Verify email on appwrite (my docker container) without mobile - appwrite

var result = await account.createVerification (url:'' );
sends a link to the mail
Redirects to the browser and in the browser window json
how to make sure that mail on the site is verified without redirection to the mobile? Can I create a page on the site for verification? And why verification does not happen automatically when clicking on the link, it would be very convenient!
For me a problem to receive in the userId and secret application in flutter from url userId=63972f2f56d0c39fc9f8&secret=3ab63c4dee.41&expire=2022-12-20+19%3A42%3A10.896.

Instead of passing, you'll need to pass a URL to some page or something that will receive the secret so you can make the update verification API call. You can either host a web page to do it or set up a universal link that will link the user into your app where you can handle it in your app.


How to navigate to a web page from within a flutter app? (OAuth)

I am trying to build a Flutter app that uses OAuth to connect to a user's account on another website. This requires navigating to the site's OAuth page where the user can enter their credentials, and then parsing the code that's sent back to the app when the user returns.
So my questions are:
How can I navigate to the OAuth web page?
I have figured out that I can navigate to an internal route like this:
But what if I want to go to an external page like
How can I do this (a) by opening the URL in the local web browser, and (b) with an in-app web view?
What URL should I redirect the user to after authenticating so that they go back to the app, and how do I parse the response?
It seems there are 2 ways:
(a) Let the user be redirected to a blank page with the authorization code in the URL and title of the page. If this method - how do I parse the page or URL?
(b) Redirect the user to some kind of scheme, like my-dart-app://coolsite-oauth?code=xyz. If this method - how do I register the scheme, and would cool site-OAuth map to a route that I specify when calling new MaterialApp, or somewhere else? And how would I parse the query param?
You can trigger a navigation using the activity service:
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
void launchUrl(String url) {
Intent intent = new Intent()
..action = 'android.intent.action.VIEW'
..url = url;
There isn't currently a way to receive a navigation in Flutter, but that's something we'd like to add. I've created this issue to track this feature request:

The Auth Callback URL for my draft application it's not being called, in the admin panel it stays forever in installing mode

I created a draft application in my store panel, I added the auth callback and load urls, but when I click to install it, it does not call the oauth url. It's not https, is this a problem, considering it's a draft application?
We're using a draft application and calling localhost, which is obviously not https and it is working fine. My advice is the problem is probably at the server you have instructed Bigcommerce to point to. Try to access that URL manually or use a service like to create the request manually.

Youtube integration with IOS application.

I am facing problem with integrating Youtube with my app in IOS. While making request to authorisation in order to get request token, i need to pass a redirect URL (similar to FB or Twitter integration).
Problem is that while registering my application to Youtube, i can see 2 redirect URI's present : "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" & "http: //localhost".
If i am using any of these i am getting token id in browser itself without getting redirected to my app.
If I am using any other redirect URI, created within application then server is giving me error.
Any suggestions how to do this correctly so that browser redirects to my app after successful authorisation.
I think you are registering your project wrong.
In your dev console, you have to create a client id as "Installed application -> iOS"
All you will need is bundle id (package name) and/or app store id

Multiple OAuth redirect URIs for Dropbox Datastore API?

I wonder how the OAuth 2.0 redirect URI works, the App console over at Dropbox allows me to add multiple URL;s so what I really wonder is do I need to add every URL that needs access to the API?
A small exemple:
At the page index.html the user is prompt to connect to Dropbox, when connected the user is sent to app.html there the app it self is. What should then be the redirect URI, the index.html, the app.html or both?
You don't have to register each URL from which you access the API, just the one that the user is redirected back to after authorizing the app. Generally you'll only have one of these in production, but you might also use a localhost URL during development.

Salesforce Remote Access Authorization Error

I am new to developing a Salesforce app and I am using OAuth 1 for authentication.
I am able to generate the Request Token, and I re-direct the user to the salesforce site.
Once I enter my credentials, I get a
Remote Access Authorization Error
There was a problem in setting up your remote access
In my Login History page, it shows Status as Success for Application type OAuth.
I don't get any entry in my Debug Logs page.
I have enabled Development Mode.
Any ideas whats wrong?
So is a stub URL for callbacks - and that is the screen you are seeing there, and the access_token variable is your session ID for the user. So the OAuth flow is working correctly.
In the code, you might check to see if oauthResponse.access_token is getting set correctly. If so, it looks like:
sfw.login( setupHomeView );
That is what should tell it to move from that page to the next UI page.
You might also check out the Mobile SDK (link). It also includes PhoneGap and has a great OAuth wrapper built in.
