How Sentry is cleaned up correctly - docker

My sentry version is 22.9.0.
It is downloaded through,Build by docker compose.
I want to clean up historical data to save space.
I checked several methods on the Internet
All are configured by docker exec -it sentry_worker_1 bash or docker exec -it sentry_postgres_1 bash
But these methods are outdated, I did not find the relevant container in my docker container
Later by viewing the configuration file
Try to modify the configuration of SENTRY_EVENT_RETENTION_DAYS in docker-compose.yml in the root directory to 7
docker-compose.yml File Directory
Modify content
After restarting (docker compose down&docker compose up -d), about 50G was cleaned up. Then go to the sentry web to check, everything has been cleared, which is obviously wrong.
enter image description here
How to clean up properly
Restart after modifying SENTRY_EVENT_RETENTION_DAYS, why does it still take up so much space


Cannot start Cassandra container, getting "CommitLogReadException: Could not read commit log descriptor in file" - Exiting due to error while processing commit log during initialization.
org.apache.cassandra.db.commitlog.CommitLogReadHandler$CommitLogReadException: \
Could not read commit log descriptor in file /opt/cassandra/data/commitlog/CommitLog-7-1676434400779.log
I ran the Cassandra container in Docker, and the above error appears and stops.
It worked well before, but it doesn't seem to work well after deleting and recreating the Cassandra container.
I think we need to clear the /opt/cassandra/data/commitlog/CommitLog-7-1676434400779.log file.
However, I am not used to using dockers.
How do I erase this file?
I'm not sure if erasing the file will fix the error.
I also asked about this problem in chatgpt. However, after asking a lot of questions for an hour, they told me to try again next time, so I haven't solved it yet. So I'm going to post on Stack Overflow.
So this error likely means that the commitlog file specified is corrupted. I would definitely try deleting it.
If it's on a running docker container, you could try something like this:
Run a docker ps to get the container ID.
Remove the file using docker exec. If my container ID is f6b29860bbe5:
docker exec f6b29860bbe5 rm -rf /opt/cassandra/data/commitlog/CommitLog-7-1676434400779.log
Your question is missing a lot crucial information such as which Docker image you're running, the full Docker command you ran to start the container, and other relevant settings you've configured so I'm going to make several assumptions.
The official Cassandra Docker image (see the Quickstart Guide on the Cassandra website) that we (the Cassandra project) publish stores the commit logs in /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/ but your deployment stores it somewhere else:
Could not read commit log descriptor in file /opt/cassandra/data/commitlog/CommitLog-7-1676434400779.log
Assuming that you're using the official image, it indicates to me that you have possibly mounted the container directories on a persistent volume on the host. If so, you will need to do a manual cleanup of all the Cassandra directories when you delete the container and recreate it.
The list of directories you need to empty include:
In your case, it might be just as easy to delete the contents of /opt/cassandra/.
If those directories are not persisted on the Docker host then you can open an interactive bash session into the Cassandra container. For example if you've named your container cassandra:
$ bash exec -it cassandra bash
For details, see the docker exec manual on the Docker Docs website. Cheers!

docker-compose docker-entrypoint-initdb.d Permission denied

I am trying to run the puppet pupperware suite (all 3 servers/puppet server/puppet DB/DB server).
I am using the official Yaml file provided by puppetlabs for docker compose :
When I run that Yaml file in docker compose however, I am running into the following error (from docker-compose logs):
postgres_1 | ls: cannot open directory '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/': Permission denied
And as a result, the build fails (only the puppet server comes up, but not the other ones).
My docker host is a Fedora 33 virtual machine running inside a Proxmox environment. Proxmox runs on the physical host.
I have disabled SELinux, and I am running docker (moby) rootless. My local user (uid 1000) can run docker without sudo.
I believe I need to set permission in the container (probably via a Dockerfile) but I am not sure how to change that and I am not sure how to use a Dockerfile and docker-compose simultaneously.
thank you for your help
The docker-compose file is from the Puppet 6 era. The docker images that the Pupperware setup currently pulls, are latest, which is Puppet 7.
I got my pre-existing setup functioning again by changing the image names to:
Maybe this works for you as well.
well, since it's been a month and you have no answers I will tell try to help you with what I know.
You should put a Dockerfile in the root of your project. It contains commands to be run by the docker daemon AND the commands run by the linux inside the container. Then it runs through the contents of your docker-compose.yml and runs the commands in there.
So to solve the permission problem you should add RUN, which executes the linux command in Bash and add data to the folder.
Also look at this answer

How to run docker-compose with docker image?

I've moved my docker-compose container from the development machine to a server using docker save image-name > image-name.tar and cat image-name.tar | docker load. I can see that my image is loaded by running docker images. But when I want to start my server with docker-compose up, it says that there isn't any docker-compose.yml. And there isn't really any .yml file. So how to do with this?
When I've copied all my project files to the server (including docker-compose.yml), everything started to work. But is it normal approach and why I needed to save-load image first?
What you achieve with docker save image-name > image-name.tar and cat image-name.tar | docker load is that you put a Docker image into an archive and extract the image on another machine after that. You could check whether this worked correctly with docker run --rm image-name.
An image is just like a blueprint you can use for running containers. This has nothing to do with your docker-compose.yml, which is just a configuration file that has to live somewhere on your machine. You would have to copy this file manually to the remote machine you wish to run your image on, e.g. using scp docker-compose.yml remote_machine:/home/your_user/docker-compose.yml. You could then run docker-compose up from /home/your_user.
EDIT: Additional info concerning the updated question:
UPDATE When I've copied all my project files to the server (including docker-compose.yml), everything started to work. But is it normal approach and why I needed to save-load image first?
Personally, I have never used this approach of transferring a Docker image (but it's cool, didn't know it). What you typically would do is pushing your image to a Docker registry (either the official DockerHub one, or a self-hosted registry) and then pulling it from there.

Drupal folders within docker

I succesfully installed drupal 7 with docker.
Using docker4drupal, now my question when I start editing my drupal site is, where are the folders containing drupal?
Let's say I installed a new theme and want to swap the images for the banner, how do I access the drupal folder containing the images, or would it be preciser to ask : Where does Docker storage them?
My docker compose line is :
-codebase : /var/www/html
I know that installing it using :
Would install drupal in the same directory my docker-compose.yml is, but for some reason it doesn't work and still doesn't show me where the files are.
Any help is welcome!
If you are not using volumes to mount your existing code, the code resides inside the docker container. You can access it only by getting inside the container using docker exec. If you are using the default docker-compose.yml that came with the repo, then the name of the container will be "docker4drupal_nginx_1" (since nginx is the default).
Run this code to get inside the container:
docker exec -it docker4drupal_nginx_1 /bin/bash
exec allows you to execute commands inside the container.
-it allows you to start an interactive terminal
/bin/bash allows you to start the bash terminal inside the container
Once you are inside container run ls and you will see drupal files including "web".
However, this is not a useful way if you want to work on the files and probably use an editor. Instead, mount a directory on host machine. First make a new directory where your docker-compose.yml file is with the name "codebase".
Then, update the docker-compose.yml so that:
- codebase:/var/www/html
- ./codebase:/var/www/html
Do this in both php and nginx service definisions. Of course, you should do this after you run docker-compose down with your previous set up. Then restart containers using docker-compose up -d.
Then, you will notice that the Drupal files are present in the codebase directory.
If you see at the bottom of the yml file, you will see that "codebase" is defined as a Docker volume. This implies the storage is managed by Docker and it will get stored somewhere in /var/lib/docker/ along with the container itself.
Hope this helps.

Auto-restart Docker container when contents of host folder change

I am running a Docker container in CoreOS (host) and mounted a host folder with a container's folder.
docker run -v /home/core/folder_name:/folder_name <container_name>
Now, each time I am changing (insert/delete) some file in that host folder (folder_name), I have to restart the container (container_name) to see the effects.
docker restart <container_name>
Is there any way from the host side or docker side to restart it automatically when there is a change (insert/delete) in the folder?
Restarting the docker container on a folder change is rather antithetical to the whole notion of the -v command in the first place. If you really really really need to restart the container in the manner you are suggesting then the only way to do it is from the docker host. There are a couple tools (I can name off the top of my head, there are definitely more) you could use to monitor the host folder and when a file is inserted or deleted you could trigger the docker restart <container_name> command. Those tools are incron and inotify-tools. Here is another question someone asked similar to yours and the answer recommended using one of the tools I suggested.
Now, there is no way that the files in the host folder are not being changed in the docker container as well. It must be that the program you are using in the docker container isn't updating it's view of the /folder_name folder after it starts up. Is it possible for you to force the program you are running in the docker container to refresh or update? The -v command works via bind mounting and has been a stable feature in docker for quite a while. With bind mounting, the home/core/folder_name folder IS (for all practical purposes) the same folder as /folder_name in the container.
run the command
docker run -t -i -v /home/core/folder_name:/folder_name <container_name> /bin/sh
This command gives you an interactive shell within the container. In this shell issue the command:
cd /folder_name; touch a_file
Now go to /home/core/folder_name on the docker host in a shell or some file browser. The file a_file will be there. You can delete that file on the host and go back to the shell running in the docker container and run ls /folder_name. The file a_file will not be there.
So, you either need to use inotify or incron to go about restarting your container anytime a file changes on the host, or figure out how to work with the program you are running in the docker container to have it update its view of the /folder_name folder.
