How to dynamically add a new subscriber with a new topic at runtime in ROS - ros

What I expect:
A ros node is run, it has a publisher and a subscriber coded into it, and another dynamic subscriber
The publisher publishes data about the node to another master node, which then publishes to the subscriber in the node
a) a topic
b) type of message from that topic
Taking this information, the node must assign the topic and message type to the dynamic subscriber
The node, same code, will be run multiple times, but with different data that is being published to the master node so they all get their topics from the master node individually which might or might not be same
To be honest, I am pretty new to ros and I havent tried much, and I am unsure where to start too

I think It's not good practice and I would recommend not doing i, but here's how you can:
Let's take the " slave " node
you need to publish info about this node, let's assume we will publish the node name node1. So you will create a publisher that publishes message type String.
creat a subscriber that receives a message type String your node needs to wait for this subscriber to receive a message with the name of the the new topic and it's message type (seperated by a comma). you can seperate them into "topic and type
you will run into the problem that you need to import this " new message type" that changes from node to node which is actually doable for example see this answer
now your code should be something like this (not a running version):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
class Nodes(object):
def __init__(self, name):
rospy.init_node('node_name', anonymous=True)
self.Name = name = rospy.Publisher('nodes_info', String, queue_size=10)
self.sub_once = rospy.Subscriber('master_topic', String, self.sub_callback, queue_size=10)
self.rate = 10
self.sub_msg = None
self.topic = None
self.type = None
def sub_callback(self, msg):
self.sub_msg =
chunks = self.sub_msg.split(',')
self.topic = chunks[0]
self.type = chunks[1]
# DO dynamic import here
def callback(self,data)
# DO SOMETHING ( you main callback)
d = data
def spin(self):
r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
while self.sub_msg == None:
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
rospy.Subscriber(topic, type, self.callback)
if __name__ == "__main__":
SC = Nodes("node1")


Vertex AI - Deployment failed

I'm trying to deploy my custom-trained model using a custom-container, i.e. create an endpoint from a model that I created.
I'm doing the same thing with AI Platform (same model & container) and it works fine there.
At the first try I deployed the model successfully, but ever since whenever I try to create an endpoint it says "deploying" for 1+ hours and then it fails with the following error:
google.api_core.exceptions.FailedPrecondition: 400 Error: model server never became ready. Please validate that your model file or container configuration are valid. Model server logs can be found at (link)
The log shows the following:
* Running on all addresses (
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
* Running on
[05/Jul/2022 12:00:37] "[33mGET /v1/endpoints/1/deployedModels/2025850174177280000 HTTP/1.1[0m" 404 -
[05/Jul/2022 12:00:38] "[33mGET /v1/endpoints/1/deployedModels/2025850174177280000 HTTP/1.1[0m" 404 -
Where the last line is being spammed until it ultimately fails.
My flask app is as follows:
import base64
import os.path
import pickle
from typing import Dict, Any
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from streamliner.models.general_model import GeneralModel
class Predictor:
def __init__(self, model: GeneralModel):
self._model = model
def predict(self, instance: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
decoded_pickle = base64.b64decode(instance)
features_df = pickle.loads(decoded_pickle)
prediction = self._model.predict(features_df).tolist()
return {"prediction": prediction}
app = Flask(__name__)
with open('./model.pkl', 'rb') as model_file:
model = pickle.load(model_file)
predictor = Predictor(model=model)
#app.route("/predict", methods=['POST'])
def predict() -> Any:
if request.method == "POST":
instance = request.get_json()
instance = instance['instances'][0]
predictions = predictor.predict(instance)
return jsonify(predictions)
def health() -> str:
return "ok"
if __name__ == '__main__':
port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", 8080))'', port=port)
The deployment code which I do through Python is irrelevant because the problem persists when I deploy through GCP's UI.
The model creation code is as follows:
def upload_model(self):
model = {
"name": self.model_name_on_platform,
"display_name": self.model_name_on_platform,
"version_aliases": ["default", self.run_id],
"container_spec": {
"image_uri": f'{REGION}{GCP_PROJECT_ID}/{self.repository_name}/{self.run_id}',
"predict_route": "/predict",
"health_route": "/health",
parent = self.model_service_client.common_location_path(project=GCP_PROJECT_ID, location=REGION)
model_path = self.model_service_client.model_path(project=GCP_PROJECT_ID,
upload_model_request_specifications = {'parent': parent, 'model': model,
'model_id': self.model_name_on_platform}
print("trying to get model")
except NotFound:
print("didn't find model, creating a new one")
print("found an existing model, creating a new version under it")
upload_model_request_specifications['parent_model'] = model_path
upload_model_request = model_service.UploadModelRequest(upload_model_request_specifications)
response = self.model_service_client.upload_model(request=upload_model_request, timeout=1800)
print("Long running operation:",
upload_model_response = response.result(timeout=1800)
print("upload_model_response:", upload_model_response)
My problem is very close to this one with the difference that I do have a health check.
Why would it work on the first deployment and fail ever since? Why would it work on AI Platform but fail on Vertex AI?
This issue could be due to different reasons:
Validate the container configuration port, it should use port 8080.
This configuration is important because Vertex AI sends liveness
checks, health checks, and prediction requests to this port on the
container. You can see this document about containers, and this
other about custom containers.
Another possible reason is quota limits, which could need to be increased. You will be able to verify this using this document to do it
In the health and predict route use the MODEL_NAME you are using.
Like this example
"predict_route": "/v1/models/MODEL_NAME:predict",
"health_route": "/v1/models/MODEL_NAME",
Validate that the account you are using has enough permissions to
read your project's GCS bucket.
Validate the Model location, should be the correct path.
If any of the suggestions above work, it’s a requirement to contact GCP Support by creating a Support Case to fix it. It’s impossible for the community to troubleshoot it without using internal GCP resources
In case you haven't yet found a solution you can try out custom prediction routines. They are really helpful as they strip away the necessity to write the server part of the code and allows us to focus solely on the logic of our ml model and any kind of pre or post processing. Here is the link to help you out Hope this helps.

Access stdout of Conducto Exec node

Is there an example I can see of accessing the stdout of an Exec node? I am trying to parse stdout similarly to Jenkins groovy dsl:
tobeparsed = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "")
That feature is not available in Conducto. When you want to send data from one node to another, there are a few ways to do so.
In these examples let's try to generate a random number in the first node, and have the second echo it.
A simple option is to use to save the data in the first node, then get it from the second node.
import conducto as co
import random
img = co.Image(copy_dir=".")
def first():
# Generate a random number and save it to,
# scoped to the current pipeline.
number = random.random()"random_number", str(number).encode())
print(f"Saved random number to Value: {number}")
def second():
# Read the value from
stored ="random_number")
number = float(stored.decode())
print(f"Read random number from Value: {number}")
def main() -> co.Serial:
with co.Serial(image=img) as output:
output["first"] = co.Exec("python first")
output["second"] = co.Exec("python second")
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
A more sophisticated way: the first node could be called from a co.Lazy, and generate the second node once it knows the value.
import conducto as co
import random
img = co.Image(copy_dir=".")
def first() -> co.Serial:
output = co.Serial()
# Generate a random number and encode it into command
# of second node
output["second"] = co.Exec(f"echo {random.random}")
return output
def main() -> co.Serial:
return co.Lazy("python first", image=img)
if __name__ == '__main__':
In either case, save that text to a file called Run it with python to see the tree it would generate. Run python --local to run it on your machine.
There's nothing magical about the name, just make sure it matches the commands in the co.Exec nodes.

Using DASK to read files and write to NEO4J in PYTHON

I am having trouble parallelizing code that reads some files and writes to neo4j.
I am using dask to parallelize the process_language_files function (3rd cell from the bottom).
I try to explain the code below, listing out the functions (First 3 cells).
The errors are printed at the end (Last 2 cells).
I am also listing environments and package versions at the end.
If I remove dask.delayed and run this code sequentially, its works perfectly well.
Thank you for your help. :)
Some functions to work with neo4j.
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
from tqdm import tqdm
def get_driver(uri_scheme='bolt', host='localhost', port='7687', username='neo4j', password=''):
"""Get a neo4j driver."""
connection_uri = "{uri_scheme}://{host}:{port}".format(uri_scheme=uri_scheme, host=host, port=port)
auth = (username, password)
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(connection_uri, auth=auth)
return driver
def format_raw_res(raw_res):
"""Parse neo4j results"""
res = []
for r in raw_res:
return res
def run_bulk_query(query_list, driver):
"""Run a list of neo4j queries in a session."""
results = []
with driver.session() as session:
for query in tqdm(query_list):
raw_res =
res = format_raw_res(raw_res)
results.append({'query':query, 'result':res})
return results
global_driver = get_driver(uri_scheme='bolt', host='localhost', port='8687', username='neo4j', password='abc123') # neo4j driver object.=
This is how we create a dask client to parallelize.
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(threads_per_worker=4, n_workers=1)
The functions that the main code is calling.
import sys
import time
import json
import pandas as pd
import dask
def add_nodes(nodes_list, language_code):
"""Returns a list of strings. Each string is a cypher query to add a node to neo4j."""
list_of_create_strings = []
create_string_template = """CREATE (:LABEL {{node_id:{node_id}}})"""
for index, node in nodes_list.iterrows():
create_string = create_string_template.format(node_id=node['new_id'])
return list_of_create_strings
def add_relations(relations_list, language_code):
"""Returns a list of strings. Each string is a cypher query to add a relationship to neo4j."""
list_of_create_strings = []
create_string_template = """
MATCH (a),(b) WHERE a.node_id = {source} AND b.node_id = {target}
MERGE (a)-[r:KNOWS {{ relationship_id:{edge_id} }}]-(b)"""
for index, relations in relations_list.iterrows():
create_string = create_string_template.format(
source=relations['from'], target=relations['to'],
return list_of_create_strings
def add_data(language_code, edges, features, targets, driver):
"""Add nodes and relationships to neo4j"""
add_nodes_cypher = add_nodes(targets, language_code) # Returns a list of strings. Each string is a cypher query to add a node to neo4j.
node_results = run_bulk_query(add_nodes_cypher, driver) # Runs each string in the above list in a neo4j session.
add_relations_cypher = add_relations(edges, language_code) # Returns a list of strings. Each string is a cypher query to add a relationship to neo4j.
relations_results = run_bulk_query(add_relations_cypher, driver) # Runs each string in the above list in a neo4j session.
# Saving some metadata
results = {
"nodes": {"results": node_results, "length":len(add_nodes_cypher),},
"relations": {"results": relations_results, "length":len(add_relations_cypher),},
return results
def load_data(language_code):
"""Load data from files"""
# Saving file names to variables
edges_filename = './edges.csv'
features_filename = './features.json'
target_filename = './target.csv'
# Loading data from the file names
edges = helper.read_csv(edges_filename)
features = helper.read_json(features_filename)
targets = helper.read_csv(target_filename)
# Saving some metadata
results = {
"edges": {"length":len(edges),},
"features": {"length":len(features),},
"targets": {"length":len(targets),},
return edges, features, targets, results
The main code.
def process_language_files(process_language_files, driver):
"""Reads files, creates cypher queries to add nodes and relationships, runs cypher query in a neo4j session."""
edges, features, targets, reading_results = load_data(language_code) # Read files.
writing_results = add_data(language_code, edges, features, targets, driver) # Convert files nodes and relationships and add to neo4j in a neo4j session.
return {"reading_results": reading_results, "writing_results": writing_results} # Return some metadata
# Execution starts here
for index, language_code in enumerate(['ENGLISH', 'FRENCH']):
lazy_result = dask.delayed(process_language_files)(language_code, global_driver)
Result from res. These are dask delayed objects.
Delayed('process_language_files-a73f4a9d-6ffa-4295-8803-7fe09849c068') Delayed('process_language_files-c88fbd4f-e8c1-40c0-b143-eda41a209862')
The errors. Even if use dask.compute(), I am getting similar errors.
futures = dask.persist(*res)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/Code/miniconda3/envs/MVDS/lib/python3.6/site-packages/distributed/protocol/ in dumps(x, buffer_callback, protocol)
48 buffers.clear()
---> 49 result = pickle.dumps(x, **dump_kwargs)
50 if len(result) < 1000:
AttributeError: Can't pickle local object '<locals>.opener
# Name
You are getting this error because you are trying to share the driver object amongst your worker.
The driver object contains private data about the connection, data that do not make sense outside the process (and also are not serializable).
It is like trying to open a file somewhere and share the file descriptor somewhere else.
It won't work because the file number makes sense only within the process that generates it.
If you want your workers to access the database or any other network resource, you should give them the directions to connect to the resource.
In your case, you should not pass the global_driver as a parameter but rather the connection parameters and let each worker call get_driver to get its own driver.

Is there any fast and efficient way to get abstracts from pubmed?

I would like to download large scientific abstract data for lets say about 2000 Pubmed IDs. My python code is sloppy and seems rather slow working. Is there any fast and efficient method to do harvest these abstracts?
If this is the fastest method how do I measure it so I become able compare against others or home against work situation (different ISP may play part in speed)?
Attached my code below.
import sqlite3
from Bio.Entrez import read,efetch,email,tool
from metapub import PubMedFetcher
import pandas as pd
import requests
from datetime import date
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import time
import sys
Abstract_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["name","pmid","abstract"])
def abstract_download(self,dict_pmids):
This method returns abstract for a given pmid and add to the abstract data
baseUrl = ""
for names in dict_pmids:
for pmid in dict_pmids[names]:
abstract = []
url = baseUrl+"efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id="+pmid+"&rettype=xml"+
if len(root_find)==0:
for i in range(len(root_find)):
if root_find[i].text != None:
if abstract is not None:
print "Connection Refused"
return Abstract_data
EDIT: The general error that occurs for this script is seemingly a "Connection Refused". See the answer of ZF007 below how this was solved.
The below code works. Your script hang on malformed URL construction. Also if things went wrong inside the script the response was a refused connection. This was infact not the case because it was the code that did the processing of the retrieved data.. I've made some adjustments to get the code working for me and left comments in place where you need to adjust due to the lack of the dict_pmids list.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, time, requests, sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from metapub import PubMedFetcher
from datetime import date
from Bio.Entrez import read,efetch,email,tool
def abstract_download(pmids):
This method returns abstract for a given pmid and add to the abstract data
index = 0
baseUrl = ""
collected_abstract = []
# code below diabled to get general abstract extraction from pubmed working. I don't have the dict_pmid list.
for names in dict_pmids:
for pmid in dict_pmids[names]:
move below working code to the right to get it in place with above two requirements prior to providing dict_pmid list.
# from here code works upto the next comment. I don't have the dict_pmid list.
for pmid in pmids:
print 'pmid : %s\n' % pmid
abstract = []
root = ''
url = '%sefetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=%s&rettype=xml' % (baseUrl, pmid)
# checks my url... line to parse into a webbrowser like firefox.
print 'url', url
response = requests.request("GET", url, timeout=500).text
# check if I got a response.
print 'response', response
# response = response.encode('utf-8')
root = ET.fromstring(response)
except Exception as inst:
# besides a refused connection.... the "why" it was connected comes in handly to resolve issues at hand
# if and when they happen.
print "Connection Refused", inst
root_find = root.findall('./PubmedArticle/MedlineCitation/Article/Abstract/')
if len(root_find)==0:
root_find = root.findall('./PubmedArticle/MedlineCitation/Article/ArticleTitle')
# check if I found something
print 'root_find : %s\n\n' % root_find
for i in range(len(root_find)):
if root_find[i].text != None:
Abstract_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["name","pmid","abstract"])
# check if I found something
#print 'abstract : %s\n' % abstract
# code works up to the print statement ''abstract', abstract' teh rest is disabled because I don't have the dict_pmid list.
if abstract is not None:
# Abstract_data.loc[index] = names,pmid,"".join(abstract)
index += 1
# change back return Abstract_data when dict_pmid list is administered.
# return Abstract_data
return collected_abstract
if __name__ == '__main__':
pubmedIDs = range(21491000, 21491001)
mydata = abstract_download(pubmedIDs)
print 'mydata : %s' % (mydata)

What methods are in Jenkins jobs.scripts.WorkflowScript

I have a multibranch Pipeline Project in Jenkins.
I use my Jenkinsfile as a Seed Job which creates Jobs and scripts to be executed.
One of these jobs needs to run on a slave and I need to do file operations for this job on the slave. The File operations are implemented using the FilePath class. All I need right now is the channel to construct my FilePath.
How do I get the channel from within the WorkflowScript? Where can I find an API Reference for the WorkflowScript.
What I already found out is that I get all instance Channels by this code
println Jenkins.instance.slaves
for(def slave : Jenkins.instance.slaves){
But How do I find out in which instance is my script running?
Any Suggestions? Pointers to the API or some Workaround for my Problem.
Thank You
This is the (crappy) Solution I came up with.
I wrote myself a Util class to get the channel for the label I used for the job.
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
import hudson.FilePath
import hudson.remoting.Channel
* returns the channel of the given label, might be null
* realy bad solution why: when multiple JenkinsSlaves have the same label, this will probably not work anymore,
* because the channel of the first node is returned
* For empty labels it does not work either
* #param jenkins the jenkins instance
* #param label the associated label for the running node, not empty, not null
* #return a channel of a Node associated with given label, might be null
public static Channel getChannel(Jenkins jenkins, String label) {
assert jenkins !=null : 'JenkinsUtil.getChannel() does not work for null Jenkins'
assert label!=null : 'JenkinsUtil.getChannel() does not work for null Labels'
assert !label.isEmpty() : 'JenkinsUtil.getChannel() does not work for empty Labels'
Set<Node> nodes = jenkins.getLabel(label).getNodes()
assert nodes.size() < 2 : 'JenkinsUtil.getChannel() might not work correctly for Label which are associated with multiple nodes. Fix Me!'
assert nodes.size() > 0 : "JenkinsUtil.getChannel(): No node found for Label ${label}"
return nodes[0].getChannel()
With this Channel I can now create the file on the remote machine.
FilePath remoteWorkspace = new FilePath(JenkinsUtil.getChannel(Jenkins.instance,LABEL_STRING), env.WORKSPACE)
FilePath webserverConfiguration = new FilePath( remoteWorkspace, 'webserver.conf')
webserverConfiguration.write('someText', null)
Why did I do it this way: 'build' variable was not available in the WorkkflowScript.
