How to change AndroidManifest during build in Xamarin? -

Is there a way to change generated AndroidManifest during the build in Xamarin?
Generated manifest in directory in \obj\Release\120\android has /service android:name="crc6494e14b9856016c30.PNFirebaseMessagingService"/ and I nned to add android:exported="true" property to after the file is generated before it is included in build.
I cannot upgrade the dll with PNFirebaseMessagingService to never version, where the exported flag is set correctly :-(
Thanks for any ideas.
I tried to add /service android:name="crc6494e14b9856016c30.PNFirebaseMessagingService" android:exported="true"/ to the Properties/AndroidManifest but i got error APT2263: unexpected element service found in manifest.


Build input file cannot be found, IOS build failed code

I am making an app build, i have some problem making the build. I searched it and found the fix but that was using the flutter.
Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/macbook/Downloads/tram/App/View/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it?
I fixed the bug by making copying the code in the file and then delete the file and after creating file again i pasted the code in it and now it is working fine.

Add Framework dynamically in Xcode

How can I add framework at run time, so that I can access it globally in the project?
If I'm adding manually going to save my location, then I am getting below warning:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F <my drive location ...>
Also it is not accessible globally.
I also got similar issue because i am getting my framework end of build in my project : then i found solution:
add your project to framwork where you want :
Drag and Drop then go to :
Build Settings>> Search Paths >>Framework Search Path>>Change path to ./ (selecting recursive.)
Build Settings>> Search Paths >>Library Search Path>>Change path to ./ (selecting recursive.)
If that will not help then replace ./ to
$(PROJECT_DIR)/ => for getting project path dynamically . ../ => to go back to desire project folder

Dart: pub build minified dart.js missing

I am very new to Dart so bear with me. I completed the sample pirate badge project and did Pub Build - Minified as instructed. The generated build folder does not contain the packages/browser/dart.js and priatebadge.dart files that are referenced by piratebadge.html.
When I view in the browser there are errors related to those missing files. If I change the html page to reference the generated piratebadge.dart.js file it works.
Is this manual change something that has to be done with dart projects? or am I missing something in the build process?
At first, ensure you build in release mode. (default if you run pub build from command line.
I haven't checked for a while but I assume there is still this Dart script tag which was introduced when it was still planned to integrate Dart into Chrome. This will hopefully fixed soon. In the meantime you can fix this manually or use to automate this step.

How to remove app-engine plugin from Grails project

I develop project named
. I made a copy of this project -
I wanted to to use
plugin, so I installed it and I got an error:
No Google AppEngine SDK specified. Either set APPENGINE_HOME in your
environment or specify google.appengine.sdk in your
grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy file
Doesn't matter. Now, I do not want to use this plugin. Whatever I do, it prints me this same error. I removed project and I extracted my zip file.
Still, is the same problem. Could you explain, how to remove permanently plugin from grails? I use MacOS
Try to remove project copy from .grails:
rm -rf ~/.grails/%GRAILS VERSION%/projects/MyProject

Can't compile plcrashreporter in Xcode 4

I can use the prebuilt framework provided on the plcrashreporter project page when compiling for the device, but not for the simulator. I have the same problem described here.
I assume the prebuilt framework does not support the simulator's architecture, so I downloaded out the plcrashreporter source. I opened the Xcode project and selected the CrashReporter-iOS-Simulator > iPhone 4.3 Simulator target. When I try to build the project, I get this error:
libtool: unknown option character `D' in: -D__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=30000
I get the same error when I try to build most of the other targets (such as for device).
My next step was to try adding the source files to my project. I no longer have the aforementioned problem; however, I get this error when I try to compile:
fatal error: 'crash_report.pb-c.h' file not found [2]
#import "crash_report.pb-c.h"
1 error generated.
Command clang failed with exit code 1
The crash_report.pb-c.h file which is mentioned in the error message simply does not exist; I've searched the plcrashreporter source tree and the internet. Therefore, I have to assume that this file is supposed to be generated somehow, but I cannot figure out how.
(Commenting out the line in PLCrashReport.m on which crash_report.pb-c.h is included results in numerous other compilation errors.)
You are correct in that the file does not exist normally, nor does crash_report.pb-c.c exist, which will be your next error after this one.
The crash_report.pb.h and crash_report.pb.c files are generated at compile time through a build rule. You need to add a custom script to your build process to make them.
First, make sure you have protoc-c in the plcrashreporter folder of your project (plcrashreporter-1.0/Dependencies/protobuf-2.0.3/bin/protoc-c). They buried it deep. This is what your script will be running.
Then find your crash_report.proto file. This is the main input that protoc-c will be using to create your missing files. You can take this directory and put it manually into your script, OR you can make a rule to run the script on every *.proto file. I do the latter.
Then edit your build rules to include a script that runs protoc-c with the flag --c_out="${DERIVED_FILES_DIR}" and your crash_report.proto file as two inputs, this will output crash_report.pb-c.h and crash_report.pb-c.c into the same directory as where your crash_report.proto file is, which should already be accessible in your project.
The build rules in Xcode 4 (and above) are under your project's target's build rules tab. You add a build rule before all your other build rules. Here's what mine looks like in Xcode:
You'll probably have to fiddle with the directory
