Navigating within Tab Controller - ios

I am pretty new to Xcode and Swift (though plenty of experience with other languages) and am stuck on a rather trivial problem.
I set up a basic login/register page that goes into the main page of the app (a tab view controller) but I want there to be a unique navigation bar per tab. In the First Tab (Main View Controller) I want to be able to Log Out (go all the way back to the Login screen) as well as click the "+" which will show a new view controller. I had this all working before adding the Tab Controller.
Now that I have the Tab Controller, the Tab Controller is overriding the navigation bar section and I am stuck with the standard "< Back" button on the navigation bar. I have tried some tricks with hiding and showing navigation bars but no luck. My First Tab (Main View Controller) now only shows the "< Back" and not the Log Out and "+".
Furthermore, once the Log Out button is showing I need to get it to go all the way back to the login screen. I attached a picture to help.
XCode: 14.2
Swift: 5.7

Here's how I would setup the storyboard. Start by ignoring the need to login for a moment.
Make the tab bar controller the initial view controller of your storyboard.
Each tab of the tab bar controller should have its own navigation controller, if needed. In other words, a tab can either be a single view controller or it can be a stack of view controllers managed by a tab-specific navigation controller.
Now add the login controller as a controller that is presented modally over the tab bar controller.
On app startup you can immediately present the login controller over the tab bar controller if the user needs to login. Once the user successfully logs in you dismiss the login controller revealing the tab bar controller.
Later on when the user chooses to logout you present the login controller modally over the tab bar controller again.


Hide tabbar on one viewcontroller Xcode

I have a tabbed application in Xcode. I don't want my user to see the tab bar unless he logs in. My viewcontroller's name is Login
First present the login view controller which handles the input and validation of user credentials.
In case of success, present the tab bar controller either by replacing window root view controller (initially the login controller) or by pushing the tab bar controller on navigation stack (in this case the navigation controller is the initial view controller).

Having problems with combined tab bar and navigation bar controllers

I am having a problem with the back button not going to the previous view controller despite me using segues (via push). I think there is a problem since I saw this line on Apple's documentation saying
"An app that uses a tab bar controller can also use navigation controllers in one or more tabs. When combining these two types of view controller in the same user interface, the tab bar controller always acts as the wrapper for the navigation controllers."
But I want to be able to use a login screen which then moves onto a couple of screens before getting to a tab bar controller therefore not having the navigation bar wrapped in the tab bar controller. I know many popular apps use this, for example Instagram where you login then it shows the tab bar controller.
My current app layout is this;
Root navigation controller -> login -> meals (gif) -> tab controller (navigation controller for each tab (as per link) -> (My Rota/ My Meals/ Shopping List/ Item)
How to implement tab bar controller with navigation controller in right way
It looks like it is behaving as expected, the back button is for your root navigation controller and when you use the 'back' button it pops your tab bar controller. I actually expected you to see two navigation bars, your root one and the one in the My Meals tab, unless you hide one.
You could hide the root navigation bar when you push the tab bar, but you'll probably need a button in each tab's navigation bar which pops the tab bar from the root navigational controller.
Beyowulf's suggestion of presenting it as a modal is another option.

SWRevealController not working with NavigationController

In my previous question, i asked about including a log in page with my SWRevealController slide out menu before moving onto a home page. The solution was the following set up:
However, i need a navigation bar in order to house the button to open the menu (the navigation bar wont cover the status bar). When i insert a NavigationController in the following way, the menu no longer works
Why does this happen?
Put your Navigation Controller before Login/Signup Controller, then in viewWillAppear of Login/Signup Controller, hide the navigation bar

login view controller and main tab bar controller

I have an app that should either show a login page or a main tab bar controller.
What's the best way to set this up? For now I'm starting out with an empty view controller and then either presenting a navigation controller for the login flow, or a tab bar controller for the main app. This means the entire contents of my app live within a modally presented view. Is that bad?
How do most people handle this?
I assume most people set the tab bar as their default view and present a modal login controller above it if necessary. Then when you log in you can just dismiss the login controller and you are back at your tab bar controller.
Your method should work just fine though.

Implementing a slide-out menu bar after a login screen in xcode

I have been following the appcoda tutorial ( on how to implement a slide-out menu bar for my app using SWRevealViewController. I am wanting to show the slide out menu after the user has logged in.
My root view is the login page. I created a reveal view controller like the tutorial, and put it after the login page. However, when I get to my root view, it displays a back button instead of my slide out bar. In the console, I am getting errors such as "Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted." and "nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar".
I have attached an image of my storyboard. Would I need to implement another navigation controlller in the storyboard?
When you navigate from your login View controller to SWRevealViewController, you should hide the navigation bar, which covers the other navigation bar inside SWRevealViewController.
What I did is to hide the first navigation controller's navigation bar in prepareForSegue function of login page controller.
