ASP.NET MVC - Applying Html.ActionLink to an existing href -

Basically, I'm just trying to change the href attribute to be the result of the ActionLink:
#Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Dashboard", new { }, new { #class = "nav-link active" })
<a class="nav-link active" href="index.html">
<div class="sb-nav-link-icon"><i class="fas fa-home"></i></div>
If I replaced the index.html with #Html.ActionLink("Home", "Index", "Dashboard"), then what happens is the HTML is not formed correctly.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

#Url.Action("Index", "Dashboard"), sorry this can be closed. Of course as soon as I ask I find the answer.

I guess that this code will work as you want it to. You don't have to use #Html.ActionLink
<a class="nav-link active" href="Dashboard/Index">
<div class="sb-nav-link-icon"><i class="fas fa-home"></i></div>


#Html.ActionLink to a <a href="#Url.Action()>

the doubt is this:
I have to use a <a></a>, because of the notation I'm using in all my app, I'm working in ASP.NET MVC. So, I have an href="#Url.Action with class="btn btn-primary", a simple button as this:
<a href="#Url.Action("Manage", "Account")" class="btn btn-primary text-right">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> Administrar
(That was an example of the estructure that I need)
But now I have to convert this:
#Html.ActionLink(User.Identity.GetUserName(), "Manage", "Account",
routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { title = "Administrar" })
to that estructure. The fact is, I don't know where to put the routevalues and User.Identity.GetUserName(). I don't need the htmlAttributes neither the title.
Please help me and thanks a lot.
For title, you just simple use title="Administrar", so when you hover mouse on the button/link, it'll still show Administrar in tool-tip.
For Username, you will need # sign at the front.
<a href="#Url.Action("Manage", "Account")" class="btn btn-primary text-right"
<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Another suggestion is not to use Bootstrap's glyphicon, because they won't be available in next version anymore. Instead, you might want to consider using Font Awesome.
It should be:
<a href="#Url.Action("Manage", "Account")" class="btn btn-primary text-right">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></span>
routevalues will be next parameter in Url.Action method if you need it.
Like this:
Url.Action("Manage", "Account", new { id = 1 })
I suppose you have Html.Actionlink like bellow
#Html.ActionLink("Home", "index", null, new { #class = "btn btn-primary" })
all you need to do is to write it like this
<a class="brand" href="#Url.Action("index","Home")"> </a>
and you are done!

Adding custom html into Html.MenuItem link

I use Html.MenuItem helper in asp .net mvc. I want to use html inside link instead of text only. The helper below:
#Html.MenuItem("Announcement", "Index", "Announcement")
generates in html =>
<li> Announcement </li>
but I want to generate an html like =>
<a href="/Announcement">
<i class="icon-announcement"></i>
How can I do that?
You can't do that immediately, because the HTML gets stripped if you pass it in as the parameter.
I suggest you do something like the following:
<a href='#Url.Action("Announcement", "Index")'>
<i class="icon-announcement"></i>

Why won't a #Html.ActionLink render inside an li tag?

My question is simple. I have an unordered list <ul>... </ul> with a bunch of <li>...</li> tags. Inside those <li> tags I have some #Html.ActionLink(...) that just won't render. Am I doing something fundimentally wrong here? This is my code:
<div id="menuDiv">
<ul id="myMenu">
<li >#Html.ActionLink("Dashboard", "Index", new { sender = "AgentScoreCareReport"})</li>
Try this
<li >#Html.ActionLink("Dashboard", "Index",
new { sender = "AgentScoreCareReport"},null)</li>
This turned out to be a CSS problem. It's been fixed.
Thanks everyone who made suggestions!

Links not opening with left click

I am having a bit of a problem with my site, i am trying to add a simple link to an external site, but i can't get the link to open without right clicking and selecting open link.
This is the piece of code
<div class="brick1 odd">
<a href="" class="nav-item"</a>
<div class="nav-hover"></div>
<i class="li_shop"></i>
<span>Shop now</span>
I know it's most likely something simple but i can't seem to pin it down
Aha! The problem is because you are trying to link from an http to an https!
Your anchor tag needs to override the click handler:
<a href="" class="nav-item" onclick="return !,'WINDOW_NAME');" >
Should fix it!
But I would still fix the nesting.
try properly nesting everything, like so:
<div class="brick1 odd">
<a href="" class="nav-item" onclick="return !,'WINDOW_NAME');">
<div class="nav-hover">
<i class="li_shop">
<span>Shop now</span>
Syntax error
<a href="" class="nav-item">
<div class="nav-hover"></div>
<i class="li_shop"></i>
<span>Shop now</span>

ASP.NET MVC: generating action link with custom html in it

How can I generate action link with custom html inside.
Like following:
<a href="http://blah-blah/.....">
<span class="icon"/>
New customer
You can use the UrlHelper class :
<a href="<% =Url.Action("Create","Customers") %>">
<span class="icon"/> New customer
The MSDN link is here :
For newer versions of .net,
href="<% =Url.Action("Create","Customers") %>"
to give something like
<a href="#Url.Action("Create","Customers")">
<span class="icon"/> New customer
