Reading address from environmental variable or hardhat - environment-variables

I'm new at solidity.
I've put here the snippet of code:
import "#chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
contract Example {
AggregatorV3Interface internal priceFeed;
* Network: Goerli
* Aggregator: ETH/USD
* Address: 0xD4a33860578De61DBAbDc8BFdb98FD742fA7028e
constructor() {
priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(
owner = msg.sender;
And if you see, the parameter that I need to send to AggregatorV3Interface is static 0xD4a33860578De61DBAbDc8BFdb98FD742fA7028e.
To me, that doesn't look optimized enough. Because right now, I'm playing with this function for Goerli, but if I were to deploy this contract to Etherium mainnet, I would have to change that address manually. Even if you go to chainlink website, they have it like this.
Is there a better way? I would like to have some variable that I would set, and read from it? Or maybe some custom variable setting from hardhat, that I'm using.
priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(env.proccess.address); Would be desired, or anything dynamic.

Usual approach is to pass the address to Solidity constructor from a JS (or any other offchain language) script that reads from the environment variable.
JS deployer script
const hre = require("hardhat");
async function main() {
const factory = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("Example");
// pass constructor arguments to the `deploy()` function
const contract = await factory.deploy(process.env.AGGREGATOR_ADDRESS);
await contract.deployed();
main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;
Solidity contract
pragma solidity ^0.8;
import "#chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
contract Example {
AggregatorV3Interface internal priceFeed;
constructor(address _aggregator) {
priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(_aggregator);


Provide function context in dart

So i need to run some code that needs to get some data later.
I imagine it like:
voin runWithContext(void Function () fn, dynamic context) {
// ... magic
And later in the call stack of fn()
void otherFn() {
dynamic context = getContext();
If functions are not async we could just store the context as global variable, but the main requirement to support dart:async
I was looking into dart:mirrors and stacktrace but i can't find no way to bind some data.
You can do this with Zones.
Zones, and their "zone variables" are the canonical way to create a context that is preserved throughout an asynchronous computation).
Since you want single global function to access the context, it will have to be untyped (or typed at the one type that you need, but not generally reusable). That would me me want to reconsider the design, but if it works for you, I'd do it as:
import "dart:async";
/// Container for a mutable value.
class _Context {
dynamic value;
final _Context _rootContext = _Context();
R runWithNewContext<R>(R Function() body) =>
runZoned(body, zoneValues: {
#_context: _Context()..value = context,
dynamic get context => (Zone.current[#_context] ?? _rootContext).value;
set context(dynamic value) {
(Zone.current[#_context] ?? _rootContext).value = value;
If you don't need the mutability, you can simplify things a little, but not much.
The typed and unmodifable alternative is something like
class _Box { // Distinguishable from `null`, even if value is `null`
final Object? value;
class ZoneStorage<T> {
final _Box _initialValue;
ZoneStorage(T initialValue) : _initialValue = _Box(initialValue);
R update<R>(T newValue, R Function() body) =>
runZoned(body, zoneValues: {this: _Box(newValue)});
T get value =>
(Zone.current[this] as _Box? ?? _initialValue).value as T;
That allows you to create multiple independent zone stores, like:
var zs1 = ZoneStorage<int>(1);
var zs2 = ZoneStorage<String>("yup");
zs1.update(42, () {
zs2.update("yup yup yup", () {
So the thing that is need is
Hope that answer will help someone else

How to use Dart's analysis server method search.findTopLevelDeclarations?

I'm trying to get list of top level class declarations with Dart's analysis server. So, I'm sending search.findTopLevelDeclarations request, but search results are always empty.
It seems to me that analysis server don't know where to search. I've tried to set my project's root as execution context (execution.createContext) root and/or analysis root (analysis.setAnalysisRoots), but search results are still empty.
What should I do to make server understand where to search declarations?
Never played with this before so I got into quite a journey...
I don't know how you are interacting with the analysis server but I have made a working example using the analysis_server_client package. One problem doing that is that the version on is quite old so I ended up fetching the version from the stable branch of Dart SDK:
You can then import the package in your pubspec.yaml by doing:
path: /path/to/analysis_server_client
I then made a simplified version of the example code from:
import 'dart:io' show exit;
import 'package:analysis_server_client/handler/connection_handler.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_client/handler/notification_handler.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_client/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server_client/server.dart';
final server = Server();
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
const targetDirPath = r'C:\tmp\simple_project';
const searchPattern = 'main';
// Launch the server
await server.start();
// Connect to the server
final handler = _Handler(server);
server.listenToOutput(notificationProcessor: handler.handleEvent);
if (!await handler.serverConnected(timeLimit: const Duration(seconds: 15))) {
AnalysisSetAnalysisRootsParams([targetDirPath], const []).toJson());
class _Handler with NotificationHandler, ConnectionHandler {
final Server server;
void onSearchResults(SearchResultsParams params) {
print('-- Start of result --');
print('-- End of result --');
The project at C:\tmp\simple_project is a simple project created with the following which means it just contains a single main method:
dart create -t console-simple simple_project
When I run my analyzer program I get the following output:
-- Start of result --
{"location":{"file":"C:\\tmp\\simple_project\\bin\\simple_project.dart","offset":5,"length":4,"startLine":1,"startColumn":6,"endLine":1,"endColumn":10},"kind":"DECLARATION","isPotential":false,"path":[{"kind":"FUNCTION","name":"main","location":{"file":"C:\\tmp\\simple_project\\bin\\simple_project.dart","offset":5,"length":4,"startLine":1,"startColumn":6,"endLine":1,"endColumn":10},"flags":8,"parameters":"(List<String> arguments)","returnType":"void"},{"kind":"COMPILATION_UNIT","name":"simple_project.dart","location":{"file":"C:\\tmp\\simple_project\\bin\\simple_project.dart","offset":0,"length":0,"startLine":1,"startColumn":1,"endLine":1,"endColumn":1},"flags":16},{"kind":"LIBRARY","name":"","location":{"file":"C:\\tmp\\simple_project\\bin\\simple_project.dart","offset":0,"length":0,"startLine":1,"startColumn":1,"endLine":1,"endColumn":1},"flags":0}]}
-- End of result --
If I change searchPattern to an empty String, I gets a long list of top level declarations around the default included Dart SDK libraries. I am sure there are a way to exclude those.
But as far as I can see, the searchPattern is a regular expression tested against the name of each top level declaration and includes the declaration if its name contain any part of the regular expression.
I found the code responsible for the search here:
Future<List<SearchMatch>> searchTopLevelDeclarations(String pattern) async {
var allElements = <Element>{};
var regExp = RegExp(pattern);
var drivers = _drivers.toList();
for (var driver in drivers) {
var elements = await;
Which calls into:
/// Returns top-level elements with names matching the given [regExp].
Future<List<Element>> topLevelElements(RegExp regExp) async {
List<Element> elements = <Element>[];
void addElement(Element element) {
if (!element.isSynthetic && regExp.hasMatch(element.displayName)) {
List<FileState> knownFiles = _driver.fsState.knownFiles.toList();
for (FileState file in knownFiles) {
var unitResult = await _driver.getUnitElement(file.path);
if (unitResult is UnitElementResult) {
CompilationUnitElement unitElement = unitResult.element;
return elements;

Vaadin 14: sending data from a web component to server

How can i send data from client to server using html5 webcomponent
setting up data from server to client, is very easy, works like a charm
how ever cannot find solution to send data to server
Please assist, but Iam not going to use Lit or Polymer
class SimpleComponent extends HtmlElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="test"/>";
this._input = this.querySelector('#test');
this._input.onchange = function() {
***** i want to send the value to server ****
setInputValue(value) {
this._input.value = value;
Now Java at Server
class SimpleComponent extends Component {
public SimpleComponent() {
public void setValue(String value) {
The main challenge compared to Polymer or LitElement is that an event handler defined using the pattern innerElement.onchange = function() {} will not be run with this referencing the custom element instance. This in turn means that trying to use this.$server won't work because this isn't pointing to the expected value even though $server is indeed present in the place where it's supposed to be.
The easiest way of fixing this is to change the code to use an arrow function (() => {}) instead of an explicit function. This works because arrow functions inherit this from the scope where the function is defined whereas explicit functions have this defined in different ways depending on how it is run. Another approach would be to store a reference to this in a separate variable (e.g. let root = this) and then reference that variable instead of this in the function (e.g root.$server.doSomething()).
Putting everything together, this is what the code looks like with my modifications to make everything work.
class SimpleComponent extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="test"/>';
this._input = this.querySelector('#test');
this._input.onchange = () => {
setValue(value) {
this._input.value = value;
customElements.define("simple-com", SimpleComponent);

AWS CDK- Access resource from other stack

Suppose i have a resource, say stepfunction activity, in one stack. How can i access it's arn in other stack?
I found CfnConstruct suitables for exporting ( As of now i have used CfnConstruct to export it:
this.initiateValidationActivityArn = new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'InitiateValidationActivityArn', {
value: igvsStateMachine.initiateValidationActivity.activityArn
Now how can i access it in other file. I have tried this:
But value is private to construct so can't use it.
If you have the stacks in one deployable cdk-app, you can access the property value from the stack by making it accessible from outside / not-private.
What I recommend doing is to keep it readonly so that it can't be re-initialized from outside the stack.
// file: ./lib/first-stack.ts
// import statements
export class FirstStack extends Stack {
readonly vpc: IVpc;
constructor(...) {
// setup
this.vpc = new Vpc(this, "VPC", {...});
In the dependent stack, you can pass it via (custom) props.
// file: ./lib/second-stack.ts
export interface SecondStackProps extends StackProps {
importedVpc: IVpc;
export class SecondStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: SecondStackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const importedVpc = props.importedVpc;
// do sth. with your imported resource
Why is that working you may ask...?
It works because CDK generates the Resource IDs and during the synth phase it can put the tokens for the resources inside the generated templates.
This doesn't work, when you have separated cdk-apps / deployments of stacks, because CDK can't resolve the (existing) Resource ID Tokens during cdk-synth.
With that, you need to have another approach:
// file: ./lib/first-stack-separated-deployment.ts
// import statements
export class FirstStackSeparatedDeployment extends Stack {
cfnVpcId: CfnOutput;
constructor(...) {
// setup
const vpc = new Vpc(this, "VPC", {...});
this.cfnVpcId= new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "FirstStackCfnVpcId", {
value: vpc.vpcId,
exportName: "UniqueNameForYourVpcId"
In the other stack, which requires the already deployed resource, you do the following:
// file: ./lib/second-stack-separated-deployment.ts
export class SecondStackSeparatedDeployment extends Stack {
constructor(...) {
// setup
const vpcId = Fn.importValue("UniqueNameForYourVpcId")
const importedVpc = ec2.Vpc.fromVpcAttributes(this, "ImportedVpc", {
vpcId: vpcId,
availabilityZones: [this.region],
// proceed further...
Basically, you take the exportName from the CfnOutput Construct as an identifier and import it via the core Fn.importValue.
With that approach, the first stack already needs to be deployed.

How can I use Reflection (Mirrors) to access the method names in a Dart Class?

I need to "fetch" the methods in a Dart Class.
How can I do this?
And I want to be able to call the methods.
May I see an example?
Here's an easy copy-pasteable code sample:
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:io';
main() {
var im = reflect(new File('test')); // Retrieve the InstanceMirror of some class instance.
im.type.methods.values.forEach((MethodMirror method) => print(method.simpleName));
Output is:
Here is a basic example:
(Note: You will want to have a (very) up to date version of the SDK for this, this was done in Dart Editor version 0.2.1_r14167, Dart SDK version Nov 2, 2012)
My most sincere Thanks to Gilad of the Google Dart Team for providing this example!
class MyClass {
String _test;
String get test => _test;
set test(String paramVal) => _test = paramVal;
void my_method() {
void print_test(){
print("test string is: ${_test}");
MyClass(String test) {
_test = test;
main() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass("Make my day, PUNK.");
//ClassMirror myClassMirror = reflect(myClass).type;
InstanceMirror myClassInstanceMirror = reflect(myClass);
ClassMirror MyClassMirror = myClassInstanceMirror.type;
Map<String, MethodMirror> map = MyClassMirror.methods;
print("map = ${map}");
map.values.forEach( (MethodMirror mm){
Concerning Reflection I have just written a couple of "Helper Functions" for fetching a LIST of the method names (not a Map) and invoking the method... all I can say for sure is that it works right now. There are likely technical reasons for not doing it this way - but in my case this does not run in a complex environment. However, I do think they nicely mask over a lot of details that not everybody is going to want to deal with.
Here's a functioning demonstration with and without the Helper functions:
class MyClass {
String _test;
String get test => _test;
set test(String paramVal) => _test = paramVal;
void my_method1(){print("in method1");}
void my_method2(){print("in method2");}
void print_test(){
print("test string is: ${_test}");
MyClass(String test) {
_test = test;
//Helper Methods
InstanceMirror hMr;
List REFLECT_methods(Object myClass) {hMr=reflect(myClass);return(hMr.type.methods.values);}
REFLECT_invoke(MethodMirror mm){hMr.invoke(mm.simpleName, []);}
main() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass("Make my day, PUNK.");
print("\n=======Using Raw Reflection================");
InstanceMirror myClassInstanceMirror = reflect(myClass);
ClassMirror MyClassMirror = myClassInstanceMirror.type;
Map<String, MethodMirror> map1 = MyClassMirror.methods;
map1.values.forEach( (MethodMirror mm){
print("\n==========Using Helper functions=============");
List list2 = REFLECT_methods(myClass);
