think Karma might use phantomjs?) Anyways, if now you are trying to brew install phantomjs, which is trying to make a symlink to it, that may be conflicting with the already existing symlink that npm created for you..
I think you can change the symlink path for that package so that brew permanently points to that already installed package in the node_modules folder. Sorry not to be more specific, I'm just figuring this out myself.
