Alignment Issues and Counting Diagnosis issues. This is my first post, Sorry if anything is incorrectly formatted - alignment

Programming Project 3F
Vital signs of hospital patients are monitored and reported automatically. While each monitor has alarms which go off when a reading is out of range, combinations of readings are also important. Common vital signs and normal range is given below.
The use of functions is encouraged. If you create your own header file, name it Project3.h. This common name will allow me to easily include your header in the report I grade.
Write a program to read a series of patient records from the file PATIENTS.TXT. Use the Priming Read logic to process all records in the file. Each record (line of the file) contains the following fields delimited by a space: first name, lastname, pulse, respiration, oxygen, room. The file contains and unknown number of records. Unlike Program #2, simple stream input using >> from the file should suffice to read this file. You do not need to parse the file as you did in Project #2.
A sample file with one record per line might resemble the following
Buster Leggs 88 44 88 120
Charlie Horse 56 15 95 011
Wilma Moneylast 132 18 98 200
Willie Makit 75 30 94 121
Betty Wont 50 10 90 000
Eaton Buggs 79 16 97 111
Freda Spirit 110 23 90 220
Categorize each reading as Low, Normal or High. Print the result in the report detailed below. Normal range for each reading is as follows
Pulse 60-100
Respiration 12-20
Oxygen Level 92-100
Tag each record as according to the following and print any needed messages in the report for each record
CHECK – one indicator out of range
ALERT*** – two indicators out of range
CRITICAL***** – three indicators out of range
Room Name Pulse Respir Oxygen
120 Leggs, Buster 88 High=44 Low=88 ALERT***
011 Horse, Charlie Low= 56 15 95 CHECK
200 Moneylast, Wilma High=132 18 98 CHECK
111 Makit, Willie 75 20 94
000 Wont, Betty Low= 50 Low=10 Low=90 CRITICAL****
111 Buggs, Eaton 79 16 97
220 Spirit, Freda High=110 High=23 Low=90 CRITICAL****
2 Normal
The Code I Currently have is:
\`#include "stdafx.h"
\#include \<iostream\>
\#include \<fstream\>
\#include \<string\>
\#include \<iomanip\>
using namespace std;
void Pause()
char junk;
cout \<\< "\\n\\nPress enter to continue...";
} // Pause()
int main()
//File Variables
ifstream PATIENTS_IN;
ofstream PATIENTS_LOG;
//Declare Variables and Constants
string Info, diag;
int pulseint, respint, O2int;
int count,count1, count2, count3,check, alert, critical;
string FirstName, LastName, Pulse, Resp, O2Lvl, RoomNum;
//Initalize Variables
Info= "no name read";
FirstName= "no name read";
LastName= "no name read";
// \*\* Open Data Files \*\*"D:\\PATIENTS.log");
{//Last file operation was successful
{//last file operation FAILED!
cout \<\< "PATIENTS_LOG open FAILED!" \<\< endl;
{//last file operation was successful
PATIENTS_LOG \<\< "PATIENTS_IN file open successful" \<\< endl;
{//last file operation FAILED!
cout \<\< "PATIENTS_IN file FAILED!" \<\< endl;
getline(PATIENTS_IN, Info); //Priming read
{//last file peration was successful
{PATIENTS_LOG << "Input file Priming read FAILED" << endl;
cout \<\< "Room Name Pulse Respir Oxygen" \<\< endl;
cout \<\<"-----------------------------------------------------" \<\< endl;
while (!PATIENTS_IN.eof())
{PATIENTS_IN \>\> FirstName \>\>
LastName \>\> Pulse \>\> Resp \>\> O2Lvl \>\> RoomNum;
{Pulse="High=" + Pulse;
else if(pulseint\<60)
{Pulse="Low="+ Pulse;
{}//Do Nothing
{Resp="High=" + Resp;
else if(respint\<12)
{Resp="Low="+ Resp;
{O2Lvl="High=" + O2Lvl;
else if(O2int\<92)
{O2Lvl="Low="+ O2Lvl;
{diag= "ALERT ***";
{diag= "CRITICAL***\*\*";
cout << left <<RoomNum << " " << LastName << ", " << FirstName<< "";
cout << right <<""<<setw(12)<<Pulse <<right
cout << ""<<setw(10) <<Resp <<""<< right<<setw(10) << O2Lvl<<"\n";
}//End While
return (0);
I have tried messing with the counters, others say they are having run time errors while trying to run the code while I don't get them, as well as alignment issues. I feel like Albert Einstein's definition of insanity.


Bison won't return correct tokens [duplicate]

flex code:
1 %option noyywrap nodefault yylineno case-insensitive
2 %{
3 #include "stdio.h"
4 #include ""
5 %}
7 %%
8 "{" {return '{';}
9 "}" {return '}';}
10 ";" {return ';';}
11 "create" {return CREATE;}
12 "cmd" {return CMD;}
13 "int" {yylval.intval = 20;return INT;}
14 [a-zA-Z]+ {yylval.strval = yytext;printf("id:%s\n" , yylval.strval);return ID;}
15 [ \t\n]
16 <<EOF>> {return 0;}
17 . {printf("mistery char\n");}
bison code:
1 %{
2 #include "stdlib.h"
3 #include "stdio.h"
4 #include "stdarg.h"
5 void yyerror(char *s, ...);
6 #define YYDEBUG 1
7 int yydebug = 1;
8 %}
10 %union{
11 char *strval;
12 int intval;
13 }
15 %token <strval> ID
16 %token <intval> INT
17 %token CREATE
18 %token CMD
20 %type <strval> col_definition
21 %type <intval> create_type
22 %start stmt_list
24 %%
25 stmt_list:stmt ';'
26 | stmt_list stmt ';'
27 ;
29 stmt:create_cmd_stmt {/*printf("create cmd\n");*/}
30 ;
32 create_cmd_stmt:CREATE CMD ID'{'create_col_list'}' {printf("%s\n" , $3);}
33 ;
34 create_col_list:col_definition
35 | create_col_list col_definition
36 ;
38 col_definition:create_type ID ';' {printf("%d , %s\n" , $1, $2);}
39 ;
41 create_type:INT {$$ = $1;}
42 ;
44 %%
45 extern FILE *yyin;
47 void
48 yyerror(char *s, ...)
49 {
50 extern yylineno;
51 va_list ap;
52 va_start(ap, s);
53 fprintf(stderr, "%d: error: ", yylineno);
54 vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
55 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
56 }
58 int main(int argc , char *argv[])
59 {
60 yyin = fopen(argv[1] , "r");
61 if(!yyin){
62 printf("open file %s failed\n" ,argv[1]);
63 return -1;
64 }
66 if(!yyparse()){
67 printf("parse work!\n");
68 }else{
69 printf("parse failed!\n");
70 }
72 fclose(yyin);
73 return 0;
74 }
test input file:
create cmd keeplive
int a;
int b;
test output:
root#VM-Ubuntu203001:~/test/tpp# ./a.out
20 , a;
20 , b;
int a;
int b;
parse work!
I have two questions:
1) Why does the action at line 38 print the token ';'? For instance, "20 , a;" and "20 , b;"
2) Why does the action at line 32 print "keeplive
int a;
int b;
}" instead of simply "keeplive"?
Short answer:
yylval.strval = yytext;
You can't use yytext like that. The string it points to is private to the lexer and will change as soon as the flex action finishes. You need to do something like:
yylval.strval = strdup(yytext);
and then you need to make sure you free the memory afterwards.
Longer answer:
yytext is actually a pointer into the buffer containing the input. In order to make yytext work as though it were a NUL-terminated string, the flex framework overwrites the character following the token with a NUL before it does the action, and then replaces the original character when the action terminates. So strdup will work fine inside the action, but outside the action (in your bison code), you now have a pointer to the part of the buffer starting with the token. And it gets worse later, since flex will read the next part of the source into the same buffer, and now your pointer is to random garbage. There are several possible scenarios, depending on flex options, but none of them are pretty.
So the golden rule: yytext is only valid until the end of the action. If you want to keep it, copy it, and then make sure you free the storage for the copy when you no longer need it.
In almost all the lexers I've written, the ID token actually finds the identifier in a symbol table (or puts it there) and returns a pointer into the symbol table, which simplifies memory management. But you still have essentially the same memory management issue with, for example, character string literals.

Why is $1 matching the whole grouping and not its token? [duplicate]

flex code:
1 %option noyywrap nodefault yylineno case-insensitive
2 %{
3 #include "stdio.h"
4 #include ""
5 %}
7 %%
8 "{" {return '{';}
9 "}" {return '}';}
10 ";" {return ';';}
11 "create" {return CREATE;}
12 "cmd" {return CMD;}
13 "int" {yylval.intval = 20;return INT;}
14 [a-zA-Z]+ {yylval.strval = yytext;printf("id:%s\n" , yylval.strval);return ID;}
15 [ \t\n]
16 <<EOF>> {return 0;}
17 . {printf("mistery char\n");}
bison code:
1 %{
2 #include "stdlib.h"
3 #include "stdio.h"
4 #include "stdarg.h"
5 void yyerror(char *s, ...);
6 #define YYDEBUG 1
7 int yydebug = 1;
8 %}
10 %union{
11 char *strval;
12 int intval;
13 }
15 %token <strval> ID
16 %token <intval> INT
17 %token CREATE
18 %token CMD
20 %type <strval> col_definition
21 %type <intval> create_type
22 %start stmt_list
24 %%
25 stmt_list:stmt ';'
26 | stmt_list stmt ';'
27 ;
29 stmt:create_cmd_stmt {/*printf("create cmd\n");*/}
30 ;
32 create_cmd_stmt:CREATE CMD ID'{'create_col_list'}' {printf("%s\n" , $3);}
33 ;
34 create_col_list:col_definition
35 | create_col_list col_definition
36 ;
38 col_definition:create_type ID ';' {printf("%d , %s\n" , $1, $2);}
39 ;
41 create_type:INT {$$ = $1;}
42 ;
44 %%
45 extern FILE *yyin;
47 void
48 yyerror(char *s, ...)
49 {
50 extern yylineno;
51 va_list ap;
52 va_start(ap, s);
53 fprintf(stderr, "%d: error: ", yylineno);
54 vfprintf(stderr, s, ap);
55 fprintf(stderr, "\n");
56 }
58 int main(int argc , char *argv[])
59 {
60 yyin = fopen(argv[1] , "r");
61 if(!yyin){
62 printf("open file %s failed\n" ,argv[1]);
63 return -1;
64 }
66 if(!yyparse()){
67 printf("parse work!\n");
68 }else{
69 printf("parse failed!\n");
70 }
72 fclose(yyin);
73 return 0;
74 }
test input file:
create cmd keeplive
int a;
int b;
test output:
root#VM-Ubuntu203001:~/test/tpp# ./a.out
20 , a;
20 , b;
int a;
int b;
parse work!
I have two questions:
1) Why does the action at line 38 print the token ';'? For instance, "20 , a;" and "20 , b;"
2) Why does the action at line 32 print "keeplive
int a;
int b;
}" instead of simply "keeplive"?
Short answer:
yylval.strval = yytext;
You can't use yytext like that. The string it points to is private to the lexer and will change as soon as the flex action finishes. You need to do something like:
yylval.strval = strdup(yytext);
and then you need to make sure you free the memory afterwards.
Longer answer:
yytext is actually a pointer into the buffer containing the input. In order to make yytext work as though it were a NUL-terminated string, the flex framework overwrites the character following the token with a NUL before it does the action, and then replaces the original character when the action terminates. So strdup will work fine inside the action, but outside the action (in your bison code), you now have a pointer to the part of the buffer starting with the token. And it gets worse later, since flex will read the next part of the source into the same buffer, and now your pointer is to random garbage. There are several possible scenarios, depending on flex options, but none of them are pretty.
So the golden rule: yytext is only valid until the end of the action. If you want to keep it, copy it, and then make sure you free the storage for the copy when you no longer need it.
In almost all the lexers I've written, the ID token actually finds the identifier in a symbol table (or puts it there) and returns a pointer into the symbol table, which simplifies memory management. But you still have essentially the same memory management issue with, for example, character string literals.

mprotect errno 22 iOS

I'm developing a jailbroken app on iOS and getting errno 22 when calling
mprotect(p, 1024, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)
errno 22 means invalid arguments but I can't figure out whats wrong. I've aligned p to be a multiple of page size, and I've malloced the memory previously before calling mprotect.
Here's my code and sample output
#define PAGESIZE 4096
FILE * pFile;
pFile = fopen ("log.txt","w");
uint32_t code[] = {
0xe2800001, // add r0, r0, #1
0xe12fff1e, // bx lr
fprintf(pFile, "Before Execution\n");
p = (uint32_t *)malloc(1024+PAGESIZE-1);
if (!p) {
fprintf(pFile, "Couldn't malloc(1024)");
perror("Couldn't malloc(1024)");
fprintf(pFile, "Malloced to %p\n", p);
p = (uint32_t *)(((uintptr_t)p + PAGESIZE-1) & ~(PAGESIZE-1));
fprintf(pFile, "Moved pointer to %p\n", p);
fprintf(pFile, "Before Compiling\n");
// copy instructions to function
p[0] = code[0];
p[1] = code[1];
fprintf(pFile, "After Compiling\n");
if (mprotect(p, 1024, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC)) {
int err = errno;
fprintf(pFile, "Couldn't mprotect2: %i\n", errno);
perror("Couldn't mprotect");
And output:
Before Execution
Malloced to 0x13611ec00
Moved pointer 0x13611f000
Before Compiling
After Compiling
Couldn't mprotect2: 22
Fixed this by using posix_memalign(). Turns out I wasn't aligning my pointer to the page size correctly

How to avoid Restart Bluetooth Printer after print?

I have developed windows mobile 6.1 application which search nearby Bluetooth devices and send files.Also I did print functionality to print document on Bluetooth printer.
First time print functionality is working perfectly fine but when I print the document again, then I need to restart the printer and then after it will print.
Is there any solution to avoid restart printer??
Below is my print code from reference of
private void btPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Activate BT
BluetoothRadio.PrimaryRadio.Mode = RadioMode.Connectable;
// Connect
BluetoothAddress btAddress;
btAddress = BluetoothAddress.Parse("0022583165F7");
BluetoothClient btClient = new BluetoothClient();
btClient.Connect(new BluetoothEndPoint(btAddress, BluetoothService.SerialPort));
catch (Exception ex)
// Send data
string CPCLStr1 =
"! 0 200 200 210 1" + Environment.NewLine +
"ML 25" + Environment.NewLine +
"TEXT 7 0 10 20" + Environment.NewLine +
"Just" + Environment.NewLine +
"Testing" + Environment.NewLine +
"ENDML" + Environment.NewLine +
"FORM" + Environment.NewLine +
"PRINT" + Environment.NewLine;
// Convert CPCL String to byte array
byte[] CPCLbytes1 = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CPCLStr1);
NetworkStream ns = btClient.GetStream();
ns.Write(CPCLbytes1, 0, CPCLbytes1.Length);
Although you close the client stream, the printer seems to wait some time before it resets it's session.
Try to send a <EOF> or <EOT> byte at the end.
Acording to CPCL reference guide there is no simple reset command as with ESC/p for example ({esc}#).
Doing a device reset after every print seems an overkill.
EDIT: SDK sample for sendFile:
Byte[] cpclLabel = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("! 0 200 200 406 1\r\n" + "ON-FEED IGNORE\r\n"
+ "BOX 20 20 380 380 8\r\n"
+ "T 0 6 137 177 TEST\r\n"
+ "PRINT\r\n");
The above runs fine on my RW420 without the need to reset between prints.

Using yyparse() to make a two pass assembler?

I'm writing an assembler for a custom micro controller I'm working on. I've got the assembler to a point where it will assemble instructions down to binary.
However, I'm now having problems with getting labels to work. Currently, when my assembler encounters a new label, it stores the name of the label and the memory location its referring to. When an instruction references a label, the assembler looks up the label and replaces the label with the appropriate value.
This is fine and dandy, but what if the label is defined after the instruction referencing it? Because of this, I need to have my parser run over the code twice.
Here's what I currently have for my main function:
303 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
304 {
306 if(argc < 1 || strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0 || 0==strcmp(argv[1],"--help"))
307 {
308 //printf("%s\n", usage);
309 return 1;
310 }
311 // redirect stdin to the file pointer
312 int stdin = dup(0);
313 close(0);
315 // pass 1 on the file
316 int fp = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY, "r");
317 dup2(fp, 0);
319 yyparse();
321 lseek(fp, SEEK_SET, 0);
323 // pass 2 on the file
324 if(secondPassNeeded)
325 {
326 fp = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY, "r");
327 dup2(fp, 0);
328 yyparse();
329 }
330 close(fp);
332 // restore stdin
333 dup2(0, stdin);
335 for(int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++)
336 {
337 printf("Label: %s, Loc: %d\n", labels[i].name.c_str(), labels[i].memoryLoc);
338 }
339 return 0;
340 }
I'm using this inside a flex/bison configuration.
If that is all you need, you don't need a full two-pass assembler. If the label is not defined when you reference it, you simply output a stand-in address (say 0x0000) and have a data structure that lists all of the places with forward references and what symbol they refered to. At the end of the file (or block if you have local symbols), you simply go through that list and patch the addresses.
