Make main suspend - kotlin-multiplatform

In the official documentation for kotor , when creating a client, it is written to use suspend.
enter image description here
But I do not have such an item in the menu. What needs to be done?
enter image description here
Why do I need to use suspend at all when calling the kotor method?

You need to add the keyword suspend to the call function.


JS callback to Vaadin component

I have a JS component (SigPlot) that I need to read click values from. I have instantiated SigPlot inside of a VerticalLayout, where I also instantiate a DIV to pass to the SigPlot constructor. I am not sure if this is a valid way, but it works.
Now I need to read CLICKS but I am having troubles finding correct way to do this. Can someone pass some words of wisdom?
In my constructor for my VIEW, it use addAttachListener to start my JS code using.
How can I register a click listener to this?
As long as it's just a regular DOM event listener, then something like this should work:
div.getElement().addEventListener("click", event ->"Clicked"));
If you need to do something on a more granular level, then your might want to expose callbacks as #ClientCallable and then use executeJs to run some short JavaScript snippets to set up listeners that delegate to those methods.

Bad State: you cannot add items while items are being added from addStream

I am new to flutter, dart or reactive programming in general.
I suppose, I am calling add() on the BehaviorSubject while items are being added to that stream by some previous call.
How can I avoid this bad state? How can I add the event once the event in previous call have been added?
As mentioned in the documentation: "Events must not be added directly to this controller using add, addError, close or addStream, until the returned future is complete." You may want to wait for the Future callback first before calling add().

Is it possible to do a "a href" in corona using lua

I am new to Corona and Lua.
is it possible to do something like an "a href" in Lua? I am having a button and I need it to link it to other page but I can't seem to find a way to do it. I am not trying to infuse HTML code to Lua. I just need a way to perform a function like this(in Lua language). I have googled and even look at the manual of Lua and corona docs but still unable to find anything similar to it.
To people who know this, please advice. Thankss
Clicking a button will cause an event. You can implement a function that handles this event and for example shows another page. Please read the Corona manual and do some basic tutorials. All information you need is there.
onPress (optional) Listener. An optional function to be called when
the button is pressed. The callback function does not require testing
for event.phase since it only honors "began".
Events are dispatched to listeners. Event listeners can be either
functions or table objects.
In both cases, when an event occurs, the listener will be invoked and
be supplied with a table representing the event. All events have a
name property that corresponds to the name you use to register the
For more information, see the Basic Interactivity and Event Detection
To find out how to switch "pages" or scenes read
For adding a reference in a button:
local button =
div {
Or, you may add button inside a form:-
define the action of the form
make the button type as submit

Copy and Paste to clipboard in Blackberry code

I read about a solution to copy and paste a message in Blackberry Code is stack overflow
Can someone please explain the "message to the clipboard" solution in more detail or give some hints about the name of the functions?
They were probably referring to the clipboard class. You can use it to temporarily store text using the put method and then retrieve it using the get method.
Following the first solution proposed in the link you referred to, once you open the native sms application and wait for about a second:
Invoke.invokeApplication(Invoke.APP_TYPE_MESSAGES, new MessageArguments(sMess));
I believe you can inject the content of the clipboard to the highlighted field, by first getting a reference to the currently focused field:
Field myField = UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen().getFieldWithFocus();
Then using the paste method to inject the text from the clipboard.
Hope this helps
as Tamar mentioned, look at the clipboard class to know more about the methods (get set). If you want to do something like "put the content of the clipboard i the focused textfield"? you need to do the following
Create a CustomTextField class which extends TextField
Override onFocus() and onUnFocus() methods. In onFocus() save the contents to textField to the clipboard.

why this code is not working?

accountTab.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
if (field==TabBar.accountTab) {
Dialog.alert(" Account Tab is clicked ");
why this code is not working?
but some places it works. I am ceating the tab bar for 9800 torch with Horizontal field manager and "accountTab" in this code is the custom button field. Please Help me.........
If you are attaching a FieldChangeListener to one Field, you shouldn't really need to test whether or not it is the Field (unless you're doing something very custom). I would try debugging and see whether or not the fieldChanged call is getting hit, and if you want to use the test in there, make sure TabBar.accountTab is actually a reference to what you think it is.
Another possibility is that you haven't set the tab as FOCUSABLE, or possibly you have something further up the chain intercepting the clicks and not allowing it to proceed further.
The information provided is too vague to know the exact problem. However, there's a good chance it has to do with the fact that you're trying to open a dialog in response to an event and you might not currently be holding the event lock. Use Application#invokeLater() to open the dialog. You'll need to implement Runnable and make the Dialog.alert call from the run method.
does the callback fire? have you attached a debug breakpoint to the conditional to see if it actually calls?
if so, then #Fostah's answer above is a pretty good place to start, you may not be in the event dispatch thread when this callback fires...
