autocompletion based on 'contains' rather than 'begins with'? - spyder

I was wondering if autocomplete in Spyder editor(python) can show results on containing a part of a keyword rather than begins with part of a keyword, like now is the case. So if I type 'child'; the suggestion list also shows 'winfo_children'

(Spyder maintainer here) Unfortunately, that's not possible at the moment (December 2022), sorry.


How do you get inline code/text highlighting within a Jira ticket?

I am trying go find an option that does this kind of highlighting that is quick/easy to use within a Jira ticket. The links below I have read through. I don't want to use a {code} bracket every time I want to highlight a keyword or attribute to pay attention to ie:
schema.tableName.myColumn = true.
You can easily do this within Microsoft Teams, Discord if you are having trouble understanding what I am looking for. Is there anything else that is in the works or currently out there for the Jira community to use? Something as easy as using tick marks?
Resources Viewed:
Using a {code} block
Highlighting words with <style>
Code Block Macro
Closest to this, out of the box is the {{monospaced}} formatting. Just enclose the text with double curly quotes {{,}}. No fancy syntax highlighting though. See Jira's Wiki Style Renderer guide.
If you like, you could also try this plugin Markin.

Ranorex Spy - The recognition elements on the page (prioritizing attributes)

I have question related to the Ranorex Spy.
Is it possible to recognize (by default) elements of the page by attribute other than id, e.g. data-id
I know that I can modify this later manually for each element (but it is time consuming)
Expected (automatically, by Ranorex Spy):
I personnally did not bother using this (because we use many frameworks and whats desired in one framework is not necessarily whats desired in another one) but I think you can achieve priorisation of XPath rules using the RanoreXPath Weight Rules.
Following is a Ranorex article describing how to do this:
Good luck!

How do I link to a LABEL in org-mode?

In org-mode, I have defined a figure+caption like this:
#+CAPTION: My great figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfigure
How do I write "See figure [myfigure]"? I've found the following syntax:
See figure \ref{fig:myfigure}
but this looks ugly in the source file. In particular, you cannot use it for actually jumping to the figure.
You actually don't need '#+NAME', it works fine if you use '#+LABEL', which won't break your short-caption for list of figures.
Orgmode does now offer a 'jumpable', enumerated or link with name of your choice in the exported (latex, html) text if you link with:
see figure [[fig:myfigure]].
see figure [[fig:myfigure][figurenameintext]].
I would have added this as a comment, but I don't have the reputation yet.
In response to your comment (still can't comment): you do need the '#+NAME' for it to jump within the .org source file; as mentioned in the manual, and i also just confirmed that works. Not sure about the short-captions in the latest version.
With a very recent org-mode, you can use #+name:, see:
#+CAPTION: My great figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfigure
#+name: fig:myfigure
See figure [[fig:myfigure][test]].
This works for me to jump from the link , but has no effect when exporting, I'm afraid...

Android - What does question mark signify in searchable.xml?

I'm debugging SearchableDictionary sample on android 4.0. In searchable.xml, what does question mark signify in this attribute, android:searchSuggestSelection=" ?"?
Here is the snippet :
<searchable xmlns:android=""
android:searchSuggestSelection=" ?"
It stands for the query typed by the user. See the docs
android:searchSuggestSelection [String]
This value is passed into your
query function as the selection parameter. Typically this is a WHERE
clause for your database, and should contain a single question mark,
which is a placeholder for the actual query string that has been typed
by the user (for example, "query=?").
android:searchSuggestSelection="word MATCH ?"
also had a problem on this one, SearchableDictionary sample. cannot find the Resource folder because is not generated which is probably the same problem you were experiencing that's why your debugging the XMLs. this is the solution that worked for me. link
Right-click on your project
Choose Properties
Choose Android in the left menu
Tick a box next to the appropriate Project Build Target.*****
Click Apply and OK
My additional instructions:
*****Choose build higher than API 10 or starting from API 11. If you choose lower than 11 you will still get the error. This worked for me. tried most of the suggestions ahead of this. finally solved it.

auto_complete_for: prevent the first item from being auto-selected

The auto_complete_for dealio from is great an all, but is there a way for me to selectively disable the fact that it always auto-selects the first item in the list?
The problem is that, if I want to type my own entry that is new, and novel, I don't want the first item in the list to be auto-selected. The reason is because when I TAB out of the field, it selects, and fills the text box with that first item.
I got around that, somewhat, by making the first item in the list the same as what I'm typing, but that's not perfect either, because the auto_complete list doesn't always update with every keystroke, depending on how fast I type. I've tried setting the list refresh rate to the lowest value (1 millisecond) but no go.
What I really want is an option in "auto_complete_for" that doesn't select that first item at all - the same way that Google Instant doesn't automatically select the first suggested search phrase - you have to arrow-down to select one.
Maybe I can do this via an HTML option that I'm missing?
Looking at the source, there doesn't appear to be an option for that, but I bet if you changed line 284 of controls.js to this.index = -1; it would do what you want.
Otherwise, it might be time to look for a different autocomplete widget.
If your requirements are too far away from the available plugin, then I guess there is no point in tinkering around. Its best to write your own JS code.
You might want to consider this:
or this :
I'll add another alternative that works great with Rails 3:
I recently implemented auto complete for more than a field for Rails 2.0.2.
The plugin I used is:- . Not sure if it supports Rails 3.
I have also encountered issues on implementing the above scenario and have posted questions( Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails ; Implementing a OnClick kind of functionality and formatting wrt Rails Partial-Views ) on stackoverflow for the same, I have been lucky on getting things working for me based on my requirement.
Kindly refer to these questions, they might have relevance to your requirement.
