Publishing grails 5 plugin to private repository - grails

I want to upgrade an old plugin that is written in grails 2. But am having difficulties in setting up a new grails 5 plugin and it's build.gradle file. Seemingly nowhere it's documented how to publish a plugin to your own repository.
I created an empty grails 5.2.4 plugin project with this command
grails create-plugin newPluginProject --profile=plugin
this is the following build.gradle file that I have tried (part of it anyways)
apply plugin:"eclipse"
apply plugin:"idea"
apply plugin: "org.grails.grails-plugin"
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: "io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin"
repositories {
maven {
url ""
allowInsecureProtocol = true
credentials {
username "my-name"
password "my-password"
maven {
name "internal-releases"
url ""
allowInsecureProtocol = true
credentials {
username "my-name"
password "my-password"
maven {
name "internal-snapshots"
url ""
allowInsecureProtocol = true
credentials {
username "my-name"
password "my-password"
maven { url "" }
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
url = "http://company-nexus:8081/nexus/repository/maven-releases/"
username = 'my-name'
password = 'my-password'
I did try to follow this guide and modify it for our use, but it seems that no combination of settings is working.
I looked at the documentation found at gradle nexus publish plugin. But it seems that grails completely ignores those settings
Grails seemingly doesn't support publishing plugins to your internal repository? Because the commands in grails documentation and even from documents found online don't work
What am I doing wrong?
I even tried this example from gradle nexus plugin and it is not even trying to connect to our repositories.
plugins {
id "java-library"
id "maven-publish"
id "io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin" version "«version»"
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
nexusPublishing {
repositories {
myNexus {
nexusUrl = uri("")
snapshotRepositoryUrl = uri("")
username = "your-username" // defaults to["myNexusUsername"]
password = "your-password" // defaults to["myNexusPassword"]


How to install the snapshot jar by Gradle?

For this project, I want to install the jar files into my local repository. So far, I modified the build.gradle to this:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'io.spring.gradle:spring-build-conventions:0.0.33.RELEASE'
classpath "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin:$springBootVersion"
classpath 'io.spring.nohttp:nohttp-gradle:0.0.5.RELEASE'
repositories {
mavenLocal() // 使用本地仓库
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
id 'maven-publish'
apply plugin: 'io.spring.nohttp'
apply plugin: 'locks'
apply plugin: 'io.spring.convention.root'
apply plugin: 'maven'
group = ''
description = 'Spring Authorization Server'
ext.snapshotBuild = version.contains("SNAPSHOT")
repositories {
mavenLocal() // 使用本地仓库
// 指定上传的路径
def localMavenRepo = 'file://' + new File(System.getProperty('user.home'), '.m2/repository').absolutePath
// 上传Task,Gradle会生成并上传pom.xml文件。
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: localMavenRepo)
pom.project {
name =
packaging = 'jar'
description = 'description'
publishing {
// 配置发布的地址
// 一. 这种方式是最简便的方式
dependencyManagementExport.projects = subprojects.findAll { !'-boot') }
subprojects {
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
project.sourceCompatibility = "1.8"
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = "UTF-8"
nohttp {
allowlistFile = project.file("etc/nohttp/allowlist.lines")
When running gradle uploadArchives, this is the error I received:
Execution failed for task ':spring-security-oauth2-authorization-server:uploadArchives'.
Could not publish configuration 'archives'
Must specify a repository for deployment
Also, when running artifactory publishing, this is the error I received:
Execution failed for task ':artifactoryDeploy'. Failed to deploy file. Status code: 401 Response message: Artifactory returned the following errors:
Artifactory configured to accept only encrypted passwords but received a clear text password, getting the encrypted password can be done via the WebUI. Status code: 401
Any idea?
The install task will deploy artifacts to Maven repositories, including local. See the Maven Plugin for details.
If you want to reference the snapshot jar for Spring Authorization Server then ensure you have the following in your gradle build file:
dependencies {
compile ''
repositories {
maven { url '' }
For additional details, see the Spring Security reference for Gradle setup.

Parameterized Build Syntax for Jenkins Configuration as Code Plug-in (JCasC)

I'm trying to use the configuration as code (JCasC) plug-in to create a pipeline job that takes in build parameters but I can't find the syntax for this anywhere online. I'm writing the configuration in YAML.
On the GUI, the field is called "This build is paramertized" and it is under the 'General' heading. I need to define two string parameters: CLUSTER_ID=cluster_id and OPENSHIFT_ADMINSTRATION_BRANCH=develop.
This is the yaml file that I am trying to edit:
- script: >
pipelineJob('test1/seedJobTest') {
description 'seedJobTest'
logRotator {
daysToKeep 10
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
credentials "xxx"
url 'xxx'
branches 'refs/head/master'
scriptPath 'Jenkinsfile'
extensions { }
configure { project ->
project / 'properties' / 'EnvInjectJobProperty' {
project / 'properties' / '' {}
Thanks for your help!
- script: >
pipelineJob('test1/seedJobTest') {
description 'seedJobTest'
logRotator {
daysToKeep 10
parameters {
stringParam("CLUSTER_ID", "cluster_id", "your description here")
stringParam("OPENSHIFT_ADMINSTRATION_BRANCH", "develop", "your description here")
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
credentials "xxx"
url 'xxx'
branches 'refs/head/master'
scriptPath 'Jenkinsfile'
extensions { }
configure { project ->
project / 'properties' / 'EnvInjectJobProperty' {
project / 'properties' / '' {}
How to Figure this Stuff Out in the Future - XML Job To DSL (Jenkins Plugin)
Here's how I would go about figuring this kind of thing:
Manually create a temporary pipeline job with the things you want in your seed job (the one you want to automate).
Install (if only temporarily) the "XML Job To DSL" Jenkins plugin.
Go to the main Jenkins Dashboard
In the left navigation, you'll find "XML Job To DSL." Click it.
Select the temporary job you created and click "Convert selected to DSL"
When I went about getting the params snippet for this answer, I did as I described above, but simply created two parameters. I ended up with this:
pipelineJob("test") {
parameters {
stringParam("CLUSTER_ID", "cluster_id", "your description here")
stringParam("OPENSHIFT_ADMINSTRATION_BRANCH", "develop", "your description here")
definition {
cpsScm {
"" }
Read-Only Parameter Option
One more thing, in case it's useful to you (as it was to me). If you want to create a parameterized seed job but you don't want those to be editable at build time, you can install the "Readonly Parameter" Jenkins plugin; then, you'll be able to do this kind of thing:
- script: >
pipelineJob("Param Example") {
parameters {
wHideParameterDefinition {
description('Node on which to run.')
wHideParameterDefinition {
description('Name of environment directory which houses .env')
booleanParam("include_search_stack", false, "Build/run the local Fess, Elasticsearch, and Kibana containers.")
booleanParam("SKIP_404_GENERATION", false, "Helpful sometimes during local development.")
definition {
cpsScm {
scm {
git {
remote {
In this example, the top two params, AGENT and ENV_FILE_DIR are sort of "hard-coded" from CasC, because the those parameters are not editable at build-time. However, the include_search_stack and SKIP_404_GENERATION parameters are editable. I used this mixed example to show that either/both are usable in the same job.
Read-only parameters have been useful in some of my use cases.

Issues with multibranch pipeline job DSL

I am having issues with multibranch pipeline for job DSL plugin to automate the creation of multibranch pipeline job.
The piece am having issues with is how to let set the path to the Jenkinsfile on the repo. I have looked online for documentation but found nothing to help. I have even tried to get example scripts but multibranch job DSL scripts are rare on the internet. Matter of fact could not find any that has Jenkinsfile set in it
folderName = "${JENKINS_PATH}"
multibranchPipelineJob("${folderName}/jenkins_multibranch_devops") {
branchSources {
git {
configure { project ->
project / factory {
orphanedItemStrategy {
discardOldItems {
Here is what i have and its failing because i am obviously missing some stuffs which is why am looking for help
What am i missing and where can i get documentation if i plan on adding more and more to this jobs.groovy file and want to know how to know what stuffs to add because current doc page doesn't help at all
You can set it using this:
multibranchPipelineJob("${folderName}/jenkins_multibranch_devops") {
branchSources {
git {
factory {
workflowBranchProjectFactory {
orphanedItemStrategy {
discardOldItems {
Documentation is available through the Job DSL API viewer in your jenkins installation: https://{your-jenkins}/plugin/job-dsl/api-viewer/index.html

Adding jcenter() in rootlevel repositories breaks my build

I have a project with a Gradle buildscript and I added the bmuschko/gradle-docker-plugin to create and push image on new builds.
However I cant use the plugin if I don't specify jcenter() in root level repositories, but that breaks my build, so im kinda lost.
If I add the root level jcenter() it fails the build with:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
Could not find com.sleepycat:je:7.0.6. Searched in the following locations:
Required by: project : > org.jpos:jpos:2.1.1
However if I don't add it i get this:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':dockerJava'.
Could not find com.aries:docker-java-shaded:3.1.0-rc-3. Searched in the following locations:
Required by: project :
Should I perhaps build Java shaded and include in our local Maven repo?
Here is the script:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url = ''
credentials {
username 'na'
password 'na'
dependencies {
classpath group: '', name: 'cpmgradle', version: '0.1-SNAPSHOT'
classpath 'com.bmuschko:gradle-docker-plugin:3.4.4'
repositories {
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api'
projectinfo {
group = ''
artifact = 'MESB'
version = '1.29.DEV-SNAPSHOT'
description = 'MESB'
packaging = 'jar'
dependencies {
compile 'org.jpos:jpos:2.1.1'
compile 'org.jdom:jdom2:2.0.6'
compile 'org.json:json:20140107'
compile ''
compile ''
compile 'org.apache.wss4j:wss4j-ws-security-dom:2.0.3'
compile 'org.apache.santuario:xmlsec:2.0.3'
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12:1.7.10'
compile ''
compile 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.54'
compile 'org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.54'
compile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.9.2'
compile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4'
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
runtime 'jaxen:jaxen:1.1.6'
runtime 'xalan:xalan:2.7.2'
runtime 'org.postgresql:postgresql:8.0-311.jdbc3'
runtime 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.2'
compileJava {
sourceCompatibility = 1.6
targetCompatibility = 1.6
options.fork = true
options.compilerArgs << '-XDignore.symbol.file'
options.forkOptions.executable = 'javac'
task libs(type: Copy) {
description = "Copies dependencies to the 'lib' directory of the deployment."
def libsDir = new File("$buildDir", 'libs')
def dockerDir = new File("$buildDir", 'docker')
from project.configurations.runtime
into libsDir
task bundleZip(type: Zip) {
from projectDir
include 'xsl/**'
include 'conf/**'
include 'js/**'
include 'test/**'
include ''
from(tasks.libs.outputs) {
include 'MESB*'
into project.projectinfo.version
tasks.bundleZip.dependsOn jar
tasks.bundleZip.dependsOn libs
def dockerUsername =['dockerUsername'] ?: ""
def dockerPassword =['dockerPassword'] ?: ""
docker {
registryCredentials {
username = dockerUsername
password = dockerPassword
task buildImage(type: com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.DockerBuildImage) {
doFirst {
copy {
from "${buildDir}/libs/MESB-${projectinfo.version}.jar"
into "${buildDir}/docker"
rename { String fileName ->
fileName.replace("-${projectinfo.version}", "")
copy {
from "docker/jdk/Dockerfile"
into "${buildDir}/docker"
copy {
from "xsl"
into "${buildDir}/docker/xsl"
copy {
from "conf"
into "${buildDir}/docker/conf"
copy {
from "test"
into "${buildDir}/docker/test"
copy {
from "${buildDir}/libs"
into "${buildDir}/docker/libs"
inputDir = project.file("${buildDir}/docker")
tag = "company/mesb:${projectinfo.version}"
tasks.buildImage.dependsOn build
task pushImage(type: com.bmuschko.gradle.docker.tasks.image.DockerPushImage) {
imageName = "company/mesb"
tag = "${projectinfo.version}"
tasks.pushImage.dependsOn buildImage
artifacts {
archives bundleZip
/* Remove the default JAR file from the uploaded artifacts */
configurations.archives.artifacts.with { archives ->
def jarArtifact
archives.each {
if (it.file =~ 'jar') {
jarArtifact = it
jar {
dependsOn configurations.runtime
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'main.MESB'
} libs
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src'
Apparently moving root repository definitions benieth the apply plugins section solved this.
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.bmuschko.docker-remote-api'
repositories {
Don't know whether you have solved your issue but either way...
I encountered a similar issue regarding:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':dockerJava'.
Could not find com.aries:docker-java-shaded:3.1.0-rc-3.
We solved it by adding the following
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }

Gradle Geb saucelabs plugin

I'm following the example from but am unable to get it working. My build.gradle script is as follows:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:2.0.0"
classpath 'org.gebish:geb-gradle:0.9.2'
version "0.1"
group "example"
apply plugin: "grails"
apply plugin: "geb-saucelabs"
repositories {
grails.central() //creates a maven repo for the Grails Central repository (Core libraries and plugins)
maven { url "" }
grails {
grailsVersion = '2.3.5'
groovyVersion = '2.1.9'
springLoadedVersion '1.1.3'
dependencies {
bootstrap "org.grails.plugins:tomcat:7.0.50" // No container is deployed by default, so add this
compile 'org.grails.plugins:resources:1.2' // Just an example of adding a Grails plugin
sauceConnect "com.saucelabs:sauce-connect:3.0.28"
sauceLabs {
browsers { //5
firefox_linux_19 //Could not find property 'reporting' on root project 'gradleGrailsError'.
task { //6
testClassesDir = test.testClassesDir
testSrcDirs = test.testSrcDirs
classpath = test.classpath
account { //7
username = System.getenv("SAUCE_ONDEMAND_USERNAME")
accessKey = System.getenv("SAUCE_ONDEMAND_ACCESS_KEY")
When I run $gradle test, I get the following error: Could not find property 'reporting' on root project... This error occurs on the line which specifies firefox_linux_19 as the browser. Can someone please advise how I can get the geb-saucelabs plugin working correctly? Thanks.
After a lot of trial and error, I got the following to work:
sauceLabs {
tasks.withType(Test) {
reports.junitXml.destination = reporting.file("test-results/$name")
reports.html.destination = reporting.file("test-reports/$name")
browsers { //5
account { //7
username = System.getenv("SAUCE_ONDEMAND_USERNAME")
accessKey = System.getenv("SAUCE_ONDEMAND_ACCESS_KEY")
The addition of the tasks.withType(Test) was the key, and I also removed the task closure which was listed in the sample code.
