how to see what package has been removed after rollback on nixos - nix

I wanted to test if
nix-env --rollback
could change what I changed in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
The answer is no but now a package has been delete and I what to know which package has been deleted.
Is there a way to know that?
I know that I could have done
nix-env -q
before and after the roolback and compare. But if I forget to do that before, I need a solution.
nix-env -iA nixos.nix-diff
nix-diff /nix/var/nix/profiles/system /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-$22-link
nix-diff: unknown-deriver: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)"

You can use nix profile history to inspect the package changes.
Suppose you are in version 30, and by install nix-diff package you profile becomes version 31, then nix profile history will give
Version 31 (2022-12-10) <- 30:
nix-diff: ∅ -> 1.0.18
This history preserves even if you rollback from version 31 to 30.
You may also interested in nix profile diff-closure, which show diff of the whole closure between profile versions.


How can I create home-nix file from my current configuration

What I think that I've understood about home-manager.
Instead of using
nix-env iA packageToBeInstalled
you write a list of package in a file (/home/nixos/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix that I from now on call just home.nix)
you run
home-manager switch
and the package are installed.
But I have already installed some packages with nix-env. (home-manager for instance)
I would like to have my configuration save just in home.nix in order to just have to import it and execute home-manager switch to import the exact same configuration in a other OS.
Therefore I need a command replicating my configuration in home.nix.
I am not aware of a tool that fully automates this.
The nix-env list of installed packages is maintained in ~/.nix-profile/manifest.nix, but does not contain the attribute path, which is the "name" you need to use in such configuration files.
To find the attribute paths for the things you've installed, you may first create an index of sorts based on your current nixpkgs (NIX_PATH etc):
nix-env -qaP >packages.tmp
and then use it to look up each package.
Here's a one-liner that doesn't work for all packages.
nix-env -q | while read name; do grep "$name" <packages.tmp; done
So make sure to read through nix-env -q yourself and look up anything that's missing using for example
To finalize, remove the imperatively installed packages with nix-env -e, check nix-env -q, and rm packages.tmp.

Why does my NixOS installation not have `~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/`?

A NixOS user, I am studying the Nix Pills. They frequently reference ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ as a means of "entering the Nix environment". E.g. quoting from chapter 5:
I remind you how to enter the Nix environment: source
However, my NixOS machine does not even have a ~/.nix-profile/etc directory, let alone a ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ file. My questions:
Why might my machine not have ~/.nix-profile/etc?
Is there an ordinary way to generate ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
Is there straightforward alternative way to "enter the Nix environment" in NixOS?
I do not yet have answers to (1) and (2), but do have an answer to (3). That is:
$ nix repl
works to enter the nix environment.
According to the official documentation, profile could be automatically generated when you've switched to it by command:
$ nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/default
So, you should try this command and it should create missed files and directories.
Here is the text copied from official doc:
You generally wouldn’t have /nix/var/nix/profiles/some-profile/bin in your PATH. Rather, there is a symlink ~/.nix-profile that points to your current profile. This means that you should put ~/.nix-profile/bin in your PATH (and indeed, that’s what the initialisation script /nix/etc/profile.d/ does). This makes it easier to switch to a different profile. You can do that using the command nix-env --switch-profile:
$ nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/my-profile
$ nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/default
These commands switch to the my-profile and default profile, respectively. If the profile doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically. You should be careful about storing a profile in another location than the profiles directory, since otherwise it might not be used as a root of the garbage collector.

How can I reset my nix environment to the original user profile?

I believe I ran nix-env -if example.nix which changed my nix environment.
How can I undo this action?
I'm trying to run a application that is specified in my nixos config (/etc/nixos/*), however it no longer seems available (within the $PATH).
Seems it might be nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/default (according to ?
I run nix-env -e '*' to remove all packages from my profile installed via nix-env regularly and move anything I want to use into environment.systemPackages so all my packages are tracked in my nixos configuration declaratively. As for debugging why the application specified in your configuration.nix isn't in your path, an application specified in your configuration.nix should be symlinked to /run/current-system/sw/bin, so the first thing would be to check that the binary you're looking for is listed in there and second that is in your $PATH.

Anyone else get this error "Error: invalid option: --with-passenger"

Can not get NGINX to install with passenger
Following the steps you are supposed to...
brew install passenger
Then you run the following command...
brew install nginx --with-passenger
But I get:
Error: invalid option: --with-passenger
Could not find any resources about this online, so asking here.
$ brew install nginx --with-passenger
Usage: brew install [options] formula
Install formula.
formula is usually the name of the formula to install, but it can be specified
in several different ways.
-d, --debug If brewing fails, open an interactive
debugging session with access to IRB or a
shell inside the temporary build directory
--env If std is passed, use the standard build
environment instead of superenv.If super
is passed, use superenv even if the formula
specifies the standard build environment.
--ignore-dependencies Skip installing any dependencies of any
kind. If they are not already present, the
formula will probably fail to install.
--only-dependencies Install the dependencies with specified
options but do not install the specified
--cc Attempt to compile using provided
compiler. compiler should be the name
of the compiler's executable, for instance
gcc-7 for GCC 7. In order to use LLVM's
clang, use llvm_clang. To specify the
Apple-provided clang, use clang. This
parameter will only accept compilers that
are provided by Homebrew or bundled with
macOS. Please do not file issues if you
encounter errors while using this flag.
-s, --build-from-source Compile the specified formula from source
even if a bottle is provided. Dependencies
will still be installed from bottles if
they are available.
--force-bottle Install from a bottle if it exists for the
current or newest version of macOS, even if
it would not normally be used for
--include-test Install testing dependencies required to
run brew test.
--devel If formula defines it, install the
development version.
--HEAD If formula defines it, install the HEAD
version, aka. master, trunk, unstable.
--fetch-HEAD Fetch the upstream repository to detect if
the HEAD installation of the formula is
outdated. Otherwise, the repository's HEAD
will be checked for updates when a new
stable or development version has been
--keep-tmp Don't delete the temporary files created
during installation.
--build-bottle Prepare the formula for eventual bottling
during installation.
-f, --force Install without checking for previously
installed keg-only or non-migrated
-v, --verbose Print the verification and postinstall
--display-times Print install times for each formula at the
end of the run.
-i, --interactive Download and patch formula, then open a
shell. This allows the user to run
./configure --help and otherwise
determine how to turn the software package
into a Homebrew package.
-g, --git Create a Git repository, useful for
creating patches to the software.
-h, --help Show this message.
Error: invalid option: --with-passenger
This is supposed to work... so yeah.
A late answer. Obviously the documentation on the passenger site is outdated at time of this writing.
According to phusion's github site
the config option --nginx-with-passenger is not valid anymore.
Instead do:
brew install nginx passenger
When using google search for results currently the old page comes up at the top of the list. Here's the currently maintained page with the accurate information:

Adding a variant to an existing homebrew formula?

I'd like to modify the dtc formula to build a specialized version of dtc used with the Beaglebone Black (and other device-tree ARM boards). The problem is multi-fold. The dtc formula provides bottled versions, and installed 1.4.0. I want to install a version that comes from newer sources, but not the absolute latest, and applies a patch available elsewhere. I can build this manually on OS X, but I don't know the best way to make it available in homebrew.
I'd like to make it a variant. Either an entirely separate formula, or something within the current formula that can be selected with a command-line parameter. But I'm not well-versed enough in brew to know how best to do this.
I tried creating new formula called "dtc-dyn" but it doesn't like dashes in the name.
I'd also like to make it a bottle, for others' convenience, but that seems more complicated.
I tried just modifying the current dtc and removing all the bottle stuff, then modifying the URL, version, and adding system steps. But some of the operations fail (that seem to work when run from the original build script):
def install
git_sha = "f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647"
system "git checkout master -f"
system "git pull"
system "git checkout #{git_sha} -b #{git_sha}-build"
system "git pull --no-edit dt-overlays5"
system "make clean"
system "make all"
Sadly, this doesn't work:
$ brew install dtc
==> Cloning git://
Updating /Library/Caches/Homebrew/dtc--git
==> Checking out branch master
==> git checkout master -f
==> git pull
==> git checkout f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647 -b f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647-build
2015-09-21 00:22:37 -0700
git checkout f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647 -b f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647-build
fatal: reference is not a tree: f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647
The original script can be found here.
Anyway, what's the best way to approach this? I think some kind of with-option, based on some of the example scripts, but I'm not sure how to avoid the bottle business. Thanks!
Second Approach
Okay, after more doc reading and experimenting, I'm trying this:
class Dtc < Formula
desc "Device tree compiler"
homepage ""
url ""
mirror ""
sha256 "f5f9a1aea478ee6dbcece8907fd4551058fe72fc2c2a7be972e3d0b7eec4fa43"
version "1.4.0"
option "with-symbols", "Add symbols/fixup support (-# option)."
if build.with? "symbols"
url "", :revision => "f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647"
system "git", "pull", "--no-edit", "", "dt-overlays5"
def install
system "make"
system "make", "DESTDIR=#{prefix}", "PREFIX=", "install"
mv lib/"libfdt.dylib.1", lib/"libfdt.1.dylib"
Unfortunately, the git pull fails because it does that before cloning the git repo, and it's not in the right directory. I first considered patch do…, but it wasn't clear how to apply the patch via git pull. I tried this:
if build.with? "symbols"
url "", :revision => "f6dbc6ca9618391e4f30c415a0a09b7af35f7647"
patch do
system "git", "pull", "--no-edit", "", "dt-overlays5"
But it still tries to do the git pull before cloning the repo and cding to it.
