Google sheets vertical multi line Chart - google-sheets

I want to make a vertical google chart with multiple lines.
So for whatever reason I thought it would be interesting to see and track the progress of my finger mobility after my recent surgery with a google sheets spreadsheet and chart. Every so often at Physical Therapy they measure the angle of my finger. I haven't received the measurements yet so I have only been working with random numbers for the meantime.
So This is kind of what I was thinking either with the different days separated or overlaid on top of each.
Is this possible and if so how could I do this?
As a bonus it would be cool to have the angles at the joints of the graph but I'm not sure if that's possible either.
Thanks for indulging my curiosity.
I was working on a version that almost got what I was wanting I just could not figure out how to add multiple to the same chart or to overlay them
This was with the help of Vertical Line Graph in Google Sheets (Workaround) tutorial.

here is how you can achieve it:


Create a Chart on Google Sheets with Lines - Complicated

I am trying to check if it is possible to add lines to a chart that will show differences of data. The data that I have contains negative numbers and negative percentages and I wanted to add a line that will show the percentage ; previous month minus running month volume.
Here is a screenshot of the table and chart that I currently have:
I've tried experimenting with different charts, and arrangements of data, but it yielded no successful results. I've tried searching all through many forums and have not found anyone who has a similar question as I do. I wanted the chart to show the following:
What I want for the chart to look like:

How to create a histogram in Google Sheets with a log scale on x-axis

I need to create a histogram on Google Sheets, and I need it to have a log scale on the x-axis. This is because there are some random high numbers on my column, most numbers are clustered at the beginning.
The option shows up for the y-axis, but not for the x-axis. I think that when I was trying different options it showed up for a time...???? But now it just disappeared.
Please help!
Try normal chart (bar or line) and building a histogram table manually
Use FREQUENCY() formula for this. This way you can make your own classes the way you like and you can then make whatever chart you like.
Take a look at my solution - line chart with logarythmic y-scale.
X-scale as I see is unavailable for manipulation, but you can use own values and treat them as text.
Example dataset: 100 random values from 0 to 35.
Classes are powers of 2 (increase by 1/2 with each step)
Here is my example file. See if it helps

Google Sheets: Swap X and Y Axis in Chart

I am trying to illustrate the twist in a sail using a chart, showing the effect of various twist amounts.
However, try as I might, I cannot swap the x and y axis! The cells B3:B8 are the height going up the sail, where the measurements were taken, and should be the y-axis.
The columns C:V are series, which are different sets of measurements taken at the various heights up the sail, with the degree of twist as the series' values. This is what I have:
I've also tried to create the chart from Transpose()d data (swapped rows <-> cols) but ended up with the same chart! The "Height" is supposed to be the Y-axis, and the values ("Degrees") the X-axis.
I must be missing something obvious, but Google is not my friend today. I have created a sample Spreadsheet here if anyone can help. MTIA.
Currently it is not possible to define the Y-Axis to a specific range for Smooth Line Chart, in fact, the only way this can be defined is by using Bar Chart.
As a workaround, you can use Bar Chart to define the Y-Axis like this:
Please note that it only looks best when displaying one or two series, the bars would look squished when more series are added.
As for the original intention of defining Y-axis for Line Charts, or a completely new type of chart, you can file a feature idea request here:
How To Submit a Feature Idea Request
Google Workspace Feature Idea Request Link

Misaligned left and right y-axes in Google Sheets

I have a chart of profits&losses I made trading stocks in absolute ($) and relative (%) values. Today I made my first trade that brought me losses, and adding negative values to the chart caused its y-axes to misalign.
I tried manipulating the min/max values, but to no avail. I googled people having similar problems, but not in Google Sheets.
Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
The Auto gridline count can behave wrongly with particular datasets. When handling such datasets it will be necessary to tweak the major gridline count from the Chart Editor:
Edit Chart>Customize>Gridlines and adjust the major gridline count accordingly.

Highcharts - zooming to single day pushes column off graph

When zooming to a single date on a column graph with two series one of the columns gets pushed outside of the chart drawing area.
You can see it in action here
and here is a screenshot of the dev inspector highlighting where it appears off the graph edge
Has anyone seen this before? Or have any idea what settings may be affecting it? It works okay if you zoom out to two dates, but unfortunetly the product owners are insisting on only showing one date.
Every two columns of your data is for three months, not for a day. The chart selects a starting point for every timerange and sticks to it. If you zoom in the empty area in the scale of a day you will see nothing. So correct your data, or your scale of zooming.
