Failing to insert total number of records in cassandra cluster from local why? - cassandra-python-driver

Full Data before exporting
enter image description here
Connection with cassandra
enter image description here
Exporting data
enter image description here
Loading Data
enter image description here
Failing to insert total number of records in the Cluster why?


Google Sheets Gid Number?

Hi xlxm file is constantly syncing on google drive
I don't want to convert this file to e-tables, so I create e-tables by publishing it on the web and keep it updated regularly with IMPORTHTML code.
While doing this, my Gid number is constantly changing.
I need to specify gid because otherwise
"The resource in the url contents has exceeded the maximum size."
I get an error
Therefore I'm using
=IMPORTHTML(""; "table"; 4; "en_US")
but ? gid page number keeps changing
Every time I update the xlsm file
I am not adding a new page.
pulling my file published through google sheets

How to obtain images in docker Register by using some keywords

I have a requirement that users input some keywords, through which I can quickly help users find out the images in the Docker Register,we have more than 10,000 images in our warehouse. What command can we use to filter quickly? I only found /v2/_catelog in the Docker API, it doesn't cut it.
The whole step I need is as follows:
1、The front input box enters any character and tags
2、The back end helps query and returns the existing list by character

Duplicates developer metadata when using cut + paste

I create Developer Metadata for each of the columns in the sheet.
If a new column gets created, I track it and create another developer metadata for it.
The process above works great until the user starts to move columns using Cut (cmd+x) and Paste (cmd+v).
When you cut and paste, the developer metadata is transferred to the destination column and as a result, you're ending with 2 metadata on the same column.
It gets more complicated when you do that process multiple times.
Eventually, I collect the changes and I see more than 1 metadata on a given column and I don't know which of them to choose.
Do you have an Idea how can I deal with that scenario?
The flow explained:
The user connect his google sheet document.
I go over his sheet and create metadata on the columns.
Name [444]
id [689]
Country [997]
The user is doing multiple changes on the sheet. One of the changes is cutting and pasting the column country over id. As a result, the column id gets removed but the metadata id we created stays on (Google Sheet API implementation)
Here is the new state:
Name [444]
Country [689, 997]
As you can see now, we have 2 metadata ids on the same column (Country). Why it is a problem for me? when I periodically collect the changes I recollect the metadata changes from the column. When I encounter two metadata ids on the same column I don't know which of them to choose.
So why can't I just select randomly? because I already have an existing mapping on my end and I don't know which of them to choose now. Take into account that the user may have changed the column name also so I can count on the column label.

Prometheus exporter with historical data

Is it possible for a Prometheus exporter to save historical data and not only devliver the value while scraping?
My goal is that my exporter is reading a value (let's say a sensor) every 1ms and saving it. Every 15 seconds now Prometheus pulls the data and gets the list of values since last scraping.
Is this possible/intenden to be done with an exporter?
Because if i get it correctly the exporter is not intended to save values, only to read a value when Prometheus scrapes it.
Scheduling of scraping
If it is not possible to solve this with an exporter i only see the solution to add a timeseries database between the node and the exporter. And the exporter then only pulls the data from the tsdb.
|Node| --[produces value each ms] --> |InfluxDB| --> |Exporter| --> |Prometheus|
Do i miss something here?
There are the following options:
To push data directly to Prometheus-compatible remote storage such as VictoriaMetrics, so the data could be queried later with PromQL from Grafana.
To scrape data from the exporter with vmagent with short scrape interval, so it could push the scraped data to remote storage when it is available.
To collect the data at exporter side in Histograms, so they are scraped later by Prometheus, vmagent or VictoriaMetrics. This approach may lead to the lowest amounts of storage space requred for metrics and the highest query speed.

infer byte size of JSON file stored in cassandra column for each row

I'm querying a vendor's cassandra database to fetch data from a table. The data returned is a JSON file stored as text. I want to determine the average size of the json file in the cassandra table.
Also other stats like max size and min size for each partition.
Can we achieve the above requirement using SELECT+Aggregate functions queries?
Please suggest to get the desired output
nodetool tablestats will tell you the min/max/avg for the partitions in a given table. nodetool tablehistograms will give you even finer grained information.
