Did I overwrite my old version of Jenkins? - jenkins

My Jenkins is running on CentOS 7 and I was looking to upgrade my Jenkins version 2.277.4 to 2.375.1. I tried using sudo yum update jenkins to update jenkins. I received this message: “Public key for jenkins-2.375.1-1.1.noarch.rpm is not installed”. I read an article telling me to pull the key from online, so I performed these commands:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo --no-check-certificate
sudo rpm --import https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat-stable/jenkins.io.key
sudo yum update jenkins
Afterwards, I haven’t been able to correctly start Jenkins. Obviously, I should have just uploaded the new war file instead of using yum update.
Any time I try Sudo systemctl start jenkins I get this warning.
Warning: jenkins.service changed on disk. Run ‘systemctl daemon-reload’ to reload units.
Any suggestions on fixing this issue? Any way to revert back to the old version?
Thank you ahead of time!
**Edit: I tried reloading the daemon and restarting the service. However, my Jenkins start/restart is timing out even though I’ve set the timer to 10 mins.
Additionally, I installed java-11-openjdk during the upgrade, would that cause issues?


When Jenkins job in running IP gets frozen and inaccessible

I have set up some python script in Jenkins with AWS/Ubuntu server.
However, when I run a job, my ip address get inaccessible, just spinning, and I can't do anything within Jenkins app
My AWS instance is showing as Running so I don't its an issue there.
This is what I latest installed on it
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
And this is what I'm trying to build (customer python build) in Jenkins
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sbase install chromedriver latest
pytest --headless
If anyone has experience and what I may be doing wrong, please let me know.
It's happening the same to me. The only solution I have found for the moment is to stop de instance from the AWS console and start it again. I'm sill looking for a good solution for this problem, but i'm new in this "world".

No startup for Jenkins installation over CentOS 7

I've been following those instructions in order to install Jenkins over CentOS 7
$ sudo systemctl start jenkins
jenkins.service not found
But nos service seems to be installed, no WAR is found anywhere. I don't get it.
Does anybody have an idea of what I could have forgotten?
Ok, so Jenkins wasn't installed indeed, due to GPG signature check.
I just didn't dig Yum's response... Shame on me.
So I changed the install command accordingly:
yum --nogpgcheck install jenkins

Docker specific installation version. Dependency failed

Needed a specific version of docker (18.06.1-ce). Removed newer version. Followed: http://www.devopsage.com/how-to-install-docker-on-ubuntu-16-04/ to install.
In the end, systemctl status docker.service got an exception like this:
Dependency failed for Docker Application Container Engine.
Already spent some time googling. No luck.
Q: How it could be fixed?
Maybe it will save time for someone. The key was to remove previous version like with this command. (Seems something stuck unremoved that caused that issue). Removed again, followed the steps, all started being Ok. again.
To remove:
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker-ce docker.io
Before I did:
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-ce. // not good

Installing Jenkins on RHEL 6 getting error "No valid crumb was included in the request"

I've just installed Jenkins on an AWS EC2. However when I go to configure Jenkins from the browser I get the following error immediately after I select install recommended plugins:
An error occurred during installation: No valid crumb was included in the request
When I looked up this error, it seems it was a known issue but was resolved last year.
However I am still encountering it on a stable build version.
Installation on RHEL 6:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import https://jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key
sudo yum install jenkins
Running Jenkins
sudo service jenkins start
Does anybody know a workaround or how to fix this problem?

jenkins fails to install with no error on debian 7

i'm trying to get jenkins running on debian 7 but i keep getting this error while apt-get install jenkins is running.
Setting up dbus (1.6.8-1) ...
Failed to open connection to "system" message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
[ ok ] Starting system message bus: dbus.
Also i get the message that jenkins is started at the end and no error message:
[ ok ] Starting Jenkins Continuous Integration Server: jenkins.
but /etc/init.d/jenkins status gives me the output that jenkins is not running. also ls -alh /var/lib/jenkins gives me an empty folder.
So the install fails with no error.
This is the way i'm running the install:
wget -q -O - http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | apt-key add -
sh -c 'echo deb http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
apt-get update
apt-get install jenkins
Has anyone of you tried installing jenkins on a fresh debian 7?
looking forward for helping answers.
kind regards and thanks in advance
So i solved the problem finally.
I expected the Java SDK to have the right JRE in it, so i downloaded it from the Oracle website: jdk1.7.0_21-x64-linux.tar.gz after installing and registering this to my machine it worked java -version and javac -version.
Problem was the version of this JRE did not work with Jenkins so thanks to #wako, i installed openjdk-7-jre and i have now two jre's running on my machine but jenkins started finally. need to figure out if openjdk-7-jre suits my plans or if i need to fall back to Debian 6.
This is an issue with apt-get and not with Jenkins -
please make sure you run it as root.
Can try to install (or upgrade) another package, to confirm.
I had the same problem on the debian 7 freshly installed, via the light version of debian 7 with the ssh server only installed.
First I add the repository as you specified it, try to install jenkins but some dependencies were broken (daemon-psmisc-java2-runtime).
To solve the problem I did an:
apt-get -f upgrade
And it was OK
To complete the installation of jenkins you will need apache2 and java-jre
apt-get install apache2 openjdk-7-jre
