How to increase the waiting time on networkidle in playwright? - playwright

The default wait time for networkidle to fire in PlayWright is 500 milliseconds - is it possible to increase that? I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find a way to do that.

You don't need to , thanks to auto-wait feature in playwright.
Note: Networkidle is quite flaky - any analytics script can mess it up. Please don't rely on it in your tests.
Navigating to a URL auto-waits for the page to fire the load event. If the page does a client-side redirect before load, page.goto() will auto-wait for the redirected page to fire the load event.
// Navigate the page
await page.goto('');
Wait for element
In lazy-loaded pages, it can be useful to wait until an element is visible with locator.waitFor(). Alternatively, page interactions like auto-wait for elements.
// Navigate and wait for element
await page.goto('');
await page.getByText('Example Domain').waitFor();
// Navigate and click element
// Click will auto-wait for the element
await page.goto('');
await page.getByText('Example Domain').click();


Playwright - not working with zoomed out site

our team decided to zoom out the whole site. So they did this:
This is breaking my PW tests while clicking on the button.
I get this in the inspector:
selector resolved to visible <button id="add-to-cart-btn" data-partid="04-0001" data-…>ADD TO CART</button>
attempting click action
waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
element is visible, enabled and stable
scrolling into view if needed
done scrolling
element is outside of the viewport
I found this is an issue in PW
My question is: how can I bypass this in the most efficient way?
Is there a way to override a playwright function that sets the initial loading of the page and set my zoom there?
Since if I do it via JavaScript, then I have to do it every time my page reloads, and that can be really tedious and error-prone in the tests.
This is what I have now, but it is really a hack a like solution:
async removeZoomOutClassFromBodyElement() {
await this.#page.evaluate(() => {
const body = document.querySelector('body');
if (body) {
// Removes the class only if it exists on the body tag
} else {
throw Error(ErrorMessage.BODY_NOT_FOUND);
Can you please advise what would be the best approach here?

How to reload sj:tab in struts2-jquery 3.3.3?

I need to relaod a sj:tab in struts2-jquery 3.3.3, so far i tried:
Add a listenTopic to sj:tab, didn't work as i read it wasn't yet
implemented in that version
Upon any event, reload the tab like:
$('#myPanel').tabs("load", "#myTab");
It works and reloads, but some more event handlers bind and when i submit via sj:submit, it submits twice, i've tried to remove all event handlers with jquery before reload, but i doesn't make any difference. So the event handlers grow exponetially:
> $('#myPanel').tabs("load", "#myTab");
1 event handler per button
> $('#myPanel').tabs("load", "#myTab");
> $('#myPanel').tabs("load", "#myTab");
4 .. 16 .. 32
How do i kill all those event handlers in sj:submit?
This was probably a bad smell from me as i needed to change a tab upon a new 'state' in the app, so i thought this would be a good idea:
( ajax call fired by a sj:submit --> POST )
# in the server check if the state changed, if so returns success and the client asks to reload.
$('#myPanel').tabs("load", "#myTab");
# (http GET new tab)
The tab loads smoothly, but to prevent the old events to fire i had to setup variables for each button
$.subscribe("change_state", function(event){
if (!reloaded){
$('#myPanel').tabs("load", "#myTab");
reloaded = 1;
reloaded = null;
If someone have the right design for this version of struts i'd gladly offer the 100 bounty

JQuery mobile - click event only fires on current page

I have the following:
$(document).on("pageinit", function (event) {
alert("pageinit called");
$('#logout').bind('click', function() {alert("clicked!");});
The first time the page runs you get a single alert 'pageinit called'. Clicking the element with id #logout fires the alert 'clicked!'. If I click any other links in this page I still get the 'pageinit called' alert (and I get it multiple times, apparently for each page I have previously navigated as well) but subsequently the handler for #logout is gone and never never re-established.
Can anyone tell me how I can get the handler for #logout to remain? I've tried:
$('#logout').die('click').live('click', function() {alert("clicked!");});
to no avail.
After looking more closely (and as commented by Omar), this problem is caused by a combination of the jquery mobile paging system AND trying to attach to a 'single' element by id.
In my case each time I clicked a link within the page it would load into the jqm paging system a separate page, each one containing its own #logout element. My solution was to query for all the buttons and attach handlers to each one:
var buttons = $("*[id='logout']");
buttons.each(function() {
// handle click or whatever here
Instead of:
var button = $('#logout'); // Only hooks into the first #logout element

jquery mobile trigger('create') callback function

I am using jquery mobile and using the $().trigger('create') function to initiate it. I need a callback after this function is done modifying the html with the new styling. Is this possible?
I need this because i need the new dimensions of the screen after an ajax load of new content.
I would use TriggerHandler(). You can bind to your custom event...
See the DEMO at the bottom of the link:
I found that the "updatelayout" event gets fired when I do a x$.trigger("create"). This from some js using Backbone...
var content$ = this.$el.find("#somediv");
content$.on('updatelayout', function () { alert("woo hoo"); });
content$.trigger("create"); // add some JQM magic, wait for the 'woo hoo'
From the jQuery api:
"This event is triggered by components within the framework that dynamically show/hide content, and is meant as a generic mechanism to notify other components that they may need to update their size or position."
It turns out that there is a devil in the detail. Not all triggered JQM content leads to a JQ "updatelayout" event. I had to add a wrapper div with 'data-role="controlgroup" in another case to get it to fire. More digging required...

WatiN: Print Dialog

I have a screen that pops up on load with a print dialog using javascript.
I've just started using WatiN to test my application. This screen is the last step of the test.
What happens is sometimes WatiN closes IE before the dialog appears, sometimes it doesn't and the window hangs around. I have ie.Close() in the test TearDown but it still gets left open if the print dialog is showing.
What I'm trying to avoid is having the orphaned IE window. I want it to close all the time.
I looked up DialogHandlers and wrote this:
var printDialogHandler = new PrintDialogHandler(PrintDialogHandler.ButtonsEnum.Cancel);
And placed it before the button click that links to the page, but nothing changed.
The examples I saw had code that would do something like:
someDialogHandler.WaitUntilExists() // I might have this function name wrong...
But PrintDialogHandler has no much member.
I initially wasn't trying to test that this dialog comes up (just that the page loads and checking some values on the page) but I guess it would be more complete to wait and test for the existence of the print dialog.
Not exactly sure about your situation, but we had a problem with a popup window that also displayed a print dialog box when loaded. Our main problem was that we forgot to create a new IE instance and attach it to the popup. Here is the working code:
btnCoverSheetPrint.Click(); //Clicking this button will open a new window and a print dialog
IE iePopup = IE.AttachToIE(Find.ByUrl(new Regex(".+_CoverPage.aspx"))); //Match url ending in "_CoverPage.aspx"
WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.PrintDialogHandler pdhPopup = new WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.PrintDialogHandler(WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.PrintDialogHandler.ButtonsEnum.Cancel);
using (new WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.UseDialogOnce(iePopup.DialogWatcher, pdhPopup)) //This will use the DialogHandler once and then remove it from the DialogWatcher
//At this point the popup window will be open, and the print dialog will be canceled
//Use the iePopup object to manage the new window in here.
iePopup.Close(); // Close the popup once we are done.
This worked for me:
private void Print_N_Email(Browser ie)
//Print and handle dialog.
ie.Div(Find.ById("ContentMenuLeft")).Link(Find.ByText(new Regex("Print.*"))).Click();//orig
Browser ie2 = Browser.AttachTo(typeof(IE), Find.ByUrl(new Regex(".*Print.*")));
PrintDialogHandler pdh = new PrintDialogHandler(PrintDialogHandler.ButtonsEnum.Cancel);
new UseDialogOnce(ie2.DialogWatcher, pdh);
You still might want to check your browser AutoClose property ie.AutoClose
