Power Bi Azure Cost Management - oauth token - oauth

I use Azure Cost Management connector to retrieve data directly info Power Bi. There is an authentication process which based on personal account generate OAuth token (automatically). Token is valid only 1hour. Am I able to have longer expiration time? I've added new policy but it's only for service principal, not for personal account.

Approach 1
By default, the Expiration token is available for 1 hour or 60-75 minutes max depending on the reliability of service, and you cannot increase the access token session lifetime for User Accounts, As Access token lifetime policies can only be applied to Service principal and not User Account, Also It’s a not a recommended practice to increase the User Session to avoid malicious activity. Please refer this document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/configure-token-lifetimes#create-a-policy-for-web-sign-in
“This can be set for all apps in your organization or for a specific service principal. They can also be set for multi-organizations (multi-tenant application).”
Approach 2
Instead of increasing the access token expiry, you can refresh the access token before its expiration time.
Method 1:
You can set one custom function to create a refresh token and get the access token in response for your user accounts like the answer provided in this Power BI forum - [https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Power-Query/Channel-Advisor-API-Connection-with-auth-key-creation/td-p/2208091]
nd then use the response token to access Azure billing data in Power BI.
Method 2:
The Access tokens are either Azure AD token for organizational users or Embed token that can be sent to your customers accessing your data. As you are using Azure AD token, you can refresh the Token by below methods:
Directly via setAccessToken API
await report.setAccessToken (newAccessToken)
Manually via getNewUserAccessToken().
This Function will call the application at backend and will generate and refresh the access token.
Automatically by setting an Event hook in your embedding configuration and calling the event hook to generate new token before the expiration time of the current token set accessTokenProvider function parameter in the embed configuration. Once the token is close to expiry it embeds config calls the accesstokenProvider and gets the new token.


How to create additional OAuth2 Access Tokens without user interaction

I have a web service that makes use of the Authorization Code grant type to get an Access Token for user data on a Resource Server, together with a Refresh Token. Now my web service launches jobs at certain points in time that should also access this user data. However,
there may be more than one job running at a time,
the user is not necessarily around when the jobs are spawned, and
the jobs may be long-running, in particular they may live longer than the validity of the Access Token.
My question is: How can I provide each job with an Access Token so that
no user interaction is required for every single job launch, and
each job can refresh its own Access Token if necessary, without invalidating other jobs' tokens?
While https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-1.5 states that a refresh token can be used to obtain "additional access tokens" (emphasis mine), the spec is not so clear on whether the previous Access Token remains valid until it's expiry date (well, if it does not I wouldn't call it "additional"). Also, according to https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-6 if a server issues a new Refresh Token to prevent replay attacks, then the old Refresh Token cannot be used any more, so now maybe I have an additional Access Token, but I can't really pass the Access Token and the new Refresh Token to the job, because if the job made use of that Refresh Token would then my web service couldn't use it any more.
Are there maybe any lesser-known flows that allow for this kind of unattended Access Token creation?
Normally access tokens and refresh tokens are valid till the exipration time.
Having multiple access and refresh tokens are also allowed.
However a refresh token can be revoked under following scenarios
the authorization server has revoked the refresh token
the user has revoked their consent for authorization
the refresh token has expired
the authentication policy for the resource has changed
Since you are having the background jobs running. I suggest not to use JWT Tokens for authentication. Instead you can have your custom security standards.
Like custom API Key, UserAgent for Jobs and you can pass the user information with the requset or as custom-header as well.

How to authenticate mobile app to web service using Azure AD?

Currently I have this setup:
At login, and in every subsequent request after login, a mobile application that I have built uses Basic Authentication to authenticate the user with a web service that serves the app with information it requests.
On every request the Authorization header is inspected, the password and username are extracted from the header, the password is hashed using a proprietary DLL (so the web service doesn't actually contain the hashing algorithm) and compared to the hashed password associated with the username that is stored in the database.
I have now been asked to include Azure AD SSO in the login options.
After reading much about the topic, this looks seems to me like the setup:
I'm curious about a few things:
Is this setup correct, more or less?
Does the app send the Identity Token to the web service? If so, how does the webservice validate that token?
Is it correct that the webservice can match the Azure Identity to the DB user using one of the claims in the Security Token?
Where do Access Token fit in this picture?
Thanks for the help!
(Side Note: I know that Basic Authentication is not the preferred way to go in the first scenario. This was a temporary decision till we developed the token handling code, it only works using HTTPS and this is an internal application - you wouldn't be able to activate the app unless you have a code we give you)
I have little experience in azure ad but I think we could talk about your case.
First, whatever id token and access token are both jwt token, so to your web service application, you need to use jwt decode library to decrypt the token and get claims it contains. Here we need to know the difference between id token and access token, and I think you'll know that for your web service application, if it's more likely to play the role of an api application, you need to use access token because this token also contains user information. Then you need to add code in your program to decode the token and check if it's a 'valid' token for the request.(Because you've used azure ad to achieve the login part, you don't need to use your custom login part.)
Next, the signing in feature provided by azure ad requires to use account and password in the tenant which azure ad belongs to, the user accounts may look like xx#xx.onmicrosoft.com, it doesn't required to keep sycn with the accounts in your database, so it's difficult and needless for you to compare the user name obtained from the decoded token with those in your database. Because when your web service received the token(id or access token), that means someone has passed the authentication from azure ad. The token contains user information including role, expired time etc. You need to check if the token has expired and if has the correct scope. (Let's see a common situation, microsoft provides many graph apis to call, when accessing these api, we need to provide access token in request head with matching scope, e.g. https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me
requires a delegated api permission of User.Read)
To sum up here, if your web service just required the users in your database to sign in then can be access, id token and access token are both suitable for you because they both contains user name like 'xx#xx.onmicrosoft.com', what you need to do is decode the token and check if the token has expired and whether this user exists in your database(you may set up a mapping between them).

Refreshed Token could be revoked 50 times per account

I tried to add YouTube Video from the third party and After one day, I got the success in doing so. But While uploading a video the access token is required and in order to get that access token the user must be logged in. And the expiration time for that access token is 3600 seconds( 1 hr).
Now, There are some of my questions regarding this.
Is there anyway, by which I can refresh access token.
If some one has G Suite account, then Is there any special values for expiration time, or it remains the same?
As per the documentation, I can have maximum 50 tokens, So is there any alternative for it, So that I can get valid token after 50 requests.
To answer your question for number 1, you can check the documentation here.
Access tokens periodically expire. You can refresh an access token
without prompting the user for permission (including when the user is
not present) if you requested offline access to the scopes associated
with the token.
If you use a Google API Client Library, the client object refreshes the access token as needed as long as you configure that
object for offline access.
If you are not using a client library, you need to set the access_type HTTP query parameter to offline when redirecting the
user to Google's OAuth 2.0 server. In that case, Google's
authorization server returns a refresh token when you exchange an
authorization code for an access token. Then, if the access token
expires (or at any other time), you can use a refresh token to obtain
a new access token.
Requesting offline access is a requirement for any application that
needs to access a Google API when the user is not present. For
example, an app that performs backup services or executes actions at
predetermined times needs to be able to refresh its access token when
the user is not present. The default style of access is called online.
About the G Suite account, it was stated 24 Hours in the documentation. Note:
In this SO post answer, the function of Access Token and Refresh Token was discussed.
I am not sure if there are ways to alter the limits because of security reasons.
To clearly differentiate these two tokens and avoid getting mixed up,
here are their functions given in The OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Access Tokens are issued to third-party clients by an authorization server with the approval of the resource owner. The
client uses the access token to access the protected resources hosted
by the resource server.
Refresh Tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens. Refresh tokens are issued to the client by the authorization server
and are used to obtain a new access token when the current access
token becomes invalid or expires, or to obtain additional access
tokens with identical or narrower scope.

Get a Unique OAuth token API from the WSO2 Identity Server

Our Mobile Client App uses https://identityserver:port/oauth2/token service from Identity Server by passing the ClientID and ClientSecret with grant_type as “client_credentials” to generate the access token. The generated access token is used to invoke the API from ESB.
As per the implementation the ClientID and ClientSecret will be stored in the device.
For an example, ClientX requested for an Oauth Token which will have a certain expiry time. Can this token make as a unique for ClientX?
Currently all the upcoming client calls will get the same access token as its already generated from the request of ClientX. If a client is requesting a token very late it will get the same token with almost expiry time.
Is there a way to make this token unique for the Client?
In your case, if you use “client_credentials” as a grant type, resource owner is also the client.
Since this is a mobile application, once your mobile app gets the token it will be used until the expiry date and there will not be a necessity of changing it, because of mobile is belongs to a single user. Therefore the token would be same for same scope till it is expired.
Ex: BBC news mobile application.
If you need different access tokens, you need to use different scopes.
You will need different access token in case if different clients accessing the same API. In that case you may use “PASSWORD” grant type for a unique access token.
Ex: Purchasing a product using ebay.
So you should define your scope properly to identify the use of access token.
Find the following blog that will help you to guide to select your scope. [1]
[1] http://wso2.com/library/articles/2014/02/securing-your-web-service-with-oauth2-using-wso2-identity-server-1/
I will assume that mobile application instance is bound per user.
If you want to get different access tokens for every user bound to a session don't use client_credential grant type.
For example you have client-x and client-y both using client_credentials grant. Identity Server (Authorization Server) will give an access token for client-x and client-y since this is about authorizing client-x and client-y to access resource and not about authorizing a user. This means whatever user you have in client-x or client-y requesting access_token, they can get one (assuming they are authenticated).Vice versa, a user, even if authenticated both client and identity server cannot get an access token if the request comes from client-z (client-z is not registered in identity server)
If your Oauth 2.0 client is browser-based you can use implicit grant, if it is a server you can use either authorization grant or resource owner password credential.

How to refresh Google Service account which expires after 1 hour?

I am using Google Drive API(C#) with service account as mentioned in
I am able to work with DriveService object, but after 1 hr, it errors out with exception: "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."
I know, by setting "access_type" to "offline" we could solve this problem, but I am not able to set this property for DriveService object.
Does anyone know how to refresh this Google Drive Service object?
Thanks in advance
Service accounts come with a private key - and that's their moral equivalent/superset of the refresh token that is returned as a result of a user-driven consent flow.
When a user consents to offline access (via a web server or similar OAuth flow) a refresh token is returned that can be swapped (along with the client secret) at any time for an access token.
In the same manner a service account private key can be used to sign an assertion that can also be swapped for an access token - that's useful for cases where no user is present to accept a consent screen, or where you are performing work on behalf of other users in your organization.
Once you get an access token it is treated in the same way - and is expected to expire after 1 hour, at which time a new access token will need to be requested, which for a service account means creating and signing a new assertion.
Generally noticing that the access token is expired and requesting a new one is taken care of for you by the Google client libraries - although I'm not familiar with the C# version. If you could share your code that creates the DriveService object that would be helpful.
When you set offline access mode, your app gets a refresh token when the user logs in for the first time.
access_type ::
Indicates if your application needs to access a Google API when the
user is not present at the browser. This parameter defaults to online.
If your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is
not present at the browser, then use offline. This will result in your
application obtaining a refresh token the first time your application
exchanges an authorization code for a user.
You later use this refresh token to obtain a new access token, once the current access token expires. Basically, your app would then hit the token exchange endpoint (POST to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token) with the refresh token and your client credentials - google with then issue a (refresh token + access token) pair to you.
See this link for further clarification.
EDIT - I checked the Service Account documentation and found a sample C# app that fetches and uses refresh tokens too. See it here.I hope this one helps.
