Using tree-sitter as compiler's main parser - parsing

Can a parser, generated by tree-sitter, be used both for both syntax highlighting and compiler itself? If not - why?
It would be counterproductive to write 2 different parsers and maintain them.
Note: I haven't used tree-sitter yet, but consider using it for highlighting syntax of my own programming language. Due-to that, I may misunderstand how it's parser actually works.


Generate a parser from programatically generated BNF

I've seen two approaches to parsing:
Use a parser generator like happy. This allows you to specify your language in BNF, and not worry about the intricacies of parsing. However, since it's a preprocessor you have to write your whole parse tree textually.
Use a parser directly like megaparsec. With this approach you have direct access to your code so you can generate your parser programatically, but you haven't got the convenience of happy's simple BNF specification with precedence annotations etc. Also it seems non trivial to print out a BNF tree for documentation from your parsing code unless this is considered during it's construction.
What I'd like to do is something like this:
Generate a data structure programatically that represents BNF.
Feed this through to a "happy like" parser generator to generate a parser.
Feed this through a pretty printer to generate actual BNF documentation.
The reason I want to do this is that the grammar I'm working on has grown quite large and has a lot of repetition, as a lot of it's constructs are similar to others but slightly different. It would improve maintenence effort if it could be generated programmatically instead of modifying happy BNF spec directly, but I'd rather not have to develop my own parser from scratch.
Any ideas about a good approach here. It would be great if I could just generate a data structure and force it into happy (as it presumably generates it's own internal structure after parsing the BNF feed to it) but happy doesn't seem to have a library interface.
I guess I could generate attonated BNF, and feed that through to happy, but it seems like a messy process of converting back and forth. A cleaner approach would be better. Perhaps even a BNF style extension to parsec or megaparsec?
The simplest thing to do would to make some data type representing the relevant grammar, and then convert it to a parser using some parser combinators as a (run-time) "compile" step. Unfortunately, most parser combinators are less efficient and/or less flexible (in some ways) than the parser generators, so this would be a bit of a lowest common denominator approach. That said, the grammar-combinators library may be useful, though it doesn't appear to be maintained.
There are libraries that can generate parsers at run-time. One I found just now is Grempa, which doesn't appear to be maintained but that may not be a problem. Another option (by the same person who made Grempa but maintained) is Earley which, due to the way Earley parsers are made, it makes sense to have an explicit grammar that gets processed into a parser. Earley parsing is certainly flexible, but may be overpowered for you (or maybe not).

Are the compilers of C++ written using a lexer/parser generator?

(Background: Inspired by Is C++ context-free or context-sensitive?, while I am writing a simple compiler using jflex/cup myself. )
If they are written using a lexer/parser generator, how do we specify the grammar?
Since code like
a b(c);
could be interpreted as either a function declaration or a local variable definition, how could we handle it in the grammar definition file?
Another example could be the token ">>" in the following code:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> foo;
int a = 1000 >> 4;
Are the compilers of C++ written using a lexer/parser generator?
It depends. Some are, some aren't.
GCC originally did use GNU bison, but was re-written a couple of years ago with a hand-written parser. If I have understood that correctly, the main reason was that writing the parser by hand gives you more control over the parser state, and specifically, how much "extraneous" data to keep in there, so that you can generate better error messages.
If they are written using a lexer/parser generator, how do we specify the grammar?
This depends on which parser generator you are using.
Since code like
a b(c);
could be interpreted as either a function declaration or a local variable definition, how could we handle it in the grammar definition file?
Some parser generators may be powerful enough to handle this directly.
Some aren't. Some parser generators which aren't powerful enough have a concept of semantic action that allow you to attach code written in an arbitrarily powerful language to parser rules. E.g. yacc allows you to attach C code to rules.
Otherwise, you will have to handle it during semantic analysis.

How to write a language with Python-like indentation in syntax?

I'm writing a tool with it's own built-in language similar to Python. I want to make indentation meaningful in the syntax (so that tabs and spaces at line beginning would represent nesting of commands).
What is the best way to do this?
I've written recursive-descent and finite automata parsers before.
The current CPython's parser seems to be generated using something called ASDL.
Regarding the indentation you're asking for, it's done using special lexer tokens called INDENT and DEDENT. To replicate that, just implement those tokens in your lexer (that is pretty easy if you use a stack to store the starting columns of previous indented lines), and then plug them into your grammar as usual (like any other keyword or operator token).
Check out the python compiler and in particular compiler.parse.
I'd suggest ANTLR for any lexer/parser generation ( ).
Also, this website ( ) has some more information, in particular:
Python’s indentation cannot be solved with a DFA. (I’m still perplexed at whether it can even be solved with a context-free grammar).
PyPy produced an interesting post about lexing Python (they intend to solve it using post-processing the lexer output)
CPython’s tokenizer is written in C. It’s ad-hoc, hand-written, and
complex. It is the only official implementation of Python lexing that
I know of.

Parser generator for inline documentation

To have a general-purpose documentation system that can extract inline documentation of multiple languages, a parser for each language is needed. A parser generator (which actually doesn't have to be that complete or efficient) is thus needed. is a nice parser generator that already has a number of grammars for popular languages. Are there better alternatives i.e. simpler ones that support generating parsers for even more languages out-of-the-box?
If you're only looking for "partial parsing", then you could use ANTLR's option to partially "lex" a token stream and ignore the rest of the tokens. You can do that by enabling the filter=true in a lexer-grammar. The lexer then tries to match any token you defined in your grammar, and when it can't match one of the tokens, it advances one single character (and ignores it) and then again tries to match one of your token at the next character:
lexer grammar Foo;
options {filter=true;}
: ...
: ...
: ...
: ...
When implemented properly, you can get the MultiLineComments (/* ... */) from a Java file quite easily without being afraid of single line comments and String- or char literals messing things up.
Obviously, your source files need to be valid to be able to properly tokenize a file, otherwise you get strange results!
My compiler uses Dypgen. This is a user extenisble GLR parser with lots of enrichments so it can parse many languages. The bootstrap grammar is EBNF like (it supports * + and ? directly in your productions). It is powerful enough to dynamically load extensions, a fact my compiler leverages: the bulk of my programming language has its syntax dynamically loaded at compiler startup.
Dypgen is written in Ocaml and generates Ocaml code.
There is a C++ GLR parser called Elkhound which is powerful enough to parse most of C++.
However, for your actual requirements, you do not really need to do any serious parsing: a regular expression matching engine is probably good enough. Googles re2 may be suitable (provides most PCRE functionality, a lot faster and with C++ interface).
Although this is less accurate, it is good enough because you can demand that inline documentation adhere to some simple formats. Most existing inline docs already do so for just this reason.
Where I work we used to use GOLD Parser. This is a lot simpler that Antlr and supports multiple languages. We have since moved to Antlr however as we needed to do more complex parsing, which we found Antlr was better for than GOLD.

Difference between compilers and parsers?

By concept/function/implementation, what are the differences between compilers and parsers?
A compiler is often made up of several components, one of which is a parser.
A common set of components in a compiler is:
Lexer - break the program up into words.
Parser - check that the syntax of the sentences are correct.
Semantic Analysis - check that the sentences make sense.
Optimizer - edit the sentences for brevity.
Code generator - output something with equivalent semantic meaning using another vocabulary.
To add a little bit:
As mentioned elsewhere, small C is a recursive decent compiler that generated code as it parsed. Basically syntactical analysis, semantic analysis, and code generation in one pass. As I recall, it also lexed in the parser.
A long time ago, I wrote a C compiler (actually several: the Introl-C family for microcontrollers) that used recursive descent and did syntax and semantic checking during the parse and produced a tree representation of the program from which code was generated.
Today, I'm working on a compiler that does source -> tokens -> AST -> IR -> code, pretty much as I described above.
A parser just reads a text into an internal, more abstract representation, often a tree or graph of some sort.
A compiler translates such an internal representation into another format. Most often this means converting source code into executable programs. But the target doesn't have to be machine code. It can be another programming language as well; the compiler would still be a compiler. Obviously a compiler needs a parser to actually read its input.
Compiler always have a parser inside. Parser just process the language and return the tree representation of it, compiler generate something from that tree, actual machine codes or another language.
A parser is one element of a compiler.
Are you looking for the differences between an interpreter and a compiler?
A parser takes in raw-data and parses it into a tree structure. This syntax-tree is then passed on to generator, which will turn it into whatever it is supposed to generate.
So, a parser is a part of a compiler.
In general, parser is a part of the compiler, but compiler is designed to convert the received script generally into machine-readable code or sometimes into another language.
A compiler is a special type of computer program that translates a human readable text file into a form that the computer can more easily understand. At its most basic level, a computer can only understand two things, a 1 and a 0. At this level, a human will operate very slowly and find the information contained in the long string of 1s and 0s incomprehensible. A compiler is a computer program that bridges this gap.
A parser is a piece of software that evaluates the syntax of a script when it is executed on a web server. For scripting languages used on the web, the parser works like a compiler might work in other types of application development environments.Parsers are commonly used in script development because they can evaluate code when the script is executed and do not require that the code be compiled first.
