How to make analytical table display more rows SAP FIORI - odata

I made a SAP Fiori app from template with an analytical table in it.
The table however only displays 4 rows. It looks really small.
Im looking for a way to make the table show maybe 10 rows or something.
Here is a picture of the table:
As you can see the table only displays 4 rows
Since the app was created from template there is no view or controller in the UI5 webide.
I have been looking for cds annotations, xml annotations or anything but wasnt able to find anything usefull.
Any help is much appreciated.
If someone can explain how to make a table show more rows with a non-template project in the webide this would also be appreciated.


Looking to add a dynamically adding rows table with multiple fixed columns which can fill value's to Google form and bring response to Google Sheets

I'm trying to create a table with editable cells in a google form that lets people enter their response. It would have multiple fixed columns and dynamically adding rows for more response.
Sample image of the desired table in google form for response
I am naive about building google forms and running scripts/codes on forms. A detailed explanation of steps will be of good help.
Thanking in advance to wonderful people who do such fabulous work
At the moment it is not possible to insert tables in Google Forms, not even via Apps Script, but since you are interested in learning about Forms and Scripts I would recommend you start with this quickstart about managing Form responses.
If you explain perhaps with more detail what your goal by inserting the table is, maybe there is a way with the available options in forms to achieve it.

How to make table like spreadsheet (include spanning) in iOS

Shortly, I want to make table in iOS.
For example, I take table data(like html table tag) from api server, parse it and draw editable table.
But, iOS System library don't offer col, row spanning. So, I want to know about open source, logic etc about table.
Please, Help me.

Creating a sidebar that references Google Fusion Table

I am trying to create a sidebar to go along with the google map visualization I've created with fusion tables. I found this page fusion table with sidebar with an updated SQL query statement. I've tried implementing a similar statement and I am unable to view the map. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code with the SQL statement:
I don't have the expertise or time to correct all the JavaScript at moment, but I can see a few issues I noticed that could be causing you issues.
You don't have an API call included in the query, which
can be found/created at
You're not querying the correct column for your location (col4, not col2). It starts at 0; so col0, col1, ...
You need to create a map and then load the Fusion Table layer over it.
There's possibly a few more issues I didn't immediately see. An alternative to trying to fix this custom code is to use the "Searchable Map Template" by Derek Elder. It uses Bootstrap for CSS, you plug in your API key, Google Fusion Tables ID, and the location column. It allows for filters to be input, like your Genre drop-down menu. It's free, fairly well documented, and has a support group to help with any questions or issues.
Maybe that's what you need if you just want a quicker fix. I realize I didn't exactly answer your question, but if you could upvote the answer if it was a least somewhat useful, I'd appreciate it.

Insert a table with images into a specific cell in Excel

I have an ASP.NET MVC website and my client would like to export data to an excel spreadsheet but a certain template needs to be used. All the data is pulled dynamically from a MS SQL database.
I have used this thread as a start up point, open xml excel Insert actual value in the placeholder. It works well for me with regards to replacing placeholders in an excel template with data from the database.
However, I am completely stumped when it comes to placing a complete table with data directly into a cell, i.e. A10. Also, each row in the table has an image in the first column.
I thought about replacing the "{table}" placeholder with a html table containing the data, but with the research I have done, it doesn't look like that would work. If I am correct about it not working, could you please point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have found a solution using OpenXML through this tutorial by Eric White on the MSDN site.
Hope this can help someone else.

OpenOffice spreadsheet import into HSQLDB

OpenOffice ships with HSQLDB. Is it possible to easily import the contents of an OO spreadsheet into the built in database? An added nice to have would be to include the formatting of the cell contents. ie. colors, line feeds, etc.
This question has gone unanswered so I'm offering a bounty. Please provide the code to the solution.
The provided link does work, and no coding is required. To summarize:
Create and register an Open Office DB.
1.1 Looks like you can register any DB for which you have a JDBC driver. (ie. MySql,Postgres)
Create column headings in row 1.
Select data and copy it to the clipboard.
3.1 Limited selection to only the desired rows because OO crashed when I selected all rows.
Go to the Table (Tables pane) view of the database.
Right-click and paste your data.
Follow the instructions provided my the wizard that opens.
I don't know if you would call it easy, but apparently there are ways to import data into open office's base database.
This article explains how to manually import data into the database. And this article has more pretty pictures for the same process. One reason you may not be getting the answer that you want, is that there is very little detail in your question. You could add some more and maybe someone out there can help.
