Git warning: unable to access '.': Permission denied - git-for-windows

I get this warning every time I add a file to git for staging. warning: unable to access '.': Permission denied
I started to get this kind of warnings since I added .gitattributes file to the project. I'm not sure. Git still seems to work properly.
What should I do to solve this warning. I am working in Windows.


jest --watch throws Error: EACCES: permission denied for directory owned by root

When I run jest --watch, I get a permission denied error on a directory in my repository, even if I use watchPathIgnorePatterns for the directory:
Error: EACCES: permission denied, scandir '/path/to/repo/.pgdata'
.pgdata/ is a directory used as a Docker volume for postgresql.
The directory is owned by root.
Solutions tried
I tried using watchPathIgnorePatterns in my jest config:
watchPathIgnorePatterns: ['<rootDir>/\\.pgdata/'],
I tried a similar pattern for modulePathIgnorePatterns and testPathIgnorePatterns.
I also tried setting the owner of .pgdata to my user with chown, but that required a change in the Docker setup that I don't want to make right now.
Using the roots config property fixed the problem:
roots: ['<rootDir>/__tests__']
This tells jest to only search for files in the __tests__ directory.
Note: I only have tests in __tests__, and I don't have a src/ directory. If I did, it would probably have to be included as well, as shown in the example in the documentation.
Even when using watchPathIgnorePatterns, the jest watcher still tries to run through all directories in the repository. Since it encounters a directory it does not have access to read from, it throws the error (tested on jest 28.1.0)
This unrelated issue comment for jest hinted at the solution.

Does ejabberd 16.12.34 supports mod_push? Any alternative for sending push notifications through ejabberd?

I am following these instructions:
git clone
copy the source code folder to the module sources folder of your ejabberd
installation (may be different on your machine)
sudo cp -R mod_push /var/spool/jabber/.ejabberd-modules/sources/
if done right ejabberdctl will list mod_push as available module
ejabberdctl modules_available
automatically compile and install mod_push
ejabberdctl module_install mod_push
But i got these errors: (part of errors)
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/ebin/mod_push_gcm.bea#: error writing file: no such file or directory
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/ebin/mod_push_mozilla.bea#: error writing file: no such file or directory
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/src/mod_push_mozilla.erl:74: Warning: variable 'DisableArgs' is unused
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/ebin/mod_push_ubuntu.bea#: error writing file: no such file or directory
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/src/mod_push_ubuntu.erl:74: Warning: variable 'DisableArgs' is unused
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/src/mod_push_ubuntu.erl:139: Warning: erlang:now/0: Deprecated BIF. See the "Time and Time Correction in Erlang" chapter of the ERTS User's Guide for more information.
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/ebin/mod_push_wns.bea#: error writing file: no such file or directory
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/src/mod_push_wns.erl:84: Warning: variable 'DisableArgs' is unused
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/src/mod_push_wns.erl:160: Warning: variable 'ReplyHead' is unused
/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/ebin/node_push.bea#: error writing file: no such file or directory
Error: {compilation_failed,"/Users/.ejabberd-modules/sources/mod_push/src/mochijson2.erl"}
Does anyone have dealt with this?
Please specify alternatives for sending push notifications through ejabberd server.
mod_push doesn't work with ejabberd 16.12+ versions.
Please see the related github issue:

Issue instaling Dolphin # Permissions Reversal scr

am trying to install dolphin on my mac. I used the following to set up php and other required software.
At permission reversal screen, I am asked to change the permission. Which i did so (chmod 400). However I received error. I reverted to writeable permission and tried again still I get the below error -
Warning: require_once(/Library/WebServer/Documents/~tusharsaurabh/pleasereferme/inc/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/Users/tusharsaurabh/Sites/pleasereferme/inc/ on line 154
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/Library/WebServer/Documents/~tusharsaurabh/pleasereferme/inc/' (include_path='.:') in/Users/tusharsaurabh/Sites/pleasereferme/inc/ on line 154
When I check the file /Library/WebServer/Documents/~tusharsaurabh/pleasereferme/inc/, there is no tusharsaurabh folder under Documents folder. However /Users/tusharsaurabh/Sites/pleasereferme/inc/ is present.
Please let me know how to fix it.
The issue was $dir[root](in had incorrect path. Corrected the path and installation was complete. [Error 5] Access is denied

I just recently updated to the new version of forge, did not change anything on my setting and when I went to build my app I got an error that said it could not find the file..
so I made the copy of aapt file and put it in a directory where trigger said it was looking (the docs said should have moved this file for me already but Im guessing it did not)
After I moved this file and ran the build again it looked like it found the file but now I get [Error 5] Access is denied.
I have checked the permissions on the folder as I am the admin and I have full permissions and I have launched trigger as an administrator and still nothing.
So again from what I can tell this is a problem with the python script that calls aapt.
When you look at the script it points only to aapt, this means its looking for a directory and not the aapt.exe file itself so the first thing that happens is
1) forge says it cant find the aapt directory, this is why you are getting the error message "cant find aapt tool"
2) by adding the directory you would get the access denied because then the script is trying to run all these commands on just the directory (this was the problem I ran into), by making the change below you do not need to create a directory, just leave everything how it is but add the exe and it should work
After doing some testing I found that by adding .exe to the pythong script in the build was able to run successfully
if you look on line 35 of and change 'appt' to 'appt.exe' it should build for you
this is what it looks like for me
path.join(sdk, 'build-tools', '*','aapt.exe')
Hope this helps

Unable to Read SHA1 File while Deploying

When attempting to deploy via Capistrano I am getting the following errors. This is happened on a repo that I've been working on for more than a year and everything has been going smooth during the past.
Any ideas on how to fix the repo?
error: unable to find 3b1ab2a2fa39f4ffc4a53a7888223522195e2506
error: unable to read sha1 file of .gitignore (3b1ab2a2fa39f4ffc4a53a7888223522195e2506)
error: unable to find 6cb9767572171070c88d5792022edd855f63e57d
error: unable to read sha1 file of Gemfile (6cb9767572171070c88d5792022edd855f63e57d)
error: unable to find 63303cc69f301a4d691cd4a2fb95005996a1d5fd
error: unable to read sha1 file of app/controllers/mobile_controller.rb (63303cc69f301a4d691cd4a2fb95005996a1d5fd)
error: unable to find 57ca529579101e75240e78985419a73c89a6ba44
Checking out files: 100% (5634/5634), done.
fatal: Could not reset index file to revision 'db369d7ee2aa96750ff1fd61f53ec049038a74eb'.
Removing /tmp/deploy-cache/ fixed problem.
