add a secret to container without exposing file locations to source control - docker

I want to add my aws credentials file to a docker container, so it can access AWS apis.
The credentials file exists in my host machine at /home/user/.aws/credentials
When running the container from command line, I can do
docker run --rm -d -v /home/user/.aws/:/.aws:ro -d \
--env AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE=/.aws/credentials proj:latest
In docker compose, I can mount the .aws directory with volumes property like so:
- aws_credentials:/.aws:ro
external: true
My question is, how to populate the external aws_credentials volume with data?
Approaches that do not work:
Use secrets instead of volumes. I am not using Docker swarm
Use config instead of volumes. I am not using Docker swarm
Use a bind mount instead of a volume. The docker-compose file gets checked into source control, and I do not want directories checked in.
- /home/user/.aws/:/.aws:ro #<-- DO NOT WANT THIS IN SOURCE CONTROL

One answer I came up with is using environment variables like so:
- aws_credentials
AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE: /run/secrets/aws_credentials
file: ${awscredfile}
and making sure awscredfile is either loaded in the environment for the parent process of docker compose, or passed in in an env file with --env-file parameter to docker compose.


Can docker write logs to an external directory?

We have written our own logger that writes about 10 different log files: skl log, http request log, a separate log for each client, etc.
If you run the service through docker, is it possible to tell him to write these logs not inside himself, but in an external folder?
From what I've read, I've only realized so far that docker only logs output to the console, and in one shared file.
You can run a docker container with volumes where you can mention your expected log directory, settings file, app resource, etc.
Here is the straightforward way to create the docker container with volumes
docker create --name YOUR_SERVICE_NAME -p 80:80 -v /APP_DIR_OUT_SIDE_OF_CONTAINER/settings/appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json -v /APP_DIR_OUT_SIDE_OF_CONTAINER/Logs:/app/Logs:z YOUR_DOCKER_IMAGE_REPO_URL:IMAGE_TAG
Below is the docker-compose sample that should be running a container with volumes.
version: '3.4'
image: IMAGE_URL
container_name: CONTAINER_NAME
- "80:80"
- /APP_DIR_OUT_SIDE_OF_CONTAINER/config/appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json
restart: always
Also, you can get all possible ways to run the docker container with volumes from Use volumes

Undefined volume with Docker Compose

I wanted to translate this docker CLI command (from smallstep/step-ca) into a docker-compose.yml file to run with docker compose (version 2):
docker run -d -v step:/home/step \
-p 9000:9000 \
-e "DOCKER_STEPCA_INIT_DNS_NAMES=localhost,$(hostname -f)" \
This command successfully starts the container.
Here is the compose file I "composed":
version: "3.9"
image: smallstep/step-ca
- "step:/home/step"
- "9000:9000"
When I run docker compose up (again, using v2 here), I get this error:
service "ca" refers to undefined volume step: invalid compose project
Is this the right way to go about this? I'm thinking I missed an extra step with volume creation in docker compose projects, but I am not sure what that would be, or if this is even a valid use case.
The Compose file also has a top-level volumes: block and you need to declare volumes there.
version: '3.9'
- "step:/home/step"
et: cetera
volumes: # add this section
step: # does not need anything underneath this
There are additional options possible, but you do not usually need to specify these unless you need to reuse a preexisting Docker named volume or you need non-standard Linux mount options (the linked documentation gives an example of an NFS-mount volume, for example).
Citing the Compose specification:
To avoid ambiguities with named volumes, relative paths SHOULD always begin with . or ...
So it should be enough to make your VOLUME's host path relative:
- ./step:/home/step
If you don't intend to share the step volume with other containers, you don't need to define it in the top-level volumes key:
If the mount is a host path and only used by a single service, it MAY be declared as part of the service definition instead of the top-level volumes key.
it seems that docker-compose don't know the "volume" you created via command: sudo docker volume create my_xx_volume
so ,just manually mkdir to create a folder and chmod 777 <my_folder>, then your mysql docker will use it very well.
( in production env, don't use chmod but chown to change the file permission )

Moving volume between containers docker-composer

I have image A (some_laravel_project) and B (laravel_module). Image A is a Laravel project that looks like this.
Volume Image b here
As the list above suggests I want to share a volume from Image B in Image A using docker-compose. I want to access the files in container B.
This is the docker-compose I tried and didn't receive any errors creating those images in gitlab ci. I checked and the volume and its files are in stored in the module_user:latest container.
I think I made a mistake mounting the volume to some_laravel_project.
version: '3'
image: some_laravel_project
working_dir: /var/www
- /var/www/storage
- userdata:/var/www/Modules
image: laravel_module
- userdata:/user
The method you used to share volumes across container in docker compose is the correct one. You can find this documented under docker-compose volumes
if you want to reuse a volume across multiple services, then define a
named volume in the top-level volumes key. Use named volumes with
In you case, the directory /var/www/Modules in laravel will have the same content as that in /user inside user service. You can verify that by going into the containers and checking each directoty by running;
docker exec -it <container-name> bash

How to sync code between container and host using docker-compose?

Until now, I have used a local LAMP stack to develop my web projects and deploy them manually to the server. For the next project I want to use docker and docker-compose to create a mariaDB, NGINX and a project container for easy developing and deploying.
When developing I want my code directory on the host machine to be synchronised with the docker container. I know that could be achieved by running
docker run -dt --name containerName -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container
in the cli as stated here, but I want to do that within a docker-compose v2 file.
I am as far as having a docker-composer.yml file looking like this:
version: '2'
build: ./myProj
image: myProj
- db
How can I synchronise my /var/www directory in the container with my host machine (Ubuntu desktop, macos or Windows machine)?
Thank you for your help.
It is pretty much the same way, you do the host:container mapping directly under the services.myProj.volumes key in your compose file:
version: '2'
Note that the top-level volumes key is removed.
This file could be translated into:
docker create --links db -v /path/to/file/on/host:/var/www myProj
When docker-compose finds the top-level volumes section it tries to docker volume create the keys under it first before creating any other container. Those volumes could be then used to hold the data you want to be persistent across containers.
So, if I take your file for an example, it would translate into something like this:
docker volume create myCodeVolume
docker create --links db -v myCodeVoume:/var/www myProj

Mounting a host directory through docker-compose file version "3" and re-using the data-volume

I have Docker commands to create a container and then use that container's name with --volumes-from to run another container and it works fine -
docker create -v /home/dev/docker/my/config:/home/myuser/4.0/config --name shared-config my/configurator:4.0.0
The above would create a new container by name shared-config from image my/configurator:4.0.0
and when trying to run any other container (say my/oms:4.0.0) I can simply use volume from container named shared-config using --volumes-from
docker run --volumes-from shared-config -p 8083:8080 -d my/oms:4.0.0
using --volumes-from we can use the volume multiple times in which ever container it is required.
Till here everything seems fine.
Now, I am trying to do the above in docker-compose using file-format version "3" and not able to understand how will I be able to re-use data-volume once it is created. Since as per docker-compose in version 3 they have discontinued use of --volumes-from.
They say -
To share a volume between services, define it using the top-level volumes option and reference it from each service that shares it using the service-level volumes option.
In above statement they are referring to named volumes, please refer from here.
But I just want to mount a host directory as a data volume and re-use that data volume. My question is how do I reuse this data-volume through docker-compose file version "3".
To the simplest, for each service I want to run through docker-compose I can use volume key at service level
version: "3"
image: my/oms:4.0.0
- "8083:8080"
- /home/dev/docker/my/config:/home/myuser/4.0/config
But what if I want to use my host's directory (/home/dev/docker/my/config) as a data volume in different services. Should I have the volume key for each service or actually there is a better way in docker-compose version "3" where I can re-use the data-volume in other services (how we did using --volumes-from).
Any pointers or suggestions or something that I missed?
The best option to avoid repeating syntax is to extend your docker-compose.yml using the extends option:
So you can have a common-services.yml that looks like:
version: "3"
- /home/dev/docker/my/config:/home/myuser/4.0/config
And then your docker-compose.yml gets updated to look like:
version: "3"
file: common-services.yml
service: generic-vol
image: my/oms:4.0.0
- "8083:8080"
Note that docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml may not support all these options, I've encountered issues using variables and multiple docker-compose files for my project. The solution to that is to use docker-compose to parse the file into something the stack deploy can use with docker-compose config >docker-compose.stack.yml and then pass that yml file to your stack deploy.
A second option is to utilize the features of the yml syntax itself. It allows anchors and references to those anchors. That syntax looks like:
version: "3"
image: my/oms:4.0.0
- "8083:8080"
volumes: &common-vol
- /home/dev/docker/my/config:/home/myuser/4.0/config
image: my/xyz:4.0.0
- "8888:8080"
volumes: *common-vol
The first &common-vol creates an anchor, and the later *common-vol is a reference to that same part of yml data.
