So In general everything works for me, nevertheless I get an error in my console regarding Getx & Beamer types
Expected a value of type 'GetNavConfig', but got one of type
I think that I know where the RouteInformation comes from:
List<BeamPage> buildPages(
BuildContext context, RouteInformationSerializable state) {
return [HomePage.beamLocation];
it is an argument of the buildPages() method, that has to be implimented due to the abstract Beamer class.
On the other hand I think that the
expects a GetNavConfig, but gets a RouteInformation. Im not really sure whether the things that I interpreted are correct. So I have no idea how to do something against the error. How could I fix the problem?
Well, since you're trying to rely on the beamer package instead of the Getx routing management feature, then you do not need the GetMaterialApp, you need to just use the MaterialApp, and for the beamer you need to use the MaterialApp.router.
Getx is a package that offers separate features, you could get state management and dependency injection... working fine without GetMaterialApp.
However, this means that you will not be allowed to use navigation methods such as and Get.toNamed(), you cannot use the Get.context, and you cannot use the Getx's bottom sheet and dialogs.
Here is an example on DartPad.
The example has the commentary but let me explain anyway. Suppose we have a quite complex Map<String, dynamic> or a List<dynamic>, e.g. it might contain an integer inside a map inside a list inside another map inside another list...
I get a path, which I called targetPath and is a List<dynamic>, defining where the target value is inside this complex data.
I'd like to change the value referred by this targetPath but have no idea how to do that.
How can I change a value inside a List/Map given by a path?
Thanks in advance.
I have looked up some solutions on the internet which have not been applicable in my situation but I'd like to put them here and state why they did not work in my case.
Merging Two Maps
Combine/merge multiple maps into 1 map
I have come across this while looking for it but my case has targetPath which is not applicable to this situation. The question has many answers but none of it covers my case.
Dart 2.15.1
Flutter 2.8.1 (if relevant)
Actually, I have found a package called deeply, which addresses the same issue I have at hand.
All the examples adress Maps though. However, I took a quick look at the implementation, which seems to be friendly with List type at the first glance.
I am developing an app using Angular 2 and Ionic. I am using a bluetooth library for Cordova, so not writing using ES6-modules and exports.
The library defines a global variable called 'bluetoothle', and it works as expected when I run it. However, I get a lot of complaints from the typescript compiler. I would like to either:
(Preferred) Have some better way to import the ES5-library to my typescript-project.
Tell the compiler to ignore this error.
Declare the variable, and then let the library assign value to it(however, I don't know how to declare globals in typescript the way it was possible in ES6.
Thanks in advance,
You have two options there which depend on how much work you want to put in them.
The first and easy option is to just declare the variable at the top. This will tell TypeScript that this is a variable of type any and that it doesn't need to care about where it came from or which members it has:
declare var bluetoothle;
The other route, which would be cleaner but is way more work is writing a type definition file.
Since Xamarin.iOS doesn't support code generation at runtime, why do Compile() and DynamicInvoke() work as expected?
For example, the following code works fine:
var lambda = Expression.Lambda(
var f = lambda.Compile();
var result = f.DynamicInvoke();
// result==3 at this point
Is Xamarin evaluating the expression tree at runtime instead of emitting IL code?
On platforms that support code generation, Reflection.Emit-based LambdaCompiler is used.
If that's not available, the expression is interpreted using the interpreter. For example, there are classes that interpret Constant and Add.
The details of the Xamarin limitations are here.
You don't seem to be using anything in the Reflection.Emit namespace, which is the big no-no. Your code must still be AOT'd. Otherwise, I would imagine it would not work.
But there HAVE been examples of [native] developers thwarting the iOS static analysis tool and circumventing the dynamic code restriction. I tried to locate the article, but couldn't find it.
Anyway, I don't think your scenario exemplifies that. Your code example will still be AOT-compiled.
But you raise a really good question: at what time does the expression get evaluated?
Another SO answer on the same topic: What does Expression.Compile do on Monotouch?
There's also some good info on Expression.Compile() and "full AOT" here:
After reading some more, I think I know what's going on here. It's not that Expression.Compile() won't's that when your iOS app bundle is subjected to the iOS static analysis tool when you submit it to the app store, it will not pass the analysis, because it is dynamically generating code. So, sure, you can use Expression.Compile(), but don't expect it to be accepted into the app store. But as mentioned by #svick, if you use the "full AOT" compile option, your Expression.Compile() will probably fail at runtime, or perhaps even fail compilation.
I'm trying to internationalize / translate a python app that is implemented as a wx.App(). I have things working for the most part -- I see translations in the right places. But there's a show-stopper bug: crashing at hard-to-predict times with errors like:
Traceback: ...
self.SetStatusText(_('text to be translated here'))
TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
I suspect that one or more of the app's dependencies (there are quite a few) is clobbering the global translation function, _( ). One likely way would be doing so by using _ as the name of a dummy var when unpacking a tuple (which is fairly widespread practice). I made sure its not my app that is doing this, so I suspect its a dependency that is. Is there some way to "defend" against this, or otherwise deal with the issue?
I suspect this is a common situation, and so people have worked out how to handle it properly. Otherwise, I'll go with something like using a nonstandard name, such as _translate, instead of _. I think this would work, but be more verbose and a little harder to read., e.e.,
From the above I can not see what is going wrong.
Don't have issues with I18N in my wxPython application I do use matplotlib and numpy in it (not extensive).
Can you give the full traceback and/or a small runnable sample which shows the problem.
BTW, have you seen this page in the wxPython Phoenix doc which gives some other references at the end.
Aha, if Translate works then you run into the issue of Python stealing "", you can workaround that by doing this:
Install a custom displayhook to keep Python from setting the global _ (underscore) to the value of the last evaluated expression. If we don't do this, our mapping of _ to gettext can get overwritten. This is useful/needed in interactive debugging with PyShell.
you do this by defining in your App module:
def _displayHook(obj):
"""Custom display hook to prevent Python stealing '_'."""
if obj is not None:
print repr(obj)
and then in your wx.App.OnInit method do:
# work around for Python stealing "_"
sys.displayhook = _displayHook
My delphi application runs scripts using JvInterpreter (from the Jedi project).
A feature I use is runtime evaluation of expressions.
Script Example:
JvInterpreter doesn't know X_SomeName.
When X_SomeName's value is required the scripter calls its OnGetValue-callback.
This points to a function I handle. There I lookup X_SomeName's value and return it.
Then JvInterpreter calls ShowMessage with the value I provided.
Now I consider switching to DelphiWebScript since it has a proper debug-interface and should also be faster than JvInterpreter.
Problem: I didn't find any obvious way to implement what JvInterpreter does with its OnGetValue/OnSetValue functions, though.
X_SomeName should be considered (and actually is, most of the time) a variable which is handled by the host application.
Any Ideas?
You can do that through the language extension mechanism, which has a FindUnknownName method that allows to register symbols on the spot.
It is used in the asm lib module demo, and you can also check the new "AutoExternalValues" test case in ULanguageExtensionTests, which should be closer to what you're after.