Getting Value of a Join Field in Siebel without refreshing - join

I created a join in BC1 having table T1. Join was with T2 which is a DB View Table. When i created a new record in UI, the value of join field needs a refresh to populate it's values.
How can i get values from join without refreshing the applet?


How to get the table name from a column in a join query with SQL Server and FIREDAC?

I looking for get metadata on a TFDQuery (FireDAC).
I have this query:
FROM Table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 t2 ON t1.Code = t2.code
I would like to know the column information (table name, the real column name in the table, ....)
I find this post : How to get the table name from a field in a join query with MSSQL? (mysql_field_table equivalent) but I have not the same structure on FireDac.
As RBA already mentioned you have to enable ExtendedMetaData in the connection first. When done you can get the field column description via query.GetFieldColumn(field) and access the table and column name with its ActualOriginTabName and ActualOriginColName properties.
column := query.GetFieldColumn(field);
orgTableName := column.ActualOriginTabName;
orgColumnName := column.ActualOriginColName;

Optimizing SQL query using JOIN instead of NOT IN

I have a sql query that I'd like to optimize. I'm not the designer of the database, so I have no way of altering structure, indexes or stored procedures.
I have a table that consists of invoices (called faktura) and each invoice has a unique invoice id. If we have to cancel the invoice a secondary invoice is created in the same table but with a field ("modpartfakturaid") referring to the original invoice id.
Example of faktura table:
invoice 1: Id=152549, modpartfakturaid=null
invoice 2: Id=152592, modpartfakturaid=152549
We also have a table called "BHLFORLINIE" which consists of services rendered to the customer. Some of the services have already been invoiced and match a record in the invoice (FAKTURA) table.
What I'd like to do is get a list of all services that either does not have an invoice yet or does not have an invoice that's been cancelled.
What I'm doing now is this:
dbo.BHLFORLINIE.LeveringsDato AS treatmentDate,
dbo.PatientView.Navn AS patientName,
dbo.PatientView.CPRNR AS patientCPR
INNER JOIN dbo.PatientView
ON dbo.PatientView.PersonID = dbo.BHLFORLOEB.PersonID
ON dbo.HENVISNING.BhlForloebID = dbo.BHLFORLOEB.BhlForloebID
ON dbo.BHLFORLINIE.FakturaId = FAKTURA.FakturaId
(dbo.BHLFORLINIE.LeveringsDato >= '2017-01-01' OR dbo.BHLFORLINIE.FakturaId IS NULL) AND
dbo.BHLFORLINIE.ProduktNr IN (110,111,112,113,8050,4001,4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007,4008,4009,6001,6002,6003,6004,6005,6006,6007,6008,7001,7002,7003,7004,7005,7006,7007,7008) AND
((dbo.FAKTURA.FakturaType = 0 AND
dbo.FAKTURA.FakturaID NOT IN (
)) OR
dbo.FAKTURA.FakturaType IS NULL)
Is there a smarter way of doing this? Right now the added the query performs three times slower because of the "not in" subquery.
Any help is much appreciated!
You can use an outer join and check for null values to find non matches
FROM invoices i
INNER JOIN customer ON i.customerId = customer.customerId
LEFT OUTER JOIN invoices i2 ON i.invoiceId = i2.cancelInvoiceId
WHERE i2.invoiceId IS NULL

Join tables in Hive using LIKE

I am joining tbl_A to tbl_B, on column CustomerID in tbl_A to column Output in tbl_B which contains customer ID. However, tbl_B has all other information in related rows that I do not want to lose when joining. I tried to join using like, but I lost rows that did not contain customer ID in the output column.
Here is my join query in Hive:
select a.*, b.Output from tbl_A a
left join tbl_B b
On b.Output like concat('%', a.CustomerID, '%')
However, I lose other rows from output.
You could also achieve the objective by a simple hive query like this :)
select a.*, b.Output
from tbl_A a, tbl_B b
where b.Output like concat('%', a.CustomerID, '%')
I would suggest first extract all ID's from free floating field which in your case is 'Output' column in table B into a separate table. Then join this table with ID's to Table B again to populate in each row the ID and then this second joined table which is table B with ID's to table A.
Hope this helps.

SQLite select distinct join query how to

I have a sqlite database that I'm trying to build a query. The table column I need to retrieve is iEDLID from the table below :
Right now all I have to go on is a known iEventID from the table below :
And the the nClientLocationID from the table below.
So the requirements are I need to get current iEDLID to write, lookup from tblEventDateLocations for dEventDate and the tblLocation.nClientLocationID based on the tblLocations.iLocationID I already have and event selected on this screen.
So I would need a query that does a "SELECT DISTINCT table EventDateLocations.iEDLID FROM tblEventDateLocations ...."
So basically from another query I have the iEventID I need, and I have the event ID i need but where the dEventDate=(select date('now')) I need to retrieve the iEventDateID from table EventDates.iEventDateID to use on the table EventDateLocations
this is the point where I'm trying to wrap my head around the joins for this query and the syntax...
It seems like you want this:
select distinct edl.iEDLDID
tblEventDateLocations edl
join tblEventDates ed on edl.EventDateId = ed.EventDateId
ed.EventId = ?
and ed.dEventDate = date('now')
and edl.nClientLocationID = ?
where the ? of course represent the known event ID and location ID parameters.
Since nClientLocationId appears on table tblEventDateLocations you do not need to join table tblLocations unless you want to filter out results whose location ID does not appear in that table.

CREATE new TABLE from a query on another TABLE using ADO

I need to CREATE a new table from a query on existing tables using ADO query.
DB is MS Access 2003. Is there a simple way to recreate this?
CREATE TABLE tmp_report
SELECT Userid, Name,
DATE(CheckTime) AS date,
MIN(CheckTime) AS first_login,
MAX(checktime) AS last_login,
COUNT(CheckTime) AS No_logins,
IF(COUNT(CheckTime) = 1, 'ERROR',
TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(max(checktime), min(CheckTime))) AS total_sec
Checkinout LEFT JOIN Userinfo USING(Userid)
Userid, DATE(CheckTime)
Userid, DATE(CheckTime);
To CREATE a new table from a query on existing tables, you can use SELECT INTO(this creates a new table) or INSERT INTO SELECT(this inserts into an existing table) statements.
Check this MSDN page, it has nice examples that you need.
