For exm, I enter the text in the app and when I start the app next time, that it is still there. As a planner, notes, etc. I don't know if I should somehow use a button or something similar. I tried to find an answer on the Internet, but I didn't find anything that exactly answered my "problem"
We want to assign the input to a variable, which can later be called. This is done differently in different languages. Often a binding $ is used.
I am trying to implement the accessibility to my ios project.
Is there a way to correct the pronunciation of some specific words when the voice-over is turned on? For example, The correct pronunciation of 'speech' is [spiːtʃ], but I want the voice-over to read all the words 'speech' as same as 'speak' [spiːk] during my whole project.
I know there is one way that I can set the accessibility label of any UIElements that I want to change the pronunciation to 'speak'. However, some elements are dynamic. For example, we get the label text from the back-end, but we will never know when the label text will be 'speech'. If I get the words 'speech' from the back end, I would like to hear voice-over read it as 'speak'.
Therefore, I would like to change the setting for the voice-over. Every time, If the words are 'speech', the voice-over will read as 'speak'.
Can I do it?
Short answer.
Yes you can do it, but please do not.
Long Answer
Can I do it?
Yes, of course you can.
Simply fetch the data from the backend and do a find-replace on the string for any words you want spoken differently using a dictionary of words to replace, then add the new version of the string as the accessibility label.
SHOULD you do it?
Absolutely not.
Every time someone tries to "fix" pronunciation it ends up making things a lot worse.
I don't even understand why you would want screen reader users to hear "speak" whenever anyone else sees "speech", it does not make sense and is likely to break the meaning of sentences:
"I attended the speech given last night, it was very informative".
Would transform into:
"I attended the speak given last night, it was very informative"
Screen reader users are used to it.
A screen reader user is used to hearing things said differently (and incorrectly!), my guess is you have not been using a screen reader long enough to get used to the idiosyncrasies of screen reader speech.
Far from helping screen reader users you will actually end up making things worse.
I have only ever overridden screen reader default behaviour twice, once when it was a version number that was being read as a date and once when it was a password manager that read the password back and would try and read things as words.
Other than those very narrow examples I have not come across a reason to change things for a screen reader.
What about braille users?
You could change things because they don't sound right. But braille users also use screen readers and changing things for them could be very confusing (as per the example above of "speech").
What about best practices
"Give assistive technology users as similar an experience as possible to non assistive tech users". That is the number one guiding principle of accessibility, the second you change pronunciations and words, you potentially change the meaning of sentences and therefore offer a different experience.
Summing up
Anyway this is turning into a rant when it isn't meant to be (my apologies, I am just trying to get the point across as I answer similar questions to this quite often!), hopefully you get the idea, leave it alone and present the same info, I haven't even covered different speech synthesizers, language translation and more that using "unnatural" language can interfere with.
The easiest solution is to return a 2nd string from the backend that is used just for the accessibilityLabel.
If you need a bit more control, you can pass an AttributedString as the accessibilityLabel with a number of different options for controlling pronunication
I want to know how to make an application that will emulate a printer with a specific name ("SLP Pro" in my case), and with only ony type of paper ("SLP-SRL Shipping(54x101mm)" in my case).
My goal is to receive print files (I have no idea what type they are, they are from a very old program), and redirect them to a label printer. The problem is that I want my application to only redirect the first page, and nothing else, from the original print file.
My question is following this one: Limit to 1 page all document sent to printer
(It's the same problem as described there, only I have tried all possibilities I had with my current driver for my label printer)
I know there is and, but I really don't know how to use them. Can those solutions handle print files that are not from known application like Word ? (The first one seem to take the file with the extention and redirect it, I really want to take the print file and crop it to only one page)
If my question is too vague, can you please tell me where I can find the good information ? I've found many things that to things a bit like I want to do, but they where not applicable to my situation, and I really don't know where to search now...
I would like to take a name for my application from itunnesconnect. However, the name that I want to take has been taken by someone else. However, if I change default language from English to UK English, that name becomes available. I wonder what if I take that name with default language "UK English". What would be difference ?
As long as the name is not identical to one already in the store, you can use it. However, it is very hard to find apps in the store even if you know their name, so you might want to think about having a spelling that is not common. e.g If there is already a game called Color It and you want to name yours Colour It, there is a good chance that people who are searching for it will find the other one instead of yours.
I have a game that I’ve sold for years on CD called Show Me. That name was taken in the app store so I call mine Show Me… They are completely different apps, so my customers don’t buy the wrong one by mistake.
I also have one called Train Talk! that is based on my CD game Train Talk (without the !). Again, they are completely different apps and my customers won’t accidentally buy the wrong one.
This is what I currently see when I haven't typed anything
In the example above, I have a NSTask instance. As I'm new to Cocoa, I don't have all the messages memorized. If I look at the NSTask class reference, I see this:
What I want to see when I autocomplete with nothing typed are NSTask's own methods before NSObject's. I realize I can just bring up the docs to find the names, but I find that switching out of Xcode can break my train of thought. I find myself just typing letters to guess what the message is. In NSTask's case with "launchedTaskWithLaunchPath", I wasn't even close. If I was able to just type [NSTask and push ESC to see static initializers, it would probably save me time.
Is this possible, or is there a way to narrow my scope in the autocomplete dropdown?
I don't know if my approach to this is fundamentally wrong, but I'm struggling to get my head around a (seemingly trivial?!) localisation issue.
I want to display the title of a 'System' UITabBarItem (More, Favorites, Featured, etc...) in a navigation bar. But where do I get the string from? The strings file of the MainWindow.nib doesn't contain the string (I didn't expect it to) and reading the title of the TabBarItem returns nil, which is what stumped me.
I've been told, there's no way to achieve it and I'll just have to add my own localised string for the terms in question. But I simply don't (want to) believe that!! That's maybe easy enough in some languages, but looking up, say, "More" in already presents me with more than one possible word in some languages. I'm not happy about simply sending these words for translation either, because it still depends on the translator knowing exactly which term Apple uses. So am I missing something simple here? What do other people do?
Obviously, setting the system language on my test device and simply looking to see what titles the Tab Items have is another 'obvious' possibility. But I really have a problem with half baked workarounds like that. That'll work for most languages, but I'm really gonna have fun when it comes to Russian or Japanese.
I'm convinced there must be a more reliable way to do this. Surely there must be a .strings file somewhere in the SDK that has these strings defined?
Thanks in advance...
The simple and unfortunate answer is that aside from a very few standard elements (e.g. a Back button), you need to localize all strings yourself. Yes, UIKit has its own Localization.strings file but obviously that's outside of your app sandbox so you don't have access to it.
I filed a bug with Apple years ago about providing OS-level localization for common button titles, tab item labels, etc. That bug is still open but obviously they haven't done it yet (sorry, I don't have the radar # handy).