How do I release a gurobi floating license (shared, limited-use) in Pyomo? - token

The gurobi python api allows the user to release a floating license (shared, limited-use) by using the commands "Model.dispose()" and "disposeDefaultEnv()". However, when modeling in pyomo, could anyone please inform me how to release the gurobi floating license after the optimization model is solved? Thanks a lot!
I tried to read pyomo document, but cannot find similar commands like "Model.dispose()" and "disposeDefaultEnv()" provided by gurobi python api.

This recent PR in Pyomo added a method to explicitly release the Gurobi license if you're using the APPSI persistent interface. You'll need Pyomo 6.4.2 or later to try it. I think the syntax is something like:
from pyomo.contrib import appsi
# Build Pyomo model (not shown)
opt = appsi.solvers.Gurobi()
res = opt.solve(model)


With bazel how do I be/make sure objects taken from cache have been build for the right system/libraries?

I got some strange glibc-related linker errors for builds with distributed build cache configured on build nodes running different Linux distributions.
Now I somehow suspect build artifacts from those machines with different glibc versions getting mixed up, but I don't know how to investigate this.
How do I find out what Bazel takes into account when building the hash for a certain build artifact?
I know I can explicitly set environment variables which then will affect the hash. But how can I be sure a given compiler, a certain version of glibc, etc. will lead to different hashes for built artifacts?
And how do I check/compare what's been taken into account?
This is a complex topic and a multi-facet question. I am going to answer in the following order:
How do I check/compare what's been taken into account?
How to investigate against which glibc a build linked?
How can I be sure a given compiler, a certain version of glibc, etc. will lead to different hashes for built artifacts?
How do I check/compare what's been taken into account?
To answer this, you should look into the the execution look, specifically you can read up on The *.json execution log should contain everything you need to know (granted, it might be a bit verbose) and is a little easier to process with shell-magic/your editor.
How to investigate against which glibc a build linked?
From the execution log, you can get all the required hashes to retrieve cached artifacts/binaries from your remote cache. Given these files, you should be able to use standard tools to get to the glibc version (ldd -r -v binary | grep GLIBC).
How can I be sure a given compiler, a certain version of glibc, etc. will lead to different hashes for built artifacts?
This depends on the way you have setup for compilation toolchain. The best case would be a fully hermetic compilation toolchain, where all necessary files are declared using attributes like
But this would also mean to lock-down the compiler sysroot. This should include all libraries you are linking against if you want full hermeticity. If you want to use some system libraries, you need to tell bazel where to find them and to factor in their hash: or
If you use the auto-detected compiler toolchain, some tricks are used to lock-down the sysroot paths, but expect some non-hermiticity. is a nice write-up how to move from the auto-detected toolchain to something more hermetic.
The hack
Of course, you can hack around this. Note, this is inherently a bad idea:
create a script that inspects the system, determines everything important like the glibc version, maybe the linux distribution (flavor)
creates a string describing this variation and hash-summing it
use that as the instance key/name for your remote cache

What is the difference between cc_toolchain_suite and register_toolchains?

In the context of C++ toolchain, I am trying to understand the difference of the concept between cc_toolchain_suite and register_toolchains, to me it seems they achieve the same purpose: select a toolchain based on command line parameters.
See for register_toolchains
See for cc_toolchain_suite
Can someone please help understand the subtlety behind these 2 concepts?
TL;DR The cc_toolchain_suite is part of the legacy toolchain configuration system. It still exists in Bazel because the migration to the new API is not complete. The register_toolchains is part of the newer, unified toolchain API. When possible use register_toolchains instead of cc_toolchain_suite/--*crosstool_top
Originally the concept of a 'toolchain' was not standardised in Bazel, so a Java toolchain would be implemented very differently than a cc toolchain.
Before the unified starlark toolchain API, cc toolchains were specified in proto-text formatted 'CROSSTOOL' files.
With the introduction of the platforms API and the unified toolchains API, the concepts in the CROSSTOOL files were converted almost 1:1 to the new unified platforms/toolchains starlark API. This was mostly to ensure that there was compatibility between the old/new API's.
One of the concepts in the older 'CROSSTOOL' configuration system was a 'toolchain suite', that allowed you to define a group of toolchains targeting different CPU's (This was before the platforms API was introduced).
As far as I understand the only reason that cc_toolchain_suite is still a part of Bazel's starlark API is that some of the apple/android toolchains have not yet been completely migrated across.
Here are a few examples of where I've opted to using the newer register_toolchains approach. Note that these toolchains do not use cc_toolchain_suite anymore.

Detailed Explanation on "Re-Hosting" and "Retargeting" both for compilers and binary data (such as .exe or .obj)

Sometimes in s/w companies, customers provide data in multiple formats. There are linkable and executable data that are said to be "Rehosted" and compiled object files that are said to be "Retargeted". I am trying to understand what rehosting and retargeting mean in this area. Is it similar to the Bootstrap theory in computer science? I have the understanding of the following process (if not incorrect):
I need to write a compiler for a new language called "MyLang" to run on PowerPC
1. I need to write a compiler for a language "MyLang-Mini"; a subset of "MyLang" to run on PowerPC.
2. I need to write a compiler for "MyLang" using "MyLang-Mini" to run on PowerPC.
3. I run the compiler obtained from no. 1 through the compiler obtained from no. 2 to
obtain the compiler for MyLang to run on PowerPC.
MyLang PowerPC MyLang PowerPC
MyLangMini MyLangMini PowerPC PowerPC(instr.)
What I am getting confused about is rehosting and retargeting. How are they coonected to this concept? What am I rehosting and retargeting if I have some binary data such as .exe or .obj? I would appreciate some detailed explanation if possible please!
I know that this will embark onto "CROSS-COMPILERS", but would prefer expert opinions to be sure.
Thanks in advance.
I now know that in s/w engineering:
REHOSTING - If you have a third-party application linkable/executable that requires usage on your host machine, you do rehosting. The target in this case are most often the same (OS platform, processor, etc.). In worst case, there is a virtualisation required. The rehosted application will run as if it was one of the application running in the host machine
RETARGETTING - If you have a third-party source code, you might need to recompile that to match with your target environment. It may also be that you have third-party .o or .obj compiled models and you want to link them with your source code (retargeted) in order to host it on a host machine. Just like REHOSTED application, it will be as if the application was installed on the host machine.
It will be good to know how this is similar to the compiler rehosting and retargeting. Sorry, I am a newbee is this area and will appreciate even a slap on the wrist.

z3 MaxSAT example error

I'm interested in playing around with the MaxSAT/MaxSMT c example (specifically, maxsat.c) provided on the z3 (Microsoft Research) website. Using Visual Studio 2010, I eventually got the example to compile (using a fresh install of z3 4.0). However, I can't get any of my (SMT 2.0) models to run using them. Further, I cannot get the example posted in this question to work either.
In the first case, my compiled program crashes when it tries to call Z3_get_smtlib_num_formulas in get_hard_constraints of the file. I don't know why, instead, I get the standard windows 7 "this program has stopped working" popup.
In the second case, it reports unsupported ;benchmark.
In order to help me to get this work, I was wondering if
(a) Has anyone had similar issues when compiling this code, and if so, how did you resolve them?
(b) How can I debug either compilation of the file (assuming it is correct)? Namely, can someone enumerate the correct libraries (and library versions - e.g., z3 4.0?) to include in the compiler options to get this example working?
In either case, information on the error reported in the second case would also be appreciated: what does it mean exactly? The keyword was not valid? That the SMT input is the wrong version? Or something else?
The MaxSAT example has not been updated to SMTLIB 2.0 yet. It uses the function Z3_parse_smtlib_file to parse the input, which means that it supports only SMTLIB 1.0 at the moment.
This example is distributed alongside Z3, i.e., you should have received a copy in Z3-4.0/examples/maxsat/, which also contains compilation and execution scripts.
Compilation should be straight-forward by running build.cmd in a Visual Studio Command Prompt, or on Linux.

Solaris: Programmatic interface to ifconfig?

I'm looking for a programmatic interface to the Solaris ifconfig(1M) command.
Apparently Linux has the getifaddrs(3) command, but as far as I can tell this has not been ported to Solaris.
Short of attempting to use the code at the link above, is there any way to determine ifconfig(1M)-type data (network interface presence, state, etc.) without forking the system command and parsing the output?
I have an implementation here, IPv4-only based on SIOCGIFCONF ioctl()'s and IP family agnostic version using SIOCGLIFCONF:
Tested on SPARC/Solaris 10 and x86/OpenSolaris 2008.11 & 2009.06, LGPL 2.1 license.
getifaddrs() was recently integrated into the source code for future OpenSolaris & Solaris releases, but that doesn't help your code run on current releases:
6731945 need BSD getifaddrs() API
OpenSolaris source: usr/src/lib/libsocket/inet/getifaddrs.c
Until then you'll need to use the SIOCGLIFCONF ioctls, which you should find lots of examples of in open source code, including the link you posted.
Real men use ioctl ;)
Take a look at if(7P).
