Trying to create mutagen session in remote ubuntu and got the error (Mac Os ventura) - docker

mutagen forward create unix:/tmp/remote-docker-on-ubuntu.sock ubuntu-remote:unix:/var/run/docker.sock -n remote-docker-on-ubuntu
I have used this command but hit this error
Error: unable to connect to destination: unable to connect to endpoint: unable to dial agent endpoint: unable to install agent: unable to get agent for platform: unable to locate agent bundle (search paths: [/usr/local/bin /usr/local/libexec])
My dev server is running and available in the variable ubuntu-remote


serverless RequestError: connect ETIMEDOUT when downloading template

I get RequestError: connect ETIMEDOUT when I enter the serverless command and select AWS - Node.js - HTTP API. It says Downloading "aws-node-http-api" template... and then returns error RequestError: connect ETIMEDOUT <my ip>:443
system info:
I am using NVM on a windows 10 x64 machine
node.js 16.14.2
Framework Core: 3.18.2
Plugin: 6.2.2
SDK: 4.3.2
I am behind company proxy that is set in npm config and my environment variables.

OpenShift 4 error: Error reading manifest

during OpenShift installation from a local mirror registry, after I started the bootstrap machine i see the following error in the journal log:[1270]:
Error: error pulling image "":
unable to pull unable to pull image:
Error initializing source docker://
(Mirrors also failed: [my registry:5000/ocp4/openshift4#sha256:999a6a4bd731075e389ae601b373194c6cb2c7b4dadd1ad06ef607e86476b129: Error reading manifest
sha256:999a6a4bd731075e389ae601b373194c6cb2c7b4dadd1ad06ef607e86476b129 in my registry:5000/ocp4/openshift4: manifest unknown: manifest unknown]): error pinging docker registry
Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout
Does anyone have any idea what it can be?
The answer is here in the error:
... dial tcp i/o timeout
Try this on the command line:
$ podman pull
You'll need to be authenticated to actually download the content (this is what the pull secret does). However, if you can't get the "unauthenticated" error then this would more solidly point to some network configuration.
That IP resolves to a quay host (you can verify that with "curl -k"). Perhaps you have an internet filter or firewall in place that's blocking egress?
fix your network issue, if you have one
look at doing an disconnected /airgap install -- has more details on that
(If you're already doing an airgap install and it's your local mirror that's failing, then your local mirror is failing)

Error connecting to environment new: Error: Error querying channels: 14 UNAVAILABLE: failed to connect to all addresses

Not able to Start Fabric Environment using IBM Blockchain platform in VS Code
All containers are up and running in docker:

IntelliJ unable to connect to SonarQube Server running in Docker

I'm trying to connect to a SonarQube server running on my machine in a Docker.
I installed the SonarLint plugin in IntelliJ, when I create the new connection to the server, given the token to the plugin, it shows:
Failed to connect the server. Please check the configuration. Error:
Fail to request http://localhost:9000/api/system/status
this URL works in the browser, giving back
in the SonarLint log it says:
Caused by: Unexpected status line:
I just pulled the last sonarqube image from docker repository and run it with only the port forwarding option (-p 9000:9000)
My environment:
SonarQube server version: ;
Java: 1.8.0_181
Docker: (31259)
IntelliJ: Community 18.3.5
I found a workaround.
use the machine name instead localhost.

Visual studio remote iOS agent configuration error while building cordova app on iOS

I want to connect to Remote Agent on Mac. I have npm, node.js installed. I have also remotebuild installed and it spits out the remotebuild certificate. I have Xcode installed and active too. But Once I try to connect from VS 2015 Tools for Apache Cordova and input the certificate info I get the following error:
An error occured to acquire certificate from https://(ip address).
I also tried using unsecure mode and just IP address. When I run remote test on ios terminal i get the following code:
No server modules selected. Defaulting to configuration "modules":
{"taco-remote": { "mountPath": "cordova"} } Remote build server
listening on [https] port 3000 Please view/edit server configuration
at /Users/Bp0_0n/.taco_home/RemoteBuild.config. You many need to run
'remotebuild saveconfig' to generate it. You will have to restart the
server if you update the server configurations.
I am unable to figure out what is exactly needed to be done? Can any one help me?
