SkeletonUtils.retargetClip to retarget BVH to a fbx/glb model in threejs get weird annimation clip - webgl

FYI : Threejs BVH Animation Retargeting - JSFiddle - Code Playground
BUT when only vicon bone can work , otherwise , the model won’t move or move in a weird way, if you know how to solve this , pls help, thx a lot
much more like this result
javascript - Animate MakeHuman character with BVH using Three.js - Stack Overflow
expect to get the right retarget result


Firemonkey: How to draw just a point on a canvas

I m just a little surprised but It looks like on firemonkey there is no easy way to draw a single point on a Canvas? or I m tired and I miss something?
As many ask me, below a sample of what I want to achieve (I want to also make a dynamique animation and move each dots on the fly)

How to implement Slide-out menu for iOS Apps

I just wanted to implement slide-out menu like implemented in this snapshot below:
Could anybody guide me how to go for it.
Looks like Patrick's link will give you most of what you want. If you really want the 3D look where the menu appears to be tilted away you'll have to learn how to use Core Animation with transformation matrixes that create perspective. Do a search on "Adding Perspective to Your Animations" in the Xcode help system for info on how to get perspective.
In short, it involves setting the M34 field of a CATransform3D to a small negative value after rotating the layer around the desired axis. (In this case you'd want to rotate around the y axis.)
RESideMenu is a great library that I've used more than once. You can find it on Github here:

iOS - Using the same vanishing point for multiple elements when using CATransform3d

I'm trying to rotate multiple elements using CATransform3d, the problem is that each one is assigned an individual vanishing point. Since they are dynamic elements I cannot use an image to simulate all of them moving together. And I know no way to move them as a group.
Here is an image that clearly shows the issue and the expected outcome. Visual Description
Already tried every solution I could find and nothing is working for me.
I don't understand why you can't put all of them into one view, and then just use the CATransform3d on the containing view? I've done this before with exactly the result you are looking for. Just a simple add them all as subviews of a view and then perform your CATransform3D on the view.

I cannot get the note timing right - XNA

In XNA I've created a note sequence, and I'm trying to get the item to be drawn to the screen at a certain time? my check for this is a simple int that gets updated as the gametime does Convert.ToInt64(time)
is the code for that. However the only problem I got was it seemed that it kept drawing it which made the note lag? Could somebody please help?
Create a global variable that check if you draw it or not.
Once you draw it make it true.
In the update, do:

Creating a new MKPolygon from two intersecting polygons

I know that there is exactly one specific question that talks about this but its a bit old and I wanted to get a little more technical about it if possible.
First of all take a look at this screenshot:
Want I want to have happen is say "I see where they both intersect and where that happens I do not want to draw those 'parts' of the polygon". In this case i would like to draw both polygons but not draw the 'path' of the yellow polygon that is inside the orange polygon. This include not only the line but the fill color as well.
Obviously this gets tricky because you aren't always going to have exact points along the path of each polygon that intersect exactly with other points along another polygon path. As you can see from this screenshot, in order to make this possible, I think, I need to get the points back where they do intersect.
After that and assuming that I can do this, I do not know if there is a way to use the CGPathRef class to do what i need to do. Obviously I am going to have re-create a polygon but according to the docs you cant fill it in unless it is a closed path. So how do you fill in the polygon that is not interesecting without closing the path??
The only thing that i can think of would be to "hide" the parts of the polygon that intersect but unsure how to do this. Can anyone offer any help/insight to this problem??
Here you go. I wrote an Objective-C wrapper around Alan's GPC library. Check out MKPolygon-GPC
Ok guys! well i went off and created my own MKPolygon category to solve what i needed to solve. I hope it is also useful to others!
the github link is:
After days of investigation, here is the solution I found for Swift 4:
1) Go here and clone the project
2) Drag and drop the following in your project:
- MKPolygon+GPC.m
- MKPolygon+GPC.h
- gpc232 (folder)
3) Create a bridging header (here is a tutorial)
4) Open your bridging header file and add the following :
#import "MKPolygon+GPC.h"
5) In your View Controller , use this method to union your two Polygons :
let mergedPolygon = polygon1.fromUnion(with:polygon2)
NOTE : there is a crash in the current library, I fixed it but I am waiting my pull request to be reviewed. Thanks to SunGard-Labs for the framework !
