How to generate URL to another controller in .Net 6 - url

I have existing code that uses this to get a link to an action on the same controller:
return Created(new Uri(Url.Link("ActionName", new { ClientId = Client.ClientID })), list);
I'm trying to do the same thing from a different controller, but Url.Link is returning null. I've also tried this, but it also returns null:
blah = Url.Link("", new { Controller = "OtherController", Action = "ActionName"});


AspNet MVC render server side #Html.ActionLink

Im building a dynamic menu in my MVC project so in my controller I have the following:
// list accounts
menu.Add(new Model.Custom.Menu() { Active = true, Url = "dashboard.html", Icon = "mdi mdi-account-card-details", Items = null, Text = "List Accounts" });
Right now dashboard.html link is hardcoded but I required to be #Html.ActionLink so it renders the right path.
Any clue?
You can use the UrlHelper to call the Action method which will return the correct relative path to the action method.
var url=new UrlHelper(Request.RequestContext);
var newUrl = url.Action("Dashboard");
//The above will generate the path to Dashboard action method.
menu.Add(new Model.Custom.Menu() { Active = true, Url = newUrl});

Append partial view passing in parameter

I am new to MVC coming from web forms and I am struggling getting my head around how you pass parameters into a partial view.
I have the following action result. I want to be able to append a new copy of a partial view to my page when a user clicks a button passing in na new Id. The idea is you get a small section of data but the user can request more which just gets tagged on the end with a different ID value.
Currently this works only when using the routing with an id at the end, but is then static and I cannot add any more.
public ActionResult GetAllDaysByDate(int Id)
DateTime theTime = DateTime.ParseExact(Id.ToString(),
YourDayEntities context = new YourDayEntities();
var days = context.GetAllDaysByDate(theTime);
List<Day> day = new List<Day>();
foreach (var item in days)
Day d = new Day { DayId = item.DayId, DayDesc = item.DayDesc, DayDate = item.DayDate, ImgUrl = item.ImgUrl };
return View(day);
I have tried various different methods to pass a param in, such as the following.
#Html.Partial("_GetAllDaysByDatePartial", new ViewDataDictionary(new { Id = 20160101 })) );
But this is throwing an error. Am I going about this all wrong? Thanks in advance.

Umbraco Surface Controller or RenderMvcController

Hi I have my 'home' controller and a 'sort' controller in umbraco 7. The 'home' controller works fine for the index action as it is overridden from RenderMvcController. Firstly I am confused which controller I should using in which instance i.e a surface controller or a rendermvccontroller. I cant seem to access the twitter action below which is something I need for ajax. Do I need to put the twitter action in a surface controller or could I use a regular mvc controller in umbraco?
public override ActionResult Index(RenderModel model)
var storedProcedure = new StoredProcedure()
ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CentralDbContext"].ConnectionString
DataSet ds = storedProcedure.ExecuteProcedureToDataSet("GetHomePage");
IMapSetup map = new MapHomePage();
HomePage homepage = map.Setup<HomePage>(ds);
homepage.Slideshow = CurrentPage.AncestorsOrSelf(1).First().Descendants("SlideshowItem").Take(5).AsMany<Slideshow>();
this._weatherSettings.DefaultLocation = "warrington";
homepage.Forecast = new Forecaster(this._weatherSettings, this._cacheHelper).GetWeather(this._weatherSettings.DefaultLocation);
return CurrentTemplate(homepage);
public ActionResult TwitterSort(int? page)
int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0;
var storedProcedure = new StoredProcedure()
ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CentralDbContext"].ConnectionString
DataSet ds = storedProcedure.ExecuteProcedureToDataSet("GetHomePage");
IMapSetup map = new MapHomePage();
HomePage homepage = map.Setup<HomePage>(ds);
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("umbTweets", homepage.Twitter.ToPagedList(currentPageIndex, DefaultPageSize));
return PartialView(homepage.Twitter.ToPagedList(currentPageIndex, DefaultPageSize));
My Approach is:
Render controller is only for displaying data to user.
Surface controller is for interaction (I use this for interaction mainly ajax, or forms)
For rendering child action you can use following example:
To implement custom routing you can have a look on

post object to MVC controller using HttpWebRequest, WebClient etc

I have this api controller action that takes an object "ContentList" as parameter.
public List<string> SendList(string param, ContentList list)
List<string> testReturn = new List<string> { "test1", "test2", "test3", "test4" };
return testReturn ;
What I have tried so far is to call a controller action like this:
Uri _uri = new Uri("http://localhost:xxxxx/api/FakeTest/SendList?param=test");
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string requestData = serializer.Serialize(new
list = ContentList,
using (var client = new WebClient())
client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = "application/json";
var result = client.UploadData(_uri, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(requestData));
var tempString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result);
In this example, tempString = ["test1","test2","test3","test4"] as reurned by the controller action..
In the controller action, I can access the properties of the passed in ContentList, and return their values (changing the actions return value accordingly ofcourse).
However, in the controller action, I need to send off the ContentList object for further processing, and this seems to fail. I get a 500 internal server error, and I can't put a breakpoint in the controller to follow the values passed in. The debugger never hits it...
I expect this has something to do with sending json to the controller action.
Anyway, it seems that the ContentList is rejected by the code it is sent to from the controller action, so I figure I need to do some sort of de-serializing, right?
Bottomline, the question is, what is the correct way to call a controller action from code, pass in a C# object, and make it usable from the controller action?
If you are using MVC 3 your controller should be able to reveive and parse json data in a direct way. If you are using MVC 2 you'll need to register a new factory on your application to take care of json parsing on the controller
protected void Application_Start()
ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new JsonValueProviderFactory());
More info on the subject here:

ASP.NET MVC Map String Url To A Route Value Object

I am creating a modular ASP.NET MVC application using areas. In short, I have created a greedy route that captures all routes beginning with {application}/{*catchAll}.
Here is the action:
// get /application/index
public ActionResult Index(string application, object catchAll)
// forward to partial request to return partial view
ViewData["partialRequest"] = new PartialRequest(catchAll);
// this gets called in the view page and uses a partial request class to return a partial view
The Url "/Application/Accounts/LogOn" will then cause the Index action to pass "/Accounts/LogOn" into the PartialRequest, but as a string value.
// partial request constructor
public PartialRequest(object routeValues)
RouteValueDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary(routeValues);
In this case, the route value dictionary will not return any values for the routeData, whereas if I specify a route in the Index Action:
ViewData["partialRequest"] = new PartialRequest(new { controller = "accounts", action = "logon" });
It works, and the routeData values contains a "controller" key and an "action" key; whereas before, the keys are empty, and therefore the rest of the class wont work.
So my question is, how can I convert the "/Accounts/LogOn" in the catchAll to "new { controller = "accounts", action = "logon" }"??
If this is not clear, I will explain more! :)
This is the "closest" I have got, but it obviously wont work for complex routes:
// split values into array
var routeParts = catchAll.ToString().Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
// feels like a hack
catchAll = new
controller = routeParts[0],
action = routeParts[1]
You need to know what part is what in the catchAll parameter. Then you need to parse it yourself (like you are doing in your example or use a regexp). There is no way for the framework to know what part is the controller name and what is the action name and so on, as you haven't specified that in your route.
Why do you want to do something like this? There is probably a better way.
