Running TestWebAppCoreAngularApi httpClient.GetAsync(idPMetadataUrl timesout - timeout

When running the sample application TestWebAppCoreAngularApi, the request httpClient.GetAsync(https://localhost:44309/metadata) is timing out, anybody have any suggestions
The original setting was https://localhost:44305/metadata, however this is incorrect as it failed with No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it, I then changed it to
https://localhost:44309/metadata which is timing out


Sidekiq can't connect to database?

I have "mariadb" set to in my /etc/hosts file and sidekiq occasionally throws errors such as:
Mysql2::Error::ConnectionError: Unknown MySQL server host 'mariadb' (16)
The VM is not under significant load or anything like that.
Later edit: seems other gems have trouble resolving hosts too:
WARN -- : Unable to record event with remote Sentry server (Errno::EBUSY - Failed to open TCP connection to (Device or resource busy - getaddrinfo)):
Anyone have any idea why that may happen?
I've figured this out a couple weeks ago but wanted to be sure before posting an answer.
I still can't figure out the mechanic of this issue but it was caused by fail2ban.
I had it running in a container polling the httpd logs and blocking the tremendous amount of bots scraping my sites.
Also I increased the max file handlers and inotify handlers.
fs.file-max = 131070
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 65536
As soon as I got rid of fail2ban and increased the inotify handlers the errors disappeared.
Obviously fail2ban gets on the "do not touch" list because of this, and we've rolled out a 404/403/500 handler on application layer that pushes unknown IPs to Cloudflare.
Although this is probably an edge case I'm leaving this here in hope it helps someone at some point.

java.lang.Exception: The server rejected the connection: None of the protocols were accepted

I/we(the company) have a weird issue with Jenkins and the connection between Master and Slave.
After a while the connection is rejected/timed out for some reason.
We tried to start it as a Windows Service but that didn't go well(also error message). We try it again, maybe we didn't start it properly.
Below is the error Message(3) and the error from the Server(1) and slave(2)
How can we/I resolve this?
I read that this is still a bug in Jenkins but is there really no workaround?

calabash-ios: The app hangs when running automation

I'm using the simulator (iOS 9.0).
I’m running the command: device_target=UDID cucumber
The simulator starts and the app is loading, but then the console hang for few min until time out.
I have the same issue when I run it manually in the console:
calabash-ios console
The error that I get is:
#<RuntimeError: Timed out connecting to Calabash server after 10 retries. Make sure it is linked and App isn't crashing>
RuntimeError: Unable to make connection to Calabash Server at http://localhost:37265/`
Make sure you don't have a firewall blocking traffic to http://localhost:37265/.
running the command curl http://localhost:37265 and get the error - curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 37265: Connection refused
what I’m missing?
(the app developed in Xamarin)
device_target=UDID cucumber
This is not doing what you expect. Calabash responds to DEVICE_TARGET not device_target.
My best guess is that you need to check whether your .app is linked with Calabash.
Please see these two pages:

web reference not working when deployed live

I used a webreference in my mvc project. It is working properly for my project locally but i am getting the following error when i deployed my project in live.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not
properly respond after a period of time, or established connection
failed because connected host has failed to respond
Please help me solve this.

What's the cause of "PGError: FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command" on heroku?

I have a rails app on heroku that users log in to. I periodically get this exception:
"PGError: FATAL: terminating
connection due to administrator
command\nserver closed the connection
unexpectedly\n\tThis probably means
the server terminated
What's a likely cause of this? I'd appreciate any help.
Assuming you saw this recently, this is due to a recent bit of high-priority maintenance work to enable continuous backups on shared databases -- involving a server restart. You shouldn't worry about this error, provided it does not reproduce. I don't think that's very likely, so happy hacking!
I had this error happen to me. My Application server had an open connection to the database. In my SSH terminal I added an ipaddress to the ph_hba.conf file and restarted the postgreSQL server.
That is when this error showed up. I refreshed my web page one time and the error was gone.
This probably means that something sent the server process a SIGTERM signal. This could happen is if the postmaster gets a SIGINT from something. However, if you are able to reconnect that's not the case, because the postmaster would disallow new connections.
You're probably having a clash of some kind in your application. Enable query logging and check for something unusual.
This error may also appear, if you run a test suite which utilizes a database connection (PSQL in this case) and the test is still running (asynchronously).
A tear down hook may terminate the connection when the test is still running and this ends up in this error message.
