Rails API object show full attributes - ruby-on-rails

I've got this object that I need to see the full details from. But all my console outputs is:
#<Calendly::Invitee:62820 uuid="1b8d2606-3339-40bd-bbb4-edc2dbe32f77", name="((Redacted for privacy))", status="canceled", email="((redacted for privacy))", ..>
Note that this is an object obtained from an API, not a typical Rails model object.
I don't know what the keys are for the missing attributes, otherwise I would look them up individually.
Thanks in advance for any insight.

I found it. The desired method is "instance_values"
So I got all the info like this:
invitee.instance_values.each do |field, val|
puts field
puts val
puts ""


Rails to_param - Without ID

I want to create param /users/will-smith, so here's my code:
def to_param
Parameterize will convert "Will Smith" to "will-smith"
So in the controller, the param won't match the find statement, thus return nil
# User with full_name "will-smith" not found
#user = User.find_by_full_name(params[:id])
Most of the solutions I found is by changing the param to #{id}-#{full_name.parameterize}. But I don't want the URL to contain the ID.
The other solutions is adding permalink column in the database, which I don't really like.
Any other solution?
Here's a gem called FriendlyId. It will give you more options to play with.
The problem with your code is that you need to convert that parameter back to original, or use the same kind of transformation on your column during the search. FriendlyId, basically, helps you to achieve the same effect.
Also, I'm not sure, but you could miss that gist. It contaits lots of info on the topic.

How to determine if the contents of a text field are a hash or a string in rails using ruby?

I have a field defined as text (on the database side) in my rails application. Now, some of the older data was written directly to it as string. I want to start adding hashes to it.
When I retrieve the data, I want to render it differently if it is a Hash.
Here is what I have tried and it does not work because the acts_like? method is always returning false:
if suggestion.acts_like? Hash
suggestion.each {|attr, value| puts(helper.t attr+": "+value.to_s)}
puts suggestion
What am I doing incorrectly? Is acts_like? even the right thing to use here?
I had tried to close out the question as I found an answer for it but it seems it did not save properly.
Here is what I ended up using:
if suggestion.is_a? Hash
I still don't know why acts_like? won't work but is_a? does work! Oldergod's suggestion of kind_of? works too!
You could
if suggestion.kind_of?(Hash)
# ...
if Hash === suggestion
# ...

How can I see the details about the object in server log?

I am trying to debug the user object created by writing ruby code like
puts user
which then I can check it on the server log.
Apparently, the server log says something like
but it does not show details about the user object. (for example, its name or email values)
How should I modify the code so that the detail information about object will be produced?
I want some function in ruby that does similar job as PHP's print_r or var_dump.
Try using the Object.inspect method:
puts user.inspect
Here's the documentation: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Object.html#M001025
Often I'll write my own inspect or to_s method for an object, to provide me the view into the object that I want.
If Ruby can't find either of those methods for an object, it'll return the object's ID, and nothing more, because it doesn't know what else to do.

Rename ActiveResource properties

I am consuming JSON data from a third party API, doing a little bit of processing on that data and then sending the models to the client as JSON. The keys for the incoming data are not named very well. Some of them are acronyms, some just seem to be random characters. For example:
aikd: "some value"
lrdf: 1 // I guess this is the ID
I am creating a rails ActiveResource model to wrap this resource, but would not like to access these properties through model.lrdf as its not obvious what lrdf really is! Instead, I would like some way to alias these properties to another property that is named better. Something so that I can say model.id = 1 and have that automatically set lrdf to 1 or puts model.id and have that automatically return 1. Also, when I call model.to_json to send the model to the client, I dont want my javascript to have to understand these odd naming conventions.
I tried
alias id lrdf
but that gave me an error saying method lrdf did not exist.
The other option is to just wrap the properties:
def id
This works, but when I call model.to_json, I see lrdf as the keys again.
Has anyone done anything like this before? What do you recommend?
Have you tried with some before_save magic? Maybe you could define attr_accessible :ldrf, and then, in your before_save filter, assign ldrf to your id field. Haven't tried it, but I think it should works.
attr_accessible :ldrf
before_save :map_attributes
def map_attributes
{:ldrf=>:id}.each do |key, value|
self.send("#{value}=", self.send(key))
Let me know!
You could try creating a formatter module based on ActiveResource::Formats::JsonFormat and override decode(). If you had to update the data, you'd have to override encode() also. Look at your local gems/activeresource-N.N.N/lib/active_resource/formats/json_format.rb to see what the original json formatter does.
If your model's name is Model and your formatter is CleanupFormatter, just do Model.format = CleanupFormatter.
module CleanupFormatter
include ::ActiveResource::Formats::JsonFormat
extend self
# Set a constant for the mapping.
# I'm pretty sure these should be strings. If not, try symbols.
MAP = [['lrdf', 'id']]
def decode(json)
orig_hash = super
new_hash = {}
MAP.each {|old_name, new_name| new_hash[new_name] = orig_hash.delete(old_name) }
# Comment the next line if you don't want to carry over fields missing from MAP
This doesn't involve aliasing as you asked, but I think it helps to isolate the gibberish names from your model, which would never have to know those original names existed. And "to_json" will display the readable names.

Accessing object values that have reserved keywords as names in Rails

I'm accessing the Amazon AWS API using the ruby-aaws gem, but without going to much into details of the API or the gem, I think my problem is more of a general nature.
When I query the API I will end up with "object array", let's call it item, containing the API response.
I can easily access the data in the array, e.g. puts item.item_attributes.artist.to_s
Now the API returns attributes whose identifier are reserved words in Rails, e.g. format or binding.
So doing this:
puts item.item_attributes.format.to_s will return method not found
puts item.item_attributes.binding.to_s will return some object hash like #<Binding:0xb70478e4>.
I can see that there are values under that name when doing
puts item.item_attributes.to_yaml
Snippet from the resulting yaml show artist and binding:
--- !seq:Amazon::AWS::AWSArray
- !ruby/object:Amazon::AWS::AWSObject::ItemAttributes
artist: !seq:Amazon::AWS::AWSArray
- !ruby/object:Amazon::AWS::AWSObject::Artist
__val__: Summerbirds in the Cellar
binding: !seq:Amazon::AWS::AWSArray
- !ruby/object:Amazon::AWS::AWSObject::Binding
__val__: Vinyl
This was probably a very detailed explanation with a very simple solution, but I can't seem to find the solution.
Finally found it. I guess it is because it is an array of objects, duh...
puts item.item_attributes[0].binding.to_s
You may be able to access the individual attributes by using [] instead of the method name (which is probably provided using method_missing anyway).
So, item.item_attributes[:artist].to_s may return what you want. If it doesn't it would be worth trying 'artist' as the key instead.
Finally found it. I guess it is because it is an array of objects, duh...
puts item.item_attributes[0].binding.to_s
