How can I let a Docker image run inside a container, so it awaits for commands? - docker

I have a problem with my Docker Container.
My backend image stops running after it has finished installing dependencies.
While my app is running there will be some querys to the backend, but because it is stopped this doesn't work.
My Dockerfile for the backend
Is there a command I need to add so it runs in the background and listens for querys?
I tried using node as a base image but than it doesnt know R.


Running a `docker` container with `detach=False`

In my Golang program, I am currently spawning a Docker container to perform some work. I chose to use a Docker container here since there are a lot of dependencies and OS-related items that will be much simpler to manage via a packaged container image. I am using the Golang Docker API to manage the containers (
One issue I am facing is if the consumer of my Golang program presses Ctrl-C, the program quits but the Docker container is still running. This will cause actions to keep continuing even if the consumer believes they have stopped the program.
If the Golang program was instead a bash script, I believe that running docker run without the -d flag would cause the container to be stopped as soon as this calling parent is stopped. However, in the Golang docker client at the URL provided previously, I don't see an option to do this. There are two parts here: container_create.go and container_start.go. The structs provided for container_create only contain pre-run based configurations (such as ports to expose, etc.), but there is no mention of background or detached modes. container_start also does not seem to have any options relevant to this.

Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Running a background task without exposing a PORT or URL

I am facing the issue
( Cloud Run error: Container failed to start. Failed
to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment
variable. Logs for this revision might contain more information.
There are a few post with this error but I couldn't find my particular case.
I am running a background task, nothing to expose, it connects to firebase process some data and store it back. I wanted this process to run on a container on Cloud Run so I made it a container, which runs perfectly locally, but when uploading it to CR it fails with the above error.
I tried to expose 8080 on dockerfile and a few more things but if you try to connect to they container it has no server running to connect to. It is a batch task.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible at all to upload this type of tasks to Cloud Run, I do not know how to solve the issue. I wouldnt believe google requires a server running on the container to allow it, I saw some posts with dev pulling an nginx on the image so they can expose the port but this would be totally unnecessary in my case.
Thanks for your advice
Cloud Logging: The error simply say there was a fail to start the container, which is funny because the container starts and also shows some logs like if it were working but then it stops.
Build on MAC yes.
DockerFile is pretty simple.
FROM openjdk:11
ENV NOTIFIER_LOGS /opt/notifications/logs/
RUN apt update
#RUN apt install curl
-Dlog4j.configurationFile=$NOTIFIER_HOME/logback.xml ENV NOTIFIER_OPTS $TMP_OPTS $LOG4j_OPTS
ENV JAVA_GC_OPTS -Xms1g -Xmx1g
WORKDIR $NOTIFIER_HOME ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "/opt/app/"]
You can't run background jobs on Cloud Run. Wrap it in a webserver as proposed by MBHA if the process take less than 1h.
Else you can you GKE Autopilot to run your container for a while. you pay only when your container run. And the first cluster is free. You can have a try on it!
As hack you can run your container in Cloud Build also, or in Vertex AI custom container training.
I've run in to a similar issue with building custom image on MAC + deploying in to Cloud Run. In my case, it turned out to be the docker platform causing the problem. The way I isolated this was by building the same image in Cloud Shell and that would work perfectly fine in Cloud Run.
Now, if you need to build it locally on MAC go ahead and test it by changing the Docker platform:
export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
docker build -t mytag:myver .
Once the image has been built, you can inspect the architecture:
docker image inspect mytag:myver | grep -i Architecture
Then deploy it to Cloud Run.
The explanation is in your question:
I am running a background task, nothing to expose
A cloud run application, so your container, must be listening for incoming HTTP requests as stated in the Container runtime contract. That's why in all cloud run examples, java in your case, spring boot is used with #RestController. Other explanation can be found in this answer.
So the solution is either to
add a webserver to your code and wrap it with spring boot and controller logic
use Cloud Function rather than Cloud Run and get rid of the Dockerfile and in the same time have simpler code and less configuration

Need help understanding how to run an app from

Newer to Docker and trying to understand how images work. I ran the following command:
sudo docker search hello-world
and it returned this: This is a sample Python web application,
I then ran:
sudo docker run
...and this was the output from the terminal:
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
I don't understand. How can the IP address be I entered that into a browser and got nothing. I tried localhost:5000 and got nothing.
How does one get to see this webapp run?
you need to publish the port to the host network to see the application working
long version:
well good for you to start working with docker
I will start with explaining a little bit about docker then I will explain what is happing over there
First of all, there is a difference between "image" and "container"
Image is the blueprint that is used to create containers from
so you write the definition of the image like (install this, copy that from the host or build that.......etc) in the image file and then you tell docker to build this image and then RUN containers from that image
so if you have like 1 image and you run 2 containers from it they both will have the same instructions( definition )
what happened with you
when you invoke the RUN command first thing you will see is
Unable to find image 'carinamarina/hello-world-app:latest' locally
That's mean that the local docker will not find the image(blueprint) locally with the name so it will do the following steps
so it will start pulling the image from the remote registry
then it will start extracting the layers of the image
then it will start the container and show the logs from INSIDE CONTAINER
Why it didn't run with you
the application is running inside the container on port 5000
the container has a whole different network than the host that's running on (centos7 machine in your case )
you will have to make a port forwarding between the docker network and the host network so you can USE the application from the HOST
you can read more about that here docker networking
I recommend the following places to start with
let's play with docker
docker tutorial for beggines

Triggering docker run from another docker container

I have two docker images, lets say
Image 1: This has an public API built on Python Flask
Image 2: This some functional tests written Python
I am looking for an option where the API in Image 1 container is posted with a specific param then the Image1 container should trigger a docker run of Image2.
Is this should to trigger a docker run from a docker container.
You are talking about using Docker in Docker
Check out this blog post for more info about how it works:
in short, you need to mount the docker socket as a volume (and now with docker 1.10, its dependencies as well)
then you can run docker in docker.
but it seems like what you are trying to do does not necessarily require that. you should rather look into making your 'worker' API an actual HTTP API that you can run and call an endpoint for to trigger the parametrized work. That way you run a container that waits for work requests and run them, without running a container each time you need a task done.

New to Docker - how to essentially make a cloneable setup?

My goal is to use Docker to create a mail setup running postfix + dovecot, fully configured and ready to go (on Ubuntu 14.04), so I could easily deploy on several servers. As far as I understand Docker, the process to do this is:
Spin up a new container (docker run -it ubuntu bash).
Install and configure postfix and dovecot.
If I need to shut down and take a break, I can exit the shell and return to the container via docker start <id> followed by docker attach <id>.
(here's where things get fuzzy for me)
At this point, is it better to export the image to a file, import on another server, and run it? How do I make sure the container will automatically start postfix, dovecot, and other services upon running it? I also don't quite understand the difference between using a Dockerfile to automate installations vs just installing it manually and exporting the image.
Configure multiple docker images using Dockerfiles
Each docker container should run only one service. So one container for postfix, one for another service etc. You can have your running containers communicate with each other
Build those images
Push those images to a registry so that you can easily pull them on different servers and have the same setup.
Pull those images on your different servers.
You can pass ENV variables when you start a container to configure it.
You should not install something directly inside a running container.
This defeat the pupose of having a reproducible setup with Docker.
Your step #2 should be a RUN entry inside a Dockerfile, that is then used to run docker build to create an image.
This image could then be used to start and stop running containers as needed.
See the Dockerfile RUN entry documentation. This is usually used with apt-get install to install needed components.
The ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile should be set to start your services.
In general it is recommended to have just one process in each image.
