Laravel Nova - Let user chose which fields/columns are displayed on index - laravel-nova

I'm using Laravel 9 and Nova 4 to create an admin panel and recently got the request you can see in the title.
Is there any way to let the user dynamically select which fields of the resource are shown on the index instead of hard-coding the visibility?
I want to show/hide full columns of the resource via the click of a button.
Maybe i searched for the wrong stuff I haven't found any information on this. Neither here on StackOverflow nor anywhere else.


Active Admin Customization in Ruby On Rails

I'm using active admin gem. In one table i want admins page to have some extra fields apart from the default functionalities.
Is it possible to have a default active admin page + a provision to render some html.
I want something like this in picture
The extra feature that i was talking was about push notification and message and that text area part
If you want a page with your own content, you could register a page:
But if you want to customise the default html strucure of the index page, you have to re-open the ActiveAdmin::Views::Pages module and override the build_page_content method. You can do this inside your app, for example create a new file in app/lib folder and override the method.
or if you want to customise the index table:
Not a nice solution, but it's work. :/
Unfortunately, it seems index doesn't support custom rendering:
However, you might have luck using panel, except in my experience that renders above the table ActiveAdmin generates.

how to set navigate url to hyperlink through c#

am developing an application in which i have to show the customer purchase details supplier wise. for that i have develop user control an add it on page. but the problem it that on user control i need to add a ling to promotional offer page for that supplier which show the current offers of the supplier. for that i have added the hyperlink as fallow to user control
<asp:HyperLink ID="PromoLink" runat="server">Have promo Code ?</asp:HyperLink>
and set the navigation URL as fallow
PromoLink.NavigateUrl = "Promotion.aspx?Filter=" + dt.Rows[0]["SuppId"].ToString();
but when page is load in does not render the navigation url to the link.
i donot why it does not render the url plz help to get out of this.
thanks in advance.
Make sure that the pathing is correct for the NavigateURL property. Try adding "~/" at the start of the NavigateURL or "../" if it is not in the same folder as the current file.
Make sure that the dt.Rows[0]["SuppId"] is actually getting the value that you expect.
Step through code in the debugger to verify that the Page_Load event that you are using is actually executing and modifying the value as you would expect it to.

How to set an initial value for my object in ruby on rails

I am still pretty new to Rails and am working on a basic app and have run into a problem, which I can't seem to get around, sorry if this question has already been answered, but searching didn't yield me any results.
Basically I am creating an app that catalogues all of someones's clothes, Now the main page is the index page of everything they have logged, and each picture is linked to the show page where more information is revealed. I want to use AJAX to bring that show page to the side of the main index page. I am working off of another tutorial to figure this out but have run into a problem. On the initial load of my index page, I need to define a variable for that show page so that it can be rendered using a partial, but I can't use find(params[:id]) since the user hasn't selected anything yet. So my question is how do I set that initial value to either just the first item in the catalogue or not have anything appear, and then when someone does click the link, the sidebar shows the more detailed description of the piece of clothing.
Thanks for any help.
#object = params[:id] ? MyModel.find(params[:id]) : MyModel.first
But I think there's some problem with design of application.
You might have some luck working with the ruby gem 'PJAX'. Here is a screen cast showing you how to get that AJAX sidebar you want. Good luck
It sounds like you can just print the container element as normal, but leave it empty when the page is generated. Optionally, hide it via CSS. Then, when you load its content with AJAX, set it to visible or just populate it as normal.
Alternatively, if you really want to set it to the first item in the catalog (or in any ActiveRecord) you can use .first e.g. Products.first, and use that value to populate its initial contents.

Make collection_select display as an image (Rails 3 App)

BACKGROUND: I have a collection_select statement that displays a dropdown box.
OBJECTIVE: I'd like the dropdown to be an image that the user clicks to see the collection rather than the default box + down arrow that appears.
You need something like this plugin for jQuery. It allows you to replace a normal select with a custom one based on your wants. You would have to write your own select helper since you need to add the attributes to the select options that this plugin requires. If you get started and need help, post back here with what you're stuck on.

Orbeon: creating my own delete button

2/28: Seems the Go uri is only if you create your own persisten layer. I'm going to try and use a link on my form to do this. If I can figure out how to find the form_id of the current form.
Original Question:
I'm trying to restrict who can delete a form instance. It seems if people can get to the form-runner summary page, they can click the delete button and delete a form (even if they are not allowed to do any "/orbeon/fr/hr/expense-report/edit/*" options.
Anyone found a way around this issue. I wonder if we could use the GO button on the form /edit/ view to build our own delete feature.
If I look at the page source from the hr/expense-report/edit/f36b446c3ddbf7c63ec033d5c6fa7ce4 view, that the from does have the details to the actual form instance.
form id="xforms-form" class="xforms-form xforms-initially-hidden xforms-layout-nospan" action="/orbeon/fr/Test/Hidden_Search/edit/f36b446c3ddbf7c63ec033d5c6fa7ce4"
I wonder if that information could be passed to the "GO" button, if I have that on my page?
Right now, if users can access the Form Runner summary page, they can also access the "delete" button. Showing the "delete" button on the summary page for some users but not others, requires a change to Form Runner, which shouldn't very complicated.
For instance, if you only want the "delete" button to be shown for users with the role can-delete, on this xforms:bind of fr/summary/view.xhtml add the attribute:
