KivyMd elements are displayed below element card - kivy

I am using KivyMd for app design and my title for button and icon are displayed below element card.No name of elements are displayed
I know they are below as on changing size, characters are visible.Character visible when resized.. Moreover images are still not visible.
Here is a part of my code for Element card


iOS Safari header disappears when keyboard is shown

I have a website that uses the iOS safari tag „black-translucent“ and a coloured header that is „sticky“ to the top (the unsafe area), so that the time and battery (text color is white) is visible when the user scrolls.
Now when the user enters a text into a field and the keyboard shows up, the sticky header moves up and the time and battery (which are still white) are on top of my white website background and thus not visible.
How can I keep my header sticky to the top unsafe area when the keyboard is visible?
keyboard not shown
Keyboard shown
I searched stackoverflow and found out that there seems to be some buggieness around the iOS keyboard and the visible areas..
Maybe there’s a sort of hack?
Maybe scroll?
header position absolute did it for me whenever an input is in focus and reverts to sticky when input is out of focus.
With a seperate ontouchmove event listener the text field is blurred and keyboard gets hidden.
It's a bit hacky but it works especially on devices with a notch.

Flutter - Custom AppBar with image and moving elements

I am new with Flutter and I'm trying to get a specific UI behaviour but without success. I have tried using a "SliverAppBar" with a "FlexibleSpaceBar" and I can get the app bar to show an image (except when it's compressed) but I can't get the rest of the elements to behave as intended.
The goal is to achieve the behaviour shown here.
Scroll down:
Body text scrolls under the bar
Title moves from body to bar while changing color and then size
Bar image gets smaller
Some elements disappear behind the bar
Some elements disappear in front of the bar
Scroll up:
Bar extends, image gets bigger until the user releases it

Button and label not showing in Interface Builder and the simulator even if they are not marked as "hidden"

I have just started learning ios and I was making a button tap counter app, where an user can tap the button for a entered number of times. The problem that I came across is mentioned in the title. Please see attached screenshot image for clarification. Notice in the screenshot that the app logo isn't shown when "Hidden" is unchecked. When "Hidden" is checked, the logo isn't shown, but its fine because that is just how it is (just mentioning). This is the case for all other buttons, images, labels and text fields.
You have a Z axis issue.
Meaning, a UIView is on top of your UIButton.
You will need to drag the UI elements downwards in order to change the Z axis hierarchy:
Also, you could figure this issue by yourself if you would use the Debug View Hierarchy:

Next/Previous buttons on virtual keyboard making text input field scroll into view on iOS uiWebview

I have a UI webview in iOS displaying a html page with two text input fields. When clicking on one text input field and using the Next button on the virtual keyboard, the second text input field receives focus but does not scroll into view. How can I make it scroll into view?

jqm: Footer and header reamoved when list item clicked

I have programmed a shopping list. The footer contains buttons for actions on a selected item in the list and I defined the footer as fixed so that it is always visible in the screen.
Now that I'm testing with an item list longer than the screen in firefox I discover that if I click on an item in the list (select it), the header and footer disappear from the screen and moved respectively to the top and bottom of the list. It looks as if the fixed attribute is toggled when clicking on the list.
This gets me in trouble because when I select an item in the list, the footer with the buttons disappear and I need to scroll to the end of the list to click on the buttons.
How could I remove this behavior ? I fear that if I set the fixed attribute every time an item is clicked, that the footer and header will flicker.
By default in jQueryMobile fixed toolbars toggle when you tap on the screen. You can disable this behaviour with $.mobile.fixedToolbars.setTouchToggleEnabled(false);. You can see more information here, in the section "Tap to toggle visibility".
