(React-Native) Set Cookie doesn't work in IOS, but perfectly on Android - ios

I'm using react-native for our current services, and we are sending cookies to our webpage to send information which is needed to seen in our webview. These process is working PERFECTLY in android devices, but not in IOS. (The most annoying thing is set-cookie works sometimes in IOS in same condition. It just randomly succeeded, and I cannot find the reason why.)
How To Reprouce
First of all, these are the stacks we are currently using.
Application: React-Native
Webview: react-native-webview (https://github.com/react-native-webview/react-native-webview)
Cookie: #react-native-cookies/cookies (https://github.com/react-native-cookies/cookies)
Webpage: React (Already deployed in AWS)
Cookie: react-cookie (useCookie)
And the following is our process we are currently doing.
If the user clicks a button (I will call this button as 'Apply' button), it navigates to screen that includes <WebView />
This is a abstract of our webview screen code (For our security issue, I just abstracted and changed some code for it, so if you think more information for our code, please let me know.)
Rendering Page
enter image description here
WebView Component
enter image description here
Send Cookie
enter image description here
Send Cookie Function
enter image description here
(This function is kinda messy bc this is a collective code from 3 files, and I tried my best to set cookie differently with android. (The same logic with android doesn't work in IOS))
Webpage (Launched in AWS)
enter image description here
I Want My Code To Do This
I want my code to send cookie in loading state, and after loading, when the webview rendered, the webpage get some cookie and based on that cookie, it shows some data.
It PERFECTLY works on Android, but not in IOS. It works randomly in IOS so I have no idea what the heck is wrong with this code and hard to define a problem.
I tried...
Someone said to me to add '.' infront of domain. It worked for the very first time, but after the second trial, it starts to not working again
I also tried clear all cookie data before set cookie using
await CookieManager.clearAll();
, but it works same as the first measure I tried.
I also tried to use webkit. I send all true arguments to use webkit while using cookiemanager, but it has no effect.
I expected to do...
As I write in the above, I hope the cookie is rightly set in both android and ios environment, perfectly works in both platform.


Change the display of Safari with ReactNativeKeycloak in-app browser options

I am trying to change the display of the following login with keycloak page.
This shows up with Safari when starting the app.
The problem I have is that the user has to scroll to see the " New user " part of my WebView. And this is a problem.
I'd like to change the display of my WebView to make it look like this if possible :
Here I had to manually unzoom the page.
redirectUri: 'mobile://presentation',
inAppBrowserOptions: {
ephemeralWebSession: true,
modalEnabled: true,
This is the code displaying the Keycloak Login page in Safari ( https://github.com/react-keycloak/react-native-keycloak ).
I've checked the different InAppBrowser options here : https://github.com/proyecto26/react-native-inappbrowser#ios-options
When changing the values of each of these options, I can see no differences on the iPhone I'm using. When I change 'ephemeralWebSession' from true to false, I can see the difference. But every other option makes no difference for me. I tried to change 'modalTransitionStyle', 'modalPresentationStyle', 'readerMode' and 'preferredBarTintColor' values, but nothing shows different on the WebView.
I don't understand what I should change to get my WebView to change aswell.
I realize this is about 6 months old as I'm writing this answer, but I had this same issue and came across this in a search.
There is an open issue with InAppBrowser that addresses this: https://github.com/proyecto26/react-native-inappbrowser/issues/292
In short, RN Keycloak calls the InAppBrowser openAuth method to start an ASWebAuthenticationSession instead of a typical web session with the open method. ASWebAuthenticationSession is not customizable, per Apple.
So, the choice is to modify the RN Keycloak package to use the open method, or to do some overriding trickery with Objective-C as found here: https://msolarana.netlify.app/2021/01/06/fixing-aswebauthenticationsession-presentation/

How to prevent reload on Tizen Public Preview Deeplink?

I'm writing a web app for Tizen Smart TV. One of the required features is implementing the Smarthub Public Preview deeplinking.
I have setup the app to open at a specific content when the Public preview tile is clicked. However, I cannot prevent the app to reload. The documentation mentions adding the appcontrol event to the window event listeners, but I don't think this event is being recognized by the app, since the code is not executed.
It only works if I directly add my deeplink() method to the onload property.
According to documentation, this piece of code should prevent the app to reload, but it is not working:
<tizen:src name='index.html' reload='disable'></tizen:src>
<tizen:operation name='http://samsung.com/appcontrol/operation/eden_resume'></tizen:operation>
window eventListener is not working wither:
onload="window.addEventListener('appcontrol', deepLink)"
Any help on how to implement this correctly?
Thank you in advance
You are probably modyfing window.location in the app (ie in router).
reload='disable' prevents reloading index.html. When application receives app control request and page is different, application will be reloaded.
You can find more about appcontrol in Tizen documentation (note that Tizen for TV may differ from other devices):
I've got some information regarding your question.
To do application resume without Page reload,
Set extra data in app-control like below
key: SkipReload
value: Yes

angular link selection doesn't work on IOS safari

I'm doing a responsive app using meteor and angular, and i have a share link functionality. On desktop it is an input field on read only and the user can copy the link. On mobile I want to do display an link with tag. But on iOS safari doesn't react correctly when I long touch the link. Usually there is a menu of option that are displayed, but here just nothing happen.
my simple code : {{url}}
Thanks in advance to anybody that has an idea about this issue.
Update: I just tried wiht <a ng-href="{{url}}">{{url}}</a> on Firefox android and it work perfectly. The issue is really an iOs case
You should use ng-href={{url}} instead.
My guess is that iOS reads first the {{url}} as it is, and when angular updates it to whatever value is stored in the url variable, it does not pick up the new value.
And because the string {{url}} is not valid url, it does not know how to work with that, so it does nothing.
(I am not iOS developer, but still, you should use ng-href for this)
For long touch/press especially for mobile: Check this angular directive link

Issue for authenticating on parse.com with Twitter

I am trying to use Twitter to authenticate on parse.com in an iOS app.
I have got to the point I have this set in my application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method.
[PFTwitterUtils initializeWithConsumerKey:#"myConsumerKey”
When I tap the twitter button it shows a “Loading …” box for a few seconds and then nothing happens.
What I am missing?
I found two details (easy to miss) I needed to modify in the server settings to make things work.
The Callback URL field needs to be filled. It appeareatly doesn’
matter with what as long as it is a well formed URL. Obviously this
was in my case. I presume the content of the URL sometimes matters.
I needed to check “Allow this application to be used to Sign in with

Titanium webview iframe doesnt seem to store cookies

I am developing an app using Appcelerators Titanium. The app consists of a webview. The webview shows i local page, iframe.html, and this iframe's src is pointed to a remote page.
However, this doesn't work out as i expected since it doesn't seem like the remote page can't store cookies when wrapped in an iframe. It works great on desktop and other devices. This seems to be an issue exclusive to iOS. I need the iframe, and i need cookies. What can i do to solve this?
