Snowflake and Datadog integration - docker

I'm setting up Snowflake and Datadog integration by following this guide.
I installed datadog agent as a docker container. However, when I try to install the snowflake integration by running the following command inside my datadog-agent docker container (via "docker exec -it --user dd-agent dd-agent bash")
datadog-agent integration install datadog-snowflake==2.0.1
I got this error
bash: datadog-agent: command not found
My question is, does datadog-agent docker version support installing integration? If it does, how do I do it? If it doesn't, do I have to install datadog-agent on a VM to do it?

Ok, turns out the datadog-agent inside docker is called agent.
So this allows me to call the datadog-agent command
datadog-agent integration install datadog-snowflake==2.0.1
However, the latest datadog docker container already include the Snowflake integration plugin. So simply configure the configuration file in
is enough to get going.


Set up Docker Build Step in Bamboo

I am currently despairing at the attempt of setting up a docker build step in Atlassian Bamboo.
For starters, I just want to create a build configuration that runs the hello-world image as a proof of confluence. So far, I have failed.
I have tried following the steps on , but to no avail.
My setup is this:
We have Bamboo installed on an Ubuntu server. I also installed Docker on that server and added the bamboo user to the docker usergroup and restarted the server to make sure the permission change takes effect. At this point, docker run hello-world works when I run it directly on the server. I can also confirm that this is the server that Bamboo runs on since Bamboo went offline whenever I restarted the server that I installed Docker on.
Then, I have added the docker capability to the server (the agent is the default agent, so it inherits this capability from the server). As the docker path, I have tried various things, none of which worked (aka, the following errors remained the same for each of these):
/snap/docker (the first folder that I found on a manual search)
/usr/bin/docker (the recommended path, though on inspecting the Ubuntu server I quickly found out that no docker folder exists under /usr/bin on the Ubuntu derver)
/var/snap/docker/common/var-lib-docker (the path that Docker returns as its Root Directory when I run docker info on the Ubuntu server)
/var/snap/docker (for good measure)
Now, for the runner, I have tried two different approaches.
First, I tried using a Docker runner with the following settings:
Command: Run a Docker container
Docker image: hello-world
This returns the following error message:
Error occurred while running Task 'Hello World Docker Test(5)' of type Failed to execute task
Caused by: com.atlassian.bamboo.docker.DockerException: Error running Docker run command
Caused by: com.atlassian.utils.process.ProcessException: Error executing /snap/docker run --volume /var/atlassian/application-data/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/CAM-DOC-JOB1:/data --workdir /data --rm hello-world
The second was just to run a shell runner for the command docker run hello-world, which returned the following error:
docker: not found
At this point, I feel like I'm out of ideas. Everything points towards Bamboo for some reason not finding Docker on the server, even though I can clearly confirm that it is there. I have tried various different approaches of telling Bamboo where to find Docker, but none of them have worked.
It's obvious that I'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what. Or maybe the problem lies in an entirely different direction altogether? Anyway, I would be grateful for any insight shared on this matter.
Okay, I found out what caused this strange behaviour.
The problem was that I installed Docker using sudo snap install docker, and apparently installing docker via snap causes problems with Bamboo.
So I got it to work using these simple steps:
[Server] Uninstalled Snap Docker using sudo snap remove docker
[Server] Reinstalled Docker using sudo apt install
[Bamboo] Changed the path to Docker in the Server Capabilities to /usr/bin/docker
After that, the hello-world image build succeeded and printed the expected output to the log.

pending jenkins doesn't have label docker-slave

I am trying to configure jenkins slave as docker container, have enabled docker API and connections works fine to the API
Have added the configuration for docker template and docker cloud but it seems that my job does not starts
I can see container getting created on my docker node but the job does not start
Docker cloud configuration image
docker template image
One thing to note is that when i run the container specifically on the docker node and then try to ssh using the same credentials that i am using in jenkins i can ssh into the container.
This message of "Jenkins doesn't have label XXXX" is rather misleading and unhelpful.
You think the problem is something you did wrong in your configuration and when you find out what happen it is nothing to do with jenkins or how you set up the docker plugin.
I run into the same problem than you, and the problem was the docker installation I was using.
The steps I followed to fix it were:
(I was using CENTOS7,jenkins 2.1.38, docker version 1.13.1)
1) Go to the logs of your jenkins (centos logs are /var/log/jenkins.log)
2) Looking into the logs you are going to find out the problem. For instance for me was this:
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException: {"message":"driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint happy_heyrovsky (cbfa0d43f8c89d2531323249468503be11e9dd603597a870530d28540c662695): exec: \"docker-proxy\": executable file not found in $PATH"}
As you see the problem is that docker it is not able to find docker-proxy ¿how to fix this?
Go to /usr/libexec/docker and you will see docker-proxy-current. so what you have to do is create a link:
sudo ln -s docker-proxy-current docker-proxy
Tha´s all. After doing this change I execute my build on jenkins and it works.

Jenkins pipeline issue with Docker

When I was trying to run a Jenkins pipeline project, it failed giving this message under the "docker pull node:6-alpine":
<.jenkins/workspace/simple-node-js-react-npm-app#tmp/durable-431710c5/ line 2: docker: command not found
script returned exit code 127>
I have no idea what's going on here, and I couldn't access the directory mentioned in the error. I am pretty new to Jenkins.
As mentioned here, using the JENKINS Docker Plugin or JENKINS Docker Pipeline Plugin would not be enough to allow a node to use docker.
You still need to install docker on the node itself.
Please follow below steps:
Install the docker engine (yum install docker) on server where Jenkins is running.
Verify docker is installed: run command which docker.
Click on Jenkins manage plugin and install docker plugin.

How to use grafana-cli on docker installed Grafana?

I have installed grafana via docker.
Is it possible to export and run grafana-cli on my host?
If you meant running Grafana with some plugins installed, you can do it by passing a list of plugin names to a variable called GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS.
sudo docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=gridprotectionalliance-openhistorian-datasource,gridprotectionalliance-osisoftpi-datasource" grafana/grafana
I did this on Grafana 4.x
Installing plugins for Grafana 3 "or above"
For a full automatic setup of your Grafana install with the plugins you want I would follow Ricardo's suggestion. Its much better if you can configure your entire container as wanted in a single hit like that.
However if you are just playing with the plugins and want to install some manually, then you can access a shell on the running docker instance from the host.
host:~$ docker exec -it grafana /bin/bash
... assuming you named the docker container "grafana" otherwise you will need to substitute the given container name. The shell prompt that returns will allow you to run the standard
root#3e04b4578ebe:/# grafana-cli plugins install ....
Be warned that it may tell you to run service grafana-server restart afterwards. In my experience that didn't work (Not sure it runs as a traditional service in the container). However if you exit the container, and restart the container from the host...
host:~$ docker restart grafana
That should restart the grafana service and your new plugins should be in place.
Grafana running in docker container
Docker installed on Windows 10
Test: command to display grafana-cli help
c:\>docker exec -it grafana grafana-cli --help
Tested with a version: Version 6.4.4 November 6, 2019

Calling docker commands from jenkins job as step running outside docker VM

I want to run a docker image create command from a Jenkins job which is running native on my machine with VM running Docker.
I've installed docker build step plugin and in manage Jenkins page command fails when I try to configure docker using url and version, it says:
Test Connection Something went wrong, cannot connect to, cause: null
I've got this docker url from the docker-machine env command.
In the version field, I tried both REST API version and Docker version, but no success.
Is it possible to call Docker from outside the docker VM and from a Jenkins job? If yes how to configure it in Jenkins?
