Unable to Identify a url - url

Can anyone find how it works, recently received the url.
It is not ip, it is now resolving to anything, it act as redirection to another server.
Can any one decrypt this
" http://0027.0342.0212.0070 "
Decrypt the url to see how it works


Error in App clips Domain status and advanced app clip experience

I have to add App Clip functionality when I scan an NFC tag.
I have created an AASA file and hosted it on the server. My AASA file is valid JSON.
However, when I upload the build on AppStore, it gives me an error stating "1 invalid domain".
When I view its status, it shows "Insecure redirects forbidden" in the Cache status and domain status.
Also, If I go to make an app clip experience on App Store and type the url, I always get this error:
"This URL is not contained in your app’s associated domains. Update associated domains or use a different URL."
Please guide me on this.
I may be able to help with the first issue. I am also seeing the second error message in App Store Connect. I have an open TSI ticket with Apple and I'll post here if I'm able to resolve it.
For the first issue...
What do you see if you run this in the command line?
curl -v https://your_domain.com/apple-app-site-association
If you're serving that file from the .well-known directory, then just use that in the URL instead. Two things to check with curl:
Make sure the content-type header is application/json and not plain text or something else. If you're not serving it over https, you need to sign that file cryptographically and the content-type needs to be something else.
Do you see any redirects? Maybe you're going from HTTPS to an HTTP redirect? That could be it.

timeout in telegram.bot webhook - asp.net mvc

I had been developed a telegram bot using Telegram.Bot.
I tried to rework with the bot, First I created bot using BotFather and got token.
I set webhook server api address in telegram api. But when I check webhookinfo it returns this error
"last_error_date":1585419712,"last_error_message":"Connection timed out"
I checked it need TLS12 to have secure connection using
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
But It's not getting updates in my server and show time out error.
I tried posting using postman and ngrok to run on my iisexpress and I'm getting data and can sending messages to bot in my localhost.
But In hosting it's not working, whats wrong with new Telegram.Bot library or telegram server?
I checked with postman my hosting url, post man also cant connect to that url. what can be wrong with my codes?
This is response when i'm call update receiving URL in my hosting:
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
I got problem, the certificate which we use should be valid one, not free.
For more information please study this link:

ASP.NET OWIN Login with Microsoft Live ID - Invalid request and Google Redirect Url Mismatch

I have a site published on Azure, the social auth work correctly on every device an pc, except for one user whom keeps receiving the error invalid request, every time he tries to login using Microsoft.
I was thinking that the reason were that he is blocking cookies, but I tried this and did not get the same error.
He tries to access my site from IE and Chrome, and still gets the same error on every social network. But for everyone else this works just fine.
Someone knows what could be the reason of this error?
Here it is some captures about the URL received and the error page on Windows Live and Google:
Google URL error: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=openid+profile+email&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https://wtm.azurewebsites.net/signin-google&state=xuugnYO6064L0MSO643UyrcDcDvZm_sqndpnUUR_Bn3e3lQkmtFTCq1ZrfMluCbMZhoIEX9G8Vrp-RxNwFHUyxvx_4mpoJVJZnR-n0LFDJyPazQ0ujUsQ6Jl2EIStNS0_EsnZOIZtIJySlgFrIr_TzjNBoih1APWLnGaLBb6wPaLuXQktAeTHeeUBTTnN9HWXi2WtPCYx08wX0N87XJa1kkk-mMcp-ro5UD5oO1EIE4&client_id=950525637185-3f4qu6vhoemqps16mk88mrcf49tn7hvo.apps.googleusercontent.com&hl=es-419&from_login=1&as=-6673ad9c11de7b4d
Microsoft Live URL error: https://login.live.com/err.srf?lc=5130#error=invalid_request&error_description=The%20provided%20value%20for%20the%20input%20parameter%20'redirect_uri'%20is%20not%20valid.%20The%20expected%20value%20is%20'https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf'%20or%20a%20URL%20which%20matches%20the%20redirect%20URI%20registered%20for%20this%20client%20application.&state=kZj77bUrMjKBFKTwBTVl_p7zkjcqWqBAe95pW-eQFanQaLWx9vHUpR5duFFcstJF4MKEUvBe_pymDNNc896dGPFDwNSP1-lQrsr0GYgtu2QtRJ6bdfQO4H0lCatbvW5yOs5DwD6_ItRL2irc6qitL03FkDEkiFUZYLAzhsUP6FjaEosTKGsnBXV0HljrRECl7RN2cuiuJWWJQJcxAUznC2Rj6zx76zkF-FNMHgFbvwM
I fixed the problem, he was using https instead of http, that were how the redirect URL were registered, I added this other URL redirection and now it works fine.
Thank you for your help!

Dropbox throws "Invalid redirect_uri" error, although exactly the same url is specified in the app

I want to start my Dropbox-app by linking to a dropbox account as specified here:
However, dropbox won't redirect back to my website and throws "Invalid redirect_uri"
I specified various redirect urls and double checked my app_key, but i could not get it to work. What am i doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!
When I had this issue, I realized that when refreshing the dropbox app console page, it hadn't saved my domain value. Apparently, ONLY HTTPS prefixed domains will work. When I added https it worked fine and saved my value, then I was able to get that to work with my javascript, but I was wishing that I didn't have to setup a server with a cert just to test. Security security, I guess.
http://blah.com // didn't work
https://blah.com // did work
Make sure the full, exact URL is registered as a redirect URI. (E.g. https://www.mydomain.com/mypage.html) The error message in the browser should tell you the exact URI that was attempted, so you should be able to match it perfectly.
I am brand new on this and ran into the same issue today attempting to follow the "Dropbox Datastores and Drop-Ins" tutorial on net.tutsplus.com
My setup is on a local system as well with the solution in a sub directory called "todo".
By trial and error, I got through to the authorisation screen by adding this URI in the Dropbox Developer Console: "http://LH.LH/todo/" (without quotes, AND because of comment restrictions on this board, please replace "LH.LH" with "localhost")
Btw I can see in the console, that there are some other issues with the code, but I will be looking into that.
I'm facing the same issue. It works fine locally, but not on production. I find it to be because of the redirection URI: it adds the 'http://' bit, while you can't add this to the list of supported URI in the Dropbox app list.
Try changing the url manually from the browser, removing the http:// and leaving only the domain. Does it work? If so, you have the same problem as I do... which I still don't know how to fix :(

Network Connection Issue + Blackberry

I am facing a network connection issue. My client has sent me following mail and I am having no idea what I should do in this condition
"One of our companies have asked if it would be possible for them to use their apps with the data going via a proxy. The hve disabled WAP on their BES so they are unable to use the application. I think in this instance the data needs to be routed through the BIS."
For using BIS , I have read that application needs to be approved by RIM and we need to append a secret String provided by the RIM to the connection URL.
For BES we append ;deviceside=false in case of simulator.
For TCP we append ;deviceside=true to the connection URL.
For Wifiwe append ;interface=wifi to the connection URL.
What should we append in the case of BIS?
