How to initialize a repeated field (Google.Protocol.ProtoBuf) from F#? - f#

I have a Google.Protocol.ProtoBuf message defined as:
message Rectangle {
int32 X = 1;
int32 Y = 2;
int32 Width = 3;
int32 Height =4;
message Word {
google.protobuf.Int32Value VocabularyId = 1;
bytes Strokes = 2;
string Text = 3;
string Confidence = 4;
Rectangle BoundingBox =5;
message SaveVocabularyRequest {
repeated Word Words =1 ;
In F#, how do I initialize the repeated field "Words" ?
( using: )
This fails:
let h = words |> InkWordToWord |> Seq.toList
{ Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest.empty() with Words = { Words = {h}} }
Error Message: No Assignment given for field '_UnknownFields' of type 'Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest'
Thank you in advance.

let InkWordToWord (w:Models.InkWord) : Protocol.ProtoBuf.InkWord =
let rectangle (dr: Drawing.Rectangle) : Protocol.ProtoBuf.Rectangle =
{Protocol.ProtoBuf.Rectangle.empty() with X = ValueSome dr.X; Y = ValueSome dr.Y; Width = ValueSome dr.Width; Height = ValueSome dr.Height }
let gg (i:int) : Int32Value =
let g = Int32Value.empty()
g.Value <- ValueSome i
let toBytes (ss:System.Windows.Ink.StrokeCollection) : byte[] =
let ms = new MemoryStream()
{ Protocol.ProtoBuf.InkWord.empty() with VocabularyId = match w.VocabularyId with
| None -> ValueNone
| Some s -> ValueSome (gg s) ;
Strokes = ValueSome (Google.Protobuf.ByteString.CopyFrom(toBytes w.Strokes));
Text = ValueSome w.Text;
Confidence = ValueSome w.Confidence;
BoundingBox = ValueSome (rectangle w.BoundingBox);
let SaveVocabularyRequestToGrpc (words:seq<Models.InkWord>) : SaveVocabularyRequest =
let v =
let h = words |> InkWordToWord |> Seq.toList
let r = Protocol.ProtoBuf.Vocabulary.empty()
// InkWords is a Collection (i.e RepeatedField) in Protobuf.
{Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest.empty() with Vocabulary = ValueSome v }


Return a list from recursive function

I'm trying to return a list from a function, but I'm getting an error that says that an unit was expected instead. Also, I would like to know if this code appears to be structured correctly in general.
let rec calculateVariants (attList: NewProductAttributeInfo list) (activeCount: int)
(currentList: (int * NewProductAttributeInfo) list) =
// group attribute list by category id
let attGrouped = attList |> List.groupBy (fun x -> x.AttributeCategoryId)
// define mutable list
let mutable stageList = currentList
// begin iteration
for catId,details in attGrouped do
for d in details do
if activeCount = 0
then stageList <- (activeCount,d) :: stageList
let groupLength = attGrouped.Length
if (activeCount + 1) <= groupLength
let selectCat,selectDetails = attGrouped.[activeCount + 1]
|> List.filter (fun x ->
|> List.exists (fun (x') ->
not(x' = (activeCount,x))))
|> (fun x ->
match x with
| [] -> ()
| head :: tail ->
stageList <- (activeCount, head) :: stageList
let currentCategory = activeCount + 1
calculateVariants attList currentCategory stageList
stageList // <-- error Unit expected
if .. then .. else should return the same type on both branches. If you omit else branch then compiler assuming that it returns unit. Add else branch returning list.
Given your problem description, the easiest way would be something like this:
type NewProductAttributeInfo = {AttributeCategoryId: string; AttributeId: string}
let products = [ { AttributeCategoryId = "Size"; AttributeId = "S"};
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Mat"; AttributeId = "Linen" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Mat"; AttributeId = "Poliester" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Color"; AttributeId = "White" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Color"; AttributeId = "Green" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Mat"; AttributeId = "Linen" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Mat"; AttributeId = "Cotton" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Mat"; AttributeId = "Poliester" };
{ AttributeCategoryId = "Size"; AttributeId = "XL" } ]
let group list =
|> Set.ofList // Provides uniqueness of attribute combinations
|> Seq.groupBy (fun x -> x.AttributeCategoryId) // Grouping by CatId
|> List.ofSeq
let res = group products
val it : (string * seq<NewProductAttributeInfo>) list =
[("Color", seq [{AttributeCategoryId = "Color";
AttributeId = "Green";}; {AttributeCategoryId = "Color";
AttributeId "White";}]);
[{AttributeCategoryId = "Mat";
AttributeId = "Cotton";}; {AttributeCategoryId = "Mat";
AttributeId = "Linen";};
{AttributeCategoryId = "Mat";
AttributeId = "Poliester";}]);
("Size", seq [{AttributeCategoryId = "Size";
AttributeId = "S";}; {AttributeCategoryId = "Size";
AttributeId = "XL";}])]
This is the solution that I came with. It works, but I'm sure it can be optimized quite a bit. I have a duplicate issue that is solved with the Set.ofList function externally after this code runs, which I'm still working on.
type NewProductAttributeInfo = {
AttributeId : string;
AttributeCategoryId : string
let rec private returnVariant (curIdx: int) (listLength: int)
(attList: (int * NewProductAttributeInfo * NewProductAttributeInfo) list)
(curList: NewProductAttributeInfo list) =
match curList with
| x when x.Length = listLength -> curList
| x ->
let attTup =
|> List.filter (fun x' ->
let idx1,att1,att2' = x'
idx1 >= curIdx && not(curList
|> List.exists (fun x'' ->
x'' = att2'))
let idx1,att1,att2 = attTup |> List.head
let newList = curList # [att2]
returnVariant idx1 newList.Length attList newList
let rec calculateVariants (attList: NewProductAttributeInfo list)
(currentList: (int * NewProductAttributeInfo * NewProductAttributeInfo) list) =
// group attribute list by category id
let attGrouped = attList |> List.groupBy (fun x -> x.AttributeCategoryId)
let (firstGroupCatId,firstGroupDetails) = attGrouped.[0]
match currentList with
| [] ->
let rawVariants = [for nxt in 0 .. (attGrouped.Length - 1) do
if nxt > 0
// begin iteration
for d in firstGroupDetails do
let _,det = attGrouped.[nxt]
for det' in det do
yield (nxt, d, det')
calculateVariants attList rawVariants
| x ->
let groupLength = x |> List.groupBy (fun (idx,d0,nxtD) -> idx)
|> List.length |> ((+)1)
let sortedGroup = x |> List.sortBy (fun (x,y,z) -> x)
if groupLength > 2
then // below is the block that generates the duplicates
[for att in sortedGroup do
for attCompare in sortedGroup do
let idx1,att1,att2 = att
let idx2,attC1,attC2 = attCompare
if idx2 > idx1 && att2 <> attC2
let idString =
returnVariant idx2 groupLength x [att1; att2; attC2]
|> (fun nl -> nl.AttributeId)
yield String.concat "," idString
for att in sortedGroup do
let idx1,att1,att2 = att
let idString =
returnVariant idx1 groupLength x [att1; att2]
|> (fun nl -> nl.AttributeId)
yield String.concat "," idString

How to deal with null values in F#

I am trying to fetch data(type:double) from MS access below. There are number of null values stored in A&B below. is there a way to change those null values to zeros?
let query sql w=
let conn = new OleDbConnection( #"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=Portfolio.accdb;
Persist Security Info=False;" )
let DAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql,conn)
let DTable = new DataSet()
let i= DAdapter.Fill(DTable)
let rowCol = DTable.Tables.[0].Rows
let rowCount = rowCol.Count
for i in 0 .. (rowCount - 1) do
yield w (rowCol.[i])
type Table1= {
let cf=query "SELECT * FROM T" (fun row ->
Define a function
let toFloat = function
| null -> 0.0
| obj -> unbox obj
And then use it as follows
let cf = query "SELECT * FROM T" (fun row ->
{ A = toFloat row.["A"]
B = toFloat row.["B"] } )
Maybe, your columns in DB have different type (for example, int and double). Or try check return value with DBNull type:
let toDouble x =
if System.Convert.IsDBNull(x) then 0.0
else System.Double.Parse(x.ToString())
To check I create that table:
And with your code:
open System.Data
open System.Data.OleDb
let toDouble x =
if System.Convert.IsDBNull(x) then 0.0
else System.Double.Parse(x.ToString())
let query sql w=
let conn = new OleDbConnection( #"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data Source=F:/Portfolio.accdb;Persist Security Info=False;" )
let DAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql,conn)
let DTable = new DataSet()
let i = DAdapter.Fill(DTable)
let rowCol = DTable.Tables.[0].Rows
let rowCount = rowCol.Count
for i in 0 .. (rowCount - 1) do
yield w (rowCol.[i])
type Table1= { A:double; B:double }
let cf = query "SELECT * FROM T" (fun row -> { A = toDouble row.["A"]; B = toDouble row.["B"] } )
cf |> Seq.iter(fun x -> printfn "%A" x)
{A = 1.0;
B = 2.2;}
{A = 3.0;
B = 0.0;}
{A = 4.0;
B = 0.0;}

F# idiomatic Seq/List Look ahead and modification?

Is there an idiomatic way in F# to look ahead in a list/seq/array and use the information learned in the processing of the current item? In my scenario it would also be necessary to mutate (or otherwise store the fact it was changed) the ahead item so it is processed correctly in turn. I'm implementing some rather silly business rules and such a pattern or technique would be useful.
Right now I'm using an accumulator to store the information and then mutating items of an array as I process each. This feels a bit clumsy as you can see in the simplified example below. The actual business rules for the problem I'm solving are more complex so I rather not trudge down this path if there is a better way. Essentially, I want to get rid of graceMonths in the Acc type and instead solve those months by looking ahead in the list/seq/array.
The mock example: Workers get some type of bonus when they reach a desired level of production each month. If they fail to meet the desired level they can make up for it by exceeding the level in following months. Likewise, they can bank excess production for use in future months where they fall short. The following script shows an example.
type CalendarMonth =
{ year : int
month : int }
type InMonth =
{ month : CalendarMonth
prodCount : int }
type OutMonth =
{ month : CalendarMonth
prodCount : int
borrowedFrom : InMonth list
metProd : bool }
type OutMonthAcc =
{ outMonth : OutMonth
notUsed : InMonth list }
type IndexOutMonth =
{ index : int
outMonth : OutMonth }
type Acc =
{ index : int
graceMonths : IndexOutMonth list
bankedProd : InMonth list
arrRef : OutMonth array }
type GraceAcc =
{ processed : IndexOutMonth list
notUsed : InMonth list }
let createMonth y m c =
{ InMonth.month =
{ year = y
month = m }
prodCount = c }
let toOutPutMonth (x : InMonth) =
{ month = x.month
prodCount = x.prodCount
borrowedFrom = []
metProd = false }
let toSimple (x : OutMonth) = sprintf "year: %i, month: %i, metProd: %b" x.month.year x.month.month x.metProd
let solveWithBanked desiredProd bank m =
let useProd (acc : OutMonthAcc) inMonth =
let m = acc.outMonth
if m.metProd then
{ acc with notUsed = inMonth :: acc.notUsed }
let borrowed = m.borrowedFrom |> List.sumBy (fun x -> x.prodCount)
let needed = desiredProd - (m.prodCount + borrowed)
match inMonth.prodCount with
| x when x < needed ->
{ outMonth = { m with borrowedFrom = inMonth :: m.borrowedFrom }
notUsed = acc.notUsed }
| x when x > needed ->
let newInMonth = { inMonth with prodCount = inMonth.prodCount - needed }
let newOutMonth =
{ m with borrowedFrom = newInMonth :: m.borrowedFrom
metProd = true }
{ outMonth = newOutMonth
notUsed = newInMonth :: acc.notUsed }
| _ ->
{ outMonth =
{ m with borrowedFrom = inMonth :: m.borrowedFrom
metProd = true }
notUsed = acc.notUsed }
bank |> List.fold useProd { outMonth = m
notUsed = [] }
let solveGrace desiredProd bank (graceLst : IndexOutMonth list) =
let useBank acc iOutMonth =
let result = iOutMonth.outMonth |> solveWithBanked desiredProd acc.notUsed
if result.outMonth.metProd then
let iMonth =
{ index = iOutMonth.index
outMonth = result.outMonth }
{ processed = iMonth :: acc.processed
notUsed = result.notUsed }
else { acc with processed = iOutMonth :: acc.processed }
|> List.sortBy (fun x -> x.index)
|> List.fold useBank { processed = []
notUsed = bank }
let solve desiredProd acc m =
match m.prodCount < desiredProd with
| true -> // less
let result = m |> solveWithBanked desiredProd acc.bankedProd
if result.outMonth.metProd then
acc.arrRef.[acc.index] <- result.outMonth
{ acc with index = acc.index + 1
bankedProd = result.notUsed }
let iMonth =
{ IndexOutMonth.index = acc.index
outMonth = m }
{ acc with index = acc.index + 1
graceMonths = iMonth :: acc.graceMonths }
| false -> // greater
let newM =
{ index = acc.index
outMonth = { m with metProd = true } }
let newIn =
{ InMonth.month = m.month
prodCount = m.prodCount - desiredProd }
let result = acc.graceMonths |> solveGrace desiredProd (newIn :: acc.bankedProd)
let solved, unsolved = result.processed |> List.partition (fun x -> x.outMonth.metProd)
newM :: solved |> List.iter (fun x -> acc.arrRef.[x.index] <- x.outMonth)
{ acc with index = acc.index + 1
graceMonths = unsolved
bankedProd = result.notUsed }
let jan = createMonth 2013 01 4
let feb = createMonth 2013 02 4
let mar = createMonth 2013 03 6
let apr = createMonth 2013 04 7
let may = createMonth 2013 05 4
let jun = createMonth 2013 06 4
let arr =
jan :: feb :: mar :: apr :: may :: jun :: []
|> Array.ofList
|> toOutPutMonth
arr |> Array.fold (solve 5) { index = 0
graceMonths = []
bankedProd = []
arrRef = arr }
let result =
|> toSimple
|> List.ofArray
The value of result should show all months met production except June. Is this the right approach in F# or is there a better way?
This is the approach I would try here:
Calculate the differences between the expected and actual amounts for each month upfront,
Split the months into three groups - the ones that are below the quota, above the quota and ones that exactly make the quota,
Attempt to balance the ones below the quota with the ones above the quota.
The first two points seem pretty self-explanatory to me, as for the third one, here's the draft of the balance function and an example usage:
let (|Lt|Eq|Gt|) (a, b) =
if a = b
then Eq
elif a > b then Gt else Lt
let rec balance below above balanced =
match below, above with
| (x, required)::xs, (y, available)::ys ->
match required, available with
| Lt -> balance xs ((y, available - required) :: ys) (x::balanced)
| Eq -> balance xs ys (x::y::balanced)
| Gt -> balance ((x, required - available) :: xs) ys (y::balanced)
| _, _ ->
below, above, balanced
balance [("a", 4); ("b", 1)] [ ("c", 2); ("d", 2) ] [ "e" ]
balance [("a", 1); ("b", 1)] [ ("c", 2); ("d", 2) ] [ "e" ]
Essentially you walk the two lists in parallel, "taking" from the one and "adding" to the other, until you run out of either one. What remains is the best attempt at making things balanced.
Typically you want to use collection APIs like the List module when writing F# code, but it's useful to remember that you can always fall back to "raw" recursion when your use case doesn't seem to fit into existing schemes.

How to execute a function, that creates a lot of objects, in parallel?

I am using on a function but find that it is not executing at anywhere near full processor capacity. I am assuming this is because the function creates a lot of objects when running and List.map2. Would this be causing a synchronization issue and is there a more appropriate way of doing this? At the moment the only way I can think of getting around this is by running each process as a separate executable using something like xargs under Linux.
I put together the script below to demonstrate the problem. It is a very basic data categorizer which relies on a field having a certain value as a rule to determine if this will predict a category:
open System
type CategoryAssessment =
{ fieldIndex: int
value: int
ruleAssessments: list<int> }
let InitAssessment categorizeFields rules =
let ruleAssessments = List.init (List.length rules) (fun x -> 0) (fun categorizeField ->
let fieldIndex, categoryValue = categorizeField
{ CategoryAssessment.fieldIndex = fieldIndex;
value = categoryValue;
ruleAssessments = ruleAssessments })
let AssessCategory ruleMatches (row : int[]) categoryAssessment =
let fieldIndex = categoryAssessment.fieldIndex
let categoryValue = categoryAssessment.value
let categoryMatch = categoryValue = row.[fieldIndex]
let newRuleAssessments =
List.map2 (fun ruleAssessment ruleMatch ->
if ruleMatch = categoryMatch then
ruleAssessment + 1
{ categoryAssessment with ruleAssessments = newRuleAssessments }
let MatchRule (row : int[]) rule =
let fieldIndex, eqVal = rule
row.[fieldIndex] = eqVal
let Assess categorizeFields rules input =
printfn "START - Assess"
let d =
Array.fold (fun categoryAssessment row ->
let ruleMatches = (MatchRule row) rules (AssessCategory ruleMatches row) categoryAssessment)
(InitAssessment categorizeFields rules)
printfn "END - Assess"
let JoinAssessments assessments =
let numAssessments = Array.length assessments
Array.fold (fun accAssessment assessment ->
List.map2 (fun accCategory category ->
let newRuleAssessments =
List.map2 (+)
{ accCategory with
ruleAssessments = newRuleAssessments })
let numRecords = 10000
let numFields = 20
let numSplits = 10
let numRules = 10000
let inputs = Array.create numSplits
[| for i in 1 .. (numRecords / numSplits) ->
[| for j in 1 .. numFields ->
(i % 10) + j |] |]
let categorizeFields = [ (1, 6); (2, 3); (2, 4); (3, 2) ]
let rules = [ for i in 1 .. numRules -> (i % numFields, i) ]
let assessments = (Assess categorizeFields rules) inputs
|> JoinAssessments
printfn "Assessments: %A" assessments
After a fair bit of investigation, the ultimate answer to my question seems to be to find a way of not creating lots of objects. The easiest change to do this is moving to using arrays instead of lists. I have written up my findings more fully in an article: Beware of Immutable Lists for F# Parallel Processing.
The above program when altered as follows, runs better between threads and runs much quicker even on a single thread. Further improvements can be made by making the ruleAssessments field mutable as demonstrated in the referenced article.
open System
type CategoryAssessment =
{ fieldIndex: int
value: int
ruleAssessments: int[] }
let InitAssessment categorizeFields rules =
let ruleAssessments = Array.create (Array.length rules) 0 (fun categorizeField ->
let fieldIndex, categoryValue = categorizeField
{ CategoryAssessment.fieldIndex = fieldIndex;
value = categoryValue;
ruleAssessments = ruleAssessments })
let AssessCategory ruleMatches (row : int[]) categoryAssessment =
let fieldIndex = categoryAssessment.fieldIndex
let categoryValue = categoryAssessment.value
let categoryMatch = categoryValue = row.[fieldIndex]
let newRuleAssessments =
Array.map2 (fun ruleAssessment ruleMatch ->
if ruleMatch = categoryMatch then
ruleAssessment + 1
{ categoryAssessment with ruleAssessments = newRuleAssessments }
let MatchRule (row : int[]) rule =
let fieldIndex, eqVal = rule
row.[fieldIndex] = eqVal
let Assess categorizeFields rules input =
printfn "START - Assess"
let d =
Array.fold (fun categoryAssessment row ->
let ruleMatches = (MatchRule row) rules (AssessCategory ruleMatches row) categoryAssessment)
(InitAssessment categorizeFields rules)
printfn "END - Assess"
let JoinAssessments assessments =
let numAssessments = Array.length assessments
Array.fold (fun accAssessment assessment ->
Array.map2 (fun accCategory category ->
let newRuleAssessments =
Array.map2 (+)
{ accCategory with
ruleAssessments = newRuleAssessments })
let numRecords = 10000
let numFields = 20
let numSplits = 10
let numRules = 10000
let inputs = Array.create numSplits
[| for i in 1 .. (numRecords / numSplits) ->
[| for j in 1 .. numFields ->
(i % 10) + j |] |]
let categorizeFields = [| (1, 6); (2, 3); (2, 4); (3, 2) |]
let rules = [| for i in 1 .. numRules -> (i % numFields, i) |]
let assessments = (Assess categorizeFields rules) inputs
|> JoinAssessments
printfn "Assessments: %A" assessments
This is a version of your program that doesn't require mutability and uses nearly all of the 4 cpus on my iMac.
To pull it off, it's driven by assessing each rule in parallel, not by processing records. That also required the input array to be transposed making it be fields by records.
open System
type CategoryAssessment =
{ fieldIndex: int
value: int
ruleAssessments: list<int> }
let MatchRule rVal fVal =
rVal = fVal
let AssessRule cMatches (inputs:int[][]) (rIndex, rVal) =
// printfn "START - Assess" // uses more cpu than the code itself
let matches = inputs.[rIndex] |>
Array.map2 (fun cVal fVal -> (MatchRule rVal fVal) = cVal) cMatches
let assessment = matches |> ( fun v -> if v then 1 else 0 ) |>
// printfn "END - Assess"
let Assess categorizeFields rules (inputs:int[][]) =
categorizeFields |> (fun (catIndex, catValue) ->
let catMatches = inputs.[catIndex] |> fun v -> v = catValue )
let assessments = rules |>
(AssessRule catMatches inputs)
|> Array.toList
{ CategoryAssessment.fieldIndex = catIndex;
value = catValue;
ruleAssessments = assessments }
let numRecords = 10000
let numFields = 20
let numRules = 10000
let inputs = [| for j in 1 .. numFields ->
[| for i in 1 .. numRecords -> (i % 10) + j |] |]
let categorizeFields = [ (1, 6); (2, 3); (2, 4); (3, 2) ]
let rules = [| for i in 1 .. numRules -> (i % numFields, i) |]
let assessments = Assess categorizeFields rules inputs
printfn "Assessments: %A" assessments
Assessing by rule allowed the summing of a single integer across all records for a given rule, avoiding mutable state and extra memory allocations.
I used a lot of array iteration to get the speed up but didn't remove all the lists.
I fear I changed the functionality while refactoring or made assumptions that can't be applied to your actual problem, however I do hope it's a useful example.

Hindley Milner Type Inference in F#

Can somebody explain step by step type inference in following F# program:
let rec sumList lst =
match lst with
| [] -> 0
| hd :: tl -> hd + sumList tl
I specifically want to see step by step how process of unification in Hindley Milner works.
Fun stuff!
First we invent a generic type for sumList:
x -> y
And get the simple equations:
t(lst) = x;
t(match ...) = y
Now you add the equation:
t(lst) = [a] because of (match lst with [] ...)
Then the equation:
b = t(0) = Int; y = b
Since 0 is a possible result of the match:
c = t(match lst with ...) = b
From the second pattern:
t(lst) = [d];
t(hd) = e;
t(tl) = f;
f = [e];
t(lst) = t(tl);
t(lst) = [t(hd)]
Guess a type (a generic type) for hd:
g = t(hd); e = g
Then we need a type for sumList, so we'll just get a meaningless function type for now:
h -> i = t(sumList)
So now we know:
h = f;
t(sumList tl) = i
Then from the addition we get:
Addable g;
Addable i;
g = i;
t(hd + sumList tl) = g
Now we can start unification:
t(lst) = t(tl) => [a] = f = [e] => a = e
t(lst) = x = [a] = f = [e]; h = t(tl) = x
t(hd) = g = i /\ i = y => y = t(hd)
x = t(lst) = [t(hd)] /\ t(hd) = y => x = [y]
y = b = Int /\ x = [y] => x = [Int] => t(sumList) = [Int] -> Int
I skipped some trivial steps, but I think you can get how it works.
