OpenOffice - How to get the quantity of register in a table that is filtered? -

I applied a filter in a table on open office and I want to try to get the number of registers of column N that are empty, Do you any idea about this, any help be appreciated, Thanks!
I tried use =CONTAR.SIS( N6:N1048576;"<>") but not working as I expected, the number of registers is 33, and this count all rows including the hiding rows by the filter


COUNTIF with IMPORTRANGE result keep showing only 0 or 1? WHY?

I have one spreadheet that includes name, id and amount of numbers data in it and i want to make the report in other spreadsheet.
i want to count the name column that is not blank, so i type this
=COUNTIF(importrange("gsheet link","Payroll 16-31 Jan!B3:B"),"<>")
but the result is "1" in fact that there are 3670 names on the column
=COUNTIF(importrange("gsheet link","Payroll 16-31 Jan!B3:B"),"<>"&"")
but still not working
can someone help?
I want to get the exact calculation of those data
Two things: have you connected the spreadsheets? If not, use IMPORTRANGE outside COUNTIF, something like =importrange("gsheet link","A1") . Accept the permissions and see if COUNTIF now does it right
If it doesn't, try with COUNTA that is specifically defined for counting non blank cells:. =COUNTA(importrange("gsheet link","Payroll 16-31 Jan!B3:B"))

Return Row Data if a Name is Found in a Column

I have a table with names on the left and corresponding work schedules to the right. I've created a separate table with some of those same names and want it to automatically fill in the corresponding work schedule for that person. Seemed simple but I'm very stuck. My level of experience with Google Sheets is what is stopping me from solving this.
Example Tables:
In the attached picture the table on the top is the original (hardcoded) data. The table on the bottom is where I want the schedule data to be automatically produced based on the name on the left. The fields with #N/A and #ERROR! are both failed formulas I tried. #N/A should have returned B7:G7. #ERROR! should have returned B4:G4.
I tried the 'LOOKUP' function with ARRAYFORMULA(INDEX) hoping to have it look up the value in the column and input the work schedule data that corresponds.
yielded an #N/A.
Started trying to use =If(REGEXMATCH(A13:A21,"Clair"),... ...) but the '... ...' shows where my intellectual limits are at the moment. I couldn't finish it because I think it's the wrong formula to use.
Something like this maybe?
Remove everthing in B13:G17, and put this formula in B13
BYROW() work with an array row by row, the given data A13:A17 has only 1 column, which is the name of staff as lookup value.
XLOOKUP() scan an array for a key value (lookup value), and return another array with corresponding row or col index.
=INDEX(IFNA(VLOOKUP(A13:A17; A1:G10; SEQUENCE(1; 6; 2); )))

How do I filter a large dataset in Google Sheets without getting duplicates returned?

I am trying to create a new worksheet in a Google Sheets doc where I need to filter a Master data set based on values in a specific column.
I originally did a VLOOKUP in each specific column that I wanted returned but it brough back blank rows for the corresponding rows that did not match, and eventually it broke for some reason and stopped returning the correct data.
I have been trying to find a new way to do it and have most recently been trying XLOOKUP, but it returns duplicate rows of each correct match.
The original datasheet is mostly populated itself by VLOOKUPS, drawing in information from other trackers so I feel this must be why it is falling over.
The dataset looks roughly like this:
Last Name
First Name
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 1
Cell 2
Cell 1
Cell 2
There are 40+columns in the tracker but I basically want to have a new sheet where I filter and return only the 'Y' values in the Y/N column, and return columns A:N (including the ID column) without leaving blank rows between the matches, and without returning dupllicates.
I have tried everything I can think of but I just cannot make it work, so any help on the matter would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
=FILTER(Sheet1!A:N; Sheet1!B:B="Y")
You can also try along with player0 answer, if you want also to import the headers:
=Query(Sheet1!A:N,"Select * Where B = 'Y'"),TRUE)

How can I compare strings and sort them accordingly using an auto-generated Google Forms response sheet?

So my goal is to have every name on the roster in column A and then have the names of those who respond (not everyone will respond) in column B. I want column A to sort alphabetically. I want column B (and the corresponding columns with answers (C-E)) to only fall in line if the name matches. Otherwise columns B through E would be left blank. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Make a new sheet with the roster names. After typing them, use the Google Sheets sorting tools to sort them.
Use the match function to identify the corresponding row in the first sheet for each of the roster names.
Once you have got the row, you can get the data for any cells in that row. See Get content of a cell given the row and column numbers .

Sum above cells ignoring blanks

I have a spreadsheet where I have data from a bank account. Each bank transaction has a date and an indication if that transaction is already done or if it's just expected. When it's already done, it must be added to the total balance up to date. If not, then the total balance up to date must be blank. I need to autofilter the data, so I can filter and order it depending on date or other conditions, that's why I've been using this formula:
Problem here is that when the cell above is blank, total sum resets and it starts from the value of that transaction. I need a formula that ignores the upper blank cells, and sums all cells above that are not blank plus the amount of that transaction.
Besides, once I change the "N" in "Done" Column to a "Y" I need the formula to update and show the correct balance.
I share an example sheet for better understanding
Ok I THINK I understand what your going for - please let me know if I am confused, but I added an example on your sheet.... basically what I ended up doing was including one of your conditionals, but then also adding another function to exclude the blank rows by way of filter , index and counta It looks more complicated than it is because I nested it all back into one formula:
To work it from the inside out - the way I am excluding the blank rows is by using FILTER to get all the rows from the first row with a value ( Like A2 in your example) and using INDIRECT and ADDRESS to end the array I want to include exactly one cell above the current cell.
Then I use the condition that the range I built has a number value in it, there fore excluding the blanks.
In order to get the last value available, I use COUNTA to find out the total rows in the filter, then wrap the formula with INDEX to use the counta value as the row to return (which automatically is the last row available above the current cell)
Try this in A3 and copy down:
If you want to display the "N" rows as blank, add a column (B) fill in the header and the starting number (5000) then put this in B3:
Copy it down then hide column A.
