open website on already opened edge browser - microsoft-edge

Sub Resolve()
Dim obj As New WebDriver
obj.Start "Edge", ""
obj.Get ""
open website to already opened edge browser not to open new one

Unfortunately, you cannot connect to an existing Edge session using VBA. This is due to a rather old version of Selenium which VBA uses to automate browsers. In newer versions of Selenium, you can use remote debugging to connect to an existing browser, but you'll have to try other languages like Python and Java.


UI5 Tooling command "ui5 serve" does start local server in SAP BAS but why can't I connect to it?

I have SAP BTP trial account in which Im trying to run a SAPUI5 application via the SAP Business Application Studio (BAS). I have added nothing fancy to it. Just created one from the one of the many UI5 templates and tried running it from the terminal via the command ui5 serve.
The command does execute without any problems and also provides me with the standard localhost:8080 URL. Im using Firefox since BAS doesn't seem to work with Edge as well as Chrome.
I even get a message popping on the right bottom corner telling me a service is listening to port 8080 with a button that says "open in New Tab" pressing it however does nothing.
Im new to SAP BTP and BAS. Are there more things to configure before running the application? Or perhaps I have to configurate the browser itself? The error message:
I have also had some experience with the Business Application Studio.
You don't work locally here like in VS Code, for example. That's why you can't access it via localhost:8080, but have to use the link that provides the BAS. In this case, something like
The best thing you can do is to press "Open in new tab" on the screenshot with "A service is listening to port 8080", then you will be redirected to the working link.
Kind regards

Websites detecting and blocking Selenium Chromedriver

I got a task to update a URL in a test (using Selenium, Java and Chromedriver) to a new URL. The page is the same, just at a new location. This test worked fine with the old URL.
I brought up an instance of Chrome and verified I could access the URL.
Then I changed the URL, committed to git, and ran on our Jenkins machine and it failed. The screenshot said "This site can’t be reached". I told a co-worker that I think the URL must be wrong (though it worked on my desktop without Selenium). He tried it and it loaded fine. I tried it again from a regular Chrome window and it loaded fine. I tried from Eclipse using Selenium and I got the message about the site could not be accessed.
So I ran Eclipse, stopped it right when Chrome came up but hadn't loaded a URL yet. I manually entered the URL (from copy/paste) and got "This site cannot be accessed). Then I brought up a regular Chrome window and pasted the URL in and it loaded fine.
I decided to look for differences. So in my regular Chrome window it was "Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)". I did the same on the version running under Chromedriver and got "Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)". So the same.
I did a search for the latest Chromedriver. It said for version 77 to please use 77.0.3865.40. This was not what I was using. So I downloaded the correct version and thought "surely this will fix it". I verified it was 77.0.3865.40 coming up. But, as you guessed it, I got the same problem after updating to the most compatible Chromedriver.
Some searches said that basically nothing would be able to tell, but there was one property that Chromedriver inserts. I don't know whether this would be enough to block a session using Chromedriver?
The only thing I can think of is that we have iBoss and possibly iBoss is blocking it? Either that or somehow the site is blocking it.
I would like to share the URL with you but I do not know whether that would be violating company policy. If I get permission, I will share the URLs.
by the way, the error is "ERR TUNNEL CONNECTION FAILED"
Got some internal help to help fix some settings

iOS can you view SVN repository on iPhone/iPad via PuTTY Pagent?

I currently develop on a Windows PC and store the code in an SVN repository that is accessed via a combination of SVN, PuTTY, and Pageant. I would like to be able to view code in the repository on an iPad but I am unsure if this is possible because of the PuTTY and Pageant element?
I'm just researching this at the moment and can see there is an SVN client for iOS but I'm not sure how to get the PuTTY/Pageant working with this?
No code to show
I hope it is possible to view the files as I going to remote locations and don't have the ability to carry a laptop and would like to be able to use my phone
Why do you think that you need SVN client to view data in your repository? You could use a web interface instead. For example, take a look at the web UI built in VisualSVN Server. It works great with mobile web browsers, activates automatically and works out of the box (no configuration required) when you use VisualSVN Server.
Note that Apache+DAV_svn supports (very) basic repository browsing capabilities and there is more functional ViewVC. But they both need manual installation and setup.

Go offline in Edge like in Chrome

I am doing a POC in PWA and service worker, i hosted to application in localhost and tested in Chrome everything seems to working fine even the indexed db is getting listed properly.
to test the offline functionality :
in Inspector > Network Tab > Offline ( check the option )
When am in Edge i didn't see this option so tried disconnecting the network but still because it reading from localhost everything is working directly and reading from server.
To check the Indexeddb and all i installed the MS Edge DevTools preview, still am not able to see the DB and Store
Is there any way to test this in Edge
At present, Offline mode is not available in MS Edge.
If you want to see index db then you can open the developer tools and go to the debugger tab.
It looks like below.
You also not need to install developer tools additionally because by default it comes with Edge. You can directly use it.
You can try to check on your side. Let us know if you still have problem in finding the index db in Edge, We will try to provide further suggestions.

Chrome browser doesn't like *.loc domain without http://?

For web development on localhost I'm using domains with .loc extension at the end of a domain name.
For example: if I work on a site, the local development domain would be roses.loc
(defined in hosts file and IIS as a host-header in binding)
My preferred browser (the main browser I use for development is Chrome) but unfortunately
it does not recognize a domain name with .loc extension as http://rose.loc - it throws me onto a google search page each time I would type in rose.loc (without http://) in the beginning..
Have you experienced this in a similar way ? Is there some solution to that ?
Because during intensive development testing with clearing browser cache and restarting the browser for various reasons, it's getting pretty annoying to be thrown at a google search page instead of the development page where I expect to notice some changes, each time I forget to type in http:// before the url (and Chrome is the one who hides it by default, anyway..)
Google Chrome is pretty "smart" with this. It uses a list of known-good TLDs and assumes everything else is just a search term that happens to end in a dot followed with some characters.
99% of the time that's perfectly fine. It's "only" us developers and a few people with strange network setups that have to suffer for the good of the majority ;-)
You can try using .local as your TLD, as that's a defined domain for referencing local domain names (at least it's used in some mDNS systems).
The issue has been entered as #30636 in the Chromium bug tracker. One workaround that often (but not always) seems to work is to append / to your hostname. So try roses.loc/.
I've created a search engine with a keyword of 'l' (my local TLD is .l). The URL for the search engine is http://%s.l. Then, I simply type "l mysite" in the address bar and it takes me to mysite.l.
Here is a workaround I came up with for this bug:
I have Chromium installed on Linux Mint, and have a few localhost websites here. (I use Firefox for all of my work, so I have just discovered something here with Chromium.) My local sites are called morse and a.z. I had to enter http://morse/ and a.z/ respectively to get these sites to load the first time. They produced quick links on the new tab's otherwise blank page.
After closing Chromium, I reopened it and I could enter just morse/ and a.z to visit these sites. Since I've never seriously used this browser, I have not tailored any settings in it. (I did not use the quick link icons, but instead typed in the address bar.)
My findings confirm the localhost example.TLD/ entry does work when entered for the first time.
About Chromium: I am using Version 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) for Linux Mint (64-bit).
