Ruby - Sum all keys from a hash - ruby-on-rails

I have the following hash and I want to sum all total. Using dig I'm able to get the first index. But there are sometimes more keys based on range. How can I sum all amount values?
results_by_time has 3 amount keys.
value = {
Here is the dig method but it can only be used to get specific index.
amount = value.dig(:results_by_time, 0, :total, 'BlendedCost', :amount).to_f
print amount


Approximate nearest neighbors search returns too few results

I have 1M records in my db with such schema:
schema embeddings {
document embeddings {
field id type int {}
field text_embedding type tensor<double>(d0[960]) {
indexing: attribute | index
attribute {
distance-metric: euclidean
index {
hnsw {
max-links-per-node: 16
neighbors-to-explore-at-insert: 100
rank-profile closeness {
inputs {
query(query_embedding) tensor<double>(d0[960])
first-phase {
expression: closeness(field, text_embedding)
My query for finding the nearest neighbors looks like this:
body = {
'yql': 'select * from embeddings where ({approximate:true, targetHits:100} nearestNeighbor(text_embedding, query_embedding));',
'input': {
'query(query_embedding)': [...],
"ranking": {
"profile": "closeness",
"softtimeout": {
"enable": false
For some reasons, for certain vectors the number of results is smaller, than targetHits. Changing timeouts does not help.
Here is coverage section from the response:
"id": "toplevel",
"relevance": 1.0,
"fields": {
"totalCount": 39
"coverage": {
"coverage": 100,
"documents": 1000000,
"full": true,
"nodes": 1,
"results": 1,
"resultsFull": 1
Is there any way to receive exactly (or at least not less than) targetHits results (obviously there are enough results, since the closeness can be calculated for any other vector in the db)?
When you ask for targetHits:100, Vespa will expose that to the first-phase ranking phase, per content node. If it does not, then we would be very interested in how to reproduce. That is best done by creating a issue over at github vespa-engine/vespa. There is also support for dropping hits in first-phase ranking using rank-score-drop-limit, which can reduce the result set and totalCount. This does not seem to be enabled here.
The hits parameter (or limit in YQL) controls how many hits are returned in the response.
Vespa's default timeout is 500ms, and if your system is heavily overloaded (or using exact search with approximate:false), you might see soft-timeouts where Vespa returns a partial result. This situation is reflected in the returned result coverage element.

Elasticsearch saves document as string of array, not array of strings

I am trying to contain array as a document value.
I succeed it in "tags" field as below;
This document contains array of strings.
curl -XGET localhost:9200/MY_INDEX/_doc/132328908
#=> {
"_source": {
"tags": ["food"]
However, when I am putting items in the same way as above,
the document is SOMETIMES like that;
curl -XGET localhost:9200/MY_INDEX/_doc/328098989
#=> {
"_source": {
"tags": "[\"food\"]"
This is string of array, not array of strings, which I expected.
"tags": "[\"food\"]"
It seems that this situation happens randomly and I could not predict it.
How could it happen?
・I use elasticsearch-ruby client to index a document.
This is my actual code;
es_client = url: MY_ENDPOINT
index: MY_INDEX,
id: random_id, # defined elsewhere
body: {
doc: {
"tags": ["food"]
Thank you in advance.

How should I write the query for ElasticSearch in Rails?

I have to write a query in my SortBuilder.rb in which I want the count of occurrence of a word (that is coming in this method in the variable value) in the results and sort the results according to the word count.
I also want to display the count later so I want to store them in a variable.
My current logic is --
sort: [
query: value,
aggs: {
my_terms: {
filters: {
value: { term: { "title" => "#{value}" }}

Restassured: How Can we compare each element in Json array to one particular Same value in Java using Hemcrest Matchers, not using Foreach loop

Restassured: How Can we compare each element in Json array to one particular Same value in Java using Hemcrest Matchers, not using Foreach loop.
"id": 52352,
"name": "Great Apartments",
"floorplans": [
"id": 5342622,
"name": "THE STUDIO",
"fpCustomAmenities": [
"displaySequence": 2,
"amenityPartnerId": "gadasd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"displaySequence": 13,
"amenityPartnerId": "sdfsfd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"id": 4321020,
"name": "THE First Bed",
"fpCustomAmenities": [
"displaySequence": 4,
"amenityPartnerId": "gadasd",
"display": true,
"leased": true
"displaySequence": 15,
"amenityPartnerId": "hsfdsdf",
"display": true,
"leased": true
I want to compare that Leased=true for all the leased nodes at all the levels in the json response...
I have working code...
List<List<Boolean>> displayedvaluesfpStandardAmenities =
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
for (List<Boolean> displayedStandardList : displayedvaluesfpStandardAmenities) {
for (Boolean isDisplayedTrue : displayedStandardList) {
But the issue is I need the code to be in simple format using either Hemcrest Matchers or Restaussred Matchers and try simplistic way like Below, ( which is not working)
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
The error I am getting is
java.lang.AssertionError: 1 expectation failed.
JSON path floorplans.fpCustomAmenities.display doesn't match.
Expected: true
Actual: <[[true, true], [true, true]]>
So what I need is the that all thes 'display' nodes in the json response where ever it is need to compared with "true", so that my test can Pass.
I have an alternate solution like mentioned above, but All I need is working solution using matchers.
Assuming fpCustomAmenities arrays are not empty, you can use the following solution;
when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).then()
.body("floorplans.findAll { it }.fpCustomAmenities" + // 1st line
".findAll { it }.leased.each{ a -> println a }" + // 2nd line
".grep{ it.contains(false) }.size()", equalTo(0)); // 3rd line
Here from the 1st line, we return each object in fpCustomAmenities array.
From the 2nd line we get boolean value of leased in each fpCustomAmenities object to a boolean array ([true, true]).
Each boolean array is printed from .each{ a -> println a }. I added it only to explain the answer. It is not relevant to the solution.
From 3rd line we check whether, if there is a false in each boolean array. grep() will return only the arrays which has a false. And then we get the filtered array count. Then we check whether it is equal to 0.
Check groovy documentation for more details.
This solution does not use any Matchers. But this works.
String responseBody = when().get(baseUrl + restUrl).
Assert.assertFalse(responseBody.contains("\"leased\": false"));

Full text search in Neo4j, is it possible to get the score?

I am trying to use cypher to perform the query in full text index. It returns results, but they are not ranked. Is there a way to get the match score?
start recordEmployee=node:fidx_RecordEmployee("F01:Leela* OR F01:Ph*") return recordEmployee.F01
Returns this, and I cannot find match score:
"results": [
"columns": [
"data": [
"row": [
"graph": {
"nodes": [],
"relationships": []
"row": [
"graph": {
"nodes": [],
"relationships": []
"stats": {
"contains_updates": false,
"nodes_created": 0,
"nodes_deleted": 0,
"properties_set": 0,
"relationships_created": 0,
"relationship_deleted": 0,
"labels_added": 0,
"labels_removed": 0,
"indexes_added": 0,
"indexes_removed": 0,
"constraints_added": 0,
"constraints_removed": 0
"errors": []
It's not possible in Cypher yet, but with stored procedures in Neo4j 3.0 it will be again.
Until then if you really need the score you can use the REST endpoint.
Getting the results with a predefined ordering requires adding the
request parameter
where <ordering> is one of index, relevance or score. In this case an
additional field will be added to each result, named score, that holds
the float value that is the score reported by the query result.
