How to extract a live youtube chat information? - youtube

I'm aware that google has an api for youtube live chat and statistics, but to avoid all the auth and tokens, I'm looking for a much simpler solution to read and process the live chat messages, without the need to auth. This website is able to show the live like counter and views without the need to authenticate (
Youtube has the option to open in a new window the live chat, and I think, by expecting the elements of that window, that there must be a simpler solution for that, I just can't find out how. Any suggestions?
I've been trying to get google auth to work, but it seems to be much more complicated than just reading the website information.

Without any kind of authentification you can get the number of viewers of a live thanks to item["liveStreamingDetails"]["concurrentViewers"],liveStreamingDetails&id=VIDEO_ID you can also access to the number of views and likes respectively in item["snippet"]["viewCount"] and item["snippet"]["likeCount"]
Then thanks to item["liveStreamingDetails"]["activeLiveChatId"] you can access in the same way the livestream chat:,authorDetails&liveChatId=LIVE_CHAT_ID


Beginner Question: How to access the number of impressions from *other users'* tweets?

I've got a bunch of free online HTML, CSS, and JS tutorials under my belt and I want to try using them to make a browser extension. But I want to make sure that the data I want to use is actually accessible before getting started.
My goal is to make a browser extension for that shows the number of impressions of any tweet next to the likes, retweets, and replies. My basic idea is to get the status URL of any given tweet, poll the Twitter API for the number of impressions of that tweet, store that in a variable, and then use CSS to display a little eye icon and the number stored in the impressions variable.
I know that I can find the number of impressions of all of my tweets, both through Twitter Analytics, and also just going to my profile page and clicking the little bar chart icon next to views, retweets, etc. But I'm not clear on whether I can do that for other people's tweets via Twitter's API or anything else. Can you?
For the record, I'm not too concerned about the varying definition of "impression," since it will be consistently applied across all tweets and I'm mostly interested in giving users a comparison between tweets. This is part of a research project to see how this might change how people engage with social media if they know how many views a given post has. If there's a simpler way to go about that using existing platforms, I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks for the advice!
No, impressions data is private. If you are authenticated to the Twitter API then you can use the new Twitter Developer Labs Tweets API to get private metrics like impressions, but you cannot get that for other people's Tweets. Also, the Twitter API does not support CORS, so I don't think you'll be successful trying to use it from a browser extension.

Is it possible to use the YouTube API to automatically create a comment when a new YouTube video is uploaded?

I am working on a personal program to use with my Google account. I don't have a custom website or domain to use. Basically, the idea of my request was to create a personal bot that would comment "First" on a video as a joke between my friends. I looked into the YouTube API a bit, but I got differing answers on the capabilities of the v3 data API. I found the commentThread page but am also confused about its usage. If anyone could give me a basic idea on if this project is possible, I would love to hear it.
welcome to Stack Overflow!
As you said, you want to create a comment when a video uploaded. YouTube has provide the webhooks for this.
You can see the docs push_notifications. I think that is what you want. :)

Youtube API search livestream stop to work

A few days that the youtube api stop to show a livestream videos, is this error only on my api key? if does, is there any other way to find a livestream videos?
I googled if there any message from youtube about this, and i didn't find.{MY_API_KEY}
You are not alone.
It's broken for everybody, unfortunately, and it's been this way for over ten days now. As with all Google services, human support and feedback is non-existent, not even an acknowledgement of the issue.
As a workaround, I had to change the logic to use the q parameter along with eventType=live. This actually works, and, depending on keywords, can also return a whole lot of unrelated live material, which, I think, can be further filtered on the client. This also seems to incur higher quota usage.
Well, I guess the issue is you try to use a meta-channel. UC4R8DWoMoI7CAwX8_LjQHig refers to what you get when you click on live in the menu, but this only "sums up" what's live, it isn't a real channel itself. Just strip the channelId parameter you should get all active live streams (only tested at reference page but got me 14.5k at time of try).

Is it possible to make a custom, realtime twitter widget?

I'm having a bit of trouble finding any resources about making a custom Twitter widget for a site.
Basically, I want to create a realtime twitter feed to implement within a site, that automatically updates every few seconds to show new tweets.
I know this used to be possible, but it seems like Twitter just wants me to use their default widget these days instead of my own solution.
Does anyone have any tips / links to good resources?
Thanks in advance!
A possible solution is available which can be implemented in our website. You can try twitters streaming API. Its a technique of keeping a permanent connection between two endpoints; one at twitter side and other at our website. The technique is similar to a chat application where connected ports listen for any changes and update the changes in our side.
Please refer twitters streaming API

using APIs with oauth for single user

I'm trying to make use of various APIs including twitter, youtube, etc because we want to embed recent entries (tweets, videos) on our website.
However, since I'm just retrieving my own data, I'm wondering how I can do this simpler than the multi-step process required by OAuth.
Twitter provides me with my own access token I can use directly, so that kinda works, but I can't find any such token in the YouTube documentation.
So how am I supposed to make use of the api if I just want to get a simple list of stuff? how exaclty am I supposed to authenticate my own website to use my own account?
I think i might have things all wrong and if so please point me in the right direction. I tried using rss feeds but they don't give me as much control over what I retrieve as using the API directly...
any insight or suggestions are appreciated!
see my comment above. summary: it depends on the requirements of the individual api
