Deploying Data with containers across multiple environments - docker

I wondered if I could pick your brains regarding deploying data across environments with containers... I have a hard time understanding the "standard" deployment process.
Let me set the scene:
You're running a CMS on your local development environment and you have two containers - a database container that runs MySQL and links to a volume (that stores the data), and the CMS container that links to it. All fine.
Now, I can deploy through GitLab/GitHub CI/CD by pushing any code changes to the repo in the CMS container - which will rebuild an image and push it to a 'Staging' environment (via a container registry). That's fine too.
Here's the issue - what's the standard accepted way of deploying the DATA in the database to the 'Staging' environment? Particularly through CI/CD?
I understand that having a cloudDB is best practice on staging/production, which again, is totally ok for me to do, but short of writing some Bash scripts to sqldump and rsync the data, I can't see how people do it with standard CI/CD pipelines.
Am I missing something here?


Workflow: Docker Services from Development to Production - Best Practice

I have been developing a web application using Python, Flask, Docker(-Compose) and git/github and getting to the point where I try to figure out the best way/workflow to bring it to production. I have read some articles but not sure what is a best practice from different approaches.
My current setup is purely development oriented:
Local Docker using docker-compose to build various service images (such as db, backend workers, webapp (flask & uwisg), nginx).
using .env file for docker-compose to pass configuration to the services
Source code is bind mounted from the local docker host
db data is stored in a named volume
Using local git for source control (though I have connected it to a github repository but not been using it much since I am the only one currently developing the application)
From what I understand the steps to production could be the following:
Implement docker-compose override to distinguish between dev and prod
Implement Dockerfile Multistage builds to create prod images which include the source code in the image and do not include dev dependencies
Tag and push the production images to a registry (docker, google?) or better push the git to github?
[do security scans of the prod images]
deploy/pull the prod images from the registry (or build from github) on a service like GKE for instance
Is this a common way to do it? Am I missing something?
How would I best go about using an integration/staging environment between dev and prod, so that I can first test new prod builds or debug prod images in integration?
Does GKE for instance offer an easy way to setup an integration environment? Or could I use the Docker installation on my NAS for that?
Any best practices for backing up production (like db data most importantly)?
Thanks in advance!

Docker, Jenkins and Rails - Setup for running specs on a typical Rails stack

I would like a Jenkins master and slave setup for running specs on standard Rails apps (PostgreSQL, sidekiq/redis, RSPec, capybara-webkit, a common Rails stack), using docker so it can be put on other machines as well. I got a few good stationary machines collecting dust.
Can anybody share an executable docker jenkins rails stack example?
What prevents that from being done?
Preferable with master-slave setup too.
After days online, following several tutorials with no success, I am about to abandon project. I got a basic understanding of docker, docker-machine, docker compose and volumes, I got a docker registry of a few simple apps.
I know next to nothing about Jenkins, but I've used Docker pretty extensively on other CI platforms. So I'll just write about that. The level of difficulty is going to vary a lot based on your app's dependencies and quirks. I'll try and give an outline that's pretty generally useful, and leave handling application quirks up to you.
I don't think the problem you describe should require you to mess about with docker-machine. docker build and docker-compose should be sufficient.
First, you'll need to build an image for your application. If your application has a comprehensive Gemfile, and not too many dependencies relating to infrastructure etc (e.g. files living in particular places that the application doesn't set up for itself), then you'll have a pretty easy time. If not, then setting up those dependencies will get complicated. Here's a guide from the Docker folks for a simple Rails app that will help get you started.
Once the image is built, push it to a repository such as Docker Hub. Log in to Docker Hub and create a repo, then use docker login and docker push <image-name> to make the image accessible to other machines. This will be important if you want to build the image on one machine and test it on others.
It's probably worth spinning off a job to run your app's unit tests inside the image once the image is built and pushed. That'll let you fail early and avoid wasting precious execution time on a buggy revision :)
Next you'll need to satisfy the app's external dependencies, such as Redis and postgres. This is where the Docker Compose file comes in. Use it to specify all the services your app needs, and the environment variables etc that you'll set in order to run the application for testing (e.g. RAILS_ENV).
You might find it useful to provide fakes of some non-essential services such as in-memory caches, or just leave them out entirely. This will reduce the complexity of your setup, and be less demanding on your CI system.
The guide from the link above also has an example compose file, but you'll need to expand on it. The most important thing to note is that the name you give a service (e.g. db in the example from the guide) is used as a hostname in the image. As #tomwj suggested, you can search on Docker Hub for common images like postgres and Redis and find them pretty easily. You'll probably need to configure a new Rails environment with new hostnames and so on in order to get all the service hostnames configured correctly.
You're starting all your services from scratch here, including your database, so you'll need to migrate and seed it (and any other data stores) on every run. Because you're starting from an empty postgres instance, expect that to take some time. As a shortcut, you could restore a backup from a previous version before migrating. In any case, you'll need to do some work to get your data stores into shape, so that your test results give you useful information.
One of the tricky bits will be getting Capybara to run inside your application Docker image, which won't have any X displays by default. xvfb (X Virtual Frame Buffer) can help with this. I haven't tried it, but building on top of an image like this one may be of some help.
Best of luck with this. If you have the time to persist with it, it will really help you learn about what your application really depends on in order to work. It certainly did for me and my team!
There's quite a lot to unpack in that question, this is a guide of how to get started and where to look for help.
In short there's nothing preventing it, although it's reasonably complex and bespoke to setup. So hence no off-the-shelf solution.
Assuming your aim is to have Jenkins build, deploy to Docker, then test a Rails application in a Dockerised environment.
Provision the stationary machines, I'd suggest using Ansible Galaxy roles.
Install Jenkins
Install Docker
Setup a local Docker registry
Setup Docker environment, the way to bring up multiple containers is to use docker compose this will allow you to bring up the DB, redis, Rails etc... using the public docker hub images.
Create a Jenkins pipeline
Build the rails app docker image this will contain the rails app.
Deploy the application, this updates the application in the Docker swarm, from the local Docker registry.
Test, run the tests against the application now running.
I've left out the Jenkins master/slave config because if you're only running on one machine you can increase the number of executors. E.g. the master can execute more jobs at the expense of speed.

Kubernetes for a Development Environment

Good day
We have a development environment that consists of 6 virtual machines. Currently we are using Vagrant and Ansible with VirtualBox.
As you can imagine, hosting this environment is a maintenance nightmare particularly as versions of software/OS change. Not too mention resource load for developer machines.
We have started migrating some virtual machines to docker. But this itself poses problems around orchestration, correct configurations, communication etc. This led me to Kubernetes.
Would someone be so kind as to provide some reasoning as to whether Kubernetes would or wouldn't be the right tool for the job? That is managing and orchestrating 'development' docker containers.
This is quite complex topic and many things have to be considered if it's worth to use k8s as local dev environment. Especially I used it when I wanted to have my local developer environment very close to production one which was running on Kubernetes. This helped to avoid many configuration bugs.
In my opinion Kubernetes(k8s) will provide you all you need for a development environment.
It gives you much flexibility and does much configuration itself. Few examples:
An easy way to deploy new version into local kubernetes stack
You prepare k8s replication controller files for each of your application module (keep in mind that they need to be stateless modules)
In replication controller you specify the docker image and that's it.
Using this approach you can push new docker images to local docker_registry and then using kubectl control the lifecycle of your application.
Easy way to scale your application modules
For example:
kubectl scale rc your_application_service --replicas=3
This way k8s will check how many pods you have running for your service and if it recognises that the number is smaller then the replicas value it will create new to satisfy the replicas number.
It's endless topic and many other things come to my mind, but I would suggest you to try it out.
There is a project for running the k8s cluster in vagrant.
Of course you have to remember that if you have many services all of them have to be pushed to local repository and run by k8s. This will require some time but if you automate local deploy with some custom scripts you won't regret.
As wsl mentioned before, it is a quite complex topic. But i'm doing this as well at the moment. So let me summaries some things for you:
With Kubernetes (k8s) you're going to orchestrate your SaaS Application. In best case, it is a Cloud-native Application. The properties/requirements for a Cloud-native Application are formulated by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), which basically were formed around k8s, after Google donates it to the Linux Foundation.
So the properties/requirements for a Cloud-native Application are: Container packaged, Dynamically managed and Micro-services oriented ( You will benefit mostly from k8s, if your applications are micro-service based and every service has a separate container.
With micro-service based applications, every service can be developed independently. The developer only needs to follow the 12Factor Method ( for example (use env var instead of hard coded IP addresses, etc).
In the next step the developer build the container for a service and pushes it the a container registry. For a local develop environment, you may need to run a container registry inside the cluster as well, so the developer can push and test his code locally.
Then you're able to define your k8s replication-controllers, services, PetSets, etc. with Ports, Port-mapping, env vars, Container Images... and create and run it inside the cluster.
The k8s-documentation recommend Minikube for running k8s locally ( With Minikube you got features like DNS, NodePorts, ConfigMaps and Secrets
But I choose the multi node CoreOS Kubernetes with Vagrant Cluster for my Development Environment as Puja Abbassi mentioned in the Blog "Finding The Right Local Kubernetes Development Environment" (, it is closer to the my production environment (12Factor: 10 - Dev/prod parity).
With the Vagrant Environment you got features like:
Networking with flannel
Service Discovery with etcd
DNS names for a set of containers with SkyDNS
internal load balancing
If you want to know, how everything works look inside this Github repo (vagrant and generic folder).
So you have to ask yourself, if you or your developers really need to run a complete "cloud environment" locally. In many cases a developer can develop a service (based on micro-services and containers) independently.
But sometimes it is necessary to have multiple or all services run on your local machine as a dev-environment.

How to integrate Capistrano with Docker for deployment?

I am not sure my question is relevant as I may try to mix tools (Capistrano and Docker) that should not be mixed.
I have recently dockerized an application that is deployed with Capistrano. Docker compose is used both for development and staging environments.
This is how my project looks like (the application files are not shown):
The Docker Compose files creates all the necessary containers (Nginx, PHP, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, etc.) to run the app in development or staging environment (hence some specific parameters defined in docker-compose.staging.yml).
The app is deployed to the staging environment with this command:
cap staging deploy
The folder architecture on the server is the one of Capistrano:
The following command has been run in the current directory of the staging server to instantiate all the necessary containers to run the app:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.staging.yml up -d
So far so good. Things get more complicated on the next deploy: the current symlink will point to a new directory of the releases directory:
If deploy.rb defines commands that need to be executed inside containers (like docker-compose exec php composer install for PHP), Docker tells that the containers don't exist yet (because the existing ones were created on the previous release folder).
If a docker-compose up -d command is executed in the Capistrano deployment process, I get some errors because of port conflicts (the previous containers still exist).
Do you have an idea on how to solve this issue? Should I move away from Capistrano and do something different?
The idea would be to keep the (near) zero-downtime deployment that Capistrano offers with the flexibility of Docker containers (providing several PHP versions for various apps on the same server for instance).
As far as i understood, you are using capistrano on the host , to redeploy the whole application stack, means containers. So you are using capistrano to orchestrate building, container creation and thus deployment.
While you do so you basically, when running cap deploy
build the app ( based on the current base you pulled on the host ) - probably even includes gulp/grunt/build tasks
then you "package" it into your image using "volume mounts"
during that you start / replace the containers
You do so to get a 'nearly' zero downtime deployment.
If you really care about the downtime and about formalising your deployment process that much, you should do it right by using a proper pipeline implementation for
packaging / ci
deployment / distribution
I do not think capistrano can/should be one of the tools you can use during this strategy. Capistrano is meant for deployment of an application directly on a server using ssh and git as transport. Using cap to build whole images on the target server to then start those as containers, is really over the top, IMHO.
packaging / building
Either use a CI/CD server like jenkins/bamboo/gocd to build an release-image for you application. Assuming only the app is customised in terms of 'release', lets say you have db and app as containers/services, app will include your source-code and will regularly change during releases..
Thus its a CD/CI process to build a new app-image (release) offsite on your CI server. Pulling the source code of your application an packaging it into your image using COPY and then any RUN statement to compile your assets ( npm / gulp / grunt whatever ). That all happens not on the production server, but on the CI/CD agent. Using multistage builds for slim images is encouraged.
Then you push this release-image, lets call this image into your private registry as a new 'version' for deployment.
with downtime (easy)
To deploy into your production or staging server WITH downtime, you would simply do a docker-composer pull && docker-composer up - this will pull the newer image and then start it in your stack - your app is upgraded. Using tagged images in the release stage would require to change the the docker-compose.yml
The server should of course be able to pull from your private repository.
withou downtime (more effort)
Achieving a zero-downtime deployment you should use the blue-green deployment concept. Thus you add a proxy to your setup and do no longer expose the public port from the app, but rather using this proxy public port. Your current live system might be running on a random port 21231, the proxy is forwarding from 443 to 21231.
We are using random ports to avoid the conflict during deploying the "second" system, covering one of the issue you mentioned.
When redeploying, you will only start a "new" container based on the new app-image in addition (to the old one), it gets a new random port 12312 - if you like, run your integration tests agains 12312 directly ( do not use the proxy ). If you are done and happy, reconfigure the proxy to now forward to 12312 - then remove the old container (21231).
If you like to automate the proxy-reconfiguration, which in detail is out of scope for this question, you can use service-discovery and a registrator which makes random ports much more practical and makes it easy to reconfigure you proxy, let it be nginx/haproxy while they are running. Tools would be, for example.
consul watch + consul-template or tiller on the proxy to update the proxy-config
Registator for centralized registration or consul agent client mode with a service-configuration.json (depends on you choice)
I don't think Capistrano is the right tool for the job. This was recently discussed in a PR for SSHKit, which underlies Capistrano.
#EugenMayer does a better job of explaining a "normal" way of using Docker.

Docker and Rails environments

Just starting with this whole Docker thing and I can't wrap my head around one thing:
How does one deal with different dependencies? Let's say in production I don't want to have git, grunt, etc installed, but in development I do.
There's a difference between a container that can run tests, and container that runs in production.
Am I thinking about this wrong?
There are different philosophies on this, but personally, I use Docker to match my production environment as closely as possible so testing with that container anywhere let's me be pretty sure things will just work once I deploy to prod. This is one of the major benefits of Docker-- that you can mimic OS, environment, dependencies, versions, etc... locally before deploying anywhere.
There's nothing wrong with having a separate container development container with added dependencies that you can pass around your team, but to me the main benefit of Docker for development is the ability to test on that simulated prod environment and run the exact same container locally that you will be using in prod once you're ready. No more "but it worked on my machine!" bugs.
docker-rails is a project I just created to make rails with docker (and CI) very easy. I think it can help you and reduce the amount of configuration necessary to get up and running with rails on docker. It deals with multiple environments i.e. development | test | production in one docker-rails.yml file, which is really just a meta configuration/inheritance wrapper over the standard docker-compose.yml.
It will allow you to run a test command set in test, vs development server, or a production setup with different containers. The example in the readme shows elasticsearch used in dev and test, but not staging or production.
I hope that helps.
