How to retrieve the secrets with Service principal with certificate - azure-keyvault

Goal: My web application in on Premise and wants to retrieve secrets from Keyvault using ServicePrincipal
Please note I can not DefaultAzureCredential as my application are not on cloud and in Azure.Idenetity it is suggested to use ClientCertificateCredential for on prem
I am trying to use Service principal with certificate for the App registered to connect to key vault and read certificate and Secrets in it.
I think i found how to get certificate which i explain but not sure how to get secert from vertificate to build ClientCertificateCredential from it
here are the steps
1- Created a local machine self registered certificate --> exported the pfx
2- Registered an app on Azure and uploaded the pfx in there ( Created Service Principal with certificate)
3- created an azure keyvault and gave my app Secret officer role and certificate officer
4- create secret named testSecert with value of 1234 in the Keyvault
5- create a certificate named "kvtestcert"
6- created the ClientCertificateCredential using the certificate (see below code)
a. Below code is to Access local machine store to get the certificate I created
var x509Store = new X509Store(StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
X509Certificate2 x509Certificate = x509Store.Certificates
validOnly: false)
b.Below code to Get the Certificate from keyvault in below
var keyVaultUri = $"https://{keyVaultName}";
var certCredential = new ClientCertificateCredential(tenantId,
var certificateClient = new CertificateClient(new Uri(keyVaultUri), credential);
KeyVaultCertificateWithPolicy keyVaultCertificateWithPolicy =
So far I could get the certificate inside the keyvault with myService principal.
Now i would like to use that Service principal to retrieve the Secret as well but not sure how? problem is in below code and not sure what to pass for SecretClient
To retrieve the secrets I need create a ClientSecertCredential and for that I need to pass SecretClient.
please Note: I do not want to create any secrets for my app as it is not recommended for production. I want to use certificate way
How and where to get the SecretClient to be able to use it to create ClientSecertCredential in below code
var srcrtCredential = new ClientSecertCredential(tenantId,
var secretClient= new SecretClient(new Uri(keyVaultUri), srcrtCredential);
var secret = secretClient.GetSecret(secretName);
Any advice would be very much appreciated?

To get a secret I use the following code:
var credentials = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId: _tenantId, clientId: _clientId, clientSecret: _secret);
var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(_vaultUrl), credentials);
KeyVaultSecret kvSecret = client.GetSecret(_keyRingName);
The tenantId, ClientId and Secret I get from the app registration in AzureAD. Meaning from this JSON that I am presented with after registration:
"clientId": "603761e0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"clientSecret": "rTU8Q~Lgxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"subscriptionId": "b78d216b-dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"tenantId": "567d82a1-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "",
"resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "",
"activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "",
"sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "",
"galleryEndpointUrl": "",
"managementEndpointUrl": ""
Does that notwork?


Created a user pool client using Cognito Identity Provider Client SDK for JavaScript v3, but can't fetch token using (client_credentials) grant type

Created a user pool client using Cognito Identity Provider Client SDK for JavaScript v3
npm install #aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider.
The following code shows how I created the resources server and the user pool client, using the mentioned👆 SDK...
let poolName = 'UserPool';
const client =new CognitoIdentityProviderClient({
region: process.env.COGNITO_AWS_REGION
// create resource server
const createResourceServerCommand = new CreateResourceServerCommand({
Name: poolName,
UserPoolId: UserPool.Id,
Identifier: 'https://localhost:8080/api/v2',
Scopes: [
ScopeName: 'access',
ScopeDescription: 'General access to API'
const { ResourceServer } = await client.send(createResourceServerCommand);
// create the user pool client
const createUserPoolClientCommand = new CreateUserPoolClientCommand({
ClientName: 'Default',
UserPoolId: UserPool.Id,
ExplicitAuthFlows: ['USER_PASSWORD_AUTH'],
GenerateSecret: true,
AllowedOAuthFlows: ['client_credentials'],
SupportedIdentityProviders: ['COGNITO'],
AllowedOAuthScopes: [ 'https://localhost:8080/api/v2/access' ]
const { UserPoolClient } = await client.send(createUserPoolClientCommand);
...but, I can't fetch tokens using the grant type client_credentials. Therefore getting the following error.
"error": "invalid_grant"
However, if I use AWS console to navigate to the user pool > Client > Edit the hosted UI and click on the save button without making any changes...
... I am able to fetch a token using the client_credentials grant type.
Is there any setting that I might be missing in the above code that AWS console is setting? I need the following code to automate the creation of user pools.
When I switched to the old I noticed this notification
Apparently, Oauth flows are not enabled by default. Hence adding the following attribute to the CreateUserPoolClientCommandInput object AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient: true enables it. Hope this helps some newbie like me out there.

Websphere, OIDC IDToken - user problem

I'm trying to configure Oauth authorization on websphere I added interceptor with issuerIdentifier parameter = I next step I added trust external realm: And when I try to start service in my app (IBM BPM) I getting an error: NullPointer Exception. Please look at the logs on how the user is created:
Public Credential:
Private Credential: {setLtpaCookie=false,,, token_type=, access_token=xxx, id_token=,,[], refresh_token=, JsonWebToken=JsonWebToken:{"aud":"0000","iss":"","iat":122,"nbf":123,"exp":232,"auth_time":222,"nonce":"aaa","sub":"ddddd/fffff","upn":"login_user","unique_name":"domain\\login_user","pwd_url":"","pwd_exp":"4545","sid":"S-1-5-21-66-117609710","authorities":["Group_1, Group_2"],"given_name":"Name","family_name":"Surname","apptype":"Public","appid":"0000","authmethod":"","ver":"1.0","scp":"openid"}}
Private Credential:
Private Credential:
Private Credential:
00000187 UserOrgModule 1 com.lombardisoftware.userorg.UserOrgModule getIdFromPrincipalName getIdFromPrincipalName() user=/, id=null
user = / not: login_user Why? Please help.
From message "00000187 UserOrgModule", I can tell your BPM application can not help realm name that contains '/' character. You can resolve the problem with following steps:
In your TAI properties, add useRealm property, and give an unique and meaningful value as realm, for example,
Add "abc123" as trusted realm. This value matches value you define in step 1.
If you assign roles to users unique id, you need reassign roles again with unique id build from this new realm.
Thanks. I did exactly as you wrote.
I added in my interceptor config: provider_1.useRealm=myrealm
I added trusted realm in Global security > Federated repositories > Trusted authentication realms - inbound (Name = myrealm, Trusted).
I restarted server.
Nothing has changed. I still see: user=/, id=null because in JWT token, in iss field I have value: '' and unfortunately I cannot change this

Identity Server 4 Authorization Code Flow with Client Credentials (allowing one client instance deny another)

What I got so far:
In a project I have an authorization server (Identity Server 4), some (let's say two) protected APIs (Api Resource) and some trusted clients (automated, no user interaction) which should access the Identity Server via the backchannel (right?). Imagine the client is a Amazon Fire TV box kind thingy.
According to what I have read so far over the last weeks a suitable flow for this scenario is the OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow.
clients are trusted (and can maintain a secret)
Authorization Code flow supports refresh tokens (which I want to use)
the client is actually not the resource owner but requires access to the full api resource
What I have in my (theoretical) structure:
I have two API Resources (one resource for each API version)
I also have two series of my API clients
client.v1 supports only api v1 & should only have access to api.v1 resource
client.v2 supports api v1 & v2 and therefore should have access to both api resources
Identity Server 4 StartUp.cs configuration (so far)
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// configure identity server with in-memory stores, keys, clients and scopes
new List<ApiResource>
new ApiResource("api.v1", "API v1"),
new ApiResource("api.v2", "API v2")
new List<Client>
new Client
ClientId = "client.v1",
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.CodeAndClientCredentials,
AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = false,
ClientSecrets = { new Secret("secret1".Sha256()) },
AllowedScopes = { "api.v1" }
new Client
ClientId = "client.v2",
AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.CodeAndClientCredentials,
AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = false,
ClientSecrets = { new Secret("secret2".Sha256()) },
AllowedScopes = { "api.v1", "api.v2" }
The theory what I am struggling with is the authorization code part.
I want to have each client instance (again imagine it as a small box) a different authorization code allowing one instance access but deny fo another one.
Is the authorization code intended to be used for that?
And one important thing I haven't understood in all the time: CodeAndClientCredentials defines two grant types. Does this mean connecting with that requires both (code AND client credentials) or is it an one of them definition (code OR client credentials).
The Identity Server 4 code I am struggling with is:
In the code defining the client I can only find AuthorizationCodeLifetime but no field to set the authorization code itself.
It seems I can define a list of client secrets.
ClientSecrets = { new Secret("secret1".Sha256()) },
Does this mean one client Id can have multiple secrets used? Are different client secrets better suitable for my "allow one deny the other" problem?
Ok, I have re-read that and now I got it (at least a bit more): the authorization code is not defined sent by the client but the client receives it.
The authorization code flow returns an authorization code (like it says on the tin) that can then be exchanged for an identity token and/or access token. This requires client authentication using a client id and secret to retrieve the tokens from the back end
from this blog here
But how would I have to configure my Identity Server to allow one instance and deny another.
By using different client secrets? Using extension grants?

Google My Business Requested entity was not found

I'm trying to implement an integration between a ERP system and Google My Business to keep store data in sync.
I have a project in the developer console. I have gained access to the GMB API and is approved by Google to use this API.
I'm using a serviceaccount and have followed the instructions from various guides.
But now I'm stuck.
I'm using the google GMB c# library to connect to GMB. I have a valid .12 file for my service account.
string MybusinessServiceScope = "";
String serviceAccountEmail = "";
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(_serviceP12File, "notasecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
ServiceAccountCredential credential = new ServiceAccountCredential(
new ServiceAccountCredential.Initializer(serviceAccountEmail)
Scopes = new[] { MybusinessServiceScope },
return new MybusinessService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = credential,
ApplicationName = "myapplication-1349",
When I try to List, Patch or Create locations I keep getting the same response:
Requested entity was not found. [404]
Errors [
Message[Requested entity was not found.] Location[ - ] Reason[notFound] Domain[global]
Any help is appreciated
I was unable to make this work with a service account. After talking to google support on the matter I change to use the OAuth application flow instead.
This works.
My chat with google:
Hope this can help others
this error occurs when the user doesn't have access to the provided location. (invalid access token or user access has been revoked etc)

how to consume my own web api without getting a certificate invalid error

I am trying to call and consume my own api which is in the same solution as my mvc app, all the request by default are forced to run on https:
I am doing the following:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var productDetailUrl = Url.RouteUrl(
new { httproute = "", controller = "ProductDetails", id = id },
var model = client
return View(model);
however I get the following error:
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure
I know that I can by pass this issue using the following but this is a security risk in a production environment.
.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
(sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;
It seems your working with a non trusted authority, probably self signed.
You can install the self signed certificate into your trusted CA store.
Here is a link that explains how to do that.
If its already trusted then I guess your API and web app have 2 different domain names and the certificate is issued to only one of them. in that case you might need to issue a wild card certificate to work with (you're web) or (
