Why aren't assertions such as $ and ^ part of a regular grammar? - parsing

I read that $ and ^ are not elements of a (formal) regular expression. Why is this so? First of all, wouldn't the ^ start-of-string essentially be the initial state of the state diagram? So, for example, why couldn't a FSM look like this to capture ^a$?
-> q1 ---> q2
And, if this isn't allowed, is it because there is something that would inherently disobey how Regular Expression are defined? Or is merely that assertions were introduced after Regular Expressions were first defined, and so aren't included?


Validating expressions in the parser

I am working on a SQL grammar where pretty much anything can be an expression, even places where you might not realize it. Here are a few examples:
-- using an expression on the list indexing
SELECT ([1,2,3])[(select 1) : (select 1 union select 1 limit 1)];
Of course this is an extreme example, but my point being, many places in SQL you can use an arbitrarily nested expression (even when it would seem "Oh that is probably just going to allow a number or string constant).
Because of this, I currently have one long rule for expressions that may reference itself, the following being a pared down example:
grammar DBParser;
options { caseInsensitive=true; }
statement:select_statement EOF;
: 'SELECT' expr
'WHERE' expr // The WHERE clause should only allow a BoolExpr
: expr '=' expr # EqualsExpr
| expr 'OR' expr # BoolExpr
| ATOM # ConstExpr
ATOM: [0-9]+ | '\'' [a-z]+ '\'';
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
With sample input SELECT 1 WHERE 'abc' OR 1=2. However, one place I do want to limit what expressions are allowed is in the WHERE (and HAVING) clause, where the expression must be a boolean expression, in other words WHERE 1=1 is valid, but WHERE 'abc' is invalid. In practical terms what this means is the top node of the expression must be a BoolExpr. Is this something that I should modify in my parser rules, or should I be doing this validation downstream, for example in the semantic phase of validation? Doing it this way would probably be quite a bit simpler (even if the lexer rules are a bit lax), as there would be so much indirection and probably indirect left-recursion involved that it would become incredibly convoluted. What would be a good approach here?
Your intuition is correct that breaking this out would probably create indirect left recursion. Also, is it possible that an IDENTIFIER could represent a boolean value?
This is the point of #user207421's comment. You can't fully capture types (i.e. whether an expression is boolean or not) in the parser.
The parser's job (in the Lexer & Parser sense), put fairly simply, is to convert your input stream of characters into the a parse tree that you can work with. As long as it gives a parse tree that is the only possible way to interest the input (whether it is semantically valid or not), it has served its purpose. Once you have a parse tree then during semantic validation, you can consider the expression passed as a parameter to your where clause and determine whether or not it has a boolean value (this may even require consulting a symbol table to determine the type of an identifier). Just like your semantic validation of an OR expression will need to determine that both the lhs and rhs are, themselves, boolean expressions.
Also consider that even if you could torture the parser into catching some of your type exceptions, the error messages you produce from semantic validation are almost guaranteed to be more useful than the generated syntax errors. The parser only catches syntax errors, and it should probably feel a bit "odd" to consider a non-boolean expression to be a "syntax error".

How is the conditional operator parsed?

So, the cppreference claims:
The expression in the middle of the conditional operator (between ? and :) is parsed as if parenthesized: its precedence relative to ?: is ignored.
However, it appears to me that the part of the expression after the ':' operator is also parsed as if it were between parentheses. I've tried to implement the ternary operator in my programming language (and you can see the results of parsing expressions here), and my parser pretends that the part of the expression after ':' is also parenthesized. For example, for the expression (1?1:0?2:0)-1, the interpreter for my programming language outputs 0, and this appears to be compatible with C. For instance, the C program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
Outputs 0.
Had I programmed the parser of my programming language that, when parsing the ternary operators, simply take the first already parsed node after ':' and take it as the third operand to '?:', it would output the same as ((1?1:0)?2:0)-1, that is 1.
My question is whether this would (pretending that the expression after the ':' is parenthesized) always be compatible with C?
"Pretends that it is parenthesised" is some kind of description of operator parenthesis. But of course that has to be interpreted relative to precedence relations (including associativity). So in a-b*c and a*b-c, the subtraction effectively acts as though its arguments are parenthesised, only the left-hand argument is treated that way in a-b-c and it is the comparison operator which causes grouping in a<b-c and a-b<c.
I'm sure you know all that since your parser seems to work for all these cases, but I say that because the ternary operator is right-associative and of lower precedence than any other operator [Note 1]. That means that the pseudo-parentheses imposed by operator precedence surround the right-hand argument (regardless of its dominating operator, since all operators have higher precedence), and also the left-hand argument unless its dominating operator is another conditional operator. But that wouldn't be the case in C, where the comma operator has lower precedence and would not be enclosed by the imaginary parentheses following the :.
It's important to understand what is meant by the precedence of a complex operator. In effect, to compute the precedence relations we first collapse the operator to a simple ?: which includes the enclosed (second) argument. This is not "as if the expression were parenthesized", because it is parenthesized. It is parenthesized between ? and :, which in this context are syntactically parenthetic.
In this sense, it is very similar to the usual analysis of the subscript operator as a postfix operator, although the brackets of the subscript operator enclose a second argument. The precedence of the subscript operator is logically what would result from considering it to be a single [], abstracting away the expression contained inside. This is also the same as the function call operator. That happens to be written with parentheses, but the precise symbols are not important: it is possible to imagine an alternative language in which function calls are written with different symbols, perhaps { and }. That wouldn't affect the grammar at all.
It might seem odd to think of ? and : to be "parenthetic", since they don't look parenthetic. But a parser doesn't see the shapes of the symbols. It is satisfied by being told that a ( is closed by a ) and, in this case, that a ? is closed by a :. [Note 2]
Having said all that, I tried your compiler on the conditional expression
d = 0 ? 0 : n / d
It parses this expression correctly, but the compiled code computes n / d before verifying whether d = 0 is true. That's not the way the conditional operator should work; in this case, it will lead to an unexpected divide by 0 exception. The conditional operator must first evaluate its left-hand argument, and then evaluate exactly one of the other two expressions.
In C, this is not quite correct. The comma operator has lower precedence, and there is a more complex interaction with assignment operators, which logically have the same precedence and are also right-associative.
In C-like languages those symbols are not used for any other purpose, so it's OK to just regard them as strange-looking parentheses and leave it at that. But as the case of the function-call operator shows (or, for that matter, the unary - operator), it is sometimes possible to reuse operator symbols for more than one purpose.
As a curiosity, it is not strictly necessary that open and close parentheses be different symbols, as long as they are not used for any other purpose. So, for example, if | is not used as an operator symbol (as it is in C), then you could use | a | to mean the absolute value of a without creating any ambiguities.
A precise analysis of the circumstances in which symbol reuse leads to actual ambiguities is beyond the scope of this answer.

What does the syntax condition `!` (labelled "except") do?

The Rascal grammar contains a production for syntax rules that's not documented:
| except: Sym symbol "!" NonterminalLabel
It acts syntactically like a follow condition and is in a section commented as "conditional". I see that it's used in the Rascal grammar itself. The NonterminalLabel is for individual production rules (not a production with all its alternates). So what does this condition do?
if ‘E ! add’ occurs in a rule then it simply means E but the rule labeled "add" for E will be as-if not existing.
This restriction goes only one level deep, so recursive E's will have the "add" rule again.
For example:
syntax E
= id: Id
| app: E "(" {E!comma ","}* ")"
> left mul: E "*" E
> left add: E "+" E
> right comma: E "," E
The E in {E ","}* of the function application rule is restricted to not be the comma expression, in order to avoid syntactic ambiguity.
The benefit here is that you do not have to introduce yet another non-terminal which also logically represents expressions.
The pitfall is that the ! operator is a hard restriction and thus may make the accepted language actually smaller: use of ! may lead to unexpected parse errors if not used carefully.
Side note: The ! operator is the primitive constraint type used to model the priority (>) and associative (left, right) semantics as well, but those are transitive and checked for safety, etc. This on the other hand is a brutal removal of a definition and thus may change the accepted sentences of your language.

Error: Unexpected infix operator in expression, about a successfully compiled prefix operator

Playing around a little bit with infix operators, I was surprised about the following:
let (>~~~) = function null -> String.Empty | s -> s // compiles fine, see screenshot
match >~~~ input with .... // error: Unexpected infix operator in expression
Changing the first characters of the prefix operator (to !~~~ for instance) fixes it. That I get an error that the infix operator is unexpected is rather weird. Hovering shows the definition to be string -> string.
I'm not too surprised about the error, F# requires (iirc) that the first character of a prefix operator must itself be one of the predefined prefix operators. But why does it compile just fine, and when I use it, the compiler complains?
Update: the F# compiler seems to know in other cases just fine when I use an invalid character in my operator definition, it says "Invalid operator definition. Prefix operator definitions must use a valid prefix operator name."
The rules for custom operators in F# are quite tight - so even though you can define custom operators, there is a lot of rules about how they will behave and you cannot change those. In particular:
Only some operators (mainly those with ! and ~) can be used as prefix operators. With ~ you can also overload unary operators +, -, ~ and ~~, so if you define an operator named ~+., you can then use it as e.g. +. 42.
Other operators (including those starting with >) can only be used as infix. You can turn any operator into ordinary function using parentheses, which is why e.g. (+) 1 2 is valid.
The ? symbols is special (it is used for dynamic invocation) and cannot appear as the first symbol of a custom operator.
I think the most intuitive way of thinking about this is that custom operators will behave like standard F# operators, but you can add additional symbols after the standard operator name.

Faulty bison reduction using %glr-parser and %merge rules

Currently I'm trying to build a parser for VHDL which
has some of the problems C++-Parsers have to face.
The context-free grammar of VHDL produces a parse
forest rather than a single parse tree because of it's
ambiguity regarding function calls and array subscriptions
foo := fun(3) + arr(5);
This assignment can only be parsed unambiguous if the parser
would carry around a hirachically, type-aware symbol table
which it'd use to resolve the ambiguities somewhat on-the-fly.
I don't want to do this, because for statements like the
aforementioned, the parse forest would not grow exponentially, but
rather linear depending on the amount of function calls and
array subscriptions.
(Except, of course, one would torture the parser with statements like)
foo := fun(fun(fun(fun(fun(4)))));
Since bison forces the user to just create one single parse-tree,
I used %merge attributes to collect all subtrees recursively and
added those subtrees under so called AMBIG nodes in the singleton
The result looks like this.
In order to produce the above, I parsed the token stream "I=I(N);".
The substance of the grammar I used inside the parse.y file, is
collected below. It tries to resemble the ambiguous parts of VHDL:
start: prog
/* I cut out every semantic action to make this
text more readable */
prog: assignment ';'
| prog assignment ';'
assignment: 'I' '=' expression
expression: function_call %merge <stmtmerge2>
| array_indexing %merge <stmtmerge2>
| 'N'
function_call: 'I' '(' expression ')'
| 'I'
array_indexing: function_call '(' expression ')' %merge <stmtmerge>
| 'I' '(' expression ')' %merge <stmtmerge>
The whole sourcecode can be read at this github repository.
And now, let's get down to the actual Problem.
As you can see in the generated parse tree above,
the nodes FCALL1 and ARRIDX1 refer to the same
single node EXPR1 which in turn refers to N1 twice.
This, by all means, should not have happened and I don't
know why. Instead there should be the paths
FCALL1 -> EXPR2 -> N2
ARRIDX1 -> EXPR1 -> N1
Do you have any idea why bison reuses the aforementioned
I also wrote a bugreport on the official gnu mailing
list for bison, without a reply to this point though.
Unfortunately, due to the restictions for new stackoverflow
users, I can't provide no link to this bug report...
That behaviour is expected.
expression can be unambiguously reduced, and that reduced value is used by both possible ambiguous reductions which include the value. Remember that GLR, like LR, is a left-to-right parser. When a reduction action is executed, all of the child reductions have already happened. The effect is not different from the use of a terminal in a right-hand side; the terminal will not be artificially copied in order to produce different instances in the ambiguous productions which use it.
For most people, this would be a feature rather than a bug, and I don't mean that as a joke. Without the graph-structured stack, GLR has exponential run-time. If you really want to do a deep copy of shared AST nodes when you merge parse trees, you will have to do it yourself, but I suggest that you find a way to make use of the fact that the parse forest is really an directed acyclic graph rather than a tree; you will probably be able to take advantage of the lack of duplication.
